Dr. Azza H. Mohamed
Assistant ProfessorMansoura University, Egypt
Highest Degree
PostDoc Fellow in Plant Biotechnology from University of Florida, Florida, USA
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Highest Degree
PostDoc Fellow in Plant Biotechnology from University of Florida, Florida, USA
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Dr. Azza H. Mohamed is currently working as Assistant Professor, of Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry Department, College of Agriculture, Mansura University, Mansura, Egypt. She has completed her PhD in Horticulture and Post Doctoral Fellow in Plant Biotechnology from University of Florida, Florida, USA. Previously she was appointed as Researcher at the Central Laboratory of Aquaculture Research, Egypt, Teaching Assistant, Assistant Lecturer, and Researcher in Biochemistry Department, College of Agriculture, Mansura University, Mansura, Egypt. Dr. Azza received honors includes Travel Grant for the ASHS-2008 Conference, The SIVB Student Award for the best student paper presented at the In Vitro Biology Meeting, The Wilton R. Earle Award for the best student paper presented at the In Vitro Biology Meeting, and College of Agriculture, Zagazig University Undergraduate Student Awards. She is professional member of The Society for In vitro Biology, International Society of Citroculture, and The Egyptian Society of Agriculture Biochemistry. She is also serving as reviewer for Research Journal of Medicinal Plant, Research Journal of Botany, International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Biotechnology, Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, International Journal of Botany, American Journal of Food Technology, and Asian Journal of Biochemistry. She has 3 publications in journals as author/co-author.