Dr. Coskun  Firat
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Dr. Coskun Firat

Associate Professor
Istanbul Technical University, Turkiye

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Energy from Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkiye

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Assist. Prof. Dr. Coskun Firat had a BSc degree on Astronomy and Space Sciences at Istanbul University (IU), Science Faculty in 1987 and MSc degree on Nuclear Energy at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in 1991.
He obtained a PhD on “thermodynamical behavior of gases at nanoscale” at ITU in 2007 under the supervision of Prof.Dr. Altug Sisman.
In 2008 he had postdoctoral research appointments at SDSU in CA, USA.
Between 1993 and 2010 he worked as a research assistant in Nuclear energy and Renewable Energy at Institute of Nuclear Energy and Energy Institute at ITU.
In 2010, he was appointed as an assistant professor in Renewable Energy and was lectured on Solar Thermal Power Plants and has been lecturing on Engineering Mathematics for MSc and PhD degrees.

Area of Interest:

Solar Thermal Systems
Statistical and Quantum Thermodynamics
Artificial Neural Network
Decision Making Analysis

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Maraj, A., C. Firat and A. Gebremedhin, 2022. Modelling and the experimental validation of the long-term averaged solar radiation on a tilted solar collector facing the south-east direction. Int. J. Renewable Energy Res., 12: 1404-1413.
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  2. Firat, C. and K. òalik, 2021. Electrical and thermal performance analysis of a linear fresnel reflector- photovoltaic/thermal system. Acad. Platform J. Eng. Sci.,q 9: 264-273.
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  3. Maraj A., A. Londo, C. Firat and A. Gebremedhin, 2019. Comparison of the energy performance between flat-plate and heat pipe evacuated tube collectors for solar water heating systems under mediterranean climate conditions. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 7: 87-100.
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  4. Maraj A., A. Londo, A. Gebremedhin and C. Firat, 2019. Energy performance analysis of a forced circulation solar water heating system equipped with a heat pipe evacuated tube collector under the mediterranean climate conditions. Renewable Energy 140: 874-883.
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  5. òalık K. and C. Fırat, 2019. A cost-effective theoretical novel configuration of concentrated photovoltaic system with linear fresnel reflectors. Journal of Polytechnic 22: 583-589.
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  6. Firat C., A. Sisman and A. Aydin, 2018. Characterization of density oscillations in confined and degenerate fermi gases. Modern Physics Letters B 32: 1850393-1850393.
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  7. Firat, C., 2016. Thermodynamic properties of a photon gas confined in hypothetical arbitrary-shaped perfectly reflecting nano-scale geometries. Moscow Univ. Phys., 71: 70-74.
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  8. Firat, C., 2016. Thermodynamic properties of a photon gas confined in hypothetical arbitrary-shaped perfectly reflecting nano-scale geometries. Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 71: 70-74.
  9. Maraj, A., A. Londo, C. Firat, A. Dorri and M. Alcani, 2014. Energy investigation of the flate plate solar collector during its daily operation in clear days of summer and winter. J. Nat. Tech. Sci., 19: 121-133.
  10. Maraj, A., A. Londo, C. Firat and R. Karapici, 2014. Solar radiation models for the city of Tirana, Albania. Int. J. Renewable Energy Res., 4: 413-420.
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  11. Firat, C. and A. Sisman, 2013. Quantum forces of a gas confined in nano structures. Physica Scripta, Vol. 87. .
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  12. Firat, C. and A. Beyene, 2012. Comparison of direct and indirect PV power output using filters, lens and fiber transport. Energy, 41: 271-277.
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  13. Ozturk, Z.F., A. Sisman and C. Firat, 2011. Quantum effects on gas diffusion at the nano scale. Int. J. Thermodyn., 14: 163-166.
  14. Firat, C., A. Sisman and F. Ozturk, 2011. Effects of particle-wall interactions on the thermodynamic behavior of gases at the nano scale. Int. J. Thermodyn., 14: 155-161.
  15. Firat, C., A. Sisman and Z.F. Ozturk, 2010. Thermodynamics of gases in nano cavities. Energy, 35: 814-819.
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  16. Firat, C. and A. Sisman, 2009. Universality of the quantum boundary layer for a Maxwellian gas. Physica Scripta, Vol. 79. .
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  17. Sisman, A., Z.F. Ozturk and C. Firat, 2007. Quantum boundary layer: A non-uniform density distribution of an ideal gas in thermodynamic equilibrium. Phys. Lett. A, 362: 16-20.
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  18. Kandemir, G., M. Geckinli, C. Firat, M. Yilmaz and B. Ozugur, 2002. Cosmic ray intensity variation during a CME. Planet. Space Sci., 50: 633-636.
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