Dr. Vasanth Kishorebabu
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Dr. Vasanth Kishorebabu

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Computer Science from Sathyabama University, India

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Area of Interest:

Computer Sciences
Image Processing
Video Processing
Signal Processing
Fuzzy Control

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Kishorebabu, V., K. Karuppaiyan, N. Govindan, R. Natarajan, S. Jebaseelan and G. Immanuel, 2018. Decision based detail preserving algorithm for the removal of equal and unequal probability salt and pepper noise in images and videos. Int. Arab J. Inform. Technol., 15: 148-156.
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  2. Varatharajan, R., K. Vasanth, M. Gunasekaran, M. Priyan and X.Z. Gao, 2017. An adaptive decision based kriging interpolation algorithm for the removal of high density salt and pepper noise in images. Comput. Electr. Eng. 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2017.05.035.
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  3. Varatharajan, R. and K. Vasanth, 2017. An adaptive non linear filter based on median of minimum distance for salt and pepper noise removal in mammogram images. Curr. Signal Transduct. Ther., 12: 124-131.
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  4. Kishorebabu, V., G. Packyanathan, H. Kamatham and V. Shankar, 2017. An adaptive decision based interpolation scheme for the removal of high density salt and pepper noise in images. EURASIP J. Image Video Proces., Vol. 67. 10.1186/s13640-017-0215-0.
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  5. Celin, S. and K. Vasanth, 2017. Survey on the methods for detecting arrhythmias using heart rate signals. J. Pharm. Sci. Res., 9: 183-189.
  6. Elanangai, V. and K. Vasanth, 2016. Implementation of Fast Square root carry select adder with low power consumption. Int. J. Pharm. Technol., 8: 14679-14685.
  7. Vasanth, J.X.A.A.K. and T.A. Srinivas, 2015. Hydro carbon emission reduction by using an efficient Two stage LED Street Lighting System with fly-back and sepic converter. J. Chem. Pharm. Sci. .
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  8. Raja, K.S. and K. Vasanth, 2015. Design and fpga implementation of soft loop handle fixing machine. ARPN J. Eng. Applied Sci., 10: 4728-4732.
  9. Nagarajan, G., R.I. Minu, V. Vedanarayanan, S.S. Jebaseelan and K. Vasanth, 2015. CIMTEL-Mining algorithm for big data in telecommunication Int. J. Eng. Technol., 7: 1709-1715.
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  10. Manku, S. and K. Vasanth, 2015. Blowfish encryption algorithm for information security. ARPN J. Eng. Applied Sci., 10: 4717-4719.
  11. Abirami and K. Vasanth, 2015. Analysis of zeta converter with fuzzy logic controller. IJAER, 10: 5031-5039.
  12. Vasanth, K., V. Jawahar and S. Kumar, 2014. A decision based neighborhood referred unsymmetrical trimmed variants filter for the removal of salt and pepper noise in images and videos. Int. J. Signal Vision Video Process., 9: 1833-1841.
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  13. Vasanth, K., J. Tena, V. Elanangai and Amuthan, 2014. Cascaded algorithm for the removal of impulse noise variants and artifacts in images. Int. J. Applied Eng. Res., 9: 5779-5796.
  14. Vasanth, K., A.A.F. Kavirajan, T. Ravi and N. Raj, 2014. A novel 8 bit digital comparator for 3x3 fixed kernel based modified shear sorting. Indian J. Sci. Technol., 7: 452-462.
  15. Vasanth, K., 2014. VLSI Architecture of Decision based Modified Selection sort filter for salt and pepper noise removal Int. J. Intell. Electron. Syst., 13: 41-56.
  16. Sindhuja. S and K. Vasanth, 2014. Design and implementation of Photo-optical based automated coagulation analyzer for clotting assay. IJAER, 9: 8572-8577.
  17. Pushpavalli, M., P. Abirami and K. Vasanth, 2014. Performance of fuzzy controlled negative KY boost converter. Indian J. Sci. Technol., 7: 1049-1059.
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  18. Bhuvaneswari and K. Vasanth, 2014. Dual sensor recognized wheel chair for handicapped people. IJAER, 9: 8567-8571.
  19. Vasanth, K., V.J.S. kumar and A. Yogalakshmi, 2013. Novel scheme for the removal of blotches, black band noise, streaks and impulse noise in gray scale images. Indian J. Comput. Sci. Eng., 3: 553-563.
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  20. Abraham, S.J. and K. Vasanth, 2013. Performance analysis of PWM Zeta converter for step disturbance in generation side. Int. J. Adv. Trends Comput. Sci. Eng., 2: 232-238.
  21. Vasanth, R. and V.J.S. Kumar, 2012. Fixed 3x3 threshold based non linear filter for the removal of long tailed noise and artifacts in images. I-Manager's J. Embedded Syst., 1: 8-12.
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  22. Vasanth, K., S. Karthik and V. Rajesh, 2012. A decision based unsymmetrical trimmed variants for the removal of high density salt and pepper noise. Int. J. Comput. Appli., 42: 38-43.
  23. Vasanth, K., S. Karthik and S. Divakaran, 2012. Removal of salt & pepper noise using unsymmetrical trimmed variants as detector. Eur. J. Sci. Res., 70: 468-478.
  24. Vasanth, K. and V.J. Senthilkumar, 2012. A decision based unsymmetrical trimmed midpoint algorithm for the removal of high density salt and pepper noise. J. Theor. Applied Inf. Technol., 42: 245-251.
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  25. Vasanth, K. and V. Kumar, 2012. Performance analysis of unsymmetrical trimmed median as detector on image noises and its FPGA implementation. Int. J. Inf. Sci. Tech., 2: 19-40.
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  26. Vasanth, K. and V. J. Senthilkumar, 2012. A novel method for the removal of high density salt and pepper noise in grayscale and color images. Asian J. Inf. Technol., 11: 135-143.
  27. Vasanth, K. and S. Karthik, 2012. Performance analysis of modified decomposition filter and its FPGA implementation. Nat. J. Elect. Intelli. Sci., 1: 1-16.
  28. Vasanth, K. and S. Karthik, 2011. A non adaptive scheme for removal of image noises and its artifact. Digital Image Process., 3: 620-629.
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  29. Vasanth, K. and S. Karthik, 2010. Performance analysis of a modified decomposition filter for non identical noises. ICTACT J. Image Video Process., 1: 105-115.
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  30. Vasanth, K. and S. Karthik, 2010. A switched algorithm using modified selection sort for the reduction of impulse noise. ICTACT Int. J. Image Video Process., 1: 57-64.
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