Mr. Ir. Paul Benyamin Timotiwu
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Mr. Ir. Paul Benyamin Timotiwu

Associate Professor
University of Lampung, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from Hiroshima University, Japan

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plants Research
Agricultural Sciences
Agricultural and Biosistems

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Widyastuti, R.A.D., R. Budiarto, H.A. Warganegara, P.B. Timotiwu, I. Listiana and H. Yanfika, 2022. Short communication: crystal guava fruit quality in response to altitude variation of growing location. Biodiversitas, Vol. 23. 10.13057/biodiv/d230344.
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  2. Timotiwu, P.B., N. Nurmauli and F.H. Khairunnisa, 2022. studi mengenai viabilitas dan vigor benih kedelai baru dan lama J. Agrotek Tropika, 10: 541-545.
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  3. Timotiwu, P.B., E. Pramono, K.F. Hidayat and D. Muslimah, 2022. Effect of pH on different manganese media on seed viability of seven local soybeans varieties (Glycine max L. Merr). Eur. J. Agric. Food. Sci., 4: 6-10.
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  4. Timotiwu, P.B., E. Ermawati, D.T. Lestari and T.K. Manik, 2022. Germination pattern of four soybean varieties on media containing al, fe, and mn. J. Agric. Studies Vol. 10. 10.5296/jas.v10i4.20327.
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  5. Pranata, C.A., A. Agustiansyah, P.B. Timotiwu and E. Pramono, 2022. Pelleting tidak menghambat perkecambahan benih padi sawah (Oriza sativa L.). J. Agrotropika, Vol. 21. 10.23960/ja.v21i2.6177.
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  6. Ermawati, E., N. Nurmauli, P.B. Timotiwu and R.D. Bimantara, 2022. Studi bahan kemasan terhadap viabilitas benih kedelai (glycine max[l.] merril) pascasimpan dua belas bulan di ruang simpan suhu rendah. J. Agrotropika, 21: 13-23.
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  7. Agustiansyah, A., P.B. Timotiwu, E. Pramono and C.A. Pranata, 2022. Pengaruh berbagai kombinasi perlakuan pelleting benih terhadap perkecambahan padi gogo (oryza sativa l.). J. Agrotek Tropika, Vol. 10. 10.23960/jat.v10i3.5778.
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  8. Agustiansyah, A., P.B. Timotiwu and E. Pramono, 2022. Pengaruh priming pada benih cabai yang sudah kedaluwarsa dan belum kedaluwarsa yang disemai pada media tanah masam. J. Agrotek Tropika, 10: 211-217.
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  9. Kusumastuty, N.A.E., T.K. Manik and P.B. Timotiwu, 2021. Identification of temperature and rainfall pattern in Bandar Lampung and the 2020-2049 projection. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. Vol. 739. 10.1088/1755-1315/739/1/012045.
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  10. Hutagalung, F., P.B. Timotiwu, Y.C. Ginting and T.K.B. Manik, 2021. Effect of reducing intensity of solar radiation on the growth and quality of romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Longifolia) [Indonesian]. J. Trop. Agrotech, 9: 453-461.
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  11. Hikam, S., P.B. Timotiwu and D. Sudrajat, 2021. The utilization of lampung podzolic soil to screen synthetics and female superior maize hybrids developed from local genetic sources. J. Trop. Upland Resour., 3: 84-90.
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  12. Agustiansyah, P.B. Timotiwu, E. Pramono and M. Maryeta, 2021. Effect of priming on vigor of germinated chili (Capsicum annum L.) seeds in aluminium stress conditions. J. Res. Appl. Agric., 21: 204-211.
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  13. Timotiwu, P.B., N. Nurmauli and P. Yulianti, 2017. Application of manganese and silica through leaves and their effect on growth and yield of rice in rice field in village of Sinar agung, sub-district of pulaupanggung, district of Tanggamus, Lampung province, Indonesia. MAYFEB J. Agric. Sci., 4: 48-60.
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  14. Timotiwu, P.B., E. Pramono and N.W.A.S. Asih, 2017. Effect of storage periods on physical quality and seed vigor of four varieties of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. moench). Res. Agric., 2: 29-40.
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  15. Timotiwu, P.B., E. Pramono, and W.A. Voulina, 2016. A study of boron and silica foliar application on growth and yield of rice in high boron content media. Res. Agric., 1: 58-65.
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  16. Hikam, S. and P.B. Timotiwu, 2016. Roles of calcium and magnesium as selection factors in sweet corn quality improvement on acidic red-yellow podsolic soil. Agrivita 38: 163-173.
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  17. Timotiwu, P.B. and M.M. Dewi, 2014. The effect of silica and manganese aplication on rice growth and yield. AGRIVITA, 36: 182-188.
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