Dr. Zlata  Borsic Laborde
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Dr. Zlata Borsic Laborde

University of the Armed Forces ESPE, Ecuador

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Administrative Sciences from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico

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Area of Interest:

Business Management and Accounting
Administrative Sciences
Business Administration

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Zlata, D.B.L., A. FernÌndez-Lorenzo, D.M.P. CalderÞn and S.N.M. Loor, 2022. Comparative Analysis of Defense Industry Models in South American Countries. In: Emerging Research in Intelligent Systems, Botto-Tobar, M., H. Cruz, A.D. Cadena and B. Durakovic (Eds.), Springer, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-030-96042-1, pp: 353-366.
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  2. Laborde, Z.B., F.R.S. Borsic and D.V.B. Soares, 2022. Influence of intrinsic attributes on intent to purchase whole bread in Quito-Ecuador. Stud. Social Sci. Rev., 3: 732-748.
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  3. Cordero, D., Z. Borsic, D. Icaza and C. FarfÌn, 2021. Web Accessibility for Socioeconomic and Education Development in Excluded Areas of Eastern Ecuador. In: Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology, Mesquita, A., A. Abreu and J.V. Carvalho (Eds.), Springer, Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-16-5062-8, pp: 433-444.
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  4. Cordero, D., D. Icaza, Z. Borsic and A.D.P. Tamayo, 2021. Green Energy for Nodes of Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial Networks in the Transmission and Distribution of Signals to the End Customer. In: Developments and Advances in Defense and Security, Rocha, Á., C.H. Fajardo-Toro and J.M.R. Rodríguez (Eds.), Springer, Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-16-4883-0, pp: 105-116.
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  5. Laborde, Z.B., K.B. Burbano, V.G. Reinoso, M. Bangeppagari, S.I. Mulla and M. Selvanayagam, 2018. Emotional intelligence models as generators of business management change in the human talent area. J. Artificial Intell. .
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  6. Laborde, Z.B., 2018. Influence of the intrinsic attributes in the intent of purchasing integral bread in Quito. Revista Killkana Sociales, 2: 25-32.
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  7. Laborde, Z.D.B., A.M.M. Carrillo and W.M.A. Sierra, 2017. The ecuadorian franchises and their contribution in the generation of employment. Revista Economía y Política, 13: 81-102.
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  8. Laborde, Z.B., K. Benitez and N. Garcia-Osorio, 2016. Analysis of the evolution of the commercial balance and the gross domestic product in ecuador in the period between the years 2011-2015. Econ. Bus. Mag., 7: 56-63.
  9. Borsic-Laborde, Z., K. Benitez-Burbano and N. Garcia-Osorio, 2016. [Analysis of the evolution of the commercial balance and the gross domestic product in Ecuador in the period between the years 2011-2015]. Econ. Bus. Magaz., 7: 56-63.
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  10. Garcia-Osorio, N. and Z. Borsic-Laborde, 2015. [The latest global financial crisis and its consequences]. Econ. Bus. Magaz., 6: 85-92.
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  11. Garcia-Osorio, N. and Z. Borsic-Laborde, 2015. The last global financial crisis and its consequences. Econ. Bus., 6: 85-92.