Dr. Alaa Abdel-Moneam Ghazy Mohamed
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Dr. Alaa Abdel-Moneam Ghazy Mohamed

Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases, Veterinary Research Institute, National Research Centre, EL-Tahrir St., Dokki, Giza, Cairo, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Veterinary Infectious Diseases from Cairo University, Egypt

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Dr. Alaa Abdelmonem Ghazy is currently working as Professor of Veterinary Infectious Diseases at the National Research Center, Veterinary Research Division, Parasitology and Animal Diseases Department, Cairo, Egypt. He obtained his Master's degree in 1987 and PhD in 1997 in the field of Veterinary Infectious Diseases from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University. He was hired as Associate Professor in 2002 and then Professor in 2007 for Veterinary Infectious Diseases in Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases, Veterinary Research Division, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt. He is author of more than 50 scientific papers, a member of many Scientific Societies and a reviewer and editor of many international scientific journals. His research activities focus on the field of Veterinary Infectious Diseases including Parasitic, Bacterial, Viral and Mycotic Diseases in Farm Animals (Cattle, Buffaloes, Camel, Horses, Sheep and Goats). He has published many research articles on Toxoplasmosis, Fasciolosis, Trichinellosis, Trypanosomiasis, Brucellosis, Bovine Tuberculosis, IBR, BVD and Bovine and Equine Herpes Viruses dealing with their Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, Vaccination and Control. Moreover, he has many research articles on tick-borne diseases as Rickettsioses and Ehrlichiosis.

Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Animal Bacterial Diseases
Veterinary Medicine

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Zeedan, G.S.G., A.H. Mahmoud, A.M. Abdalhamed, A.A. Ghazy and K.A.A. EL-Razik, 2020. Rapid detection and differentiation between sheep pox and goat pox viruses by real-time qPCR and conventional PCR in sheep and goat in Egypt. jwpr., 10: 80-87.
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  2. Ghazy, A.A., K.A. Abdelrahma and E.B. Ata, 2020. Better understanding of important aspects associated with vaccines development for controlling viral diseases in animals. Int. J. Dairy Sci., 15: 114-122.
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  3. Ata, E.B., S.M. Nasr, A.M. Mohamed1, T.H. Abd El-Aziz and E.A. Fouad et al., 2020. Bacteriological, hematological and biochemical diagnostic studies on diarrheic Arabian horse foals caused by enterobacterial infections. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., 8: 412-421.
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  4. Ata, E.B., A.A. Ghazy and R.M. Shaapan, 2020. Equine herpesvirus-1 infection, clinical features, treatment and control. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., 8: 668-679.
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  5. Mahmoud, M.A.E., A.A. Ghazy and R.M. Shaapan, 2019. Diagnosis and control of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in dairy small ruminants; sheep and goats. Int. J. Dairy Sci., 14: 45-52.
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  6. Abdullah, H.H.A.M., A. El-Molla, F.A. Salib, A.A. Ghazy, N.A.T. Allam, Y.M. Sanad and S. Abdel-Shafy, 2019. Molecular diagnosis of rickettsiae infecting camels and ixodid ticks in Egypt. Bacterial Empire, 2: 10-18.
  7. Abdel-Shafy, S., A.A. Ghazy and R.M. Shaapan, 2019. Applications of electron microscopy in ticks: Description, detection of pathogens and control. Comp. Clin. Pathol., 28: 585-592.
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  8. Gamil, S.G., A.M. Abdalhameed, A.A. Ghazy and N.H. Ghoneim, 2018. Serological and molecular identification of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus isolation and adaptation in embryonated chicken eggs. J. Antivirals Antiretrovirals, 10: 12-17.
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  9. Ata, E.B., A. Zaghawa, A.A. Ghazy, A. Elsify and R.M. Shaapan, 2018. Equine herpes virus type-1 infection: Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, identification and recent diagnosis. Asian J. Epidemiol., 11: 34-45.
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  10. Ata, E.B., A. Zaghawa, A.A. Ghazy, A. Elseify, K. Abdelrahman, S. Kasem and M. Nayel, 2018. Development and characterization of ORF68 negative equine herpes virus type-1, Ab4p strain. J. Virol. Methods, 261: 121-131.
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  11. Ata, E.B., A. Salama, A. Zaghawa, A.A. Ghazy and A. Elsify et al., 2018. Seroprevalence of equine herpes virus-1 in endemic area of Egypt with risk factors. Bulg. J. Vet. Med. 10.15547/bjvm.2168.
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  12. Abdel-Shafy, S., H.H.A.M. Abdullah, A. El-Molla, F.A. Salib and A.A. Ghazy, 2018. Epidemiology and diagnosis of rickettsioses in animal hosts and tick vectors. Bulgar. J. Vet. Med. 10.15547/bjvm.2137.
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  13. Ghazy, A.A., S. Abdel-Shafy and R.M. Shaapan, 2016. Cryptosporidiosis in animals and man: 3. Prevention and control. Asian J. Epidemiol., 9: 1-9.
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  14. Abdullah, H.H.A.M., A. El-Molla, F.A. Salib, N.A.T. Allam, A.A. Ghazy and S. Abdel-Shafy, 2016. Morphological and molecular identification of the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus and the camel tick Hyalomma dromedarii (Acari: Ixodidae) vectors of Rickettsioses in Egypt. Vet. World, 9: 1087-1101.
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  15. Ghazy, A.A., S. Abdel-Shafy and R.M. Shaapan, 2015. Cryptosporidiosis in animals and man: 2. Diagnosis. Asian J. Epidemiol., 8: 84-103.
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  16. Ghazy, A.A., S. Abdel-Shafy and R.M. Shaapan, 2015. Cryptosporidiosis in animals and man: 1. taxonomic classification, life cycle, epidemiology and zoonotic importance. Asian J. Epidemiol., 8: 48-63.
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  17. Abdel-Shafy, S., A.H. El Namaky, H.A.A. Zeina and A.A. Ghazy, 2015. Description of immature stages of the brown dog Tick Rhipicephalus Sanguineus (acari: ixodidae) using scanning electron microscopy. Int. J. Vet. Sci. Res., 1: 12-30.
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  18. Hassan, S.E., A.A. Ghazy and E.H. Abdel Rahmanm, 2014. Value of serum and milk ELISAs in diagnosis of fasciolosis in lactating buffaloes using Fasciola gigantic partially purified somatic antigen. Global Veterinaria, 13: 365-372.
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  19. Ghoneim, N.H., G.S.G. Zeedan, A.A. Ghazy and A.M. Abdelhamed, 2014. Molecular and serological detection of the most common Brucella species infecting bovine and human in Egypt. Int. J. Adv. Res., 2: 217-226.
  20. Fayed, A.A.A., M.M. Abdel-Halim, N.S. Degheidy, M.K. EL-Bayoumy and A.A.M. Ghazy, 2013. Detection of bovine herpesvirus 1 and bovine viral diarrhea virus specific antibodies in individual, bulk tank milk and serum samples of vaccinated cattle in different provinces of Egypt. Int. J. Vet. Med. Res. Rep., Vol. 2013. 10.5171/2013.516614.
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  21. Mosaad, A.A., A.S. Abdel-Hamed, S.I. Fathalla, A.A. Ghazy and S. Elballal et al., 2012. Sensitive and specific diagnostic assay for detection of tuberculosis in cattle. Global Vet., 8: 555-564.
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  22. Hassan, S.E., R.M. Shaapan, A.A. Ghazy and E.H. Abdel-Rahman, 2012. Evaluation of purified horse derived antigen in the diagnosis of human toxoplasmosis. Global Vet., 9: 630-634.
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  23. Hassan, S.E., A.A. Ghazy and E.H. Abdel-Rahman, 2010. Isolation and characterization of immunodiagnostic antigen from Strongylus vulgaris infecting horse. World Appl. Sci. J., 8: 235-240.
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  24. Hassanain, N.A., M.A. Hassanain, Y.A. Soliman, A.A. Ghazy and Y.A. Ghazi, 2009. Bovine tuberculosis in a dairy cattle farm as a threat to public health. Afr. J. Microbiol. Res., 3: 446-450.
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  25. Ghazi, Y.A., A.A. Farghaly, Gh.M. Karima and A.A. Ghazy, 2008. Preliminarily studies on chromosomal abnormalities and sister chromatid exchanges associated with trypanosomosis in relation to male camel fertility. Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 3: 254-262.
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  26. Degheidy, N.S., W.S. Awad, H.A. Shalaby, A.A. Ghazy and A.F. Abdel-Hamid, 2008. Evaluation of some Fasciola gigantica antigens as vaccines against fasciolosis in goats. Global Vet., 2: 169-174.
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  27. Shaapan, R.M. and A.A. Ghazy, 2007. Isolation of Toxoplasma gondii from horse meat in Egypt. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 174-177.
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  28. Hassan, S.E., E.H. Abdel-Rahman and A.A. Ghazy, 2007. Trichinella spiralis larval antigen for diagnosis in horses. Online J. Vet. Res., 11: 5-13.
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  29. Ghazy, A.A., Y.A. Ghazi, K.G.M. Mahmoud and A.A. Farghaly, 2007. Preliminary study on chromosomal aberrations related to brucellosis in buffaloes and bovine tuberculosis in dairy cattle. Int. J. Dairy Sci., 2: 302-311.
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  30. Ghazy, A.A., W.M. Ahmed, M.A. Mahmoud and L.A. Ahmed, 2007. Prevalence of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and bovine viral diarrhoea viruses in female buffaloes with reproductive disorders and parasitic infections. Int. J. Dairy Sci., 2: 339-347.
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  31. Ghazy, A.A., R.M. Shaapan and E.H. Abdel-Rahman, 2007. Comparative serological diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in horses using locally isolated Toxoplasma gondii. Vet. Parasitol., 145: 31-36.
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  32. Ghazy, A.A., E.H. Abdel-Rahman and M.M. Abd El-Aziz, 2007. Evaluation of ES-F5 serum and milk ELISAs for diagnosis of Fasciola gigantica infection in lactating buffaloes. Online J. Vet. Res., 11: 1-11.
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  33. Ghazi, Y.A., A.A. Ghazy, H.M. Desouky and M.M. Effat, 2006. Diagnostic studies on ovine abortion and reproductive disorders with special regards to infectious agents. Egypt. J. Compa. Pathol. Clin. Pathol., 19: 27-51.
  34. Ghazy, A.A., Y.A. Ghazi and M.M. Effat, 2005. Studies on infectious abortion in dairy cattle in Egypt. J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Associ., 65: 147-166.
  35. Abdel-Rahman, E.H., A.A. Ghazy and R.M. Shaapan, 2005. Prevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in farm horses in Egypt. J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Associ., 65: 99-112.
  36. Abdel-Rahman, E.H. and A.A. Ghazy, 2005. Comparative study of the diagnosis of fascioliasis in cattle and buffaloes by antibody and antigen detection. Assiut Vet. Med. J., 51: 124-140.
  37. Nabila, S.A.A., S. Degheidy and A.A. Ghazy, 2004. Therapeutic studies on the efficacy of anthelmintics in treatment of Strongyle and Ascarid infected foals. J. Appl. Vet. Sci. NRC., 1: 139-160.
  38. Ghazy, A.A., F.A.M. Khalil and H. Soufy, 2004. Studies on equine cryptosporidiosis among farm horses in Egypt. J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Assoc., 64: 201-214.
  39. Zaabal, M.M., A.A. Ghazy, Y.A. Ghazi and M.F. Abdella, 2002. Studies on cattle brucellosis with special reference on the gene responsible for disease resistance. Zagazig Vet. J., 30: 141-152.
  40. Ghazi, Y.A., M.M. El-Loly, A.S.M. Fouzy and A.A. Ghazy, 2002. Influence of clinical cows mastitis on milk protein fractions, certain blood constituents and bacterial isolates. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 27: 6009-6019.
  41. Ghazy, A.A., N.S. Ata, M.M. Effat and E.M. El-Baroudy, 2001. Clinical aspects of some Gram positive bacterial infections in horse farms. Egypt. J. Compa. Pathol. Clin. Pathol., 14: 36-56.
  42. Ghazi, Y.A., M.M. Zaabal and A.A. Ghazy, 2001. Studies on camel brucellosis with preliminary report on some immunogenetic markers. Assiut Vet. Med. J., 45: 144-161.
  43. El-Aziz, M.M., A.A. Ghazy and M.M. Effat, 2001. Immunodiagnosis of bovine fasciolosis using Fasciola hepatica excretory-secretory antigens ELISA. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., 31: 327-334.
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  44. Effat, M.M., N.S. Ata and A.A. Ghazy, 2001. Some studies on persistent diarrhoea in foals associated with enterobacterial infections. J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Assoc., 61: 7-20.
  45. Ata, N.S., A.A. Ghazy, Z.A. Soliman and E.M. El-Baroudy, 2001. Characterization of E. coli associated with diarrhoea in foals. J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Assoc., 61: 183-194.
  46. Abou-Zeina, H.A.A., A.A. Ghazy and M.S. Mahmoud, 2001. Minerals profile, biochemical and hematological studies associated with some parasitic affections in farm horses. Vet. Med. J., 49: 291-309.
  47. Hassan, H.M., A.A. El-Aal, A.A. Ghazy and F.I. Malaka, 2000. Seroprevalence of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in sheep and goat in Egypt. J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Assoc., 60: 19-24.
  48. Ghazy, A.A., Y.A. Ghazi and M.M. Effat, 2000. Some studies on brucellosis among Arabian and Thoroughbred horses in Egypt. J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Assoc., 60: 45-65.
  49. Derbala, A.A. and A.A. Ghazy, 1998. Some pathological and immunological studies on Strongylus vulgaris and Trichonema spp. (Cyathostomes) natural infections in horses. J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Assoc., 58: 679-705.
  50. Degheidy, N.S., M.M. Amin and A.A Ghazy, 1990. Effect of fascioliasis on liver function before and after treatment in sheep. Egypt. J. Compa. Pathol. Clin. Pathol., 3: 65-76.
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  51. Amin, M.M., N.S. Degheidy and A.A. Ghazy, 1990. The effect of fascioliasis on the minerals and trace elements before and after treatment. Egypt. J. Compa. Pathol. Clin. Pathol., 3: 77-87.
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