Dr. Norhan Khairy Abd El-Aziz
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Dr. Norhan Khairy Abd El-Aziz

Zagazig University, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Veterinary Medical Science from Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Polymerase Chain Reaction

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Ammar, A.M., N.K.A. El-Aziz, A.A. Gharib, H.K. Ahmed and A.E. Lameay, 2016. Mutations of domain V in 23S ribosomal RNA of macrolide-resistant mycoplasma gallisepticum isolates in Egypt. J. Infect. Dev. Countries, 10: 807-813.
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  2. Ammar, A.M., N.K. Abd El-Aziz, M.S. Hanafy and O.A. Ibrahim, 2016. Serotypes profile of avian salmonellae and estimation of antibiotic residues in chicken muscles using high-performance liquid chromatography. Adv. Environ. Biol., 10: 173-179.
  3. Ammar, A.M., A.M. Attia, N.K. Abd El-Aziz, M.I. Abd El Hamid and A.S. El-Demerdash, 2016. Class 1 integron and associated gene cassettes mediating multiple-drug resistance in some food borne pathogens. Int. Food Res. J., 23: 332-339.
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  4. Abd, E.H.M., E.A.N. Abd and H.A. Ali, 2016. Protective potency of clove oil and its transcriptional down-regulation of aeromonas sobria virulence genes in African catfish (clarias gariepinus L.). Cell. Mol. Biol., 62: 49-54.
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  5. Abd El-Aziz, N.K., M.I. Abd El-Hamid, E.Y. El-Naenaeey and E.M.A. Remela, 2016. A complex hierarchical quorum-sensing circuitry modulates phenazine gene expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates. J. Infect. Dev. Countries, .
  6. Ammar, A.M., E.A.N. Abd, E.W.S. Abd and N.R. Bakry, 2015. Molecular versus conventional culture for detection of respiratory bacterial pathogens in poultry. Cell. Mol. Biol., 62: 52-56.
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  7. El-Aziz, N.K.A., I.E. Eldesoky, A.M. Ammar, S.I. Eissa and Y.H. Mohamed, 2014. Molecular studies on M. gallisepticum and avian pathogenic E. coli induced infections in broilers. Eur. J. Vet. Med., Vol. 2014. .
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  8. Ammar, A.M., A.M. Attia, S.A. Oada, N.K. Abd El-Aziz and S.A. Hamed, 2014. Molecular studies on fluoroquinolone resistant Mycoplasma gallisepticum isolates from broiler flocks. Zagazig Vet. J., 42: 118-128.
  9. Abd, E.A.N. and A.A. Gharib, 2014. Coexistence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance determinants and AmpC-Beta-lactamases in escherichia coli strains in Egypt. Cell. Mol. Biol., 61: 29-35.
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  10. Lamey, A.E.S., A.M. Ammar, E.R.A. Zaki, N. Khairy, B.S. Moshref and M.K. Refai, 2013. Virulence factors of Escherichia coli isolated from recurrent cases of clinical and subclinical mastitis in buffaloes. Int. J. Microbiol. Res., 4: 86-94.
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  11. Gharib, A.A. and N.K. Abd El-Aziz, 2013. Molecular analysis of quinolone resistance-determining regions in avian pathogenic Escherichia coli. Int. J. Adv. Res., 1: 145-157.
  12. Ammar, A.M., B. Shalaby, N. Khairy, Y. Hashim and G. Abdelaal, 2013. Detection of NetB and Beta2 toxin genes in C. perfringens isolates obtained from chickens. Zagazig Vet. J., 41: 60-68.
  13. Ammar, A.M., S.I. Eissa, K.A. Norhan, H.M. Yousreya and E.E. Abd El Aziz, 2011. Advanced studies on diagnosis of single M. gallisepticum infection and combined with E. coli in chickens. Zagazig Vet. J., 39: 124-136.