Dr. Ben Naceur Mbarek
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Dr. Ben Naceur Mbarek

Research Scientist
Arab Atomic Energy Agency, Tunisia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Crop Physiology from Faculty of Agronomy Sciences of Gembloux, Belgium

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Crop Physiology
Abiotic Stress
Molecular Biology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Kushwaha, S. and V. Kamalvanshi, 2021. Climate Change and Agriculture. 5th Edn., AkiNik Publications, New Delhi, India, ISBN: 978-93-5570-093-3, Pages: 139.
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  2. Ferchichi, Y., A. Sakhraoui, H.B. Ltaeif, Y.B. Mhara and M. Elimem et al., 2021. Eco-geographical, morphological and molecular characterization of a collection of the perennial endemic species Medicago tunetana (Murb.) A.W. Hill (Fabaceae) from Tunisia. Plants, Vol. 10. 10.3390/plants10091923.
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  3. Debbabi, O.S., S.R. Mnasri, F.B. Amar, M.B. Naceur, C. Montemurro and M.M. Miazzi, 2021. Applications of microsatellite markers for the characterization of olive genetic resources of Tunisia. Genes, Vol. 286. 10.3390/genes12020286.
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  4. Ayachi, I., R. Ghabriche, Y. Kourouma, M.B. Naceur, C. Abdelly, S. Thomine and T. Ghnaya, 2021. Cd tolerance and accumulation in barley: Screening of 36 North African cultivars on Cd-contaminated soil. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 28: 42722-42736.
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  5. Kara, K., M. Rached-Kanouni, S. Mnasri, H. Khammar and M.B. Naceur, 2020. Genetic variability assessment in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) grown in Algeria using microsatellites SSR markers. Biodiversitas, 21: 2638-2644.
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  6. Robbana, C., Z. Kehel, M.B. Naceur, C. Sansaloni, F. Bassi and A. Amri, 2019. Genome-wide genetic diversity and population structure of Tunisian durum wheat landraces based on DArTseq technology. Int. J. Mol. Sci., Vol. 20. 10.3390/ijms20061352.
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  7. Rahmani, S.M., O.S. Debbabi and M.B. Naceur, 2019. Molecular markers: An important tool to analyze the genetic diversity of local Tunisian olive varieties. Euro-Mediterr. J. Environ. Integr., Vol. 4. 10.1007/s41207-019-0118-9.
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  8. Naceur, A.B., S. Mnasri, H. Cheikh-M’hamed, C. Abdelly and M.B. Naceur, 2018. Marker-assisted backcrossing for associating nutritional quality to drought tolerance in barley. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 17: 1358-1367.
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  9. Naceur, A.B., H. Cheikh-M’hamed, C. Abdelly and M.B. Naceur, 2018. Screening of North African barley genotypes for drought tolerance based on yields using tolerance indices under water deficit conditions. Turkish J. Field Crops, 23: 135-145.
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  10. Bouabid, S., H.C. Kourda, A. Boussaha, M.B. Naceur and A.Z. Khelil, 2018. Assessment of genetic diversity in Narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) germplasm using morphological and molecular markers. Crop Pasture Sci., 69: 904-914.
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  11. Kara, K., M. Rached-Kanouni, O.S. Debbabi and M’barek Ben Naceur, 2017. Genetic diversity of bread wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) revealed by agromorphological characteristics and microsatellite SSR markers. Int. J. Eng. Res. Technol., 6: 178-182.
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  12. Rezig, M., H.C. M'hamed and M.B. Naceur, 2015. Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf): Relation between photosynthetically active radiation intercepted and water consumption under different nitrogen rates. J. Agric. Sci., 7: 225-237.
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  13. Kadri, K., R. Abdellaoui, H.C. Mhamed, J.A.T. Da Silva and M.B. Naceur, 2014. Analysis of Salt-Induced mRNA transcripts in tunisian local barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves identified by differential display RT-PCR. Biochem. Genet., 52: 106-115.
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  14. Maalem, S., S. Khoufi, C. Rahmoune and M. Bennaceur, 2012. Preliminary molecular analysis of the genetic diversity of some Atriplex species present in the Northeast of Algerian. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 11: 10063-10069.
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  15. Khoufi, S., K. Khamassi, J.A.T. da Silva, R. Chaabane and M.B.B. Naceur, 2012. Morphological and molecular characterization of six of the most frequently cultivated hard wheat varieties in Tunisia J. Plant Breed. Crop Sci., 4: 106-114.
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  16. Mahjoub, A., R. Abdellaoui, M.B. Ben Naceur and N. Ben Brahim, 2010. Genetic diversity of Tunisian accessions of Aegilops geniculata roth and durum wheats (Triticum durum Desf.) using RAPD markers. Acta Botanica Gallica, 157: 3-12.
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  17. Raoudha, A., B.N. M`barek, B.S. Hmidi, M. Hafedh-Jamil and B. Hmida, 2007. Effect of water deficit on physiological behavior of some collected tunisian barley ecotypes. Int. J. Bot., 3: 283-289.
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  18. M'Barek, B.N., C.M. Hatem, A. Raoudha and B.K. Leila 2007. Relationship between peroxidase activity and salt tolerance during barley seed germination. J. Agron., 6: 433-438.
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  19. Abdellaoui, R., M.B. Naceur, H.B. Salah, H.J. Mellouli and J.B. Hmida, 2007. Effect of water deficit on physiological behavior of some collected Tunisian barley ecotypes. Int. J. Bot., 3: 283-289.
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  20. Abdellaoui, R., M. Rouaissi, S. Chenennaoui, M.B. Naceur, J.B. Hmida and L. Bettaib-Ben Kaab, 2007. Genetic diversity of Tunisian local barley accessions analyzed with morphological and rapd makers: Relationship between the two methods. Korean J. Genet., 29: 315-322.
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  21. Abdellaoui, R., H.C.M. Hamed, M.B. Naceur, C. Rahmoune, L. Betta'b-Ben Kaab and J.B. Hmida, 2007. Simple sequence repeat markers and physiological characterization of some local Tunisian barley accessions. J. Cell Mol. Biol., 6: 19-29.
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  22. Abdellaoui, R., H.C. M'Hamed, M.B. Naceur, L. Bettaieb-Kaab and J.B. Hamida, 2007. Morpho-physiological and molecular characterization of some tunisian barley ecotypes. Asian J. Plant Sci., 6: 261-268.
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  23. Naceur, B.M. and M. Rouaissi, 2003. Study of genetic diversity of 6 durum wheat varieties by AFLP markers. Ann. INRAT (Tunisia), 76: 35-51.