Prof. Ali El-Saied M. Sharief
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Prof. Ali El-Saied M. Sharief

Mansoura University, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Agronomy from Mansoura University, Egypt

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Dr. Ali El-Saied Sharief holds a position of Professor at Mansoura University, Egypt. He has obtained his Ph.D. in Agronomy from same University. He has having more than 37 years teaching experience at Mansoura University. He also served as Visiting Professor at Copenhagen University, Denmark, and Agriculture University of Poznan, Poland. His main area of research interest focuses on Crop and Seed Sciences, Oil Crops, Production and Plant Physiology, Legume Crops, Production and Physiology, Agriculture treatments i.e. Plant Spacing, Irrigation, Fertilization etc, Bio-fertilization, Intercropping, and Weed Control. He is professional member of Egyptian Society of Agronomy, Egyptian Society of Plant Breeding, Journal of Agriculture Science Mansoura University, Journal of Agriculture Science Cairo University, Zagazig Journal of Agriculture Research Zagazig University, and Journal of Applied Science Zagazig University. Dr. Ali received honors include annually received Undergraduate Student Awards, Mansoura University for the Best PhD Thesis in Agriculture, and Mansoura University Encouragement Prize in Scientific Agriculture Research. He also participated in more than 24 research projects as principal investigator and member of research team. He successfully supervised 35 MSc thesis, and 12 PhD thesis. He has published 93 research articles in journals, 10 books in Arabic, 18 books in English and 13 technical reports contributed as author/co-author.

He has contribute as a member of the Eleventh Permanent Scientific Committee for the promotion of faculty members to the rank of Assistant Professor and Professor during the period 2013-2017.

He was also the member of the Permanent Scientific Committee of Agricultural Sciences at the Atomic Energy Commission to promote the degree of Assistant Professor and Professor during the period 2014-2017.

He has participate as a Member of the Standing Scientific Committee of the Plant Production Committee for the promotion of faculty members to the rank of Assistant Professor and Professor during the period fromĀ 2016-2019.

He is Chairman of the Permanent Scientific Committee of the Committee of Plant Production for the promotion of faculty members to the degree of Assistant Professor and Professor during the period fromĀ 2019-2022.

Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Crop Science
Plant Production
Plant Physiology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and O.S.A. Shereif, 2019. Impact of salinity concentrations on physiological indices of some canola cultivars. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci., 6: 88-99.
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  2. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and H.S.M. Ahmed, 2019. Effect of antioxidant and growth hormones on seedling parameters of new and aging seed of some maize hybrids. Global Adv. Res. J. Agric. Sci., 8: 114-125.
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  3. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and F.M.A. El-Fatah, 2019. Influence of antioxidants and salinity stress on seedling parameters of some rice cultivars. J. Plant Stress Physiol., 5: 15-21.
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  4. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and F.M.A. El-Fatah, 2019. Evaluation of some rice cultivars to salt tolerance under antioxidant using physiologicalindices. Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotechnol., 4: 1069-1079.
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  5. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and F.M. Abd El-Fatah, 2019. Individual and combined effects of antioxidant and salinity on germination characters of rice. J. Ecobiotechnol., 11: 6-12.
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  6. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.S.A. Mahmoud, 2019. Influence of phosphorus fertilization levels on productivity of some broad bean cultivars. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci., 6: 124-131.
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  7. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.A. Sayed, 2019. Seedling parameters of some maize hybrids as affected by seed storage periods, conditions and materials. Global Adv. Res. J. Agric. Sci., 8: 77-85.
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  8. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.A. Sayed, 2019. Maize hybrids seed germination characters as affected by seed storage periods, conditions and materials. Global Adv. Res. J. Agric. Sci., 8: 50-60.
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  9. Kandil, A.A.E.N., A.E.S. Sharief and A.K.D. Botabaah, 2018. Effect of antioxidants and salinity stress on seedling parameters of some wheat cultivars. Res. J. Seed Sci., 11: 12-21.
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  10. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.K.D. Botabaah, 2018. Evaluation of some wheat genotypes to salt tolerance under antioxidant using physiological indices. Int. J. Agric. Policy Res., 6: 38-49.
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  11. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2018. Response of acacia forage yield and its quality to water stress and cutting height. Forage Res., 44: 159-166.
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  12. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2018. Leucaena forage yield as influenced by soil conditioner and irrigation regime treatments. J. Exp. Sci., 9: 18-23.
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  13. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief, S.E. Seadh and D.S.K. Altai, 2017. Physiological role of humic acid, amino acids and nitrogen fertilizer on growth of wheat under reclaimed sandy soil. Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotechnol., 2: 732-742.
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  14. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and M.M. Keshta, 2017. Performance of canola (Brassica napus L.) genotypes under drought stress. Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotechnol., 2: 653-661.
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  15. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and D.E.A. Elbadry, 2017. Germination characters as affected by salinity stress and soaking grain sorghum genotypesin humic acid. Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotechnol., 2: 3268-3278.
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  16. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and D.E.A. El Badry, 2017. Seedling parameters as affected by soaking in humic acid, salinity stress and grain sorghum genotypes. Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotechnol., 2: 3213-3223.
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  17. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.N. Ramadan, 2017. Performance of some soybean genotypes (Glycine max L.) to germination and seedling characters as affected by planting dates and phosphorus fertilization. Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotechnol., 2: 3192-3201.
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  18. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.N. Ramadan, 2017. Behaviors of some soybean cultivars (Glycine max L.) yield to planting dates and different phosphorus fertilizer rates. Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotechnol., 2: 3202-3212.
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  19. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.M.A. Odam, 2017. Response of some sunflower hybrids (Helianthus annuus L.) to different nitrogen fertilizer rates and plant densities. Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotechnol., 2: 2978-2994.
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  20. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.M.A. Odam, 2017. Germination and seedling characters as influenced by sunflower hybrids, nitrogen fertilizer rates and hill spacing. Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotechnol., 2: 2995-3006.
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  21. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.M. Abo-Zaied, 2017. Maize hybrids yield as affected by inter and intra row spacing. Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotechnol., 2: 643-652.
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  22. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.K.D. Botabaah, 2017. Influence of antioxidants and salinity stress on seed viability characters of some wheat cultivars. Res. Plant Biol., 7: 13-20.
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  23. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Shareif and M.A. Gad, 2017. Effect of salinity on germination and seeding parameters of forage cowpea seed. Res. J. Seed Sci., 10: 17-26.
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  24. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2017. Effect of water deficits and intensive cuttings on forage productivity of Atriplex nummularia Lindl and its quality. Forage Res., 43: 1-8.
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  25. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2017. Effect of frequency and height of cutting on growth parameters of Acacia saligna in Egypt. Afr. J. Range Forage Sci., 34: 179-183.
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  26. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief, S.E. Seadh and D.S.K. Altai, 2016. Role of humic acid and amino acids in limiting loss of nitrogen fertilizer and increasing productivity of some wheat cultivars grown under newly reclaimed sandy soil. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci., 3: 123-136.
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  27. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and O.S.A. Shereif, 2016. Response of germination parameters of some canola cultivars to salinity stress. Int. J. Agron. Agric. Res., 8: 1-9.
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  28. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and O.S.A. Shereif, 2016. Effect of salinity stress on seedlings parameters of some canola cultivars. Int. J. Agron. Agric. Res., 8: 10-18.
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  29. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and M.F. Kasim, 2016. Seedling parameters as affected by seed priming of some safflower cultivars under salinity stress. Int. J. Agron. Agric. Res., 9: 81-99.
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  30. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and M.F. Kasim, 2016. Germination characters as affected by seed priming of some safflower cultivars under salinity stress. Int. J. Agron. Agric. Res., 9: 65-80.
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  31. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and H.S.M. Gomaa, 2016. Estimation of general and specific combining ability in bread wheat Triticum aestivum L. Int. J. Agron. Agric. Res., 8: 37-44.
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  32. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and H.S.M. Gomaa, 2016. Estimates of gene action for yield and its components in bread wheat Triticum aestivum L. Int. J. Agron. Agric. Res., 8: 34-40.
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  33. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.M. Abo-Zaied, 2016. Growth characters of some maize hybrids as affected by inter and intra row spacings. J. Plant Prod. Mansoura Univ., 7: 877-881.
  34. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.A. Mamoon, 2016. Seedling parameters of some sunflower cultivars as affected by seed priming and salinity stress. Int. J. Agron. Agric. Res., 9: 117-136.
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  35. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.A. Mamoon, 2016. Germination characters as affected by seed priming of some sunflower cultivars under salinity stress. Int. J. Agron. Agric. Res., 9: 100-116.
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  36. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2016. Productivity of some forage grasses under foliar sprinkler irrigation and foliar application of potassium nitrate under salinity stress. Int. J. Agron. Agric. Res., 8: 39-59.
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  37. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2016. Productivity of some forage grasses and alfalfa under foliar sprinkler irrigation with foliar application of chemical substances under water stress. Int. J. Contemp. Applied Sci., 3: 289-327.
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  38. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2016. New approach for increasing egyptian clover productivity in North Delta. STC Agric. Nat. Resour., 2: 8-27.
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  39. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2016. Evaluating productivity of some forage crops under different irrigation intervals in newly reclaimed soils. Int. J. Contemp. Applied Sci., 3: 67-99.
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  40. Kandil, A.A., Sharief A.E. and M.H.S. Ahmed, 2015. Germination characters as affected by seed priming of some cotton cultivars under salinity stress. World Res. J. Agron., 4: 144-154.
  41. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief, S.E. Sedadh and J.J.K. Al-Hamery, 2015. Germination parameter enhanchementof maize grain with soaking in some national and artificial substances. J. Crop Sci., 6: 142-149.
  42. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and M.H.S. Ahmed, 2015. Seedling parameters as affected seed priming of some cotton cultivars gossypium barbadense, l. Under salinity stress World Res. J. Agron., 4: 116-124.
  43. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and K.R. Ahmed, 2015. Effect of salinity stress on seeding parameters of some soybean Gaucine Max (L.) Merll. cultivars. World Res. J. Agron., 4: 155-161.
  44. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and K. R. Ahmed, 2015. Performance of some soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill. cultivars under salinity stress to germination characters. Intl. J. Agron. Agric. Res., 6: 48-56.
  45. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and J.J.K. Al-Hamery, 2015. Maize seedlings characters as affected by soaking in some natural andartificial substances. Intl. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci., 2: 126-138.
  46. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and F.M. Abd EL-Fatah, 2015. Seedling parameters of some egyptian clover cultivars as affected by priming seed treatments and salinity stress. World Res. J. Agron., 4: 170-177.
  47. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and F.M. Abd EL-Fatah, 2015. Germination characters of some egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinaum l.) cultivars as affected by priming under salinity stress. World Res. J. Agron., 4: 162-169.
  48. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2015. Pretreatment methods to encourage germination of atriplex species. World Res. J. Agron., 4: 139-143.
  49. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2015. Physical and chemical treatments for encouraging germination of acacia saligna labill. World Res. J. Agron., 4: 134-138.
  50. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2015. Enhancement vegetation propagation of atriplex nummularia, lindl. by types of stem cuts, its position in the stem, media and chemical treatments. J. Crop Sci., 6: 126-130.
  51. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief, W.A.E. Abido and M.A. Areej, 2014. Effect of gibberellic acid on germination behaviour of sugar beet cultivars under salt stress conditions of Egypt. Sugar Tec., 16: 211-221.
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  52. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.A. Sayed, 2014. Response of seedling parameters of some sesame cultivars to salinity concentrations. World Res. J. Agron., 3: 108-115.
  53. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.A. Sayed, 2014. Response of germination characters of some sesame cultivars to salinity concentrations. World Res. J. Agron., 3: 102-107.
  54. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief, A.R. Morsy and A.I.M. El-Sayed 2013. Influence of planting date on some genotypes of soybean growth, yield and seed quality. J. Biol. Sci., 13: 146-151.
  55. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and M.S. Sheteiwy, 2013. Seedling parameters of soybean cultivars as influenced with seed storage periods, conditions and materials. Int. J. Agric. Sci., 5: 330-338.
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  56. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and M.S. Sheteiwy, 2013. Effect of seed storage periods, conditions and materials on seed quality of some soybean cultivars. Intl. J. Agri. Sci., 5: 339-346.
  57. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and M.S. Sheteiwy, 2013. Effect of seed storage periods, conditions and materials on germination of some soybean seed cultivars. Am. J. Exp. Agric., 3: 1020-1043.
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  58. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and F.H. Fathalla, 2013. Onion yield as affected by foliar application with amino and humic acids under nitrogen fertilizer levels. J. Crop Prod., 2: 62-72.
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  59. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and F.H. Fathalla, 2013. Effect of transplanting dates of some onion cultivars on vegetative growth, bulb yield and its quality. Crop Prod., 2: 72-82.
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  60. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and F.H. Fathalla, 2013. Effect of organic and mineral fertilizers on vegetative growth,bulb yield and quality of onion cultivars. Crop Prod., 2: 91-100.
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  61. Kandil, A.A., A.A. Sharief, W.A.E. Abido and M.A. Areej, 2013. Salt tolerance study of six cultivars of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris, L.) during seedling stage. Sky J. Agric. Res., 2: 138-148.
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  62. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief, W.A.E. Abido and M.M.O. Ibrahim, 2012. Response of some canola cultivars (Brassica napus L.) to salinity stress and its effect on germination and seedling properties. J. Crop Sci., 3: 95-103.
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  63. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief, W.A.E. Abido and M.M. Ibrahim, 2012. Effect of salinity on seed germination and seedling characters of some forage sorghum cultivars. Int. J. Agric. Sci., 4: 306-311.
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  64. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief, A.R. Morsy and A.I. Manar El-Sayed, 2012. Performance of some Promising Genotypes of Soybean Under Different Planting Dates Using Biplots Analysis. J. Basic Appl. Sci., 8: 379-385.
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  65. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and S.R.H. Ahmed, 2012. Germination and seedling growth of some chickpea cultivars (Cicer arietinum L.) under salinity stress. J. Basic Applied Sci., 8: 561-571.
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  66. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and M.A. Elokda, 2012. Germination and seedling characters of different wheat cultivars under salinity stress. J. Basic Applied Sci., 8: 585-596.
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  67. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and E.S.E. Nassar, 2012. Response of some rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars to germination under salinity stress. Int. J. Agric. Sci., 4: 272-277.
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  68. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.M.Y. Abd El-Atif, 2012. Encouragement Germination of Potato Seed Cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L.). J. Basic Appl. Sci., 8: 223-230.
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  69. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.M.A. Odam, 2012. Dormancy overcoming of some alfalfa varieties. Res. J. Seed Sci., 5: 19-31.
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  70. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Shareif, T.A. Abo-Zaied and A.G.T. Moussa, 2012. Multivariate analysis of some economic characters in flax. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 15 : 85-91.
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  71. Kandil, A.A., A.A. Arafa, A.E. Sharief and E.A.N. Ramadan, 2012. Genotypic differences between two mungbean varieties in response to salt stress at seedling stage. Intl. J. Agri. Sci., 4: 278-283.
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  72. Sharief, A.E. and A.A. Hassan, 2011. Performance of some rice cultivars as affected by nitrogen fertilizer sources under saline soil in North Delta. J. Product. Develop., 16: 369-377.
  73. Kandil, A.A., A.N.E. Attia, A.E. Sharief and A.A.A. Leilh, 2011. Response of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Yield to Water Stress and Mineral Biofertilization. Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 59: 361-370.
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  74. Kandil, A.A., A.N. Attia, M.A. Badawi, A.E. Sharief, and W.A.E. Abido, 2011. Influence of Water Stress and Organic and Inorganic Fertilization on Quality, Storability and Chemical Analysis of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum, L). J. Appl. Sci. Res., 7: 187-199.
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  75. Kandil, A.A., A.N. Attia, M.A. Badawi, A.E. Sharief and W.A.H. Abido, 2011. Effect of Water Stress and Fertilization with Inorganic Nitrogen and Organic Chicken Manure on Yield and Yield Components of Potato. Aust. J. Basic Appl. Sci., 5: 997-1005.
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  76. Kandil, A.A., A.E. Sharief and A.S.A. Mahmoud, 2011. Reduction of flower dropping in some faba bean cultivars by growth regulators foliar application. J. Appl. Sci. Res., 7: 1883-1889.
  77. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2011. The impact of storage packages and storage periodson onion (Allium cepa L.) seed viability. J. Plant Prod., 2: 385-391.
  78. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2011. Effect seed onion treatment with plant oils on seed germination during storage. J. Plant Prod., 2: 393-399.
  79. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2011. Effect of storage temperature and treatment with germination enhancement compound on onion (Allium cepa L.) Seed viability during storage periods. J. Plant Prod., 2: 377-384.
  80. Kandil, A.A, A.E. Sharief, T.A. Abou Zaied and A.T. Gamil, 2011. Genetic divergence and heterosis in linseed (Linum ustatissmum L.). J. Plant Prod., 2: 335-349.
  81. Kandil, A.A., A.N. Attia, M.A. Badawi, A.E. Sharief and W.A. Abido, 2010. Effect of Water Stress and Fertilization with Inorganic Nitrogen and Chicken Manure on Vegetative Growth Charachters of Potato. Mansoura Univ. J. Plant Prod., 1: 519-533.
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  82. Zaied, K.A., H.N.A. El-Mageed, E.A. Fayzalla, A.E. Sharief and A.A. Zehry, 2009. Induction of bacterial and yeast recombinants and their decontaminated factory effluents. Aust. J. Basic Applied Sci., 3: 28-48.
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  83. Zaied, K.A., H.N.A. El-Mageed, E.A. Fayzalla, A.E. Sharief and A.A. Zehry, 2009. Enhancement assimilation of nitrite and nitrate containing factory effluents via recombinants induced in yeast and bacteria. Aust. J. Basic Applied Sci., 3: 17-27.
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  84. Sharief, A.E., S.E. El-Kalla, H.E. Gado and H.A.E. Abo-Yousef, 2009. Heterosis in yellow maize. Aust. J. Crop Sci., 3: 146-154.
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  85. Kandil, A.A., M.S. Sultan, A.E. Sharief and W. El-Batrwy, 2009. Certain physical and chemical traits in selected oilseed crops. J. Agron., 8: 73-78.
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  86. Kandil, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 2009. Morphological and physical-chemical characteristics identification of some summer oil crops genotypes. J. Applied Sci. Res., 5: 1313-1319.
  87. Zaied, K.A., H.N.A. El-Mageed, E.A. Fayzalla, A.E. Sharief and A.A. Zehry, 2008. Enhancement of biosorption of heavy metals from factory effluents via recombinants induced in yeast and bacteria. Aust. J. Basic Applied Sci., 2: 701-717.
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  88. Zaied, K.A., H.N.A. El-Mageed, E.A. Fayzalla, A.E. Sharief and A.A. Zehry, 2008. Effect of yeast and bacterial recombinants on the uptake of heavy metals from wastewater. Aust. J. Basic Applied Sci., 2: 685-700.
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  89. Zaied, K.A., A.H. Abd El-Hady, A.E. Sharief, E.H. Ashour and M.A. Nassef, 2007. Effect of horizontal DNA transfer in Azospirillum and Azotobacter strains on biological and biochemical traits of non-legume plants. J. Applied Sci. Res., 3: 73-86.
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  90. Sharief, A.E., S.E. El-Kalla, H.E. Gado and H.A.E. Abo Yousef, 2007. Combining ability and type of gene action in yellow maize top crosses. Combining ability and type of gene action in yellow maize top crosses. Egypt J. Plant Breed, 11: 97-109.
  91. Kandil, A.A., M.S. Sultan, A.E. Sharief and El.B. Walla, 2007. Morphological identification of some oil crop varieties. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 32: 8873-8884.
  92. Sultan, M.S., M.H. El-Hinidi, A.E. Sharief, A.H.A. El-Latif and M.N. El-Hawary, 2006. Genetic analysis of some bread wheat crosses under normal and water stress conditions. Egypt J. Plant Breed., 10: 249-265.
  93. Sharief, A.E., S.E. El-Kalla, A.T. El-Kassaby, M.H. Ghonema and G.M.Q. Abdo, 2006. Effect of bio-chemical fertilization and times of nutrient foliar application on growth, yield and yield components of rice. J. Agron., 5: 212-219.
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  94. Sharief, A.E., A.H. El-Hindi, M.S. Sultan, A.H.A. El-latif and M.N. El-Hawary, 2006. Heterosis in some bread wheat crosses under normal and water stress conditions. Egypt. J. Plant Breed, 10: 1-14.
  95. Sharief, A.E., S.A. El-Moursy, A.M. Salama, M.I. El-Emery and F.E. Youssef, 2005. Morphological and molecular biochemical identification of some rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 8: 1275-1279.
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  96. Sharief, A.E., M.H. El-Hindi, S.A El-Moursy and A.K. Seadh, 2005. Response of two flax cultivars to N,P and K fertilizer levels. Sci. J. King Faisal Univ., 6: 127-144.
  97. Sharief, A.E., A.N. Attia, S.A. El-Moursy, M.I. El-Emery and M.I. El-Abady, 2005. Biochemical identification of some maize genotypes. J. Agron., 4: 165-172.
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  98. EL-Kalla, S.A., A.E. Sharief, A.M. Abdalla, A.A. Leilah and S.A. El-Awami, 2004. Improvement of wheat productivity using some agricultural practices for reducing environmental pollution. Zagazig J. Agric. Res., 31: 813-827.
  99. Sharief, A.E., S.E. El-Kalla, A.T. El-Kassaby, M.S. Sultan and N.A. El-Bossaty, 2003. Response of some short duration cultivars of soybean and sunflower to intensive cropping. Sci. J. King Faisal Univ., 4: 95-104.
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  100. Sharief, A.E., M.S. Sultan, M.H. Ghonema and S.S. El-Kamshishy, 2003. Response of soybean (Glycine max, L. Merrill) to plant distribution and microelements foliar spraying: I. Growth characters and seed oil content. J. Agric. Mansoura. Univ., 28: 1621-1630.
  101. Abdalla, A.M., S.E. El-Kalla, A.E. Sharief, A.A. Leilah and S.K. El-Awami, 2003. Utilization of some agricultural practices to improve some wheat cultivars productivity II. Growth and protein yield. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 28: 7547-7555.
  102. Sultan M.S., A.E. Sharief, M.H. Ghonema and S.S. El-Kamshishy, 2002. Response of soybean (Glycine max, L. merrill) to plant distribution and microelements foliar spraying: II. Yield and its component. J. Agric. Mansoura Univ., 28: 1631-1643.
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  103. Sharief, A.E., A.M. Salama, M.M. Keshta and M.A.A. Mohammed, 2002. Combining ability of some canola (Brassica napus, L.) Inbred lines and their hybrids under different plant population density. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 27: 7225-7235.
  104. Sharief, A.E., A.M. Salama, M. Keshta and M.A. Mohamed, 2002. Heterosis of some canola hybrids under different plant population density. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 27: 6599-6612.
  105. Sharief, A.E. and M.M. Keshta, 2002. Influence of sowing dates and plant density on growth and yield of canola (Brassica napus, L.) under salt affected soils in Egypt. Sci. J. King Faisal Univ., 3: 65-78.
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  106. El-Kalla, S.E., A.E. Sharief, A.A. Leilah, A.M. Abdalla and S.A.K. El-Awami, 2002. Utilization of some agriculture Practices to improve some wheat cultivars productivityl-yield and its components. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 27: 6583-6597.
  107. Sharief, A.E., 2001. Plant population density as limited factor affecting production of cereal crops. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 26: 1219-1245.
  108. Sharief, A.E., M.M. El-Hindi, A.A. Abd EL-Rahman and G.M. Abdo, 2000. Rice productivity as influenced by planting dates and seedling ages. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 25: 1511-1521.
  109. Sharief, A.E., A.A. Hassan and S.I. Hafiz, 2000. Response of some wheat to some Bio-chemical fertilization regimes and foliar nutrition by micronutrients. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 15: 83-98.
  110. Sharief, A.E. and M.M. Keshta, 2000. Response of some canola cultivars (Brassica napus L.) to different sources and levels of nitrogen fertilizer in soil affected by salinity. Zagazig J. Agric. Res. 27: 603-616.
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  111. Sharief, A.E., 1999. Performance of some flax cultivars to nitrogen fertilizer rates and yield analysis. Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ., 50: 394-415.
  112. Sharief, A.E. and M.M. Keshta, 1999. Canola (Brassica napus L.) productivity in North Delta as affected by sowing dates and plant population density. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 24: 435-444.
  113. Sharief, A.E. and E.M. Said, 1999. Effect of intercropping patterns and seeding rates on forage yield productivity and competition parameters of sorghum and cowpea. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 24: 385-397.
  114. Attia, A.N., A.E. Sharief, A.M. Salama, A.S. Kamel and M.M. Bader, 1999. Biological efficiency of intercropping systems soybean with maize under different NP-fertilization levels and row direction. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 24: 31-42.
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  115. Sharief, A.E., S.E. El-Kalla, A.A. Leilla and H.E.M. Moustafa, 1998. Response of some wheat cultivars to nitrogen fertilizer levels and biological fertilization. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 23: 5807-5816.
  116. Sharief, A.E., M.H. El-Hindi, A.T. El-Kassaby and F.I. Yousef, 1998. Response of rice productivity to biofertilization type and nitrogen fertilizer levels. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 23: 5817-5825.
  117. Sharief, A.E., 1998. Productivity of some introduced sunflower cultivars as affected by planting date and plant population density. Zagazig J. Agric. Res., 25: 895-909.
  118. Sharief, A.E., Z.A. Mohamed and S.M. Salama, 1997. Evaluation of some sugar beet cultivars to NPK fertilizers and yield analysis. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura. Univ., 22: 1887-1903.
  119. Sharief, A.E., 1997. Response of some lupine cultivars to planting date ,plant population density and yield analysis. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 22: 4145-4164.
  120. Sharief, A.E. and A.M. Abdallah, 1997. Effect of planting and harvesting dates on safflower (Charthimus tinctorious, L.) productivity. J. Agric. Mansoura Univ., 22: 4197-4208.
  121. Attia, A.N., A.E. Sharief, M.H. Hindi and A.E. Ibrahim, 1997. Response of mung bean to Rhizobium inoculation, N-fertilization and plant density. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 22: 2551-2563.
  122. Sharief, A.E. and A.M. Abdalla, 1996. Yield analysis of two lupine cultivars fertilized with macro and micro-nutrients. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 21: 4253-4259.
  123. Sarhan, A.A. and A.E. Sharief, 1995. Varietal response to plant density in broad bean (Vicia faba L.). J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 20: 1013-1027.
  124. Salama, S.M., Z.A. Mohamed and A.E. Sharief, 1995. Response of flax to some growth substances and watering intervals. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 20: 4895-4907.
  125. Sharief, A.E. and K. Eghbal, 1994. Yield analysis of seven sugar beet varieties under different levels of nitrogen in dry region of Egypt. Aerobiologi. Res., 47: 231-241.
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  126. Sharief, A.E., 1993. Response of some introduced and local flax cultivars Linum usitatissimum L. to seeding rates. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 18: 2827-2834.
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  127. Sharief, A.E., 1993. Influence of plant distribution patterns and molybdenum levels on field bean, Vicia faba L. productivity. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 18: 968-975.
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  128. Sharief, A.E., 1993. Effect of NPK fertilization and micro-nutrients application on growth and seed yield of soybean (Glycine max, Merill). J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 18: 1609-1619.
  129. Sharief, A.E. and El.M. Said, 1993. The contribution of sowing dates, plant density on the productivity of some oil sunflower cultivars. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoua Univ., 18: 959-967.
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  130. Said, E.M. and A.E. Sharief, 1993. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization and seeding rates on forage yields and quality of Egyptian clover-ryegrass mixtures. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 18: 1335-1341.
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  131. Kaoud, E.E., D.M. Ibrahim and A.E. Sharief, 1993. Influence of soil-applied P and foliar-applied Mn, Cu, Zn on seed oil yields and yield components of safflower. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 18: 2786-2795.
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  132. Sharief, A.E. and M.E. El-Bially, 1992. Yield and path analysis of five soybean cultivars under three plant densities. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 7: 518-529.