Dr. Robin Lewis Cooper
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Dr. Robin Lewis Cooper

University of Kentucky, USA

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Physiology from Texas Tech University, Texas, USA

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In brief, I consider myself as an educator and researcher in the area of comparative physiology with an emphasis in neurobiology. Additionally, I enjoy outreaching activities with middle and high school science teachers as well as their students and the public. The accomplishments in regards to research have mainly focused more recently on modulation of synaptic transmission and behaviors using invertebrate models (crayfish and Drosophila). My lab group took a slight deviation the last few years off into the world of pharmacological identification of receptor subtypes of modulators on the larval Drosophila heart. In both research areas we have been productive with publications in the realm of comparative physiology.

As for teaching and instruction, my major accomplishments have been developing and publishing a number of articles for laboratory exercises in physiology and neurophysiology techniques which are used around the globe as indicated by the downloaded log and communications with fellow instructors. Developing wet labs for the physiology course in 2011 at Univ. of Kentucky, which had been devoid of a wet lab for years, as well as developing a neurophysiology lab based course has been rewarding and productive. Student feedback and productivity in developing published exercises as well as developing authentic scientific inquiry based research exercises for the students have resulted in student authored manuscripts submitted for peer review.

In the outreaching with middle and high school students as well as teachers is another proud accomplishment. I developed an ISEF Science fair which incorporated a 1/3 of the State of Kentucky and was the director for 5 years. I have worked with students and teachers to develop state wide Science based activities. I served as president of the Kentucky Academy of Sciences and president of the board for the State Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF- affiliated). High school students I have personally mentored have won international awards at ISEF (2nd and 4th places as well as special awards). Through grant funded activities I have worked with teachers throughout the state of Kentucky and have built relationships in which those students (NSF-REUs) and teachers (NSF-RETs) have later come to work in my research group when attending the university.

In serving our undergraduate and graduate students at the university in research based activities, my group has been very productive in publishing with undergraduates as 1st or co-authors (>60 papers) and functioning as a team for research productivity (>200 papers total). Graduate students (PhD & MS) have been successfully in obtaining good postdoctoral positions or forms of employment. I strongly encourage students to attend local, national and international meetings to present their research and interact with faculty and students at other institutions (>650 abstracts for posters or oral presentations since at the Univ. of Kentucky).

Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Nervous System
Applied Sciences

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Pankau, C., S. McCubbin and R.L. Cooper, 2021. The effect of optogenetically activating glia on neuronal function. Neuroglia, 2: 57-67.
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  2. McCubbin, S., M.A. El-Ezz and C. Brown, 2021. The effects of Levetiracetam on glutamatergic synaptic transmission. IMPULSE Premier Undergraduate Neurosci. J., .
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  3. Marguerite, N.T., J. Bernard, D.A. Harrison, D. Harris and R.L. Cooper, 2021. Effect of temperature on heart rate for Lucilia sericata (syn Phaenicia sericata) and Drosophila melanogaster with altered expression of the TrpA1 receptors. Insects, Vol. 12. 10.3390/insects12010038.
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  4. Marguer, N.T., S. McCubbin and R.L. Cooper, 2021. Mechanosensitive proteins in regulating heart rate in Larval drosophila. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 16: 37-46.
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  5. Greenhalgh, A., O. Istas and R.L. Cooper, 2021. Bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide enhances synaptic transmission at low-output glutamatergic synapses. Neurosci. Res., 170: 59-65.
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  6. Atkins, D.E., K.L. Bosh, G.W. Breakfield, S.E. Daniels and M.J. Devore et al., 2021. The effect of calcium ions on mechanosensation and neuronal activity in proprioceptive neurons. NeuroSci, 2: 353-371.
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  7. Nethery, B., M.A. El-Ezz and C. Brown, 2021. The effects of Riluzole on sensory and motor nerve function. IMPULSE Premier Undergraduate Neurosci. J., .
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  8. de Castro, N. and R.L. Cooper, 2020. Impedance measures and a mounting technique for drosophila: larval movements, heart rate, imaging, and electrophysiology. Methods Protoc., 3: 1-12.
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  9. Stanley, C.E., R. Adams, J. Nadolski, E. Amrit and M. Barrett et al., 2020. The effects of tricaine mesylate on arthropods: Crayfish, crab and drosophila. Invertebr. Neurosci., Vol. 20. 10.1007/s10158-020-00243-5.
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  10. Stanley, C.E. and R.L. Cooper, 2020. Effect of pH on synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction in drosophila melanogaster. Curr. Res. Neurosci., 11: 1-17.
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  11. Stanley, C., R.M. Kral, K. Zeidler-Watter, D. Johnson, R.R. Blackwell and R.L. Cooper, 2020. Stem & health: stressors on the circulatory system. Adv. Biol. Lab. Educ., 10.37590/able.v41.art82.
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  12. O'Neil, A., R.M. Krall, M. Sanden and R.L. Cooper, 2020. Developing algebraic and geometric understanding of stereology in biological and astronomy contexts. Adv. Biol. Lab. Educ., 10.37590/able.v41.art77.
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  13. McCubbin, S., A. Jeoung, C. Waterbury and R.L. Cooper, 2020. Pharmacological profiling of stretch activated channels in proprioceptive neurons. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part C: Toxicol. Pharmacol., Vol. 233. 10.1016/j.cbpc.2020.108765.
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  14. Istas, O., A. Greenhalgh and R.L. Cooper, 2020. Repetitive exposure to bacterial endotoxin LPS alters synaptic transmission. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 15: 65-72.
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  15. Holsinger, R.C. and R.L. Cooper, 2020. Regional phenotypic differences of the opener muscle in Procambarus clarkii: sarcomere length, fiber diameter, and force development. Bioloy, Vol. 9. 10.3390/biology9060118.
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  16. Cooper, R.L., R.M. Krall, M.P. Schultz, A.S. O’Neil and E.E. Dupont-Versteegden, 2020. Educational modules of skeletal muscle anatomy and function with models and active data gathering related to muscular dystrophy. Adv. Biol. Lab. Educ., 10.37590/able.v41.art64.
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  17. Cooper, R.L., A.S.O. Neil and C. Kim, 2020. Learning and memory retention in larval Drosophila. J. Entomol., 17: 36-47.
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  18. Bernard, J., N. Marguerite, M. Inks and R.L. Cooper, 2020. Assessment of bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) potential interaction and TRPA1 thermal receptors on synaptic transmission. Curr. Res. Bacteriol., 13: 10-21.
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  19. Bernard, J., A. Greenhalgh, O. Istas, N.T. Marguerite and R.L. Cooper, 2020. The effect of bacterial endotoxin LPS on serotonergic modulation of glutamatergic synaptic transmission. Bioloy, Vol. 9. 10.3390/biology9080210.
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  20. Thenappan, A., E.E. Dupont-Versteegden and R. Cooper, 2019. An educational model for understanding acute deep tissue injury of motor units: Common lab exercises with a new twist. J. Young Invest., 36: 62-72.
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  21. Stanley, C.E., A.S. Mauss, A. Borst and R.L. Cooper, 2019. The effects of chloride flux on Drosophila heart rate. Methods Protocols, Vol. 2, No. 3. 10.3390/mps2030073.
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  22. Saelinger, C.M., M.C. McNabb, R. McNair, S. Bierbower and R.L. Cooper, 2019. Effects of bacterial endotoxin on regulation of the heart, a sensory-CNS-motor nerve circuit and neuromuscular junctions: Crustacean model. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part A: Mol. Integr. Physiol., Vol. 237. 10.1016/j.cbpa.2019.110557.
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  23. McNabb, M.C., C.M. Saelinger, M. Danley and R.L. Cooper, 2019. Effects of bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharides (LPS) on synaptic transmission at neuromuscular junction in an amphibian. Int. J. Zool. Res., 15: 38-42.
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  24. Malloy, C.A., E. Somasundaram, A. Omar, U. Bhutto, M. Medley, N. Dzubuk and R.L. Cooper, 2019. Pharmacological identification of cholinergic receptor subtypes: Modulation of locomotion and neural circuit excitability in Drosophila larvae. Neuroscience, 411: 47-64.
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  25. Istas, O., A. Greenhalgh and R. Cooper, 2019. The effects of a bacterial endotoxin on behavior and sensory-CNS-motor circuits in Drosophila melanogaster. Insects, Vol. 10, No. 4. 10.3390/insects10040115.
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  26. De Castro, C., J. Titlow, Z.R. Majeed, C. Malloy, K.E. King and R.L. Cooper, 2019. Mechanical and chemical factors required for maintaining cardiac rhythm in Drosophila melanogaster larva. J. Entomol., 16: 62-73.
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  27. Cooper, R.L., M. McNabb and J. Nadolski, 2019. The effects of a bacterial endotoxin LPS on synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction. Heliyon, Vol. 5, No. 3. 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01430.
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  28. Ballinger-Boone, C., O. Anyagaligbo, J. Bernard, S.M. Bierbower and E.E. Dupont-Versteegden et al., 2019. The effects of bacterial endotoxin (LPS) on cardiac and synaptic function in various animal models: Larval Drosophila, crayfish, crab, and rodent. Int. J. Zool. Res., 16: 33-62.
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  29. Anyagaligbo, O., J. Bernard, A. Greenhalgh and R.L. Cooper, 2019. The effects of bacterial endotoxin (LPS) on cardiac function in a medicinal blow fly (Phaenicia sericata) and a fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part C: Toxicol. Pharmacol., 217: 15-24.
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  30. Zhu, Y.C., L. de Castro and R.L. Cooper, 2018. Effect of temperature change on synaptic transmission at crayfish neuromuscular junctions. Biol. Open, Vol. 7. 10.1242/bio.037820.
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  31. Zhu, Y.C. and R.L. Cooper, 2018. Cold exposure effects on cardiac function and synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction in invertebrates. Int. J. Zool. Res., 14: 49-60.
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  32. Weineck, K., A.J. Ray, L. Fleckenstein, M. Medley, N. Dzubuk, E. Piana and R.L. Cooper, 2018. Physiological changes as a measure of crustacean welfare under different standardized stunning techniques: Cooling and electroshock. Animals, Vol. 8, No. 9. 10.3390/ani8090158.
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  33. Titlow, J.S. and R.L. Cooper, 2018. Glutamatergic Synthesis, Recycling, and Receptor Pharmacology at Drosophila and Crustacean Neuromuscular Junctions. In: Biochemical Approaches for Glutamatergic Neurotransmission, Parrot, S. and L. Denoroy (Eds.). Humana Press, New York, ISBN: 978-1-4939-7227-2, pp: 263-291.
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  34. Mattingly, M., K. Weineck, J. Costa and R.L. Cooper, 2018. Hyperpolarization by activation of halorhodopsin results in enhanced synaptic transmission: Neuromuscular junction and CNS circuit. PLoS ONE, Vol. 13. 10.1371/journal.pone.0200107.
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  35. Malloy, C., V. Dayaram, S. Martha, B. Alvarez and I. Chukwudolue et al., 2017. The effects of potassium and muscle homogenate on proprioceptive responses in crayfish and crab. J. Exp. Zool. A: Ecol. Integr. Physiol., 327: 366-379.
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  36. Malloy, C., J. Sifers, A. Mikos, A. Samadi, A. Omar, C. Hermanns and R.L. Cooper, 2017. Using optogenetics to assess neuroendocrine modulation of heart rate in Drosophila melanogaster larvae. J. Comp. Physiol. A, 203: 791-806.
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  37. Majeed, Z., F. Koch, J. Morgan, H. Anderson, J. Wilson and R.L. Cooper, 2017. A novel educational module to teach neural circuits for college and high school students: NGSS-neurons, genetics and selective stimulations. F1000Research, Vol. 6. 10.12688/f1000research.10632.1.
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  38. Higgins, J., C. Hermanns, C. Malloy and R.L. Cooper, 2017. Considerations in repetitive activation of light sensitive ion channels for long-term studies: Channel rhodopsin in the Drosophila model. Neurosci. Res., 125: 1-10.
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  39. Dayaram, V., C.A. Malloy, S. Martha, B. Alvarez and I. Chukwudolue et al., 2017. The effect of CO2, intracellular pH and extracellular pH on mechanosensory proprioceptor responses in crayfish and crab. Am. J. Undergrad. Res., 14: 85-99.
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  40. Zhu, Y.C., H. Uradu, Z.R. Majeed and R.L. Cooper, 2016. Optogenetic stimulation of Drosophila heart rate at different temperatures and Ca2+ concentrations. Physiol. Rep., Vol. 4, No. 3. 10.14814/phy2.12695.
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  41. Zhu, Y.C., E. Yocom, J. Sifers, H. Uradu and R.L. Cooper, 2016. Modulatory effects on Drosophila larva hearts: Room temperature, acute and chronic cold stress. J. Comp. Physiol. A., 186: 829-841.
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  42. Potter, S., R.M. Krall, S. Mayo, D. Johnson, K. Zeidler-Watters and R.L. Cooper, 2016. Population dynamics based on resource availability and founding effects: Live and computational models. Am. Biol. Teach., 78: 396-403.
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  43. Majeed, Z.R., E. Abdeljaber, R. Soveland, K. Cornwell, A. Bankemper, F. Koch and R.L. Cooper, 2016. Modulatory action by the serotonergic system: Behavior and neurophysiology in Drosophila melanogaster. Neural Plasticity, Vol. 2016. 10.1155/2016/7291438.
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  44. Malloy, C.A., K. Ritter, J. Robinson, C. English and R.L. Cooper, 2015. Pharmacological identification of cholinergic receptor subtypes on Drosophila melanogaster larval heart. J. Comp. Physiol. B, 186: 45-57.
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  45. Majeed, Z.R., K. Ritter, J. Robinson, S.L.E. Blumich, E. Brailoiu and R.L. Cooper, 2015. New insights into the acute actions from a high dosage of fluoxetine on neuronal and cardiac function: Drosophila, crayfish and rodent models. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part C: Toxicol. Pharmacol., 176-177: 52-61.
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  46. Jackson, J.R., T.J. Kirby, C.S. Fry, R.L. Cooper, J.J. McCarthy, C.A. Peterson and E.E. Dupont-Versteegden, 2015. Reduced voluntary running performance is associated with impaired coordination as a result of muscle satellite cell depletion in adult mice. Skeletal Muscle, Vol. 5. 10.1186/s13395-015-0065-3.
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  47. de Castro, C., J. Titlow, Z.R. Majeed and R.L. Cooper, 2014. Analysis of various physiological salines for heart rate, CNS function, and synaptic transmission at neuromuscular junctions in Drosophila melanogaster larvae. J. Comp. Physiol. A, 200: 83-92.
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  48. Titlow, J.S., J. Rice, Z.R. Majeed, E. Holsopple, S. Biecker and R.L. Cooper, 2014. Anatomical and genotype-specific mechanosensory responses in Drosophila melanogaster larvae. Neurosci. Res., 83: 54-63.
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  49. Titlow, J., H. Anderson and R.L. Cooper, 2014. Lights and larvae: Using optogenetics to teach recombinant DNA and neurobiology. Sci. Teach., 81: 41-47.
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  50. Szczesniak, R.D., K. Viele and R.L. Cooper, 2014. Mixtures of self-modelling regressions. J. Biometrics Biostat., Vol. S12. 10.4172/2155-6180.S12-003.
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  51. Majeed, Z.R., A. Stacy and R.L. Cooper, 2014. Pharmacological and genetic identification of serotonin receptor subtypes on Drosophila larval heart and aorta. J. Comp. Physiol. B., 184: 205-219.
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  52. Wu, W.H. and R.L. Cooper, 2013. Physiological separation of vesicle pools in low- and high-output nerve terminals. Neurosci. Res., 75: 275-282.
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  53. Titlow, J.S., Z.R. Majeed, H.B. Hartman, E. Burns and R.L. Cooper, 2013. Neural circuit recording from an intact cockroach nervous system. J. Visualized Exp., Vol. 81. 10.3791/50584.
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  54. Titlow, J.S., J.M. Rufer, K.E. King and R.L. Cooper, 2013. Pharmacological analysis of dopamine modulation in the Drosophila melanogaster larval heart. Physiol. Rep., Vol. 1, No. 2. 10.1002/phy2.20.
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  55. Titlow, J., Z.R. Majeed, J.G. Nicholls and R.L. Cooper, 2013. Intracellular recording, sensory field mapping, and culturing identified neurons in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. J. Visualized Exp., Vol. 81. 10.3791/50631.
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  56. Majeed, Z.R., J. Titlow, H.B. Hartman and R. Cooper, 2013. Proprioception and tension receptors in crab limbs: Student laboratory exercises. J. Visualized Exp., Vol. 80. 10.3791/51050.
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  57. Majeed, Z.R., C.D. Nichols and R.L. Cooper, 2013. 5-HT stimulation of heart rate in Drosophila does not act through cAMP as revealed by pharmacogenetics. J. Applied Physiol., 115: 1656-1665.
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  58. Cooper, A.S., A.F.M. Johnstone and R.L. Cooper, 2013. Motor nerve terminal morphology with unloading and reloading of muscle in Procambarus clarkii. J. Crustacean Biol., 33: 818-827.
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  59. Bierbower, S.M., Z.P. Shuranova, K. Viele and R.L. Cooper, 2013. Comparative study of environmental factors influencing motor task learning and memory retention in sighted and blind crayfish. Brain. Behav., 3: 4-13.
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  60. Bierbower, S.M., J. Nadolski and R.L. Cooper, 2013. Sensory systems and environmental change on behavior during social interactions. Int. J. Zool., 2013: 1-16.
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  61. Bierbower, S.M. and R.L. Cooper, 2013. The mechanistic action of carbon dioxide on a neural circuit and NMJ communication. J. Exp. Zool., 319: 340-354.
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  62. Becnel, J., O. Johnson, Z.R. Majeed, V. Tran and B. Yu et al., 2013. DREADDs in Drosophila: A pharmacogenetic approach for controlling behavior, neuronal signaling and physiology in the fly. Cell Rep., 4: 1049-1059.
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  63. Wu, W.H. and R.L. Cooper, 2012. The regulation and packaging of synaptic vesicles as related to recruitment within glutamatergic synapses. Neuroscience, 225: 185-198.
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  64. Wu, W.H. and R.L. Cooper, 2012. Role of serotonin in the regulation of synaptic transmission in invertebrate NMJs. Exp. Neurobiol., 21: 101-112.
  65. Chung, Y.S., R.M. Cooper, J. Graff and R.L. Cooper, 2012. The acute and chronic effect of low temperature on survival, heart rate and neural function in crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) species. Open J. Mol. Integr. Physiol., 2: 75-86.
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  66. Robinson, M.M., J.M. Martin, H.L. Atwood and R.L. Cooper, 2011. Modeling biological membranes with circuit boards and measuring electrical signals in axons: Student laboratory exercises. J. Vis. Exp., Vol. 47. 10.3791/2325.
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  67. Johnstone, A.F.M., K. Viele and R.L. Cooper, 2011. Structure/Function assessment of crayfish neuromuscular junctions: Stem regions. Synapse, 65: 287-299.
  68. Cooper, R.M., H. Schapker, H. Adami and R.L. Cooper, 2011. Heart and ventilatory measures in crayfish during copulation. Open J. Mol. Integ. Physiol., 1: 36-42.
  69. Cooper, A.S., B. Leksrisawat, A.J. Mercier, A.B. Gilberts and R.L. Cooper, 2011. Physiological experimentations with the crayfish hindgut. J. Visual. Exp., Vol. 18. 10.3791/2324.
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  70. Baierlein, B., A.L. Thurow, H.L. Atwood and R.L. Cooper, 2011. Membrane potentials, synaptic responses, neuronal circuitry, neuromodulation and muscle histology using the crayfish: Student laboratory exercises. J. Visualized Exp., Vol. 47. 10.3791/2322.
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  71. Wu, W.H. and R.L. Cooper, 2010. Physiological recordings of high and low output NMJs on the crayfish leg extensor muscle. J. Vis. Exp. Vol. 45. 10.3791/2319.
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  72. Wigginton, A.J., R.L. Cooper, E.M. Fryman-Gripshover and W.J. Birge, 2010. Effects of cadmium and body mass on the anti-predator behaviors of five species of crayfish. Int. J. Zool. Res., 6: 39-51.
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  73. Leksrisawat, B., A.S. Cooper, A.B. Gilberts and R.L. Cooper, 2010. Muscle receptor organs in the crayfish abdomen: A student laboratory exercise in proprioception. J. Visualized Exp., Vol. 2010. 10.3791/2323.
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  74. Desai-Shah, M., A.R. Papoy, M. Ward and R.L. Cooper, 2010. Roles of the sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in regulation of heart rate in larval Drosophila. Open Physiol. J., 3: 16 -36.
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  75. Desai-Shah, M. and R.L. Cooper, 2010. Actions of NCX, PMCA and SERCA on short-term facilitation and maintenance of transmission in nerve terminals. Open Physiol. J., 3: 37-50.
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  76. Bierbower, S.M. and R.L. Cooper, 2010. The effects of acute carbon dioxide on behavior and physiology in Procambarus clarkia. J. Exp. Zool., 313A: 484-497.
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  77. Lee, J.Y., D. Bhatt, D. Bhatt, W.Y. Chung and R.L. Cooper, 2009. Furthering pharmacological and physiological assessment of the glutamatergic receptors at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part C: Toxicol. Pharmacol., 150: 546-557.
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  78. Desai-Shah, M. and R.L. Cooper, 2009. Different mechanisms of Ca2+ regulation that influence synaptic transmission: Comparison between crayfish and Drosophila neuromuscular junctions. Synapse, 63: 1100-1121.
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  79. Dasari, S., L. Wang, D.A. Harrison and R.L. Cooper, 2009. Reduced and misexpression of 5-HT2 receptors alters development, behavior and CNS activity in Drosophila melanogaster. Int. J. Zool., 51: 101-114.
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  80. Cooper, A.S. and R.L. Cooper, 2009. Historical view and physiology demonstration at the NMJ of the crayfish opener muscle. J. Visualized Exp., Vol. 33. 10.3791/1595.
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  81. Bierbower, S.M. and R.L. Cooper, 2009. Measures of heart and ventilatory rates in freely moving crayfish. J. Visualized Exp., Vol. 32. 10.3791/1594.
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  82. Johnstone, A.F.M., S. Kellie and R.L. Cooper, 2008. Presynaptic depression in phasic motor nerve terminals and influence of 5-HT on docked vesicles. Open Neurosci. J., 2: 16-23.
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  83. Desai-Shah, M., K. Viele, G. Sparks, J. Nadolski, B. Hayden, V.K. Srinivasan and R.L. Cooper, 2008. Assessment of synaptic function during short-term facilitation in motor nerve terminals in the crayfish. Open Neurosci. J., 2: 24-35.
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  84. Cooper, R.L., 2008. Mapping proprioceptive neurons on chordotonal organs in the crab, Cancer magister. Crustaceana, 81: 447-475.
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  85. Badre, N.H. and R.L. Cooper, 2008. Reduced calcium channel function in drosophila disrupts associative learning in larva and behavior in adults. Int. J. Zool. Res., 4: 152-164.
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  86. Page, M.P., W. Hailes and R.L. Cooper, 2007. Modification of the tail flip escape response in crayfish by neuromodulation and behavioral state with and without descending CNS input. Int. J. Zool. Res., 3: 132-144.
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  87. Lancaster, M., K. Viele, A.F.M. Johnstone and R.L. Cooper, 2007. Automated classification of evoked quantal events. J. Neurosci. Methods, 159: 325-336.
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  88. Dasari, S., K. Viele, A.C. Turner and R.L. Cooper, 2007. Influence of p-CPA and MDMA (ecatasy) on physiology, development and behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. Euro. J. Neurosci., 26: 424-438.
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  89. Viele, K., M. Lancaster and R.L. Cooper, 2006. Self-modeling structure of evoked postsynaptic potentials. Synapse, 60: 32-44.
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  90. Shuranova, Z.P., Y.M. Burmistrov, J.R. Strawn and R.L. Cooper, 2006. Evidence for an autonomic nervous system in decapod crustaceans. Int. J. Zool. Res., 2: 242-283.
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  91. Logsdon, S., A.F.M. Johnstone, K. Viele and R.L. Cooper, 2006. Regulation of synaptic vesicles pools within motor nerve terminals during short-term facilitation and neuromodulation. J. Applied Physiol., 100: 662-671.
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  92. Johnstone, A.F.M. and R.L. Cooper, 2006. Direct innervation of the Drosophila melanogaster larval aorta. Brain Res., 1083: 159-163.
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  93. Dasari, S. and R.L. Cooper, 2006. Direct influence of serotonin on the larval heart of Drosophila melanogaster. J. Comp. Physiol. B, 176: 349-357.
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  94. Xing, B., A.A. Long, D.A. Harrison and R.L. Cooper, 2005. Developmental consequences of NMJs with reduced presynaptic calcium channel function. Synapse, 57: 132-147.
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  95. Dropic, A.J., E. Brailoiu and R.L. Cooper, 2005. Presynaptic mechanism of action induced by 5-HT in nerve terminals: Possible involvement of ryanodine and IP3 sensitive Ca2+ stores. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Mol. Integr. Physiol., 142: 355-361.
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  96. Bhatt, D. and R.L. Cooper, 2005. The pharmacological and physiological profile of glutamate receptors at the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction. Physiol. Entomol., 30: 205-210.
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  97. Badre, N.H., M.E. Martin and R.L. Cooper, 2005. The physiological and behavioral effects of carbon dioxide on Drosophila melanogaster larvae. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Mol. Integr. Physiol., 140: 363-376.
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  98. Sparks, G.M., S. Dasari and R.L. Cooper, 2004. Actions of MDMA at glutamatergic neuromuscular junctions. Neurosci. Res., 48: 431-438.
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  99. Sparks, G. and R.L. Cooper, 2004. 5-HT offsets homeostasis of synaptic transmission during short-term facilitation. J. Applied Physiol., 96: 1681-1690.
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  100. Page, M.P. and R.L. Cooper, 2004. Novelty stress and reproductive state alters responsiveness to sensory stimuli and 5-HT neuromodulation. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A, 139: 149-158.
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  101. Dasari, S. and R.L. Cooper, 2004. Monitoring heart rate in Drosophila larvae by various approaches. Drosophila Inform. Serv., 87: 91-96.
  102. Dasari, S. and R.L. Cooper, 2004. Modulation of sensory-CNS-motor circuits by serotonin, octopamine and dopamine in semi-intact Drosophila larva. Neurosci. Res., 48: 221-227.
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  103. Cooper, R.L. and D.N. McLetchie, 2004. Monitoring carbon dioxide production by Drosophila larvae. Drosophila Inform. Serv., 87: 88-91.
  104. Cooper, A.S. and R.L. Cooper, 2004. Monitoring activity of Drosophila larvae: Impedance and video microscopy measures. Drosophila Inform. Ser., 87: 85-87.
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  105. Cooper, A.S. and R.L. Cooper, 2004. Growth of troglobitic (Orconectes australis packardi) and epigean (Oroconectes juvenilis) species of crayfish maintained in laboratory conditions. J. Kentucky Acad. Sci., 65: 108-115.
  106. Ziemba, R., A. Simpson, R. Hopper and R.L. Cooper, 2003. Comparisons of aesthetasc sensilla on the lateral antennules between two epigean (surface) species and the blind cave crayfish Orconectes australis packardi. Crustaceana, 76: 859-869.
  107. Viele, K., A. Stromberg and R.L. Cooper, 2003. Determining the number of release sites within the nerve terminal by statistical analysis of synaptic current characteristics. Synapse, 47: 15-25.
  108. Tilden, A.R., R. Brauch, R. Ball, A.M. Janze and A.H. Ghaffari et al., 2003. Modulatory effects of melatonin on behavior, hemolymph metabolites and neurotransmitter release in crayfish. Brain Res., 992: 252-262.
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  109. Sparks, G.M., E. Brailoiu, G.C. Brailoiu, N.J. Dun, J. Tabor and R.L. Cooper, 2003. Effects of m-CPP in altering neuronal function: Blocking depolarization in invertebrate motor and sensory neurons but exciting rat sensory neurons. Brain Res., 969: 14-26.
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  110. Shuranova, Z.P., Y.M. Burmistrov and R.L. Cooper, 2003. Activity of the ventilatory muscles in the crayfish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A, 134: 461-469.
  111. Shuranova, Z.P., Y.M. Burmistrov and R.L. Cooper, 2003. A hundred years ago and now: A short essay on the study of the crustacean hindgut. Crustaceana, 76: 755-770.
  112. Harrison, D.A. and R.L. Cooper, 2003. Characterization of development, behavior and neuromuscular physiology in the phorid fly: Megaselia scalaris. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Mol. Integr. Physiol., 136: 427-439.
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  113. Cooper, R.L., E. Ward, R. Braxton, H. Li and W.M. Warren, 2003. The effects of serotonin and ecdysone on primary sensory neurons in crayfish. Microsc. Res. Tech., 60: 336-345.
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  114. Cooper, R.L., A. Donmezer and J. Shearer, 2003. Intrinsic differences in sensitivity to 5-HT between high- and low-output terminals innervating the same target. Neurosci. Res., 45: 163-172.
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  115. Ball, R., B. Xing, P. Bonner, J. Shearer and R.L. Cooper, 2003. Long-term in vitro maintenance of neuromuscular junction activity of Drosophila larvae. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Mol. Integr. Physiol., 134: 247-255.
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  116. Winslow, J.L., R.L. Cooper and H.L. Atwood, 2002. Sodium in presynaptic nerve terminals in response to stimulation. J. Neurosci. Methods, 118: 163-175.
  117. Tabor, J. and R.L. Cooper, 2002. Physiologically identified 5-HT2 -like receptors at the crayfish neuromuscular junction. Brain Res., 932: 91-98.
  118. Strawn, J.R. and R.L. Cooper, 2002. The effects of ethanol on pre-synaptic components of synaptic transmission in a model glutamatergic synapse: The crayfish neuromuscular junction. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C Toxicol. Pharmacol., 131: 395-404.
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  119. Schapker, H., T. Breithaupt, Z. Shuranova, Y. Burmistrov and R.L. Cooper, 2002. Heart and ventilatory correlative measures in crayfish during environmental disturbances and social interactions. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part A: Mol. Integr. Physiol., 131: 397-407.
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  120. Mykles, D.L., S. Medler, A. Koenders and R. Cooper, 2002. Myofibrillar protein isoform expression is correlated with synaptic efficacy in slow fibres of the claw and leg opener muscles of crayfish and lobster. J. Exp. Biol., 205: 513-522.
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  121. Li, H., X. Peng and R.L. Cooper, 2002. Development of Drosophila larval neuromuscular junctions: Maintaining synaptic strength. Neuroscience, 115: 505-513.
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  122. Li, H. and R.L. Cooper, 2002. The effect of ambient light on blind cave crayfish: Social interactions. J. Crustacean Biol., 22: 449-458.
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  123. Cooper, R.L., R.C. Southard, P. He, and S.W. Whiteheart, 2002. Influence of Neuromodulators and Vesicle Docking Related Proteins on Quantal Release. In: The Crustacean Nervous System, Wiese, K. (Ed.). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp: 63-82.
  124. Brailoiu, E., R.L. Cooper and N.J. Dun, 2002. Sphingosine 1-phosphate enhances spontaneous transmitter release at the frog neuromuscular junction. Br. J. Pharmacol., 136: 1093-1097.
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  125. Li, H., D. Harrison, G. Jones, D. Jones and R.L. Cooper, 2001. Alterations in development, behavior, and physiology in Drosophila larva that have reduced ecdysone production. J. Neurophysiol., 85: 98-104.
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  126. Li, H. and R.L. Cooper, 2001. Spatial familiarity in the blind cave crayfish, Orconectes australis packardi. Crustaceana, 74: 417-433.
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  127. Li, H. and R.L. Cooper, 2001. Maintaining synaptic efficacy at the neuromuscular junction in Drosophila larva during normal development and prolonged life with the ecdysoneless mutant. Neuroscience, 106: 193-200.
  128. Kellie, S., J. Greer and R.L. Cooper, 2001. Alterations in habituation of the tail flip response in epigean and troglobitic crayfish. J. Exp. Zool., 290: 163-176.
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  129. Griffis, B., S.B. Moffett and R.L. Cooper, 2001. Muscle phenotype remains unaltered after limb autotomy and unloading. J. Exp. Zool., 289: 10-22.
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  130. Djokaj, S., R.L. Cooper and W. Rathmayer, 2001. Effects of octopamine, serotonin and cocktails of the two modulators on synaptic transmission at crustacean neuromuscular junctions. J. Comp. Physiol. A, 187: 145-154.
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  131. Cooper, R.L., R.J. Chase and J. Tabor, 2001. Altered responsiveness to 5-HT at the crayfish neuromuscular junction due to chronic p-CPA and m-CPP treatment. Brain Res., 916: 143-151.
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  132. Cooper, R.L., H. Li, L.Y. Long, J.L. Cole and H.L. Hopper, 2001. Anatomical comparisons of neural systems in sighted epigean and troglobitic crayfish species. J. Crustacean Biol., 21: 360-374.
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  133. Strawn, J.R., W.S. Neckameyer and R.L. Cooper, 2000. The effects of 5-HT on sensory, central and motor neurons driving the abdominal superficial flexor muscles in the crayfish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Biochem. Mol. Biol., 127: 533-550.
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  134. Southard, R.C., J. Haggard, M.E. Crider, S.W. Whitheart and R.L. Cooper, 2000. Influence of serotonin on the kinetics of vesicular release. Brain Res., 871: 16-28.
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  135. Sohn, J., D.L. Mykles and R.L. Cooper, 2000. The anatomical, physiological and biochemical characterization of muscles associated with the articulating membrane in the dorsal surface of the crayfish abdomen. J. Exp. Zool., 287: 353-377.
  136. Listerman, L.R., J. Deskins, H. Bradacs and R.L. Cooper, 2000. Heart rate within male crayfish: Social interactions and effects of 5-HT. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part A: Mol. Integr. Physiol., 125: 251-263.
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  137. Li, H., L.R. Listerman, D. Doshi and R.L. Cooper, 2000. Heart rate measures in blind cave crayfish during environmental disturbances and social interactions. Compa. Biochem. Physiol. Part A: Mol. Integr. Physiol., 127: 55-70.
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  138. LaFramboise, W.A., B. Griffis, P. Bonner, W. Warren, D. Scalise, R.D. Guthrie and R.L. Cooper, 2000. Muscle type-specific myosin isoforms in crustacean muscles. J. Exp. Zool., 286: 36-48.
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  139. Kim, S., H.L. Atwood and R.L. Cooper, 2000. Assessing accurate sizes of synaptic vesicles in nerve terminals. Brain Res., 877: 209-217.
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  140. Griffis, B., P. Bonner and R.L. Cooper, 2000. Sensitivity of transformed (phasic to tonic) motor neurons to the neuromodulator 5-HT. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Mol. Integr. Physiol., 127: 495-504.
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  141. Feuerverger, A., M. Menzinger, H.L. Atwood and R.L. Cooper, 2000. Statistical methods for assessing the dimensions of synaptic vesicles in nerve terminals. J. Neurosci. Methods, 103: 181-190.
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  142. Crider, M.E. and R.L. Cooper, 2000. Differential facilitation of high- and low-output nerve terminals from a single motoneuron. J. Applied Physiol., 88: 987-996.
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  143. Ruffner, M.E., S.I. Cromarty and R.L. Cooper, 1999. Depression of synaptic efficacy in Drosophila neuromuscular junctions by the molting hormone (20-HE). J. Neurophysiol., 81: 788-794.
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  144. He, P., R.C. Southard, D. Chen, S.W. Whiteheart and R.L. Cooper, 1999. Role of α-SNAP in promoting efficient neurotransmission at the crayfish neuromuscular junction. J. Neurophysiol., 82: 3406-3416.
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  145. Crider, M.E. and R.L. Cooper, 1999. Importance of stimulation paradigm in determining facilitation and effects of neuromodulation. Brain Res., 842: 324-331.
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  146. Cooper, R.L. and W.S. Neckameyer, 1999. Dopaminergic modulation of motor neuron activity and neuromuscular function in Drosophila melanogaster. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Biochem. Mol. Biol., 122: 199-210.
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  147. Cooper, R.L. and H.B. Hartman, 1999. Quantification of responses from proprioceptive neurons in the limbs of the crab, Cancer magister. J. Exp. Zool., 284: 629-636.
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  148. Neckameyer, W.S. and R.L. Cooper, 1998. GABA transporters in Drosophila melanogaster: : molecular cloning, behavior and physiology. Invert. Neurosci., 3: 279-294.
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  149. Cooper, R.L., W.M. Warren and H.E. Ashby, 1998. Activity of phasic motor neurons partially transforms the neuronal and muscle phenotype to a tonic-like state. Muscle Nerve, 21: 921-931.
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  150. Cooper, R.L., 1998. Development of sensory processes during limb regeneration in adult crayfish. J. Exp. Biol., 201: 1745-1752.
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  151. Cooper, R.L. and M.E. Ruffner, 1998. Depression of synaptic efficacy at intermolt in crayfish neuromuscular junctions by 20-Hydroxyecdysone, a molting hormone. J. Neurophysiol., 79: 1931-1941.
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  152. Rastogi, K.S., R.L. Cooper, Z.Q. Shi and M. Vranic, 1997. Quantitative measurement of islet glucagon response to hypoglycemia by confocal fluorescence imaging in diabetic rats. Endrocrine, 7: 367-375.
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  153. Bradacs, H., R.L. Cooper, M. Msghina and H.L. Atwood, 1997. Differential physiology and morphology of phasic and tonic motor axons in a crayfish limb extensor muscle. J. Exp. Biol., 200: 677-691.
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  154. Pekhletsky, R., R.L. Cooper, H.L. Atwood and D. Hampson, 1996. Expression profiling of mRNA obtained from single identified crustacean motor neurons: Determination of specificity of hybridization. Invert. Neurosci., 1: 341-349.
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  155. Cooper, R.L., J. Winslow, C.K. Govind and H.L. Atwood, 1996. Synaptic structural complexity as a factor enhancing probability of calcium-mediated transmitter release. J. Neurophysiol., 75: 2451-2466.
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  156. Cooper, R.L., C. Harrington, L. Marin and H.L. Atwood, 1996. Quantal release at visualized terminals of crayfish motor axon: Intraterminal and regional differences. J. Comp. Neurol., 375: 583-600.
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  157. Cooper, R.L. and M.M. Cooper, 1996. Red pepper induced dermatitis in breast fed infants. Dermatology, 93: 61-62.
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  158. Atwood, H.L. and R.L. Cooper, 1996. Synaptic diversity and differentiation: Crustacean neuromuscular junctions. Invert. Neurosci., 1: 291-307.
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  159. Atwood, H.L. and R.L. Cooper, 1996. Assessing ultrastructure of crustacean and insect neuromuscular junctions. J. Neurosci. Methods, 69: 51-58.
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  160. Cooper, R.L., L. Marin and H.L. Atwood, 1995. Synaptic differentiation of a single motor neuron: Conjoint definition of transmitter release, presynaptic calcium signals and ultrastructure. J. Neurosci., 15: 4209-4222.
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  161. Cooper, R.L., D. Hampson and H.L. Atwood, 1995. Synaptotagmin-like expression in the motor nerve terminals of crayfish. Brain Res., 703: 214-216.
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  162. Cooper, R.L., B.A. Stewart, J.M. Wojtowicz, S. Wang and H.L. Atwood, 1995. Quantal measurement and analysis methods compared for crayfish and Drosophila neuromuscular junctions and rat hippocampus. J. Neurosci. Methods, 61: 67-78.
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  163. Atwood, H.L. and R.L. Cooper, 1995. Functional and structural parallels in crustacean and Drosophila neuromuscular systems. Am. Zool., 35: 556-565.
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  164. Hartman, H.B. and R.L. Cooper, 1994. Regeneration and molting effects on a proprioceptor organ in the Dungeness crab, Cancer magister. J. Neurobiol., 25: 461-471.
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  165. Cooper, R.L. and H.B. Hartman, 1994. Responses of the bender apodeme tension receptors in the Dungeness crab, Cancer magister. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A, 109: 479-486.
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  166. Atwood, H.L., R.L. Cooper and J.M. Wojtowicz, 1994. Non-Uniformity and Plasticity of Quantal Release at Crustacean Motor Nerve Terminals. In: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neurotransmitter Release, Stjarne, L., P. Greengard, S.E. Grillner, T.G.M. Hokfelt and D.R. Ottoson (Eds.). Raven Press, New York, pp: 363-382.
  167. Atwood, H.L., R.L. Cooper and J.M. Wojtowicz, 1994. Non Uniformity and Plasticity of Quantal Release at Crustacean Motor Nerve Terminals. In: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neurotransmitter Release, Stjarne, L., P. Greengard, S.E. Grillner, T.G.M. Hokfelt and D.R. Ottoson (Eds.). Raven Press, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 978-0781702201, pp: 363-382.
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  169. Cooper, R.L., F. Fernandez-de-Miguel, W.B. Adams and J.G. Nicholls, 1992. Anterograde and retrograde effects of synapse formation on calcium currents and neurite outgrowth in cultured leech neurons. Proc. Biol. Sci., 249: 217-222.
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  170. Cooper, R.L. and C.K. Govind, 1991. Axon composition of the proprioceptive PD nerve during growth and regeneration of lobster claws. J. Exp. Zool., 260: 181-193.
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  171. Cooper, R., J.J. McGrath, S. Dooley and M.T. Kopetzky, 1989. Chronic exposure to carbon monoxide at high altitude: Effects on mean electrical axis. Physiol. Behav., 46: 75-79.
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  172. Baek, H.K., R.L. Cooper and R.A. Holwerda, 1985. Stability of the Cu(II)-S bond in mercapto amino acid complexes of [2,2'2'' Tris(dimethylamino) triethylamine] copper(II) and [Tris (2-pyridylmethyl) amine] copper(II). Inorg. Chem., 24: 1077-1081.
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