Dr. Patcharin  Songsri
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Dr. Patcharin Songsri

Associate Professor
Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Agronomy and Plant Breeding from Khon Kaen University, Thailand

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Breeding
Drought Management
Stress Physiology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Puangbut, D., S. Jogloy, N. Vorasoot and P. Songsri, 2022. Photosynthetic and physiological responses to drought of Jerusalem artichoke genotypes differing in drought resistance. Agric. Water Manage., Vol. 259. 10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107252.
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  2. Leanasawat, N., W. Lontom, P. Songsri and M. Kosittraku, 2022. Physiological responses of interspecific and intergeneric hybrids of sugarcane under early drought stress conditions. Asian J. Plant Sci., 21: 49-55.
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  3. Khumla, N., S. Sakuanrungsirikul, P. Punpee, T. Hamarn, T. Chaisan, L. Soulard and P. Songsri, 2022. Sugarcane breeding, germplasm development and supporting genetics research in Thailand. Sugar Tech, 24: 193-209.
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  4. Jumkudling, S., P. Songsri, W. Taratima and N. Jongrungklang, 2022. Diversity and distribution of anatomical characteristics involved with drought resistance of inter-specific (Saccharum spp. hybrid  S. Spontaneum) sugarcane F1 hybrid population. Sugar Tech, 24: 1342-1356.
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  5. Senakoon, W., S. Nuchadomrong, P. Jearranaiprepame, G. Senawong, S. Jogloy and P. Songsri, 2021. Aspergillus flavus virulence in pods and seeds of peanut with different drought responsive genotypes related to water status. ScienceAsia, 47: 178-186.
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  6. Leanasawat, N., M. Kosittrakun, W. Lontom and P. Songsri, 2021. Physiological and agronomic traits of certain sugarcane genotypes grown under field conditions as influenced by early drought stress. Agronomy, Vol. 11. 10.3390/agronomy11112319.
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  7. Khonghintaisong, J., P. Songsri and N. Jongrungklang, 2021. Understanding growth rate patterns among different drought resistant sugarcane cultivars during plant and ratoon crops encountered water deficit at early growth stage under natural field conditions. Agronomy, Vol. 11. 10.3390/agronomy11102083.
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  8. Junsopa, C., W. Saksirirat, S. Saepaisan, P. Songsri, T. Kesmala, B.B. Shew and S. Jogloy, 2021. Bio-control of stem rot in Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) in field conditions. Plant Pathol. J., 37: 428-436.
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  9. Aekrathok, P., P. Songsri, N. Jongrungklang and S. Gonkhamdee, 2021. Efficacy of post-emergence herbicides against important weeds of sugarcane in North-East Thailand. Agronomy, Vol. 11. 10.3390/agronomy11030429.
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  10. Set-Tow, S., P. Songsri and N. Jongrungklang, 2020. Variations in root distribution patterns and cane yield of 16 elite sugarcane clones grown under varied soil conditions. Sugar Tech, 22: 1018-1031.
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  11. Nanta, N., P. Songsri, B. Suriharn, K. Lertrat, K. Lomthaisong and A. Patanothai, 2020. Seasonal variation in lycopene and β-carotene content in Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng. (Gac fruit) genotypes. Pak. J. Bot., 10.30848/PJB2020-1(39).
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  12. Khonghintaisong, J., P. Songsri and N. Jongrungklang, 2020. Root characteristics of individual tillers and the relationships with above-ground growth and dry matter accumulation in sugarcane. Pak. J. Bot., 52: 101-109.
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  13. Songsri, P., S. Jogloy, C.C. Holbrook and D. Puangbut, 2019. Determination of lethal dose and effect of gamma rays on growth and tuber yield of Jerusalem artichoke mutant. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet., 51: 1-11.
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  14. Palachai, C.H., P. Songsri and N. Jongrungklang, 2019. Comparison of yield components of sugarcane varieties grown under natural short- and long-term water-logged conditions in Thailand. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet., 51: 80-92.
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  15. Chumphu, S., N. Jongrungklang and P. Songsri, 2019. Association of physiological responses and root distribution patterns of ratooning ability and yield of the second ratoon cane in sugarcane elite clones. Agronomy, Vol. 9. 10.3390/agronomy9040200.
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  16. Chapae, C., P. Songsri and N. Jongrungklang, 2019. Hydroponics: An alternative method for root and shoot classification on sugarcane genotypes. Agrivita, 41: 351-363.
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  17. Khruengpatee, J., J. Khonghintaisong, P. Songsri and N. Jongrungklang, 2018. Root characteristics of sugarcane cuttings derived from different stalk parts and their relationships with plant growth. Asian J. Plant Sci., 17: 204-212.
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  18. Khonghintaisong, J., P. Songsri, B. Toomsan and N. Jongrungklang, 2018. Rooting and physiological trait responses to early drought stress of sugarcane cultivars. Sugar Tech, 20: 396-406.
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  19. Junsopa, C., S. Jogloy, W. Saksirirat, P. Songsri, T. Kesmala and B.B. Shew, 2018. Association of seedling and adult plant resistance to Sclerotium rolfsii in Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) under field conditions. Eur. J. Plant Pathol., 151: 251-255.
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  20. Ayutthaya, S.I.N., R. Rattanawong, S. Meetha, P. Songsri and P. Kasemsap, 2018. Xylem sap flow and trunk growth of 5 hybrid rubber tree clones. Acta Hortic., 1197: 1-6.
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  21. Wihong, P., P. Songsri, B. Suriharn, K. Lomthaisong and K. Lertrat, 2017. Rapid assessment of lycopene and β-carotene in spiny bitter gourd (Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng). Pak. J. Bot., 49: 493-497.
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  22. Narenoot, K., T. Monkham, S. Chankaew, P. Songsri, W. Pattanagul and J. Sanitchon, 2017. Evaluation of the tolerance of Thai indigenous upland rice germplasm to early drought stress using multiple selection criteria. Plant Genet. Resour., 15: 109-118.
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  23. Meetha, S., S. Techawongstien, S.I.N. Ayuttaya, P. Songsri and P. Yangyuen, 2017. Effect of fruit load on yield and quality of pummelo. Acta Hortic., 1178: 75-80.
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  24. Jansopa, C., S. Jogloy, W. Saksirirat, P. Songsri, T. Kesmala and B.B. Shew, 2017. Genotypic diversity of Jerusalem artichoke for resistance to stem rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii under field conditions. Euphytica, Vol. 213. 10.1007/s10681-017-1950-0.
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  25. Ayuttaya, S.I.N., P. Yangyuen, P. Songsri, S. Meetha and S. Techawongstien, 2017. Changing of macronutrients in leaves in yearly growth stages of pummelo. Acta Hortic., 1178: 47-52.
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  26. Singkham, N., P. Songsri, P. Jaisil, S. Jogloy, P. Klomsa-Ard, N. Jonglangklang and A. Patanothai, 2016. Diversity of characteristics associated with lodging resistance in sugarcane germplasm. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet., 48: 97-104.
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  27. Junsopa, C., S. Jogloy, W. Saksirirat, P. Songsri, T. Kesmala, B.B. Shew and A. Patanothai, 2016. Inoculation with Sclerotium rolfsii, cause of stem rot in Jerusalem artichoke, under field conditions. Eur. J. Plant Pathol., 146: 47-58.
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  28. Senakoon, W., S. Nuchadomrong, R.Y.Y. Chiou, G. Senawong, S. Jogloy, P. Songsri and A. Patanothai, 2015. Identification of peanut seed prolamins with an antifungal role by 2D-GE and drought treatment. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 79: 1771-1778.
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  29. Bootprom, N., P. Songsri, B. Suriharn, K. Lomthaisong and K. Lertrat, 2015. Genetics diversity based on agricultural traits and phytochemical contents in spiny bitter gourd (Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng). SABRAO J. Breed. Genet., 47: 278-290.
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  30. Sangchanda, N., S.I.N. Ayutthaya, S. Meetha and P. Songsri, 2014. The influence of rainfall on growth of rubber trees in marginal area of Northeast Thailand. Adv. Mater. Res., 844: 7-10.
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  31. Jangpromma, N., A. Saito, T. Araki, P. Jaisil and P. Songsri et al., 2014. Molecular cloning and characterization in eukaryotic expression systems of a sugarcane cysteine protease inhibitor gene involved in drought tolerance. Turk. J. Bot., 38: 724-736.
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  32. Bootprom, N., P. Songsri, N. Kongpun and A. Kamtou, 2014. Genetic diversity based on horticultural traits and total soluble solid content in mulberry (Morus alba) varieties. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet., 46: 231-240.
  33. Songsri, P., S. Jogloy, J. Junjittakarn, T. Kesmala, N. Vorasoot, C.C. Holbrook and A. Patanothai, 2013. Association of stomatal conductance and root distribution with water use efficiency of peanut under different soil water regimes. Aust. J. Crop Sci., 7: 948-955.
  34. Chaiyadee, S., S. Jogloy, P. Songsri, N. Singkham and N. Vorasoot et al., 2013. Soil moisture affects fatty acids and oil quality parameters in peanut. Int. J. Plant Prod., 7: 81-96.
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  35. Senakoon, W., S. Nuchadomrong, G. Senawong, S. Jogloy and P. Songsri, 2012. An alternate fractionation of peanut seed proteins in association with inhibitory assay on Aspergillus flavus. APCBEE Proc., 4: 42-47.
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  36. Jangpromma, N., S. Thammasirirak, P. Jaisil and P. Songsri, 2012. Effects of drought and recovery from drought stress on above ground and root growth and water use efficiency in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.). Aust. J. Crop Sci., 6: 1298-1304.
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  37. Bootprom, N., P. Songsri, B. Suriharn, P. Chareonsap, J. Sanitchon and K. Lertrat, 2012. Molecular diversity among selected Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng accessions using RAPD markers. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet., 44: 406-417.
  38. Suriharn, B., J. Sanitchon, P. Songsri and T. Kesmala, 2011. Effects of pruning levels and fertilizer rates on yield of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.). Asian J. Plant Sci., 10: 52-59.
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  39. Songsri, P., B. Suriharn, J. Sanitchon, S. Srisawangwong and T. Kesmala, 2011. Effects of gamma radiation on germination and growth characteristics of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.). J. Biol. Sci., 11: 268-274.
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  40. Jangpromma, N., P. Songsri, S. Thammasirirak and P. Jaisil, 2010. Rapid assessment of chlorophyll content in sugarcane using a SPAD chlorophyll meter across different water stress conditions. Asian J. Plant Sci., 9: 368-374.
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  41. Boontang, S., P. Songsri, S. Jogloy, C. Akkasaeng, N. Vorasoot, N. Tantisuwichwong and A. Patanothai, 2010. Evaluation of peanut cultivars commonly grown in thailand under water limited conditions. Asian J. Plant Sci., 9: 320-328.
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  42. Songsri, P., S. Jogloy, C.C. Holbrook, T. Kesmala, N. Vorasoot, C. Akkasaeng and A. Patanothai, 2009. Association of root, specific leaf area and SPAD chlorophyll meter reading to water use efficiency of peanut under different available soil water. Agric. Water Manage., 96: 790-798.
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  43. Songsri, P., N. Vorasoot, S. Jogloy, T. Kesmala, C. Akkasaeng, A. Patanothai and C.C. Holbrook, 2009. Evaluation of yield and reproductive efficiency in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under different available soil water. Asian J. Plant Sci., 8: 465-473.
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  44. Songsri, P., S. Jogloy, T. Kesmala, N. Vorasoot, C. Akkasaeng, A. Patanothai and C.C. Holbrook, 2008. Responses of reproductive characters of drought resistant peanut genotypes to drought. Asian J. Plant Sci., 7: 427-439.
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  45. Songsri, P., S. Jogloy, T. Kesmala, N. Vorasoot, C. Akkasaeng, A. Patanothai and C.C. Holbrook, 2008. Heritability of drought resistance traits and correlation of drought resistance and agronomic traits in peanut. Crop Sci., 48: 2245-2253.
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  46. Songsri, P., S. Jogloy, N. Vorasoot, C. Akkasaeng, A. Patanothai and C.C. Holbrook, 2008. Root distribution of drought-resistant peanut genotypes in response to drought. J. Agron. Crop Sci., 194: 92-103.
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  47. Vorasoot, N., C. Akkasaeng, P. Songsri, S. Jogloy and A. Patanothai, 2004. Effect of available soil water on leaf development and dry matter partitioning in 4 cultivars of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 26: 787-794.
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  48. Vorasoot, N., P. Songsri, C. Akkasaeng, S. Jogloy and A. Patanothai, 2003. Effect of water stress on yield and agronomic characters of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 25: 283-288.
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