Dr. Sahar Awadallah Mohamed Hussein
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Dr. Sahar Awadallah Mohamed Hussein

National Research Center, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry from Cairo University, Egypt

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Prof. Dr. Sahar A.M. Hussein completed her B.Sc. Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Cairo University with a very good degree in 1982. She further got master’s degree in 1991 in Applied Chemistry, the Faculty of Science, Cairo University. She got Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry in1993. Her thesis focused on the isolation of the phenolic from a local plant. She has a very vast professional background. She was the head of NMR department at NRC, Egypt, from1992- 2011. She was the head of NMR department at King Saud University, Riyadh Saudi Arabia in 2001-2003. She was awarded her Professor degree in 2004 at Phytochemistry and Plant Systematic Department. She is the head of the Phytochemistry and plant systematic department NRC, in 2008 till 2019. She joined DFG project from 1995 till 2001 in combination with Prof. Dr. GÊnter Willuhn, Head of the Institute for Pharmaceutical Biology, Heinrich-Heine-University-DÊsseldorf, Germany. She joined DFG research grant in combination with of Prof. Dr. U.Lindequist at the Institute for Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Biology, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Greifswald University, Germany. From 2001 until 2004. She is a Co-principle investigator of the Scientific Research Agreement BMBF between Institute for Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Biology, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt- Greifswald University, Germany, and (NRC) Cairo from 2009-2015. She is a Co-principle investigator of STDF/DAAD-GESP (ID: 1399) project from 2010 until 2012.

Area of Interest:

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Applied Chemistry
Natural Products

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Hussein, S., A. Elmosallamy, N. Abdel-Hamid and L. Srour, 2020. Identification of polyphenolic compounds and hepatoprotective activity of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) edible part extracts in rats. Egypt. J. Chem., 63: 6-9.
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  2. Othman, S.O.K., M.A. El-Hashash, S.A.M. Hussein, A.M.D. El-Mesallamy, S.A. Rizk and F.A. Elabbar, 2019. Phenolic content as antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Pistacia atlantica Desf. (Anacardiaceae) extract from Libya. Egypt. J. Chem., 62: 21-28.
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  3. Hussein, S.A.A., A.M.D. El-Mesallamy, S.O.K. Othman and A.E.M.M. Soliman, 2019. Identification of novel polyphenolic secondary metabolites from Pistacia atlantica Desf. and demonstration of their cytotoxicity and CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rat. Egypt. J. Chem., (In Press). 10.21608/EJCHEM.2019.16297.1994.
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  4. El-Mesallamy, A.M.D., A.EL-Sayed A. El-Latif, M.H.A. El-Azim, M.G.M. Mahdi and S. Hussein, 2019. Chemical composition and biological activities of red beetroot (Beta Vulgaris Linnaeus) roots. Egypt. J. Chem., 63: 239-246.
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  5. El-Mesallamy, A.M.D., S.A.M. Hussein, A.A.M. Hussein, S.A. Mahmoud and K.M. El-Azab, 2018. Reno-protective effect of methanolic extract of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni and bioactive phenolic compounds in type-1-diabetes. Egypt. J. Chem., 61: 609-615.
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  6. El-Mesallamy, A.M.D., S.A. Mahmoud, K.M. Elazab, S.A.M. Hussein and A.M. Hussein, 2018. Attenuation of metabolic dysfunctions in the skeletal muscles of type 1 diabetic rats by Stevia rebaudiana extracts, via AMPK upregulation and antioxidant activities. Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. Aliment., 17: 289-297.
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  7. El-Mesallamy, A.M.D., S.A.M. Hussein, G.N.A. Gad, M.H. Abd-Elazem and E.M.M. Ebrahem, 2017. Cytotoxicity and anti-microbial activity of aqueous methanolic extract of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Zingiberacae). Eur. J. Med. Plants, 19: 1-8.
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  8. Nawwar, M.A., A.N. Hashem, S.A. Hussein, N.F. Swilam and A. Becker et al., 2016. Phenolic profiling of an extract from Eugenia jambos L. (Alston)-the structure of three flavonoid glycosides-antioxidant and cytotoxic activities. Pharmazie: Int. J. Pharmaceut. Sci., 71: 162-168.
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  9. Hussein, S.A.M., A.M.D. El-Mesallamy, A.M.A. Souleman and M.A. Mousa, 2016. Cytotoxic activity of bioactive compound from Caesalpinia ferrea Martius, Fabaceae. Int. J. Pharmacogn. Phytochem. Res., 8: 2080-2084.
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  10. Nawwar, M.A., S.A. Hussein, A.M. El-Mousallami, A.N. Hashim and M.A. Mousa et al., 2015. Phenolics from Caesalpinia ferrea Mart.: Antioxidant, cytotoxic and hypolipidemic activity. Die Pharmazie-Int. J. Pharmaceut. Sci., 70: 553-558.
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  11. Hussein, A.M., A.M.D. El-Mousalamy, S.A.M. Hussein and S.A. Mahmoud, 2015. Effects of palm dates (Phoenix dactylifera L) extracts on hepatic dysfunctions in type 2 diabetic rat model. World J. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci., 4: 62-79.
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  12. Nawwar, M., A. El-Mousallami, S. Hussein, A. Hashem, M. Mousa, U. Lindequist and M. Linscheid, 2014. Three new Di-O-glycosyl-C-glucosyl flavones from the leaves of Caesalpinia ferrea Mart. Zeitschrift Naturforschung C, 69: 357-362.
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  13. El-Mesallamy, A.M.D., S.A.M. Hussein, M.H.M. Abd El Azim and M. El-Gerby, 2014. Phenolic composition and biological activities of methanolic extract of carica-papaya. Nat. Prod.: Indian J., 10: 163-170.
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  14. Abd El Azim, M.H.M., A.M.D. El-Mesallamy, S. Safaan, S. Hussein and M. Abd El Maksoud, 2014. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activities of the volatile oil of Mentha-pulegium (Labiatae). Nat. Prod.: Indian J., 10: 131-135.
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  15. El-Mesallamy, A.M.D., S.A.M. Hussein, M. El Gerby and M.H.M. Abd El Azim, 2013. Phenolic composition and biological activities of methanolic extract of strawberry leaves (Fragaria ananassa). Nat. Prod.: Indian J., 9: 251-257.
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  16. Nawwar, M., N. Ayoub, S. Hussein, A. Hashim and R. El-Sharawy et al., 2012. Flavonol triglycoside and investigation of the antioxidant and cell stimulating activities of Annona muricata Linn. Arch. Pharmacal Res., 35: 761-767.
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  17. El-Mesallamy, A.M.D., S.S. Saafan, M.H. Abd El Azim, M. Abd El Maksoud and S.A.M. Hussein, 2012. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activites of the volatile oil of Mentha puleguim (Labiatae). J. Egypt. Soc. Toxicol., 45: 105-108.
  18. El-Mesallamy, A.M.D., S.A.M. Hussein, M.H.M. Abd El Azima and M. El-Gerby, 2012. Phenolic composition and biological activities of methanolic extract of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) leaves. J. Egypt. Soc. Toxicol., 45: 97-103.
  19. Hussein, S.A.M., A.N. Hashim, M.A. Mousa, A.L. Kansoh and A.M.D. El-Mousalamy, 2012. Phenolic metabolites of Acalypha wilkesiana cv. Hoffmannii leaves extract and its cytotoxic activities. J. Egypt. Soc. Toxicol., 45: 47-53.
  20. Nawwar, M.A., S.A. Hussein, A.N. Hashim, H.H. Barakat and G. Mernitz et al., 2011. A novel triacylglycerol from a cytotoxic extract of a red sea marine fungus. Egypt. J. Chem., 54: 299-409.
  21. Nawwar, M., S. Hussein, N. Ayoub, A. Hashim and R. El-Sharawy et al., 2011. Constitutive phenolics of Harpephyllum caffrum (Anacardiaceae) and their biological effects on human keratinocytes. Fitoterapia, 82: 1265-1271.
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  22. Nawwar, M.A.M., S.A.M. Hussein, N.A. Ayoub, A. Hashim and G. Mernitz et al., 2010. Deuteromycols A and B, two benzofuranoids from a Red Sea marine-derived Deuteromycete sp. Arch. Pharmacal Res., 33: 1729-1733.
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  23. Hashim, A.N., U. Linduist, M. Linscheid and S.A.M. Hussein, 2010. A galloyl C-glucosyl flavone from Terminalia muelleri (Combretaceae) and stimulating effects of this phenolic extract on the viability of human (HACAT) keratinocytes. J. Egypt. Soc. Toxicol., 43: 137-141.
  24. Nawwar, M.A.M., S.A.M. Hussein, N.A. Ayoub, K. Hofmann and M. Linscheid et al., 2009. Aphyllin, the first isoferulic acid glycoside and other phenolics from Tamarix aphylla flowers. Die Pharmazie-Int. J. Pharmaceut. Sci., 64: 342-347.
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  25. Ayoub, N.A., S.A.M. Hussein, A.N. Hashim, N.M. Hegazi and M. Linscheid et al., 2009. Bone mineralization enhancing activity of a methoxyellagic acid glucoside from a Feijoa sellowiana leaf extract. Die Pharmazie-Int. J. Pharmaceut. Sci., 64: 137-141.
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  26. Hussein, S.A.M., N.M. Hegazi, A.N. Hashim and N.A. Ayoub, 2008. Cytotoxic activities and potential antioxidant of Feijoa sellowiana leaf extract and its phenolic metabolites. Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 46: 203-212.
  27. Hussein, S.A.M., A.N.M. Hashim, R.T. El-Sharawy, M.A. Seliem, M. Linscheid, U. Lindequist and M.A.M. Nawwar, 2007. Ericifolin: An eugenol 5-O-galloylglucoside and other phenolics from Melaleuca ericifolia. Phytochemistry, 68: 1464-1470.
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  28. Hussein, S.A., A.N. Hashim, H.H. Barakat, J. Jose, U. Lindequist and M.A. Nawwar, 2006. Phenolics from extracts of Brahea armata with inhibitory effect against 5α-reductase type-II. Die Pharmazie-Int. J. Pharmaceut. Sci., 61: 1034-1037.
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  29. Hussein, S.A.M., 2004. Phenolic sodium sulphates of Frankenia laevis L. Die Pharmazie-Int. J. Pharmaceut. Sci., 59: 304-308.
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  30. Hussein, S.A.M., 2004. Flavonoid and methoxyellagic acid sodium sulphates from Frankenia laevis L. Die Pharmazie-Int. J. Pharmaceut. Sci., 59: 484-487.
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  31. Ayoub, N.A., S.A.M. Hussein, C. Reiss, R. Mentel and U. Lindequist, 2004. Phenolics of interesting antiviral and antibacterial activities from Rubus sanctus (Schreb.). Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 42: 223-230.
  32. Hussein, S.A.M., N.A. Ayoub and M.A.M. Nawwar, 2003. Caffeoyl sugar esters and an ellagitannin from Rubus sanctus. Phytochemistry, 63: 905-911.
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  33. Hussein, S.A.M., I. Merfort and M.A.M. Nawwar, 2003. Lignans and other phenylpropanoids from leaves of Juniperus phoenicea. J. Saudi Chem. Soc., 7: 105-110.
  34. Hussein, S.A.M., A.N.M. Hashem, M.A. Seliem, U. Lindequist and M.A.M. Nawwar, 2003. Polyoxygenated flavonoids from Eugenia edulis. Phytochemistry, 64: 883-889.
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  35. Hussein, S.A.M., M.S. Afifi and A.M.D. El Mousallamy, 2002. Antimicrobial Activity and phenolic constituents of Acacia farnesiana wild, Eugenia edulis Vell. and Euphorbia consobrina (N.E.Br.). Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., 40: 129-134.
  36. El Mousallami, A.M.D., M.S. Afifi and S.A.M. Hussein, 2002. Acylated flavonol diglucosides from Lotus polyphyllos. Phytochemistry, 60: 807-811.
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  37. Alwarhy, T.I., H.M.A. Al-Hazimi and S.A.M. Hussein, 2002. Phenolic constituents of Cassia species (Leguminosae). J. Saudi Chem. Soc., 6: 267-298.
  38. El-Mousallamy, A.M.D., U.W. Hawas and S.A.M. Hussein, 2000. Teucrol, a decarboxyrosmarinic acid and its 4′-O-triglycoside, teucroside from Teucrium pilosum. Phytochemistry, 55: 927-931.
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  39. El-Mousallamy, A.M.D., S.A.M. Hussein, I. Merfort and M.A.M. Nawwar, 2000. Unusual phenolic glycosides from Cotoneaster orbicularis. Phytochemistry, 53: 699-704.
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  40. El-Mousallami, A.M.D., S.A.M. Hussein and M.A.M. Nawwar, 2000. Polyphenolic metabolites of the flowers of Tamarix tetragyna. Nat. Prod. Sci., 6: 193-198.
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  41. Barakat, H.H., A.M. Souleman, S.A.M. Hussein, O.A. Ibrahiem and M.A.M. Nawwar, 1999. Flavonoid galloyl glucosides from the pods of Acacia farnesiana. Phytochemistry, 51: 139-142.
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  42. Souleman, A.A., H.H. Barakat, S.A.M. Hussein, A.M. El-Mousallamy and M.A. Nawwar, 1998. Unique phenolic sulphate conjugates from the flowers of Tamarix amplexicaulis. Nat. Prod. Sci., 4: 245-252.
  43. Merfort, I., V. Wray, H.H. Barakat, S.A.M. Hussein, M.A.M. Nawwar and G. Willuhn, 1997. Flavonol triglycosides from seeds of Nigella sativa. Phytochemistry, 46: 359-363.
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  44. Hussein, S.A.M., H.H. Barakat, M.A.M. Nawar and G. Willuhn, 1997. Flavonoids from Ephedra aphylla. Phytochemistry, 45: 1529-1532.
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  45. Hussein, S.A.M., H.H. Barakat, I. Merfort and M.A.M. Nawwar, 1997. Tannins from the leaves of Punica granatum. Phytochemistry, 45: 819-823.
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  46. Hussein, S.A.M., 1997. New dimeric phenolic conjugates from the wood of Tamarix tetragyna. Nat. Prod. Sci., 3: 127-134.
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  47. Barakat, H.H., S.A.M. Hussein, M.S. Marzouk, I. Merfort, M. Linscheid and M.A.M. Nawwar, 1997. Polyphenolic metabolites of Epilobium hirsutum. Phytochemistry, 46: 935-941.
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  48. Nawwar, M.A.M., S.A.M. Hussein, J. Buddrus and M. Linscheid, 1994. Tamarixellagic acid, an ellagitannin from the galls of Tamarix aphylla. Phytochemistry, 35: 1349-1354.
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  49. Nawwar, M.A.M., S.A.M. Hussein and I. Merfort, 1994. Leaf phenolics of Punica granatum. Phytochemistry, 37: 1175-1177.
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  50. Nawwar, M.A.M. and S.A.M. Hussein, 1994. Gall polyphenolics of Tamarix aphylla. Phytochemistry, 36: 1035-1037.
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  51. Nawwar, M.A., S.A. Hussein and I. Merfort, 1994. NMR spectral analysis of polyphenols from Punica granatum. Phytochemistry, 36: 793-798.
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  52. El-Mousallamy, A.M.D., H.H. Barakat, A.M.A. Souleman and S. Awadallah, 1991. Polyphenols of Acacia raddiana. Phytochemistry, 30: 3767-3768.
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  53. Barakat, H.H., A.M.D. El-Mousallamy, A.M.A. Souleman and S. Awadalla, 1991. Flavonoids of Ochradenus baccatus. Phytochemistry, 30: 3777-3779.
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