Dr. Thirumurugan  Rathinasabapathy
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Dr. Thirumurugan Rathinasabapathy

International Medical University, Malaysia

Highest Degree
PostDoc Fellow in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from The State University of New Jersey, USA

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Dr. Thirumurugan Rathinasabapathy holds a position of Lecturer IV at Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, International Medical University (IMU), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He has completed his PhD in Medicinal Chemistry from Birla Institute of Technology & Science, (BITS), Pilani and Post Doctoral Associate at Department of Plant Biology & Pathology, SEBS, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, NJ, USA. Previously he was appointed as Research Scientist at Nycomed Pharma Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, MH, India, Senior Research Associate at GVK Biosciences Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, AP, India, Junior Research Scientist at Jubilant Chemsys Ltd., Noida, UP, India, and Research Chemist at Sami Labs Ltd., Peenya, Bangaluru, KA, India. He has completed 4 research projects as principal investigator. His main area of interest focuses on Bioassay guided discovery of Lead molecules from the plant sources for the development of new medicines for neglected diseases, Lead identification, optimization and development of preclinical candidates for the treatment of obesity and T2DM, and Designer Food: Preparation and evaluation of their medicinal properties and also to explore the usage of siddha medicine through this preparation. He has published 23 research articles in journals, 1 patent, 5 book chapters, and 14 abstract in seminars/conferences contributed as author/co-author. He is registered Pharmacist, under the Pharmacy Council of India, and member of American Chemical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry, and Indian Pharmacy Graduates Association. He is also serving as reviewer for Chemical Biology and Drug Design, Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters, and Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology.

Area of Interest:

Drug Development

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Prabu, S.L., T.N.K. Suriyaprakash, K. Ruckmani, R. Thirumurugan, 2015. Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics. In: Basic Pharmacokinetic Concepts and Some Clinical Applications. Ahmed, T.A. (Ed.). InTech Publications, Croatia., ISBN: 978-953-51-2197-8, pp: 117-135..
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  2. Lakshmana Prabu, S., T.N.K. Suriyaprakash, K. Ruckmani and R. Thirumurugan, 2015. Effective Waste Water Treatment and its Management. In: 2015 Toxicity and Waste Management Using Bioremediation. Rathoure, A.K. and V.K. Dhatwalia, (Ed.). IGI Global Publications, United States of America,.
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  3. Lakshmana Prabu, S., T.N.K. Suriyaprakash and R. Thirumurugan, 2015. Cleaning Validation and Its Regulatory Aspects in the Pharmaceutical Industry. In: Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning - Cleanliness Validation and Verification. Kohli, R. and K.L. Mittal, (Ed.). Elsevier Publications, US, pp: 129-186.
  4. Prabu, S.L., T.N.K. Suriyaprakash and R. Thirumurugan, 2013. Impact of Microbial Surface Contamination and Effective Environment Monitoring System in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing. In: Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning - Contaminant Removal and Monitoring. Kohli, R. and K.L. Mittal, (Ed.). Elsevier Publications, US, pp: 169 -190.
  5. Komarnytsky, S., D. Esposito, T. Rathinasabapathy, A. Poulev and I. Raskin, 2013. Effects of pregnane glycosides on food intake depend on stimulation of the melanocortin pathway and BDNF in an animal model. J. Agric. Food Chem., 61: 1841-1849.
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  6. Graziose, R., M.H. Grace, T. Rathinasabapathy, P. Rojas Silva and C. Dekock, et al., 2013. Antiplasmodial activity of cucurbitacin glycosides from datisca glomerata (C. Presl) baill. Phytochem., 87: 78-85.
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  7. Esposito, D., T. Rathinasabapathy, B. Schmidt, M.P. Shakarjian, S. Komarnytsky and I. Raskin, 2013. Acceleration of cutaneous wound healing by brassinosteroids. Wound Repair Regener., 21: 688-696.
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  8. Rathinasabapathy, T, P. Rojas Silva, A. Poulev, S. Komarnytsky and I. Raskin, 2012. Isolation of sesquiterpene lactones from roots of chicorium intybus with leishmanicidal activity. Pharm. Biol., 50: 573-573.
  9. Graziose, R., P. Rojas Silva, T. Rathinasabapathy, C. Dekock and M.H. Grace, et al., 2012. Antiparasitic compounds from cornus florida L. with activities against plasmodium falciparum and leishmania tarentolae. J. Ethnopharmacol., 142: 456-461.
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  10. Graziose, R., T. Rathinasabapathy, C. Lategan, A. Poulev and P.J. Smith, et al., 2011. Antiplasmodial activity of aporphine alkaloids and sesquiterpene lactones from liriodendron tulipifera L. J. Ethnopharmacol., 133: 26-30.
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  11. Esposito, D., T. Rathinasabapathy, A. Poulev, S. Komarnytsky and I. Raskin, 2011. Akt-dependent anabolic activity of natural and synthetic brassinosteroids in rat skeletal muscle cells. J. Med. Chem., 54: 4057-4066.
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  12. Esposito, D, T. Rathinasabapathy, A. Poulev, S. Komarnytsky and I. Raskin, 2011. Brassinosteroids increase protein accumulation in skeletal muscle cells. Vitro Cell Dev. Biol. Anim., 47: 38-38.
  13. Sriram, D., P. Yogeeswari, M. Dinakaran and R. Thirumurugan, 2007. Antimycobacterial activity of novel 1-(5-cyclobutyl-1, 3-oxazol-2-yl)-3-(sub) phenyl/pyridylthiourea compounds endowed with high activity toward multidrug-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Antimicrob. Chemother., 59: 1194-1196.
  14. Yogeeswari, P., R. Thirumurugan, D. Sriram, L.R.J. Sunil Jit, J. Vaigunda Ragavendran, R. Kavya, K. Rakhra and J.P. Stables, 2006. Synthesis of some new semicarbazone derivatives as anticonvulsants with GABA-mediated mechanism. Acta Pharm., 56: 259-272.
  15. Yogeeswari, P., J.V. Ragavendran, R. Thirumurugan, S. Induja, D. Sriram and J.P. Stables, 2006. Synthesis and structure-activity relationship on anticonvulsant aryl semicarbazones. Med. Chem., 2: 55-62.
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  16. Yogeeswari, P., D. Sriram, T.R. Bal and R. Thirumurugan, 2006. Epibatidine and its analogues as nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist: an update. Nat. Prod. Res., 20: 497-505.
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  17. Thirumurugan, R., D. Sriram, A. Saxena, J. Stables and P. Yogeeswari, 2006. 2,4-Dimethoxyphenylsemicarbazones with anticonvulsant activity against three animal models of seizures: Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation. Bioorg. Med. Chem., 14: 3106-3112.
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  18. Sriram, D., P. Yogeeswari, R. Thirumurugan and R.K. Pavana, 2006. Discovery of new antitubercular oxazolyl thiosemicarbazones. J. Med. Chem., 49: 3448-3450.
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  19. Yogeeswari, P., D. Sriram, V. Veena, R. Kavya and K. Rakhra et al., 2005. Synthesis of aryl semicarbazones as potential anticonvulsant agents. Biomed. Pharmacother., 59: 51-55.
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  20. Yogeeswari, P., D. Sriram, R. Thirumurugan, J.V. Raghavendran, K. Sudhan, R.K. Pavana and J. Stables, 2005. Discovery of N-(2, 6-dimethylphenyl)-substituted semicarbazones as anticonvulsants: hybrid pharmacophore-based design. J. Med. Chem., 48: 6202-6211.
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  21. Sriram, D., P. Yogeeswari, R. Thirumurugan and T.R. Bal, 2005. Camptothecin and its analogues: A review on their chemotherapeutic potential. Nat. Prod. Res., 19: 393-412.
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  22. Yogeeswari, P., R. Thirumurugan, R. Kavya, J.S. Samuel, J. Stables and D. Sriram, 2004. 3-Chloro-2-methylphenyl-substituted semicarbazones: synthesis and anticonvulsant activity. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 39: 729-734.
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  23. Yogeeswari, P., J.V. Ragavendran, R. Thirumurugan, A. Saxena and D. Sriram, 2004. Ion channels as important targets for antiepileptic drug design. Curr. Drug Targets, 5: 589-602.
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  24. Sriram, D., P. Yogeeswari and R.S. Thirumurugan, 2004. Antituberculous activity of some aryl semicarbazone derivatives. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 14: 3923-3924.
  25. Yogeeswari, P., D. Sriram, V. Saraswat, J.V. Ragavendran and M.M. Kumar, et al., 2003. Synthesis and anticonvulsant and neurotoxicity evaluation of N 4-phthalimido phenyl (thio) semicarbazides. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci., 20: 341-346.
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  26. Yogeeswari, P., D. Sriram, A. Brahmandam, I. Sridharan, R. Thirumurugan and J.P. Stables, 2003. Synthesis of novel aryl semicarbazones as anticonvulsants with GABA-mediated mechanism. Med. Chem. Res., 12: 57-68.
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  27. Thirumurugan, R.S., S. Kavimani and R.S. Srivastava, 2000. Antitumour activity of rhinacanthone against Dalton`s ascitic lymphoma. Biol. Pharm. Bull., 23: 1438-1440.
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