Dr. Magdi Sadek Mostafa Mahmoud
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Dr. Magdi Sadek Mostafa Mahmoud

Distinguished Professor
Department of Systems Engineering (SE), King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in System Design Engineering from Cairo University, Egypt

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Dr. Magdi Sadek Mostafa Mahmoud is currently working as Professor at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia. He has completed his Ph.D. in System Engineering from Cairo University, Egypt. He was on the faculty at different universities worldwide including Egypt (CU, AUC), Kuwait (KU), UAE (UAEU), UK (UMIST), USA (Pitt, Case Western), Singapore (Nanyang) and Australia (Adelaide). He lectured in Venezuela (Caracas), Germany (Hanover), UK ((Kent), USA (UoSA), Canada (Montreal) and China (BIT, Yanshan). He is the principal author of fifty-one (51) books, inclusive book-chapters His main area of interest focuses on Physical Science Engineering, and Computer Sciences. His area of expertise includes Systems Engineering, Robust Control, Large-Scale Systems, Networked Control Systems, Time-Delay Systems, Cloud Computing, Switched Systems, and Triggering Mechanisms. He has 497 publications in journals contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Physical Science Engineering
Systems Engineering
Large-Scale Systems
Robust Control
Cloud Computing

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Mahmoud, M.S., Y. Xia and S. Zhang, 2019. Robust packet-based nonlinear fuzzy networked control systems. J. Franklin Inst., 356: 1502-1521.
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  2. Mahmoud, M.S., M.M. Hamdan and U.A. Baroudi, 2019. Modeling and control of cyber-physical systems subject to cyber attacks: A survey of recent advances and challenges. Neurocomputing, 338: 101-115.
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  3. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.O. Oyedeji, 2019. Adaptive and predictive control strategies for wind turbine systems: A survey. IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sin., 6: 364-378.
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  4. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.M. Hamdan, 2019. Improved control of cyber-physical systems subject to cyber and physical attacks. Cyber-Phys. Syst., 5: 173-190.
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  5. Alyazidi, N.M. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2019. On LQG control design for network systems with/without acknowledgments using a particle filtering technology. Applied Math. Comput., 359: 52-70.
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  6. Alyazidi, N.M. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2019. Distributed H2/H∞ filter design for discrete-time switched systems. IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sin., (In Press). 10.1109/JAS.2019.1911630.
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  7. Qiao, B., X. Su, R. Jia, Y. Shi and M.S. Mahmoud, 2018. Event-triggered fault detection filtering for discrete-time Markovian jump systems. Signal Process., 152: 384-391.
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  8. Oyedeji, M.O. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2018. Couple-group consensus conditions for general first-order multiagent systems with communication delays. Syst. Control Lett., 117: 37-44.
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  9. Mahmoud, M.S., 2018. Robust fuzzy stabilization of hybrid discrete delay T-S systems. J. Franklin Inst., 355: 625-652.
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  10. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.S.U. Rahman, 2018. Networked control approach for distributed generation systems. IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sin., 5: 836-851.
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  11. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.O. Oyedeji, 2018. Continuous-time multi-model predictive control of variable-speed variable-pitch wind turbines. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 49: 2442-2453.
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  12. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.M. Hamdan, 2018. Fundamental issues in networked control systems. IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sin., 5: 902-922.
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  13. Mahmoud, M.S. and G.D. Khan, 2018. LMI consensus condition for discrete-time multi-agent systems. IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sin., 5: 509-513.
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  14. Mahmoud, M.S. and B.J. Karaki, 2018. Improved stability analysis and control design of reset systems. IET Control Theory Applic., 12: 2328-2336.
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  15. Kchaou, M. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2018. Robust (Q, S, R)-γ-dissipative sliding mode control for uncertain discrete-time descriptor systems with time-varying delay. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 35: 735-756.
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  16. Alyazidi, N.M., M.S. Mahmoud and M.I. Abouheaf, 2018. Adaptive critics based cooperative control scheme for islanded microgrids. Neurocomputing, 272: 532-541.
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  17. Alyazidi, N.M. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2018. 𝕃1 adaptive networked controller for islanded distributed generation systems in a microgrid. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 49: 2507-2524.
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  18. Mahmoud, M.S., N.M. Alyazidi and M.I. Abouheaf, 2017. Adaptive intelligent techniques for microgrid control systems: A survey. Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst., 90: 292-305.
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  19. Mahmoud, M.S., 2017. Recent progress in stability and stabilization of systems with time-delays. Math. Probl. Eng., Vol. 2017. 10.1155/2017/7354654.
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  20. Mahmoud, M.S., 2017. Fuzzy networked control systems with communication constraints. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 34: 543-564.
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  21. Mahmoud, M.S., 2017. Decentralised quantised fuzzy control for large-scale TS discrete delay systems. Int. J. Fuzzy Comput. Modell., 2: 116-148.
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  22. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2017. The interaction between control and computing theories: New approaches. Int. J. Autom. Comput., 14: 254-274.
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  23. Mahmoud, M.S. and N.M. Alyazidi, 2017. Quantized H∞ estimator over communication networks for distributed generation units. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern.: Syst., (In Press). 10.1109/TSMC.2017.2734167.
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  24. Mahmoud, M.S. and N.M. Alyazidi, 2017. Dynamic feedback triggering fuzzy control for Takagi-Sugeno discrete systems. J. Franklin Inst., 354: 2295-2309.
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  25. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.T. Nasir, 2017. Robust control design of wheeled inverted pendulum assistant robot. IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sin., 4: 628-638.
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  26. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.M. Memon, 2017. Asynchronous sampled-data approach for event-triggered systems. Int. J. Control, 90: 2508-2516.
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  27. Magdi, S.M., 2017. Robust control strategy of human assistant robot. Robot. Autom. Eng. J., Vol. 1, No. 3. 10.19080/RAEJ.2017.01.555561.
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  28. Abouheaf, M.I. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2017. Policy iteration and coupled riccati solutions for dynamic graphical games. Int. J. Digital Signals Smart Syst., 1: 143-162.
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  29. Memon, A.M. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2016. Two-level design for aperiodic networked control systems. Signal Process., 120: 43-55.
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  30. Memon, A.M. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2016. Evaluation of novel self-triggering method for optimisation of communication and control. IET Control Theory Applic., 10: 76-83.
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  31. Mahmoud, M.S., M.S.U. Rahman and F.M. Al-Sunni, 2016. Networked control of microgrid system of systems. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 47: 2607-2619.
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  32. Mahmoud, M.S., M. Sabih and M. Elshafei, 2016. Event-triggered output feedback control for distributed networked systems. ISA Trans., 60: 294-302.
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  33. Mahmoud, M.S., 2016. Output feedback overlapping control design of interconnected systems with input saturation. Numer. Algebra Control Optimiz., 6: 127-151.
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  34. Mahmoud, M.S., 2016. Networked control systems analysis and design: An overview. Arabian J. Sci. Eng., 41: 711-758.
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  35. Mahmoud, M.S., 2016. Distributed estimation based on information-based covariance intersection algorithms. Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process., 30: 750-778.
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  36. Mahmoud, M.S., 2016. A generalized approach to stabilization of interconnected fuzzy systems. Int. J. Fuzzy Syst., 18: 773-783.
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  37. Mahmoud, M.S., 2016. A comparison of control design methods for philips glass furnace using experimental data. Int. J. Adv. Comput. Sci. Applic., 6: 49-53.
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  38. Mahmoud, M.S. and N.B. Almutairi, 2016. Feedback fuzzy control for quantized networked systems with random delays. Applied Math. Comput., 290: 80-97.
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  39. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.S.U. Rahman, 2016. Event triggered of microgrid control with communication and control optimization. J. Franklin Inst., 353: 4114-4132.
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  40. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.O. Oyedeji, 2016. Optimal control of wind turbines under islanded operation. Intell. Control Autom., 8: 1-14.
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  41. Y. Liu, W. Ma, M.S. Mahmoud and S.M. Lee, 2015. Improved delay-dependent exponential stability criteria for neutral-delay systems with nonlinear uncertainties. Appl. Math. Model., 39: 341-357.
  42. Xiang, Z., S. Liu and M.S. Mahmoud and R. Hoo, 2015. Reliable control for uncertain switched neutral systems with distributed delays. IMA J. Math. Control Inf., 32: 1-19.
  43. Xiang, W., J. Xiao and M.S. Mahmoud, 2015. Hoo filtering for switched discrete time systems under asynchronous switching: a dwell-time dependent lyapunov functional method. Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process., 29: 971-990.
  44. Mahmoud, M.S., M.S.U. Rahman and M.S. Fouad, 2015. Review of microgrid architectures-a system of systems perspective. IET Renew. Power Gener., 9: 1064-1078.
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  45. Mahmoud, M.S., M. Saif-Ur-Rahman and F.M. AL-Sunni, 2015. Networked control of microgrid system of systems. Int. J. Syst. Sci., .
  46. Mahmoud, M.S., M. Saif-Ur-Rahman and F.M AL-Sunni, 2015. A review of microgrid architectures- a system of systems perspective. IET Renewable Power Gener., .
  47. Mahmoud, M.S., M. Sabih and M. Elshafei, 2015. Using OPC technology to support the study of advanced process control. ISA trans., 55: 155-167.
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  48. Mahmoud, M.S., F. Al-Sunni and B. Liu, 2015. Remote optimal state estimation over communication channels with random delays. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 32: 387-404.
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  49. Mahmoud, M.S. and S.A. Hussain, 2015. Adaptive PI secondary control for smart autonomous microgrid systems. Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process., 29: 1442-1458.
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  50. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.H. Baig, 2015. Networked feedback control for systems with quantization and non-stationary random delays. IMA J. Math. Control Inf., 32: 119-140.
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  51. Mahmoud, M.S. and G.D. Khan, 2015. Leader-following discrete consensus control of multi-agent systems with fixed and switching topologies. J. Franklin Inst., 352: 2504-2525.
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  52. Mahmoud, M.S. and G.D. Khan, 2015. Dynamic output feedback of networked control systems with partially known Markov chain packet dropouts. Optimal Control Appl. Methods, 36: 29-44.
  53. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.M. Memon, 2015. Aperiodic triggering mechanisms for networked control systems. Inf. Sci., 296: 282-306.
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  54. Mahmoud M.S. and S.A. Hussain, 2015. Adaptive PI secondary control for smart autonomous microgrid systems. Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process., .
  55. Mahmoud M.S. and F.M. AL-Sunni, 2015. Control and Optimization of Distributed Generation Systems, Expanding Issues in Desalination Springer-Verlag, UK, Pages: 578..
  56. Khalid, H.M., C. Peng and M.S. Mahmoud, 2015. An enhanced distributed estimation based on prior information. IET Signal Process., 9: 62-78.
  57. Abouheaf, M.I., M.S. Mahmoud and S.A. Hussain, 2015. A novel approach to control of autonomous microgrid systems. Int. J. Energy Eng., 5: 125-136.
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  58. Abouheaf, M., F.L. Lewis, S. Magdi, S. Mahmoud and D.G. Mikulski, 2015. Discrete-time dynamic graphical games: model-free reinforcement learning solution. J. Control Theory Technol., 13: 333-347.
  59. Mahmoud, M.S., S.A. Hussain and M.A. Abido, 2014. Modeling and control of microgrid: an overview. J. Franklin Inst., 351: 2822-2859.
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  60. Mahmoud, M.S., N.M. Al-Yazidi and A.A. Saif, 2014. Dynamic feedback control over unreliable communication channels. IMA J. Math. Control Inf., 31: 195-216.
  61. Mahmoud, M.S., M. Sabih and U. Baroudi, 2014. Robust hoo triggered control of linear systems. Asian J. Comput. Inf. Syst., 2: 102-111.
  62. Mahmoud, M.S., A.M. Memon and P. Shi, 2014. Observer-based fault-tolerant control for a class of nonlinear networked control systems. Int. J. Control, 87: 1707-1715.
  63. Mahmoud, M.S., 2014. Control and Estimation Methods over Communication Networks, Springer-Verlag, UK, Pages: 521..
  64. Mahmoud, M.S. and Z. Xiang, 2014. Quantized H∞ filter design of interconnected continuous-time delay systems. Optimal Control Appl. Methods, 35: 41-60.
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  65. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2014. Networked Filtering and Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks, CRC Press, New York, Pages: 464..
  66. Mahmoud, M.S. and S.A. Hussain, 2014. Output feedback event-based stabilisation over networks with varying transmission delays. Int. J. Syst. Control Commun., 6: 97-120.
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  67. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.M.H. Hamid, 2014. Distributed estimation for adaptive sensor selection in wireless sensor networks. Int. J. Gen. Syst., 43: 267-281.
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  68. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.H. Baig, 2014. Networked feedback control for nonlinear systems with random varying delays. J. Franklin Inst., 351: 3145-3162.
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  69. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Sabih, 2014. Networked event-triggered control: an introduction and research trends. Int. J. Gen. Syst., 43: 810-827.
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  70. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Sabih, 2014. Experimental investigations for distributed networked control systems. Syst. J. IEEE, 8: 717-725.
  71. Mahmoud, M.S. and H.M. Khalid, 2014. Model prediction-based approach to fault-tolerant control with applications. IMA J. Math. Control Inf., 31: 217-244.
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  72. Mahmoud, M.S. and H.M. Khalid, 2014. Data-driven fault detection filter design for time-delay systems. Int. J. Autom. Control, 8: 1-16.
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  73. Mahmoud, M.S. and G.D. Khan, 2014. Dissipativity analysis for discrete stochastic neural networks with markovian delays and partially known transition matrix. Appl. Math. Comput., 228: 292-310.
  74. Mahmoud M.S. and O. Al-Buraiki, 2014. Robust control design of autonomous bicycle kinematics. Int. J. Numer. Algebra Control Optim., 4: 1-11.
  75. Mahmoud M.S. and M.H. Baig, 2014. System identification and control design of vapor compression cycle systems. J. Dyn. Syst. Meas. Control, .
  76. Mahmoud M.S. and G.D. Khan, 2014. Robust mixed H2/Hoo control of networked control systems with random delays and partially known transition matrix. J. Franklin Inst., 351: 5548-5564.
  77. Xiang, Z., C. Liang and M.S. Mahmoud, 2013. Robust H1 filtering for discrete-time switched time-delay systems with missing measurements and asynchronous switching. Trans. Inst. Meas. Control, 35: 200-211.
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  78. Mahmoud, M.S., Y. Xia and F.M. Al-Sunni, 2013. Resilient decentralized filtering of interconnected discrete-time systems. J. Franklin Inst., 350: 1139-1154.
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  79. Mahmoud, M.S., F.A. Al-Nasser and F.M. AL-Sunni, 2013. Signalized traffic intersections control with uncertainties over lossy networks. Int. J. Comput. Inf. Syst. Ind. Manage., 6: 196-205.
  80. Mahmoud, M.S., F.A. Al-Nasser and F.M. AL-Sunni, 2013. Networked-based strategies for signalized traffic intersections. Int. J. Syst. Control Commun., 5: 15-48.
  81. Mahmoud, M.S., 2013. Stabilization of interconnected discrete systems with quantization and overflow nonlinearities. Circuits Syst. Signal Process., 32: 905-917.
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  82. Mahmoud, M.S., 2013. Estimator design for networked control systems with nonstationary packet dropouts. IMA J. Math. Control Inf., 30: 395-405.
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  83. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2013. Multi-controller approach to uncertain discrete-time-delay systems. Int. J. Syst. Control Commun., 5: 328-346.
  84. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2013. Analysis and Synthesis of Fault Tolerant Systems, John Wiley, UK, Pages: 154..
  85. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.M. Hussain, 2013. Decentralized H∞ controller design for a multi-zone space heating system. J. Franklin Inst., 350: 3064-3081.
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  86. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Sabih, 2013. An assessment of distributed state estimation. Int. J. Syst. Control Commun., 5: 93-107.
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  87. Mahmoud, M.S. and H.M. Khalid, 2013. Expectation maximization approach to data-based fault diagnostics. Inf. Sci., 235: 80-96.
  88. Mahmoud, M.S. and H.M. Khalid, 2013. Distributed kalman filtering: a bibliographic review. Control Theory Appl., 7: 483-501.
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  89. Mahmoud, M.S. and F.M. AL-Sunni, 2013. Robust estimation of interconnected systems subject to sensor nonlinearities. Optimal Control Appl. Methods, 34: 656-669.
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  90. Mahmoud, M.S. and B. Liu, 2013. Optimal state estimation over communication channels with random delays. J. Franklin Inst., 350: 598-616.
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  91. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.W.A. Saif, 2013. Dissipativity analysis and design for uncertain markovian jump systems with time-varying delays. Appl. Math. Comput., 219: 9681-9695.
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  92. Mahmoud M.S. and H.M. Khalid, 2013. Closed-loop Identification of Uncertain Systems. In: Signal Processing- New Research. Naik G., (Ed.). Nova Science Publishers, New York., pp:515-528.
  93. Ghommam, J., M.S. Mahmoud and M. Saad, 2013. Robust cooperative control for a group of mobile robots with quantized information exchange. J. Franklin Inst., 350: 2291-2321.
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  94. Dai, L., Y. Xia, M. Fu and M.S. Mahmoud, 2013. Discrete-Time Model Predictive Control. In: Advances in Discrete-Time Systems. Mahmoud, M.S., (Ed.). InTech Open Access Publishers, USA., pp: 865-876.
  95. Chen, G., Z. Xiang and M.S. Mahmoud, 2013. Stability and H∞ performance analysis of switched stochastic neutral systems. Circuits Syst. Signal Process., 32: 387-400.
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  96. Alrifai, M.T., M. Zribi, M. Rayan and M.S. Mahmoud, 2013. On the control of time delay power systems. Int. J. Innovat. Comput. Inf. Control, 9: 769-792.
  97. Xiang, Z., Y.N. Sun and M.S. Mahmoud, 2012. Robust finite-time H∞ control for a class of uncertain switched neutral systems. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 17: 1766-1778.
  98. Xiang, Z., C. Qiao and M.S Mahmoud, 2012. Robust L2-Loo filtering for switched time-delay systems with missing measurements. J. Circuits, Syst. Signal Process., 31: 1677-1697.
  99. Xiang, Z., C. Qiao and M.S Mahmoud, 2012. Robust Hoo filtering for switched stochastic systems under asynchronous switching. J. Franklin Inst., 349: 915-927.
  100. Xiang, Z., C. Qiao and M.S Mahmoud, 2012. Finite-time analysis and robust control for switched stochastic systems. J. Franklin Inst., 349: 1213-1230.
  101. Xia, Y., L. Li, M.S. Mahmoud and H. Yang, 2012. H∞ filtering for nonlinear singular markovian jumping systems with interval time-varying delays. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 43: 272-284.
  102. Mahmoud, M.S., S.Z. Selim, P. Shi and M.H. Baig, 2012. New results on networked control systems with non-stationary packet dropouts. IET Control Theory Appl., 6: 2442-2452.
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  103. Mahmoud, M.S., K. Masood and A. Qureshi, 2012. Improved digital controller design for robinson nuclear plant. IET control theory appl., 6: 1229-1237.
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  104. Mahmoud, M.S., A.K. Jaradat and A.W. Saif, 2012. Gain scheduled filtering design for parameter varying system. Int. J. Syst. Dyn. Appl., 1: 80-95.
  105. Mahmoud, M.S., 2012. Reliable decentralized control of interconnected discrete delay systems. Autom., 48: 986-990.
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  106. Mahmoud, M.S., 2012. Output-feedback quantised control of decentralised systems. IET Control Theory Appl., 6: 2031-2040.
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  107. Mahmoud, M.S., 2012. Interconnected jumping time-delay systems: mode-dependent decentralized stability and stabilization. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, 22: 808-826.
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  108. Mahmoud, M.S., 2012. Improved networked-control systems approach with communication constraint. IMA J. Math. Control Inf., 29: 215-233.
  109. Mahmoud, M.S., 2012. Hoo control of uncertain fuzzy networked control systems with state quantization. J. Intell. Control Autom., 3: 59-70.
  110. Mahmoud, M.S., 2012. Hoo control of uncertain fuzzy networked control systems with state quantization. Int. J. Intell. Control Autom., 3: 59-70.
  111. Mahmoud, M.S., 2012. Extended state estimator design method for neutral-type neural networks with time-varying delays. Int. J. Syst. Control Commun., 4: 1-19.
  112. Mahmoud, M.S., 2012. Distributed Control and Filtering for Industrial Systems, IET Press, UK, Pages: 465..
  113. Mahmoud, M.S., 2012. Decentralized state-estimation of interconnected systems with unknown nonlinearities. J. Optim. Theory Appl., 152: 786-798.
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  114. Mahmoud, M.S., 2012. Decentralized sliding-mode output-feedback control of interconnected discrete-delay systems. Autom., 48: 808-814.
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  115. Mahmoud, M.S., 2012. Control of linear discrete-time systems by quantized feedback. IET Control Theory Appl., 6: 2095-2102.
  116. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2012. Applied Control Systems Design: State-Space Methods, Springer-Verlag, UK, Pages: 560..
  117. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2012. A regular Hoo filter for uncertain discrete time singular systems with time-varying delays. IMA J. Math. Control Inf., 29: 309-328.
  118. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2012. A generalized approach to stabilization of linear interconnected time-delay systems. Asian J. Control, 14: 1539-1552.
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  119. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.F. Emzir, 2012. Unknown-input estimator-based controller design of electric power-assisted steering system. IET Control Theory Appl., 6: 2485-2492.
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  120. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.F. Emzir, 2012. State estimation with asynchronous multi-rate multi-smart sensors. Inf. Sci., 196: 15-27.
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  121. Mahmoud, M.S. and F.M. Al-Sunni, 2012. Global stability results of discrete recurrent neural networks with interval delays. IMA J. Math. Control Inf., 29: 199-213.
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  122. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.W. Saif, 2012. Robust quantized approach to fuzzy networked control systems. IEEE J. Emerging Sel. Top. Circuits Syst., 2: 71-81.
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  123. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.U.D. Qureshi, 2012. Model identification and analysis of small-power wind turbines. Int. J. Modell. Ident. Control, 17: 19-31.
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  124. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.B. Koesdwiady, 2012. Improved digital tracking controller design for pilot-scale unmanned helicopter. J. Franklin Inst., 349: 42-58.
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  125. Mahmoud, M. S. and M.H. Hamid, 2012. Distributed power control for code division multiple access systems. Int. J. Sens. Wireless Commun. Control, 2: 81-89.
  126. Mahmoud M.S. and S.A. Hussain, 2012. Improved resilient feedback stabilization methods for uncertain systems. IET Control Theory Appl., 6: 1654-1660.
  127. Mahmoud M.S. and P. Shi, 2012. Asynchronous Hoo filtering of discrete-time switched systems. J. Signal Process., 92: 2356-2364.
  128. Mahmoud M.S. and M.M.H. Hamid, 2012. Self-tuning control for MIMO network systems. Int. J. Signal Inf. Process., 3: 154-160.
  129. Mahmoud M.S. and M.M. Hussain, 2012. Design of linear systems with aturating actuators: a survey. Int. J. Numer. Algebra Control Optim., 2: 413-435.
  130. Mahmoud M.S. and H.M. Soliman, 2012. Design of robust power system stabilizer based on particle swarm optimization. J. Circuits Syst., 3: 82-89.
  131. Mahmoud M.S. and F.M. AL-Sunni, 2012. Stability of discrete recurrent neural networks with interval delays: global results. Int. J. Syst. Dyn. Appl., 1: 1-14.
  132. Lu, K., M.S. Mahmoud and J. Qiu, 2012. Improved approach for robust passive stability of discrete-time markovian jump linear systems via mode dependent time-delayed controllers. Optimal Control Appl. Methods, 33: 143-156.
  133. Liu, Y., W. Ma and M.S. Mahmoud, 2012. New results for global exponential stability of neural networks with varying delays. Neurocomputing, 97: 357-363.
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  134. Liu, B., Y. Xia, M.S. Mahmoud, H. Wu and S. Cui, 2012. New predictive control scheme for networked control systems. Circ. Syst. Signal Process., 31: 945-960.
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  135. Zhang, J., Y. Xia, P. Shi and M.S. Mahmoud, 2011. New results on stability and stabilisation of systems with interval time-varying delay. IET control theory appl., 5: 429-436.
  136. Soliman, H.M., A. Dabroum, M.S. Mahmoud and M. Soliman, 2011. Guaranteed-cost reliable control with regional pole placement of a power system. J. Franklin Inst., 348: 884-898.
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  137. Qiu, J., K. Lu, M.S. Mahmoud, N. Yao and X. Du, 2011. Robust passive control for uncertain nonlinear neutral markovian jump systems with mode-dependent time delays. ICIC Express Lett., 5: 119-125.
  138. Mahmoud, M.S., F.M. Al-Sunni and Y. Xia, 2011. Interconnected switched discrete-time systems: robust stability and stabilization. IMA J. Math. Control Inf., 28: 41-73.
  139. Mahmoud, M.S., A.Y. Al-Rayyah and Y. Xia, 2011. Quantized feedback stabilization of interconnected discrete-delay systems. IET Control Theory Appl., 5: 795-802.
  140. Mahmoud, M.S., 2011. Robust control of blood gases during extracorporeal circulation. Control Theory Appl., 5: 1577-1585.
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  141. Mahmoud, M.S., 2011. New filter design for linear time-delay systems. Linear Algebra Appl., 434: 1080-1093.
  142. Mahmoud, M.S., 2011. Design of control strategies for robust dynamic routing in traffic networks. IET control theory appl., 5: 1716-1728.
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  143. Mahmoud, M.S., 2011. Delay-dependent dissipativity analysis and synthesis of switched delay systems. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, 21: 1-20.
  144. Mahmoud, M.S., 2011. Decentralized Systems with Design Constraints, Springer-Verlag, UK, Pages: 468..
  145. Mahmoud, M.S., 2011. Coordinated Control Methods of Waste Water Treatment Process. In: Electrical Engineering and Applied Computing. Ao S.I. and L. Gellman, (Ed.). Springer-Verlag, New York., pp:515-528.
  146. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2011. Switched state feedback for uncertain continuous-time systems with interval delays. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, 21: 1046-1056.
  147. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2011. Improved exponential stability analysis for delayed recurrent neural networks. J. Franklin Inst., 348: 201-211.
  148. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2011. A generalized H2 filtering of uncertain discrete-time singular systems with time-varying delays. J. Control Syst. Signal Process., 30: 107-123.
  149. Mahmoud, M.S. and P. Shi, 2011. Persistent bounded disturbance rejection for discrete-time delay systems. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 42: 921-930.
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  150. Mahmoud, M.S. and N.B. Almutairi, 2011. Resilient decentralized stabilization of interconnected time-delay systems with polytopic uncertainties. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, 21: 355-372.
  151. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.H. Hamid, 2011. Feedback control methods for router management. IET control theory appl., 5: 1509-1522.
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  152. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.Y. Al-Rayyah, 2011. Stabilising nonlinear systems with time-varying delays by new parametrised method. Int. J. Syst. Control Commun., 3: 104-119.
  153. Mahmoud M.S. and M.T. Sadek, 2011. Peak-to-peak gain minimization of uncertain discrete-time systems with variable delays. Int. J. Syst. Control Commun., 3: 456-471.
  154. Mahmoud M.S. and H.E. Emara-Shabaik, 2011. A robust Hoo filtering approach for singular systems. Int. J. Syst. Control Commun., 3: 390-401.
  155. Magdi S. Mahmoud, and Yuanqing Xia, 2011. Quantized feedback stabilization of interconnected continuous-time delay systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inf., 28: 1-17.
  156. Qiu, J., K. Lu, P. Shi and M.S. Mahmoud, 2010. Robust exponential stability for discrete-time interval BAM neural networks with delays and markovian jump parameters. Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process., 24: 760-785.
  157. Mahmoud, M.S., U.M. Al-Turki and S.Z. Selim, 2010. Tracking policies for a class of dynamic production-inventory systems. J. Franklin Inst., 347: 1689-1703.
  158. Mahmoud, M.S., S.Z. Selim and P. Shi, 2010. Global exponential stability criteria for neural networks with probabilistic delays. IET control theory appl., 4: 2405-2415.
  159. Mahmoud, M.S., H.N. Nounou and Y. Xia, 2010. Robust dissipative control for internet-based switching systems. J. Franklin Inst., 347: 154-172.
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  160. Mahmoud, M.S., A.Y. Al-Rayyan and Y. Xia, 2010. Improved robust stability criteria for neural networks with fast time-varying delays. J. Syst. Control Eng., 224: 521-528.
  161. Mahmoud, M.S., 2010. Switched Time-Delay Systems. In: Switched Time-Delay Systems. Mahmoud, M.S., (Ed.). Springer US, Boston, USA., pp: 109-130.
  162. Mahmoud, M.S., 2010. Stabilization of time-delay systems by PID controller. Int. J. Trans. Syst. Signals Devices, 5: 1-15.
  163. Mahmoud, M.S., 2010. Robust L1 minimization for linear time-delay systems. Mediterr. J. Meas. Control, 6: 25-31.
  164. Mahmoud, M.S., 2010. Resilient decentralized stabilization of interconnected discrete-time systems. J. Optim. Theory Appl., 145: 507-525.
  165. Mahmoud, M.S., 2010. Rejection of persistent-bounded disturbances in linear time-delay systems by output-feedback. Optimal Control Appl. Methods, 31: 323-334.
  166. Mahmoud, M.S., 2010. Persistent bounded disturbances rejection for discrete-time delay systems using output-feedback. IMA J. Math. Control Inf., 27: 15-28.
  167. Mahmoud, M.S., 2010. Improved stability and stabilization approach to linear interconnected time-delay systems. Optimal Control Appl. Methods, 31: 81-92.
  168. Mahmoud, M.S., 2010. Decentralized stabilization approach for interconnected discrete-time delay systems with bounded nonlinearities. IMA J. Math. Control Inf., 27: 165-188.
  169. Mahmoud, M.S., 2010. Decentralized output-feedback stabilization for interconnected discrete systems with unknown delays. Optimal Control Appl. Methods, 31: 529-545.
  170. Mahmoud, M.S., 2010. Decentralized Control and Filtering in Interconnected Dynamical Systems, CRC Press, New York, Pages: 500..
  171. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2010. Robust filter design for piecewise discrete-time systems with time-varying delays. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, 20: 544-560.
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  172. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2010. New stabilisation schemes for discrete delay systems with uncertain non-linear perturbations. Control Theory Appl., 4: 2937-2946.
  173. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2010. LMI-based exponential stability criterion for bidirectional associative memory neural networks. Neurocomputing, 74: 284-290.
  174. Mahmoud, M.S. and S. Elferik, 2010. New stability and stabilization methods for nonlinear systems with time-varying delays. Optimal Control Appl. Methods, 31: 273-287.
  175. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.T. Sadek, 2010. A delay-dependent Hoo filtering for linear systems with time-varying delays. Mediterr. J. Meas. Control, 6: 9-17.
  176. Mahmoud, M.S. and F.M. Al-Sunni, 2010. Interconnected continuous-time switched systems: robust stability and stabilization. Nonlinear Anal. Hybrid Syst., 4: 531-542.
  177. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.Y. Al-Rayyah, 2010. Adaptive control of systems with mismatched non-linearities and time-varying delays using state measurements. Control Theory Appl., 4: 27-36.
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  178. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.W. Saif, 2010. Rejection of persistent-bounded disturbances in continuous time-delay systems using observer-based feedback. Optimal Control Appl. Methods, 31: 171-182.
  179. Mahmoud, M.S. and A. Ismail, 2010. Improved results on robust exponential stability criteria for neutral-type delayed neural networks. Appl. Math. Comput., 217: 3011-3019.
  180. Mahmoud M.S. and Y. Xia, 2010. Design of reduced-order L2-Loo filter for singular for discrete-time systems using strict LMIs. IET Control Theory Appl., 4: 509-519.
  181. Mahmoud M.S. and S. Elferik, 2010. New stabilization schemes for linear hybrid systems with time-varying delays. J. Dyn. Syst. Meas. Control, 132: 1-11.
  182. Mahmoud M.S. and N.B. Almutairi, 2010. Robust stability and stabilization methods for nonlinear discrete-time delay systems. Appl. Math. Comput., 215: 4280-4290.
  183. Liu, X., Y. Xia, M.S. Mahmoud and Z. Deng, 2010. Modeling and stabilization of MIMO networked control systems with network constraints. Int. J. Innovat. Comput. Inf. Control, 6: 131-141.
  184. Emara-Shabaik, H.E., M.S Mahmoud and Y. Shi, 2010. H2 and Hoo filtering for linear systems with unknown inputs and polytopic uncertainty. Int. J. Innovative Comput. Inf. Control, 6: 2211-2220.
  185. Al-Rayyah, A.Y. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2010. Decentralized reliable control of interconnected time-delay systems against sensor failures. J. Optimiz. Theory Applic., 147: 318-336.
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  186. Zhang, J., Y. Xia and M.S. Mahmoud, 2009. Robust generalised ℋ2 and ℋ static output feedback control for uncertain discrete-time fuzzy systems. IET Control Theory Applic., 3: 865-876.
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  187. Xia, Y., Z. Zhu and M.S. Mahmoud, 2009. H2 control for networked control systems with Markovian data losses and delays. ICIC Express Lett., 3: 271-276.
  188. Saif, A.W.A., M.S. Mahmoud and Y. Shi, 2009. A parameterized delay-dependent approach to control of uncertain switched discrete-time delay systems. Int. J. Innov. Comput. Inform. Control, 5: 1071-1082.
  189. Mahmoud, M.S., Y. Shi and F.M. Al-Sunni, 2009. Dissipativity analysis and synthesis of a class of nonlinear systems with time-varying delays. J. Franklin Inst., 346: 570-592.
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  190. Mahmoud, M.S., P. Shi and A.W.A. Saif, 2009. Stabilization of linear switched delay systems: ℋ2 and ℋ methods. J. Optim. Theory Applic., 142: 583-601.
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  191. Mahmoud, M.S., F.M. Al-Sunni and Y. Shi, 2009. Switched discrete-time delay systems: Delay-dependent analysis and synthesis. Circ. Syst. Signal Process., 28: 735-761.
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  192. Mahmoud, M.S., A. Ismail and F.M. Al-Sunni, 2009. Parameterization approach to stability and feedback stabilization of linear time-delay systems. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part I: J. Syst. Control Eng., 223: 929-939.
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  193. Mahmoud, M.S., 2009. Switched discrete-time systems with time-varying delays: A generalized ℋ2 approach. Comput. Math. Applic., 57: 79-95.
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  194. Mahmoud, M.S., 2009. Switched delay-dependent control policy for water-quality systems. IET Control Theory Applic., 3: 1599-1610.
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  195. Mahmoud, M.S., 2009. State-feedback stabilization of linear systems with input and state delays. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part I: J. Syst. Control Eng., 223: 557-565.
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  196. Mahmoud, M.S., 2009. Robust global stability of discrete-time recurrent neural networks. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part I: J. Syst. Control Eng., 223: 1045-1053.
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  197. Mahmoud, M.S., 2009. Novel robust exponential stability criteria for neural networks. Neurocomputing, 73: 331-335.
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  198. Mahmoud, M.S., 2009. New exponentially convergent state estimation method for delayed neural networks. Neurocomputing, 72: 3935-3942.
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  199. Mahmoud, M.S., 2009. Improved robust stability criterion for delay systems. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part I: J. Syst. Control Eng., 223: 745-752.
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  200. Mahmoud, M.S., 2009. Improved robust stability and feedback stabilization criteria for time-delay systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 26: 451-466.
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  201. Mahmoud, M.S., 2009. Generalized ℋ2 control of switched discrete-time systems with unknown delays. Applied Math. Comput., 211: 33-44.
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  202. Mahmoud, M.S., 2009. Delay-dependent dissipativity of singular time-delay systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 26: 45-58.
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  203. Mahmoud, M.S., 2009. Decentralized stabilization of interconnected systems with time-varying delays. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 54: 2663-2668.
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  204. Mahmoud, M.S., 2009. Decentralized reliable control of interconnected systems with time-varying delays. J. Optimiz. Theory Applic., 143: 497-518.
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  205. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2009. Robust stability and stabilization of a class of nonlinear switched discrete-time systems with time-varying delays. J. Optimiz. Theory Applic., 143: 329-355.
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  206. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Xia, 2009. Improved results for non-linear discrete-time systems with time-varying delays. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 26: 467-494.
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  207. Mahmoud, M.S. and N.B. Almutairi, 2009. Stability and implementable ℋ filters for singular systems with nonlinear perturbations. Nonlinear Dyn., 57: 401-410.
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  208. Mahmoud, M.S. and N.B. Almutairi, 2009. Decentralized stabilization of interconnected systems with time-varying delays. Eur. J. Control, 15: 624-633.
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  209. Mahmoud, M.S. and H.E. Emara-Shabaik, 2009. Reduced-order H filter for singular discrete-time systems using strict LMIs. Mediterr. J. Meas. Control, 5: 155-163.
  210. Mahmoud, M.S. and H.E. Emara-Shabaik, 2009. New ℋ2 filter for uncertain singular systems using strict LMIs. Circ. Syst. Signal Process., 28: 665-677.
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  211. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.Y. Al-Rayyah, 2009. Efficient parameterisation to stability and feedback synthesis of linear time-delay systems. IET Control Theory Applic., 3: 1107-1118.
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  212. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.K.M. Ali, 2009. A robust H2/H control approach to uncertain systems with time-varying delays. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part I: J. Syst. Control Eng., 223: 507-520.
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  213. Mahmoud, M.S., Y. Shi and F.M. Al-Sunni, 2008. Robust ℋ2 output feedback control for a class of time-delay systems. Int. J. Innov. Comput. Inform. Control, 4: 3247-3257.
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  214. Mahmoud, M.S., P. Shi, E.K. Boukas and L. Jain, 2008. Simultaneous ℋ2/ℋ control of uncertain jump systems with functional time-delays. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, 18: 296-318.
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  215. Mahmoud, M.S., F.M.F. Al-Sunni and Y. Shi, 2008. Dissipativity results for linear singular time-delay systems. Int. J. Innov. Comput. Inform. Control, 4: 2833-2845.
  216. Mahmoud, M.S., F.M. Al-Sunni and Y. Shi, 2008. Mixed ℋ2/ℋ control of uncertain jumping time-delay systems. J. Franklin Inst., 345: 536-552.
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  217. Mahmoud, M.S., E.K. Boukas and P. Shi, 2008. Resilient feedback stabilization of discrete-time systems with delays. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 25: 141-156.
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  218. Mahmoud, M.S., E.K. Boukas and A. Ismail, 2008. Robust adaptive control of uncertain discrete-time state-delay systems. Comput. Math. Applic., 55: 2887-2902.
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  219. Mahmoud, M.S., 2008. Linear hybrid systems with time-varying delays: H stabilisation schemes. Int. J. Syst. Control Commun., 1: 147-169.
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  220. Mahmoud, M.S., 2008. Delay-dependent ℋ filtering of a class of switched discrete-time state delay systems. Signal Process., 88: 2709-2719.
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  221. Mahmoud, M.S. and A. Ismail, 2008. Resilient control of non-linear discrete-time state-delay systems. Applied Math. Comput., 206: 561-569.
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  222. Tahoun, A.H., A.A. Abou Elsoud, M.S. Mahmoud, M.F. Hassan and M.M. Fahmy, 2007. Robust adaptive control of linear multivariable systems. Mediterr. J. Meas. Control, 3: 117-126.
  223. Nounou, M.N., H.N. Nounou and M.S. Mahmoud, 2007. Robust adaptive sliding-mode control for continuous time-delay systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 24: 299-313.
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  224. Mahmoud, M.S., Y. Shi and H.N. Nounou, 2007. Resilient observer-based control of uncertain time-delay systems. Int. J. Innov. Comput. Inform. Control, 3: 407-418.
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  225. Mahmoud, M.S., M.N. Nounou and H.N. Nounou, 2007. Analysis and synthesis of uncertain switched discrete-time systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 24: 245-257.
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  226. Mahmoud, M.S., E.K. Boukas and A. Ismail, 2007. Robust adaptive stabilization of uncertain time-delay systems. Mediterr. J. Meas. Control, 3: 10-21.
  227. Mahmoud, M.S., 2007. Resilient control of uncertain continuous-time state-delay systems. Mediterr. J. Meas. Control, 3: 79-92.
  228. Mahmoud, M.S., 2007. Resilient L2-L filtering of polytopic systems with state delays. IET Control Theory Applic., 1: 141-154.
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  229. Mahmoud, M.S. and N.B. Almutairi, 2007. Improved resilient filtering for linear discrete-time systems. J. Math. Control Sci. Applic., 1: 351-364.
  230. Mahmoud, M.S. and E.K. Boukas, 2007. Delay-dependent robust stability and control of uncertain discrete singular systems with state-delay. J. Math. Control Sci. Applic., 1: 11-27.
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  231. Mahmoud, M.S. and A. Ismail, 2007. Uncertain discrete delay singular systems: Delay-dependent stability and stabilization. Applied Math. Sci., 1: 491-505.
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  232. Mahmoud, M.S. and A. Ismail, 2007. Delay-dependent robust stability and stabilization of neutral systems. Applied Math. Sci., 1: 471-490.
  233. Ismail, A. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2007. Transformation methods for mixed H2/H control of jumping time-delay systems. Dyn. Continuous Discrete Impulsive Syst. Ser. A: Math. Anal., 14: 435-458.
  234. Fawzy, N.A.S., A.A. Abou Elsoud, M.S. Mahmoud, R.I. Badr and M.F. Hassan, 2007. Adaptive control of nonlinear systems with unknown high frequency gain and disturbances. Mediterr. J. Meas. Control, 3: 40-48.
  235. Boukas, E.K. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2007. A practical approach to control of nonlinear discrete-time state-delay systems. Optimal Control Applic. Methods, 28: 397-417.
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  236. Tahoun, A.H., A.A. Abou Elsoud, M.S. Mahmoud, M.F. Hassan and M.M. Fahmy, 2006. An approach for robust SISO adaptive control. Mediterr. J. Meas. Control, 2: 186-193.
  237. Shi, P., M.S. Mahmoud, J. Yi and A. Ismail, 2006. Worst case control of uncertain jumping systems with multi-state and input delay information. Inform. Sci., 176: 186-200.
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  238. Shi, P., M. Mahmoud, S.K. Nguang and A. Ismail, 2006. Robust filtering for jumping systems with mode-dependent delays. Signal Process., 86: 140-152.
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  239. Nounou, H.N. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2006. Variable structure adaptive control for a class of continuous time-delay systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 23: 225-235.
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  240. Mahmoud, M.S., P. Shi, J. Yi and J.S. Pan, 2006. Robust observers for neutral jumping systems with uncertain information. Inform. Sci., 176: 2355-2385.
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  241. Mahmoud, M.S., 2006. Passivity and passification of jump time-delay systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 23: 193-209.
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  242. Mahmoud, M.S. and H.N. Nounou, 2006. Simultaneous output feedback stabilization of time-delay systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 23: 211-223.
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  243. Mahmoud, M.S. and A. Ismail, 2006. Passivity and passivation of interconnected time-delay models of reheat power systems. Math. Probl. Eng., Vol. 2006. 10.1155/MPE/2006/90416.
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  244. Mahmoud, M.S., P. Shi and Y. Shi, 2005. H and robust control of interconnected systems with Markovian jump parameters. Discrete Continuous Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 5: 365-384.
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  245. Mahmoud, M.S., 2005. Resilient adaptive control of polytopic delay systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 22: 453-463.
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  246. Mahmoud, M.S., 2005. On a modeling approach of dynamical systems: A guided tour. Mediterr. J. Meas. Control, 1: 8-17.
  247. Mahmoud, M.S., 2005. New results on robust control design of discrete-time uncertain systems. IEE Proc.-Control Theory Applic., 152: 453-459.
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  248. Mahmoud, M.S. and H.N. Nounou, 2005. Dissipative analysis and synthesis of time-delay systems. Mediterr. J. Meas. Control, 1: 97-108.
  249. Mahmoud, M.S. and H.H. Nounou, 2005. New results on resilient control continuous-time systems with polytopic uncertainties. Mediterr. J. Meas. Control, 1: 50-62.
  250. Mahmoud, M.S. and A. Ismail, 2005. Robust performance analysis and synthesis of multi-state-delay jumping systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 22: 200-225.
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  251. Mahmoud, M.S. and A. Ismail, 2005. New results on delay-dependent control of time-delay systems. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 50: 95-100.
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  252. Mahmoud, M.S., P. Shi and A. Ismail, 2004. Robust Kalman filtering for discrete-time Markovian jump systems with parameter uncertainty. J. Comput. Applied Math., 169: 53-69.
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  253. Mahmoud, M.S., P. Shi and A. Ismail, 2004. Control of interconnected jumping systems: An H approach. Asian J. Control, 6: 1-8.
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  254. Mahmoud, M.S., A. Ismail, P. Shi and R.K. Agarwal, 2004. State transformation for H control of uncertain jumping delayed systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 21: 419-431.
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  255. Mahmoud, M.S., A. Ismail and P. Shi, 2004. Robust H analysis and synthesis for jumping time-delay systems using transformation methods. Nonlinear Dyn. Syst. Theory, 4: 333-356.
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  256. Mahmoud, M.S., 2004. Uncertain jumping systems with strong and weak functional delays. Automatica, 40: 501-510.
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  257. Mahmoud, M.S., 2004. Resilient linear filtering of uncertain systems. Automatica, 40: 1797-1802.
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  258. Mahmoud, M.S., 2004. New results on linear parameter-varying time-delay systems. J. Franklin Inst., 341: 675-703.
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  259. Mahmoud, M.S. and P. Shi, 2004. Optimal guaranteed cost filtering for Markovian jump discrete-time systems. Math. Probl. Eng., 1: 33-48.
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  260. Mahmoud, M.S. and A. Ismail, 2004. Passivity and passification of time-delay systems. J. Math. Anal. Applic., 292: 247-258.
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  261. Mahmoud, M.S. and A. Ismail, 2004. Passivity analysis and synthesis of discrete-time delay systems. Dyn. Continuous Discrete Impulsive Syst. Ser. A: Math. Anal., 11: 525-544.
  262. Ismail, A., M.S. Mahmoud and P. Shi, 2004. Output feedback stabilization and disturbance attenuation of time-delay systems with Markovian jump parameters. Control Intell. Syst., 32: 193-206.
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  263. Ismail, A. and M.S. Mahmoud, Ismail, A. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2004. LMI approach to robust stability and H control of uncertain neutral jumping systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 21: 115-141.
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  264. Ismail, A. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2004. A descriptor approach to simulataneous H2/H control of jumping time‐delay systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 21: 95-114.
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  265. Mahmoud, M.S., P. Shi and Y. Shi, 2003. Output feedback stabilization and disturbance attenuation of time‐delay jumping systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 20: 179-199.
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  266. Mahmoud, M.S., P. Shi and A. Ismail, 2003. Robust H filtering for a class of linear jumping discrete-time delay systems. Dyn. Continuous Discrete Impulsive Syst. Ser. B: Applic. Algorithms, 10: 647-662.
  267. Mahmoud, M.S., A.S. Boujarwah and A.K. Ali, 2003. Artificial intelligence in systems engineering: Concepts, methodologies and applications. J. Syst. Anal. Model. Simul., 43: 1674-1699.
  268. Mahmoud, M.S. and P. Shi, 2003. Robust stability, stabilization and ℋ control of time-delay systems with Markovian jump parameters. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, 13: 755-784.
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  269. Mahmoud, M.S. and P. Shi, 2003. Robust Kalman filtering for continuous time-lag systems with Markovian jump parameters. IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I: Fundam. Theory Applic., 50: 98-105.
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  270. Mahmoud, M.S. and P. Shi, 2003. Control of Markovian jump uncertain discrete time-delay systems by guaranteed cost approach. Int. J. Hybrid Intell. Syst., 3: 217-236.
  271. Mahmoud, M.S. and N.F. Al-Muthairi, 2003. Linear Parameter-Varying Time-Delay (LPVTD) systems: Stability and L2-gain controllers. J. Syst. Anal. Model. Simul., 43: 889-915.
  272. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Zribi, 2003. Robust output feedback control for nonlinear systems including actuators. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 43: 771-792.
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  273. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Zribi, 2003. Guaranteed cost observer-based control of uncertain time-lag systems. Comput. Electr. Eng., 29: 193-212.
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  274. Mahmoud, M.S. and A. Ismail, 2003. Interconnected jumping time delay systems: Robust and H control schemes. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 20: 411-439.
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  275. Mahmoud, M.S. and A. Ismail, 2003. Control of electric power systems. Int. J. Syst. Anal. Model. Simul., 43: 1639-1673.
  276. Sabry, M.M. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2002. Modeling of human accident intervention and accident rate prediction using fuzzy techniques. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 42: 1783-1805.
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  277. Mahmoud, M.S., 2002. Stability and H filtering of linear parameter-varying discrete-time systems. J. Syst. Anal. Model. Simul., 40: 287-300.
  278. Mahmoud, M.S., 2002. Robust H control and filtering for time-delay systems. J. Syst. Anal. Model. Simul., 42: 77-81.
  279. Mahmoud, M.S., 2002. Discrete-time systems with linear parameter-varying: Stability and H-filtering. J. Math. Anal. Applic., 269: 369-381.
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  280. Mahmoud, M.S. and P. Shi, 2002. Robust control for Markovian jump linear discrete-time systems with unknown nonlinearities. IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I: Fundam. Theory Applic., 49: 538-542.
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  281. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Zribi, 2002. Robust adaptive output feedback control for a class of nonlinear systems. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 42: 1709-1737.
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  282. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Zribi, 2002. Passive control synthesis for uncertain systems with multiple-state delays. Comput. Electr. Eng., 28: 195-216.
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  283. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Zribi, 2002. Output feedback design for uncertain systems with delays. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 19: 297-312.
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  284. Mahmoud, M.S. and L. Xie, 2002. H∞-filtering for a class of nonlinear time-delay systems. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 42: 85-101.
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  285. Mahmoud, M.S. and H.K. Khalil, 2002. Robustness of high-gain observer-based nonlinear controllers to unmodeled actuators and sensors. Automatica, 38: 361-369.
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  286. Mahmoud, M. and M. Zribi, 2002. Robust H control of a class of nonlinear uncertain time-delay systems. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 42: 429-461.
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  287. Al-Muthairi, N.F., M. Zribi and M.S. Mahmoud, 2002. Adaptive identification and control of interconnected systems. J. Syst. Anal. Model. Simul., 42: 851-877.
  288. Terro, M.J., M.S. Mahmoud and M. Abdel-Rahman, 2001. A nonlinear controller for offshore structures under wave excitations. Kuwait J. Sci. Eng., 28: 241-263.
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  289. Singh, H. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2001. Stackelberg strategies for singularly perturbed linear quadratic problems in discrete-time systems. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 39: 479-492.
  290. Singh, H. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2001. Robust stability of discrete singularly perturbed feedback systems. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 40: 1-14.
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  291. Sabry, M.M. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2001. Fault location in distribution networks using fuzzy clustering techniques. J. Eng. Intell. Syst., 9: 77-81.
  292. Mahmoud, M.S., 2001. Robust stability and ℋ∞-estimation for uncertain discrete systems with state-delay. Math. Probl. Eng., 7: 393-412.
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  293. Mahmoud, M.S., 2001. Robust control design of uncertain time-delay systems. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 40: 151-180.
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  294. Mahmoud, M.S., 2001. Robust H filtering for uncertain systems with unknown delays. J. Syst. Anal. Model. Simul., 41: 441-458.
  295. Mahmoud, M.S., 2001. On the robust stability of linear uncertain time-lag systems. J. Syst. Anal. Model. Simul., 41: 1-12.
  296. Mahmoud, M.S., 2001. Control of uncertain state-delay systems: Guaranteed cost approach. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 18: 109-128.
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  297. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Zribi, 2001. Stabilizing controllers using observers for uncertain systems with delays. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 32: 767-773.
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  298. Mahmoud, M.S. and L. Xie, 2001. Passivity analysis and synthesis for uncertain time-delay systems. Math. Probl. Eng., 7: 455-484.
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  299. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Boujarwah, 2001. Robust H filtering for a class of linear parameter-varying systems. IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I: Fundam. Theory Applic., 48: 1131-1138.
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  300. Zribi, M., M.S. Mahmoud, M. Karkoub and T.T. Lie, 2000. H-controllers for linearised time-delay power systems. IEE Proc.-Gener. Transmission Distrib., 147: 401-408.
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  301. Mahmoud, M.S., M. Zribi and Y.C. Soh, 2000. Optimal control of seismically-excited building structures. Comput. Struct., 74: 521-533.
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  302. Mahmoud, M.S., L. Xie and Y.C. Soh, 2000. Robust Kalman filtering for discrete state-delay systems. IEE Proc.-Control Theory Applic., 147: 613-618.
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  303. Mahmoud, M.S., 2000. Robust performance of a class of uncertain systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 17: 67-86.
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  304. Mahmoud, M.S., 2000. Robust H∞ control and filtering for a class of nonlinear dynamical systems with uncertainties and unknown delays. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 39: 393-421.
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  305. Mahmoud, M.S., 2000. Robust H control of linear neutral systems. Automatica, 36: 757-764.
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  306. Mahmoud, M.S., 2000. Robust H control of discrete systems with uncertain parameters and unknown delays. Automatica, 36: 627-635.
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  307. Mahmoud, M.S., 2000. Linear parameter-varying discrete time-delay systems: Stability and l2-gain controllers. Int. J. Control, 73: 481-494.
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  308. Mahmoud, M.S., 2000. Delay-dependent robust stability and stabilization for systems with mismatched uncertainties. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 17: 309-323.
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  309. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Zribi, 2000. Output feedback stabilization of systems with non-linear actuators. Int. J. Control, 73: 187-196.
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  310. Mahmoud, M.S. and L. Xie, 2000. Positive real analysis and synthesis of uncertain discrete time systems. IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I: Fundam. Theory Applic., 47: 403-406.
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  311. Mahmoud, M.S. and L. Xie, 2000. Guaranteed cost control of uncertain discrete systems with delays. Int. J. Control, 73: 105-114.
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  312. Foda, S.G. and M.S. Mahmoud, 2000. Control of a class of uncertain systems by delayed state-feedback. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 37: 15-34.
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  313. Zribi, M., K. Yi and M.S. Mahmoud, 1999. Adaptive control of constrained robots: A case study. Control Intell. Syst., 27: 59-69.
  314. Zribi, M., J. Chen and M.S. Mahmoud, 1999. Coordination and control of multi-fingered robot hands with rolling and sliding contacts. J. Intell. Rob. Syst., 24: 125-149.
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  315. Zribi, M. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1999. H-control design for systems with multiple delays. Comput. Electr. Eng., 25: 451-475.
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  316. Terro, M.J., M.S. Mahmoud and M. Abdel-Rohman, 1999. Multi-loop feedback control of offshore steel jacket platforms. Comput. Struct., 70: 185-202.
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  317. Mahmoud, M.S., Y.C. Soh and L. Xie, 1999. Observer-based positive real control of uncertain linear systems. Automatica, 35: 749-754.
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  318. Mahmoud, M.S., N.F. Al-Muthairi and S. Bingulac, 1999. Robust Kalman filtering for continuous time-lag systems. Syst. Control Lett., 38: 309-319.
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  319. Mahmoud, M.S., M. Zribi and Y.C. Soh, 1999. Exponential stabilisation of state-delay systems. IEE Proc.-Control Theory Applic., 146: 131-136.
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  320. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Zribi, 1999. H-controllers for time-delay systems using linear matrix inequalities. J. Optimiz. Theory Applic., 100: 89-122.
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  321. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Zribi, 1999. Design of delay observer-based controllers for uncertain time-lag systems. Math. Probl. Eng., 5: 121-137.
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  322. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Zribi, 1999. A robust passivity-based control scheme for robot arm control. Kuwait J. Sci. Eng., 26: 255-269.
  323. Mahmoud, M.S. and L. Xie, 1999. Stability and positive realness of time-delay systems. J. Math. Anal. Applic., 239: 7-19.
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  324. AlFuhaid, A.S., M.S. Mahmoud and M.A. El-Sayed, 1999. Modelling and control of high-voltage AC-DC power systems. J. Franklin Inst., 336: 767-781.
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  325. Mahmoud, M.S., M.J. Terro and M. Abdel-Rohman, 1998. An LMI approach to H-control of time-delay systems for the benchmark problem. Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn., 27: 957-976.
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  326. Mahmoud, M.S., 1998. Robust stability and stabilization of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with delays. Math. Probl. Eng., 4: 165-185.
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  327. Mahmoud, M.S., 1998. Robust performance results for discrete-time systems. Math. Probl. Eng., 3: 517-538.
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  328. Mahmoud, M.S., 1998. Bounds of robustness for singularly perturbed feedback systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 15: 63-72.
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  329. Mahmoud, M.S. and S. Bingulac, 1998. Robust design of stabilizing controllers for interconnected time-delay systems. Automatica, 34: 795-800.
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  330. Mahmoud, M.S. and M. Zribi, 1998. Robust and H∞ stabilisation of interconnected systems with delays. IEE Proc.-Control Theory Applic., 145: 559-567.
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  331. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1998. On the control of discrete-time systems with multiple-time-scale systems. J. Syst. Anal. Model. Simul., 32: 149-163.
  332. Foda, S.G. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1998. Adaptive stabilization of delay differential systems with unknown uncertainty bounds. Int. J. Control, 71: 259-275.
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  333. Mahmoud, M.S., S. Bingulac and S.M. Selim, 1997. Robust performance of uncertain systems by output feedback. Comput. Electr. Eng., 23: 109-119.
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  334. Mahmoud, M.S., 1997. Stabilization of dynamical systems with nonlinear actuators. J. Franklin Inst., 334: 357-375.
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  335. Mahmoud, M.S., 1997. Robust decentralized control of stream water quality. Math. Model. Scient. Comput., 4: 427-458.
  336. Mahmoud, M.S., 1997. Control design for linear discrete-time systems including actuators. J. Syst. Anal. Model. Simul., 27: 378-405.
  337. Mahmoud, M.S., 1997. Adaptive stabilization of a class of interconnected systems. Comput. Electr. Eng., 23: 225-238.
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  338. Mahmoud, M.S. and S. Kotob, 1997. Adaptive decentralized model-following control. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 27: 169-210.
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  339. Bahnasawi, A.A., M.S. Mahmoud and S.Z. Eid, 1997. Priority analysis of patrolled machines. Simul. Pract. Theory, 5: 535-552.
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  340. Bahnasawi, A.A. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1997. Robust stabilization of parametrically-uncertain discrete-time systems. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 28: 93-106.
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  341. Bahnasawi, A.A. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1997. Priority analysis in a class of manufacturing systems. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 28: 1-20.
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  342. AlFuhaid, A.S., M.A. El-Sayed and M.S. Mahmoud, 1997. Cascaded artificial neural networks for short-term load forecasting. IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 12: 1524-1529.
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  343. Al-Fuhaid, A.S., M.A. El-Sayed and M.S. Mahmoud, 1997. Neuro-short-term load forecast of the power system in Kuwait. Applied Math. Modell., 21: 215-219.
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  344. Safar, Y.A., M.H. Salama and M.S. Mahmoud, 1996. Load impedance requirements for a stand-alone induction generator. Arab. J. Sci. Eng., 21: 511-523.
  345. Mahmoud, M.S., 1996. Some robustness measures for a class of discrete-time systems. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., 13: 117-128.
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  346. Mahmoud, M.S., 1996. Robustness of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with applications to robot control. Math. Model. Scient. Comput., 3: 371-392.
  347. Mahmoud, M.S., 1996. Dynamic control of systems with variable state-delay. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, 6: 123-146.
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  348. Mahmoud, M.S., 1996. Design of robust controllers for robot manipulators with motor actuators. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 22: 27-46.
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  349. Mahmoud, M.S., 1996. Control design for retarded systems: A robust scheme. J. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 22: 133-144.
  350. Mahmoud, M.S., 1996. Adaptive control of a class of time-delay systems with uncertain parameters. Int. J. Control, 63: 937-950.
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  351. Bahnasawi, A.A., M.S. Mahmoud and S.Z. Eid, 1996. Sensitivity analysis of machine interference in manufacturing systems. Comput. Ind. Eng., 30: 753-764.
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  352. Aldowaisan, T.A., L.K. Gaafar and M.S. Mahmoud, 1996. Optimal inventories in group technology production systems for a continuous consumption pattern. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 27: 511-514.
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  353. Saleh, F.A. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1995. Design of power system stabilizers using reduced-order models. Electr. Power Syst. Res., 33: 219-226.
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  354. Mahmoud, M.S., 1995. Robustness measures of discrete-time systems. J. Syst. Anal. Model. Simul., 17: 103-114.
  355. Mahmoud, M.S., 1995. Guaranteed stabilization of interconnected discrete-time uncertain systems. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 26: 337-358.
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  356. Mahmoud, M.S., 1995. Dynamic controllers for systems with actuators. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 26: 359-374.
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  357. Mahmoud, M.S., 1995. Design of stabilizing controllers for uncertain discrete-time systems with state-delay. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 21: 13-27.
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  358. Mahmoud, M.S. and S. Kotob, 1995. A robust control scheme for asymptotic tracking of robot motion. J. Intell. Rob. Syst., 14: 263-282.
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  359. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1995. Sensitivity analysis of machine interference in manufacturing systems. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 26: 1673-1686.
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  360. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1995. Sensitivity analysis of machine interference in a class of manufacturing systems. J. Syst. Anal. Model. Simul., 20: 291-306.
  361. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1995. Control design of uncertain systems with slow and fast modes. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 17: 67-83.
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  362. Safar, Y.A., M.H. Salama and M.S. Mahmoud, 1994. Interactive minimization scheme of copper loss in induction motors by capacitive effect. J. Univ. Kuwait (Sci.), 21: 39-50.
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  363. Mahmoud, M.S., N.F. Al-Muthairi and M.M. Mazeedi, 1994. A robust adaptive control scheme of uncertain robotic systems. J. Univ. Kuwait (Sci.), 21: 23-37.
  364. Mahmoud, M.S., 1994. Stabilizing control of systems with uncertain parameters and state delay. J. Univ. Kuwait (Sci.), 21: 185-200.
  365. Mahmoud, M.S., 1994. Stabilizing control for a class of uncertain interconnected systems. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 39: 2484-2488.
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  366. Mahmoud, M.S., 1994. Robustness measures for a class of discrete-time systems. J. Franklin Inst., 331: 463-474.
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  367. Mahmoud, M.S., 1994. Control of systems with uncertain parameters. J. Syst. Anal. Model. Simul., 15: 203-217.
  368. Mahmoud, M.S., 1994. Control design of linear discrete-time systems including actuators. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 16: 25-44.
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  369. Mahmoud, M.S. and N.F. Al-Muthairi, 1994. Quadratic stabilization of continuous time systems with state-delay and norm-bounded time-varying uncertainties. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 39: 2135-2139.
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  370. Mahmoud, M.S. and N.F. Al-Muthairi, 1994. Design of robust controllers for time-delay systems. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 39: 995-999.
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  371. Mahmoud, M.S. and H.Y. Hajeer, 1994. A globally convergent adaptive controller for robot manipulators. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 39: 148-151.
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  372. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1994. Robust observation for uncertain discrete systems. Control Theory Applied Technol., 10: 249-267.
  373. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1994. Adaptive model-following controller for robotic manipulators. Int. J. Control, 59: 1465-1483.
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  374. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1994. A reduced-order adaptive control scheme for discrete-time systems. J. Syst. Anal. Modell. Simul., 16: 255-275.
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  375. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1994. A design approach to adaptive model-following control of robotic manipulators. J. Intell. Rob. Syst., 10: 191-207.
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  376. Al-Muthairi, N.F. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1994. A computational algorithm for robust control system design. Comput. Electr. Eng., 20: 61-69.
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  377. Mahmoud, M.S., 1993. Robust control of robot arms including motor dynamics. Int. J. Control, 58: 853-873.
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  378. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1993. Indirect discrete-time adaptive algorithm for manipulator control. Applied Math. Modell., 17: 423-429.
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  379. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1993. Design of discrete-time systems subject to actuator saturation. Control Theory Applied Technol., 9: 325-339.
  380. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1993. A class of linear quadratic discrete-time output regulators. J. Univ. Kuwait (Sci.), 20: 227-236.
  381. El-Shal, S.M. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1993. Microcontroller-based real-time digital control of slow processes with dead time. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 24: 1377-1390.
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  382. AlFuhaid, A.S., M.S. Mahmoud and F.A. Saleh, 1993. Stabilization of power systems using decentralized control. Electr. Mach. Power Syst., 21: 293-318.
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  383. Younis, M.A. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1992. An algorithm for dynamic routing in FMS under an unpredicted failure. Applied Math. Modell., 16: 141-147.
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  384. Mahmoud, M.S., S. Kotob and A.A. Abou-Elseoud, 1992. A learning rule-based control system. J. Inform. Decis. Technol., 18: 55-66.
  385. Mahmoud, M.S., A.A. Abou-Elseoud and S. Kotob, 1992. Development of expert control systems: A pattern classification and recognition approach. J. Intell. Rob. Syst., 5: 129-146.
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  386. Bahnasawi, A.A., A.S. Al-Fuhaid and M.S. Mahmoud, 1992. Response to comments on stabilization of interconnected uncertain discrete systems via decentralized control. J. Inform. Decis. Technol., 18: 221-223.
  387. Bahnasawi, A.A. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1992. Reduced-order adaptive control scheme. Int. J. Control, 55: 1503-1520.
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  388. Bahnasawi, A.A., S.Z. Eid and M.S. Mahmoud, 1991. Adaptive model-following control based on variable structure systems. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 22: 333-349.
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  389. Bahnasawi, A.A., M.S. Mahmoud and S.Z. Eid, 1991. Variable structure control of non-linear adaptive model-following systems. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 22: 351-365.
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  390. Al-Fuhaid, A.S. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1991. An observer-based digital controller for a class of induction motors. J. Franklin Inst., 328: 189-206.
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  391. Younis, M.A. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1990. Optimal lot-sizing in multi-item production inventories. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 21: 789-798.
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  392. Mahmoud, M.S., A.A. Abou-Elseoud, A.Y. Belal and S.Z. Eid, 1990. Expert control system using pattern recognition approach. Int. J. Adv. Model. Simul., 22: 43-58.
  393. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.D. Rajab, 1990. Kinematics of multiple-arm robots with symmetric tasks. Applied Math. Modell., 14: 427-432.
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  394. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.A. Younis, 1990. Sensitivity analysis of productive inventories under modeling errors. Math. Comput. Modell., 13: 65-75.
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  395. Bahnasawi, A.A., A.S. Al-Fuhaid and M.S. Mahmoud, 1990. Decentralised and hierarchical control of interconnected uncertain systems. IEE Proc. D (Control Theory Applic.), 137: 311-321.
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  396. Bahnasawi, A.A., A. Al-Fuhaid and M.S. Mahmoud, 1990. A new hierarchical control structure for a class of uncertain discrete systems. Control Theory Adv. Technol., 6: 1-21.
  397. Mahmoud, M.S., S.Z. Eid and K.H. Rahoumat, 1989. A velocity controller for DC shunt motor using microcomputers. J. Egypt. Soc. Eng., 28: 65-73.
  398. Mahmoud, M.S., S.Z. Eid and A.A. Abou-Elsoud, 1989. A real-time expert control system for dynamical processes. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern., 19: 1101-1105.
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  399. Mahmoud, M.S., K.H. Rahouma and S.Z. Eid, 1989. Microcomputer based on-line control for DC motors. J. Franklin Inst., 326: 117-129.
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  400. Mahmoud, M.S., 1989. Dynamic decentralized stabilization for a class of multi-stage processes. Automatica, 24: 421-425.
  401. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.A. Younis, 1989. Group technology inventories with optimal production costs. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 20: 1345-1353.
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  402. El-Shal, S.M. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1989. Microcomputer-based robust control for slow time-delay processes: Pole placement approach. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 20: 2395-2401.
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  403. El-Shal, M., M.S. Mahmoud and J.H. Thorp, 1989. On the limitation of integral-action in control system design. J. Egypt. Soc. Eng., 28: 77-82.
  404. El-Sayed, H.M., M.A. Younis and M.S. Mahmoud, 1989. Modelling and simulation of a flexible manufacturing system with variable production ratios. Applied Math. Modell., 13: 397-401.
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  405. Buhnasawi, A.A., A.S. Al-Fuhaid and M.S. Mahmoud, 1989. Linear feedback approach to the stabilisation of uncertain discrete systems. IEE Proc. D (Control Theory Applic.), 136: 47-52.
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  406. Bahnasawi, A.A., A.S. Al-Fuhaid and M.S. Mahmoud, 1989. Stabilization of interconnected uncertain discrete systems via decentralized control. Inform. Decis. Technol., 15: 163-177.
  407. Bahnasawi, A.A. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1989. Uncertain discrete systems: uniform ultimate bounded stabilization. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 20: 2251-2265.
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  408. Mahmoud, M.S., K.H. Rahouma and S.Z. Eid, 1988. Design of an on-line controller for microcomputer implementation. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 19: 2195-2209.
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  409. Mahmoud, M.S., H.M. ElSayed and A.Y. Belal, 1988. Adaptive alternative-routing in telephone networks: Optimal and equilibrium solutions. J. Inform. Decis. Technol., 14: 65-74.
  410. Mahmoud, M.S. and S.Z. Eid, 1988. Optimization of freeway traffic control problems. Optimal Control Applic. Methods, 9: 37-49.
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  411. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1988. Stabilization of discrete adaptive systems with bounded disturbances. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 19: 2185-2194.
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  412. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1988. Some properties of absolutely stable discrete-time systems. Control Theory Adv. Technol., 4: 243-250.
  413. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.A. Bahnasawi, 1988. Asymptotic stability for a class of linear discrete systems with bounded uncertainties. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 33: 572-575.
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  414. Mahmoud, M.S., A.S. Al-Fuhaid and F.A. Saleh, 1987. Iterative time-scale separation of synchronous machines. Applied Math. Modell., 11: 133-140.
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  415. Mahmoud, M.S., 1987. Decentralized river pollution control. Large Scale Syst. Theory Applic., 13: 233-249.
  416. Mahmoud, M.S., 1987. Computational experience with adaptive model-reference identification schemes. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 18: 527-542.
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  417. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.M. Nassar, 1987. Hybrid technique for decentralized water-quality control. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 18: 513-526.
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  418. Nassar, A.M. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1986. Implementation of two-level algorithms using fixed-point arithmetic. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 17: 1279-1292.
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  419. Mahmoud, M.S., Y. Chen and M.G. Singh, 1986. Discrete two-time-scale systems. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 17: 1187-1207.
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  420. Mahmoud, M.S., Y. Chen and M.G. Singh, 1986. A two-stage output feedback design. IEE Proc. D (Control Theory Applic), 133: 279-284.
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  421. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.F. Hassen, 1986. A decentralized water-quality control scheme. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern., 16: 694-702.
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  422. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.A. Younis, 1986. Optimal inventory for unpredicted production capacity and raw material supply. Large Scale Syst. Theory Applic., 11: 159-172.
  423. Mahmoud, M.S. and J.A. Assiri, 1986. Performance analysis of two-level structures on finite-precision machines. Automatica, 22: 371-375.
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  424. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.S. Al-Fuhaid, 1986. Two-level optimization algorithm for the megawatt-frequency control problem. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 17: 1475-1488.
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  425. Mahmoud, M., H. Othman and N. Khraishi, 1986. Reduced-order performance of adaptive control systems. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 31: 1076-1079.
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  426. Mahmoud, M., 1986. Stabilization of discrete systems with multiple-time scales. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 31: 159-162.
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  427. Saleh, F.A. and M.S. Mahmoud, 1985. Control of power systems by constrained tracking methods. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 16: 1073-1094.
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  428. Othman, H., N. Khraishi and M. Mahmoud, 1985. Discrete regulators with time-scale separation. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 30: 293-297.
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  429. Mahmoud, M.S., Y. Chen and M.G. Singh, 1985. On eigenvalue assignment in discrete systems with fast and slow modes. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 16: 61-70.
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  430. Mahmoud, M.S., N.M. Khraishi and H.A. Othman, 1985. Bounds on suboptimality in discrete aggregated models. Large Scale Syst. Theory Applic., 8: 19-32.
  431. Mahmoud, M.S., M.F. Hassan and S.J. Saleh, 1985. Decentralized structures for stream water quality control problems. Optimal Control Applic. Methods, 6: 167-186.
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  432. Mahmoud, M.S. and S.J. Saleh, 1985. Regulation of water quality standards in streams by decentralized control. Int. J. Control, 41: 525-540.
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  433. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.G. Singh, 1985. On the use of reduced-order models in output feedback design of discrete systems. Automatica, 21: 485-489.
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  434. Mahmoud, M.S. and A.S. Fawsy, 1984. On the hierarchical algorithms for nonlinear systems with bounded control. Optimal Control Applic. Methods, 5: 275-288.
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  435. Chen, Y., M.S. Mahmoud and M.G. Singh, 1984. An iterative block-diagonalization procedure for decentralized optimal control. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 15: 563-573.
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  436. Mahmoud, M.S., 1983. Multi-time scale analysis in discrete systems. J. Eng. Applied Sci., 2: 301-315.
  437. Mahmoud, M.S. and Y. Chen, 1983. Design of feedback controllers by two-stage methods. Applied Math. Modell., 7: 163-168.
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  438. Hassan, M.F., M.I. Younis and M.S. Mahmoud, 1983. Linear multilevel estimators for stabilization of discrete systems. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 14: 731-743.
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  439. Fawzy, A.S., O.R. Hinton and M.S. Mahmoud, 1983. Hierarchical techniques for on-line microprocessor control of an industrial fermentation process. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 14: 19-29.
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  440. Xinogalas, T.C., M.S. Mahmoud and M.G. Singh, 1982. Hierarchical computation of decentralized gains for interconnected systems. Automatica, 18: 473-478.
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  441. Mahmoud, M.S., M.F. Hassan and M.I. Younis, 1982. Dynamic modelling and control in water resources systems. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 13: 453-467.
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  442. Mahmoud, M.S., M.F. Hassan and M.G. Singh, 1982. Approximate feedback design for a class of singularly perturbed systems. IEE Proc. D (Control Theory Applic.), 129: 49-56.
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  443. Mahmoud, M.S., 1982. Structural properties of discrete systems with slow and fast modes. Large Scale Syst. Theory Applic., 3: 227-236.
  444. Mahmoud, M.S., 1982. Order reduction and control of discrete systems. IEE Proc. D-Control Theory Applic., 129: 129-135.
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  445. Mahmoud, M.S., 1982. Design of observer-based controllers for a class of discrete systems. Automatica, 18: 323-328.
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  446. Mahmoud, M.S. and M.T. Hanna, 1982. Linear optimal control of national econometric models. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 13: 1061-1081.
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  447. Hassan, M.F., M.S. Mahmoud, M.G. Singh and M.P. Spathopolous, 1982. A two-level parameter estimation algorithm using the multiple projection approach. Automatica, 18: 621-630.
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  448. Singh, M.G., M.S. Mahmoud and A. Titli, 1981. A survey of recent developments in hierarchical optimisation and control. IFAC Proc. Vol., 14: 1271-1278.
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  449. Mahmoud, M.S., 1981. Decentralized state reconstruction of interconnected discrete systems. Large Scale Syst. Theory Applic., 2: 151-158.
  450. Kamal, A.A., S.M. Alyeid and M.S. Mahmoud, 1981. Multistage clustering: An efficient technique in socioeconomic field experiments. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern., 11: 779-785.
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  451. Hassan, M.F., M.S. Mahmoud and M.I. Younis, 1981. A dynamic Leontief modeling approach to management for optimal utilization in water resources systems. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern., 11: 552-558.
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  452. Mahmoud, M.S., M.F. Hassan and M.G. Singh, 1980. A new hierarchical approach to the joint problem of systems identification and optimization. Large Scale Syst. Theory Applic., 1: 159-166.
  453. Mahmoud, M.S., W.G. Vogt and M.H. Mickle, 1979. Decomposition and coordination methods for constrained optimization. J. Optimiz. Theory Applic., 28: 549-584.
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  454. Mahmoud, M.S., 1979. Dynamic multilevel optimization for a class of non-linear systems. Int. J. Control, 30: 927-948.
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  455. Mahmoud, M.S., 1979. Dynamic feedback methodology for interconnected control systems. Int. J. Control, 29: 881-898.
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  456. Mahmoud, M.S., 1978. Optimal control of constrained problems by the costate coordination structure. Automatica, 14: 31-40.
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  457. Mahmoud, M.S., 1978. Hierarchical dynamic optimization for induction motors regulation. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 9: 695-708.
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  458. Mahmoud, M.S., 1978. A quantitative comparison between two decentralized control approaches. Int. J. Control, 28: 261-275.
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  459. Younis, M.I., W.G. Vogt and M.S. Mahmoud, 1977. Linear estimator stabilization of nonlinear sampled-data systems. Automatica, 13: 519-531.
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  460. Mahmoud, M.S., W.G. Vogt and M.H. Mickle, 1977. Multilevel control and optimization using generalized gradients technique. Int. J. Control, 25: 525-543.
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  461. Mahmoud, M.S., W.G. Vogt and M.H. Mickle, 1977. Feedback multilevel control for continuous dynamic systems. J. Franklin Inst., 303: 453-471.
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  462. Mahmoud, M.S., 1977. Multilevel systems control and applications: A survey. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern., 7: 125-143.
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  463. Mahmoud, M.S., 1977. Closed-loop multilevel control of large nonlinear systems via invariant imbedding techniques. Comput. Electr. Eng., 4: 3-23.
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  464. Mahmoud, M.S., 1977. A class of optimization techniques for linear state-regulators. Int. J. Syst. Sci., 8: 513-537.
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