Dr. Azza Mohamed Kamal
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Dr. Azza Mohamed Kamal

Animal Health Research Institute, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Cairo University, Egypt

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Clinical Chemistry
Bio-Analytical Chemistry
Chemical Composition
Chemical Physics

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Sayour, H.E.M., K.M. El-Saied, A.M. Kamal, B.G.A. Fahmy and R.A. Metawie et al., 2010. Fabrication and validation of custom-made ph rapid test as smart solution in aquaculture control. Proceedings of the 3rd Animal Wealth Research Conference in the Middle East & North Africa, Nov. 29th - Dec. 1st, Biomedical and Environmental Chemistry Unit, Chemistry and Nutritional Deficiency Disorders Dept., Animal Health Research Institute (AHRI), pp: 414-420.
  2. Kamal, A.M. and O.A. Salama, 2009. Lipid fractions and fatty acid composition of colostrums, transitional and mature she-camel milk during the first month of lactation. Asian J. Clin. Nutr., 1: 23-30.
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  3. Kamal, A.M., T.A. El-Hakim and S.S.A. El-Hamid, 2008. The effect of dietary Aluminium Sulphate on blood biochemical constituents and growth performances in broilers. Proceedings of the Middle East & North Africa Conference for Future of Animal Wealth, Oct. 16-18, Cairo International Convention Center, Egypt, pp: 358-372.
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  4. Kamal, A.M., O.A. Salama and K.M. El-Saied, 2007. Changes in amino acids profile of camel milk protein during the early lactation. Int. J. Dairy. Sci., 2: 226-234.
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  5. Kamal, A.M. and N. Atef, 2007. Effect of phytase supplementation on the performance, serum and bones biochemical changes of Turkeys. Egypt J. Biomed. Sci., 23: 185-195.
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  6. Ibrahiem, A.I., M.T. Emara, M.K. El-Mosalmi, T.A. Elam, A.M. Kamal, F.F. Mahmoud and S.A. Awadalla, 2004. Effect of feeding onion and /or garlic on carcass trait and on serum constituents of broiler muscovy ducks. Proceedings of the 1st Science Faculty of Veterinary MedicineMoushtohor, Sept. 1-4, Benha University, Benha - Ras Seder, pp: 256-269.
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  7. Badawy, O.F.H., S.S.A. Shafii, E.E. Tharwat and A.M. Kamal, 2004. Preliminary study of antibacterial effect of honey on diarrhoeic bacteria of zoonotic importance. Proceedings of the Arab Alliance for the Prudent use of Antimicrobials, The Third Arab Symposium for Antimicrobial Agents, March 25-27, Cairo, Egypt, pp: 12-23.
  8. Abd El-Nasser, B., A.M. Kamal, H. Ali, M. Marzook and A.S. Awadalla, 2004. Studies on the effect of some feed additives on the growth, health and immunity of nile tilapia. Proceedings of the Egyptian Society for Animal Reproduction and Fertility- 16th Annual Congress, Jan. 25-29, Aswan Egypt, pp: 65-87.
  9. Noaman, E., A.M. Zahran, A.M. Kamal and M.E. Omran, 2002. Vitamin E and selenium administration as a modulator of antioxidant defense system. Biol. Trace Elements Res., 86: 55-64.
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  10. Kamal, A.M. and S.A. Awadalla, 2002. Effect of garlic and/or onion on the production and performance of goats. Proceedings of the Egyptian Society for Animal Reproduction and Fertility- 14th Annual Congress in Cooperation with Egyptian Veterinary Nutrition Association, Feb. 2-7, Giza, pp: 141-152.
  11. Kamal, A.M. and J.R. Daoud, 2002. Effect of onion and /or garlic as feed additives on blood, tissue constituents and growth performance in Muscovey Ducks. Vet. Med. J., 51: 161-175.
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