Tamer Elmessery
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Tamer Elmessery

Associate Professor
National Research Centre, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Food Science & Technology from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

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Area of Interest:

Food Science and Technology
Dairy Technology
Food and Nutrition
Food Technology
Food Chemistry

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. El‐Messery, T.M., E. Aly, R. LÞpez‐Nicolas, T. SÌnchez‐Moya and G. Ros, 2021. Bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity of PCL‐microencapsulated olive leaves polyphenols and its application in yogurt. J. Food Sci., 86: 4303-4315.
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  2. El-Messery, T.M., U. Altuntas, G. Altin and B. zÒelik, 2020. The effect of spray-drying and freeze-drying on encapsulation efficiency, In vitro bioaccessibility and oxidative stability of krill oil nanoemulsion system. Food Hydrocolloids, Vol. 106. 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.105890.
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  3. El-Messery, T.M., E.A. Mwafy, A.M. Mostafa, H.M.F. El-Din, A. Mwafy, R. Amarowicz and B. Ozu00e7elik, 2020. Spectroscopic studies of the interaction between isolated polyphenols from coffee and the milk proteins. Surf. Interfaces, Vol. 20. 10.1016/j.surfin.2020.100558.
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  4. El-Messery, T.M., M.M. El-Said, N.M. Shahein, H.M.F. El-Din and A. Farrag, 2019. Functional yoghurt supplemented with extract orange peel encapsulated using coacervation technique. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 22: 231-238.
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  5. El-Messery, T.M., M.M. El-Said and E.S.A. Farahat, 2019. Production of functional processed cheese supplemented with nanoliposomes of mandarin peel extract. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 22: 247-256.
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  6. El-Messery, T.M., , M.M. El-Said, E. Demircan and B. Ozu00e7elik, 2019. Microencapsulation of natural polyphenolic compounds extracted from apple peel and its application in yoghurt. Acta Sci. Polonorum Technol. Aliment., 18: 25-34.
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  7. Badr, A.N., M.M. El-Said, T.M. Elmessery and A.G. Abdel-Razek, 2019. Non-traditional oils encapsulation as novel food additive enhanced yogurt safety against aflatoxins. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 22: 51-58.
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  8. Farrag, A., T.M. El-Messery, M.M. El-Said, T.N. Soliman and H.M.F. El-Din, 2018. Microencapsulation of grape phenolic compounds using whey proteins as a carrier vehicle. J. Biol. Sci., 18: 373-380.
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  9. El-Said, M.M., T.M. El-Messery and H.M.F. El-Din, 2018. The encapsulation of powdered doum extract in liposomes and its application in yoghurt. Acta Scient. Pol. Technol. Aliment., 17: 235-245.
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  10. Mohamed, D.A., M.M. Hassanein, T.M. El-Messery, M.T. Fouad, M.M. El-Said, K.A. Fouda and A.G. Abdel-Razek, 2017. Amelioration of diabetes in a rat model through yoghurt supplemented with probiotics and olive pomace extract. J. Biol. Sci., 17: 320-333.
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  11. Mehanna, N.S., F.A.M. Hassan, T.M. El-Messery and A.G. Mohamed, 2017. Production of functional processed cheese by using tomato juice. Int. J. Dairy Sci., 12: 155-160.
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  12. Kassem, J.M., H.M. Abbas, A.G. Mohamed, W.K. Bahgaat and T.M. El-Messery, 2017. Sweet processed cheese spread analogue as a novel healthy dairy product. Int. J. Dairy Sci., 12: 331-338.
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  13. Mehanna, N.S., Z.M.R. Hassan, H.M.F. El-Din, A.A.E. Ali, R. Amarowicz and T.M. El-Messery, 2014. Effect of interaction phenolic compounds with milk proteins on cell line. Food Nutr. Sci., 5: 2130-2146.
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