Dr. Rowaida Salah Saleh Ahmed
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Dr. Rowaida Salah Saleh Ahmed

Suez Canal University, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Aquatic Biology from Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt

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Research Interests: Aquatic Entomology, Aquatic Ecology, Biodiversity, and Biomonitoring.
My research focuses on macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of ecological impacts, studying the effects of physical, chemical, and heavy metals on aquatic systems. Additionally, I explored remote sensing for water quality assessment and utilized cytogenetic alterations in Chironomid larvae to detect toxicity.

Area of Interest:

Environmental Sciences
Aquatic Invertebrate
Aquatic Pollution

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Lotfi, N.M., S.A. El-Shatoury, A. Hanora and R.S. Ahmed, 2016. Isolating non-O1/non-O39 Vibrio cholerae from Chironomus transvaalensis larvae and exuviae collected from polluted areas in Lake Manzala, Egypt. J. Asia Pac. Entomol., 19: 545-549.
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  2. Lotfi, M.N., R.S. Ahmed, S.A. El-Shatoury and A. Hanora, 2016. In situ morphological abnormalities in the mouthparts of Chironomus transvaalensis (Nonbiting midges) stressing their role as bioindicators. J. Entomol. Zool. Stud., 4: 1299-1305.
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  3. Saad El-Din, M., A. Gaber, M. Koch and R.S. Ahmed and I. Bahgat, 2013. Remote sensing application for water quality assessment in lake Timsah, Suez canal, Egypt. J. Remote Sens Technol., 3: 61-74.
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  4. Mohamed, M., Tawfik, Fayez M. Semida, Rowaida S. Saleh Ahmed, Gamal M. Orabi 2013. Biodiversity of the Aquatic Entomofauna at St. Katherine Protectorate and Wadi Feiran, South Sinai, Egypt Asian J. Biol. Sci., 6: 40-53.
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  5. Gadallah, N.S., R.S. Ahmed, A.H. El-Heneiday and S.M. Mahmoud, 2010. Ichneumonidae from the Suez Canal region Egypt (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea). Linzer. Biol. Beitr., 42: 1293-1310.
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  6. El-Shenawy, N.S., R.S. Ahmed, F.M. Ismail and A. Abo-Ghalia, 2010. Evaluation of the efficiency of wastewater treatment and use of Chironomus calipterus (Diptera: Chironomidae) as a bioindicator in El-Tall El-Keber, Egypt. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 5: 94-105.
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  7. Mahmoud, S.M., A. El-Heneidy, N.S. Gadallah and R.S. Ahmad, 2009. Survey and abundances of common ichneumonid parasitoid species in suez canal region, Egypt. Egypt. J. Biol. Pest Control, 19: 185-190.
  8. Ahmed, R.S., F.M. Ismail, A. Abo-Ghalia and N.S. El-Shenawy, 2008. Pictorial keys of chironomid species (Order: Diptera) in El-Tall El-Keber wastewater treatment plant, Egypt. J. Entomol., 5: 334-355.
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  9. Saleh, A.R., 2006. Morphological deformities and cytogenetic alterations in Chironomus plumosus L. (Diptera: Chironomidae) larvae as biological indicators of toxic stress in temsah lake, Egypt. J. Egypt. Acad. Soc. Environ. Dev., 7: 1-27.
  10. Gadalla, S.M. and R.S. Ahmed, 2006. Taxonomic review of the family notonectidae from Egypt (Aquatic hemiptera). J. Egypt. Acad. Soc. Environ. Dev., 7: 201-222.
  11. El-Shenawy, N.S., R.S. Ahmed, M.I.S. Eddin, I.M.I. Shalaby and E.M.B. Reyad, 2006. Impact of heavy metals on bivalve, Crastoderma glaucum (Order: Veneroidae) and insect, Enochrus testaceus (Order: Coleoptera) of Manzala lake, Egypt. J. Egypt. Acad. Soc. Environ. Dev., 7: 57-97.
  12. Ahmed, R.S., N. El-Shenawy, M. Saad Eddin, I.M. Shalaby and E.M. Reyad, 2006. Bioassesment of macroinvertebrate communities in relation to water quality in Manzala Lake, Egypt. J. Egypt. Acad. Soc. Environ. Dev., 7: 109-146.
  13. Ahmed, R.S., 2006. Secretion-grooming behavior in the Egyptian diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae and Noteridae). African J. Biol. Sci., 2: 15-19.
  14. Gadalla, S.M. and R.S. Ahmed, 2005. Contribution to the study of heteroptera, gerromorpha (Semiaquatic bugs). VI-hebridae and hydrometridae from Egypt. Efflatounia, 5: 16-25.
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  15. Ahmed, R.S. and S.M. Gadalla, 2005. Contribution to the study of heteroptera, gerromorpha (Semiaquatic bugs). check-list of gerromorpha of Egypt with a new record. J. Asia-Pacific Entomol., 8: 339-344.
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  16. Ahmed, R.S. and S.M. Gadalla, 2005. Contribution to the study of heteroptera, gerromorpha (Semiaquatic bugs). V. water crickets (Family veliidae) from Egypt. J. Asia-Pacific Entomol., 8: 219-226.
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  17. Ahmed, R.S., 2004. Some new records of diving beetles from Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Egypt, 81: 29-42.
  18. Ahmed, R.S., 2004. Contribution to the study of heteroptera, gerromorpha (semi-aquatic bugs). IV- A new record of marine water strider Halobates micans eschscholtz, 1822 (Gerridae) from mangrove in the sinai peninsula. J. Egypt. German Soc. Zool., 44: 1-18.
  19. Gadalla, S.M., H. El-Hamouly and R.S. Ahmed, 2001. Taxonomic review of the families Belostomatidae, Nepidae and Pleidae from Egypt (aquatic Hemiptera). J. Egypt. German Soc. Zool., 36E: 103-128.
  20. Ahmed, R.S., 2001. First record of the tribe vatellini sharp and its genus Derovatellus sharp (dytiscidae- coleoptera) from shallow water pool in Hurghada, Egypt. J. Egypt. German Soc. Zool., 36E: 29-38.
  21. Ahmed, R.S., 2001. Contribution to the study of heteroptera, gerromorpha (semi-aquatic bugs). II- Chromosomal analysis of Limnogonus cereiventris (Signoret, 1862) (Gerridae) (water striders) with notes on the wing polymorphism. J. Egypt. German Soc. Zool., 34E: 7-17.
  22. Ahmed, R.S. and N.S. El-Shenawy, 2001. Anisops sardeus sardeus Herrich-Schaeffer (Heteroptera: Notonectidae) as a bioindicator of heavy metals in wastwater treatment plant at Ismailiya, Egypt. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. Fish, 5: 129-146.
  23. Zalat, S., R.S. Ahmed, R.B. Angus and A. Kaschef, 2000. Diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae and noteridae) of Egypt. Egypt. J. Natl. History, 2: 1-107.
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  24. Gadalla, S.M. and R.S. Ahmed, 2000. Contribution to the study of heteroptera, gerromorpha (Semiaquatic bugs). III- Water treaders (Family: Mesoveliidae) from Egypt. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Egypt, 78: 189-204.
  25. Ahmed, R.S., R.B. Angus, S. Zalat and F. Shaarawi, 2000. Chromosomal analysis of some Egyptian diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Egypt. J. Biol., 2: 76-84.
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  26. Ahmed, R.S. and R.B. Angus, 2000. Chromosomal analysis of Neohydrocoptus jaechi (Wewalka) and Canthydrus diophthalmus (reiche and saulcy) (Coleoptera: Noteridae). Aquat. Insects, 22: 165-170.
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  27. Gadalla, S.M. and R.S. Ahmed, 1999. Contribution to the study of Heteroptera, Gerromorpha (Semiaquatic bugs). I- A systematic revision of the family gerridae, heteroptera (water striders) of Egypt. J. Union Arab Biol., 11A: 91-110.
  28. Ahmed, R.S. and R.B. Angus, 1998. Laccophilus poecilus klug, 1834- the valid name for L. ponticus sharp, 1882. Latissimus, 10: 3-6.
  29. Ahmed, R.S., R.B. Angus, S. Zalat and A. Kaschif, 1997. Taxonomy and chromosomal analysis of Egyptian Synchortus imbricatus (Klug) (Coleoptera: Noteridae). Aquat. Insects, 19: 107-116.
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