Dr. Dina Zein El Abdin Abdel Kader Saleh
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Dr. Dina Zein El Abdin Abdel Kader Saleh

Taibah University, Saudi Arabia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Drought Stress from Suez Canal University Egypt

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Physiology
Stress Physiology
Oxidative Stress
Plant Hormones

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Abdel Kader, D.Z., A.A.H. Saleh, S.A. Elmeleigy and N.S. Dosoky, 2011. Chilling-induced oxidative stress and polyamines regulatory role in two wheat varieties. J. Taibah Univ. Sci., 5: 14-24.
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  2. Abdel Kader, D.Z., 2010. Regulation of zinc homeostasis by nitric oxide, glutathione and sulphydryl groups in plants. Indian J. Plant Physiol., 15: 25-35.
  3. Abu-Elsaoud, A.M., S.T. Tuleukhanov and D.Z. Abdel-Kader, 2008. Effect of infra-red laser on wheat (Triticum aestivum) germination. Int. J. Agric. Res., 3: 433-438.
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  4. Saleh, A.A.H., D.Z. Abdel-Kader and A.M. El Elish, 2007. Role of heat shock and salicylic acid in antioxidant homeostasis in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) plant subjected to heat stress. Am. J. Plant Physiol., 2: 344-355.
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  5. El-Shoubaky, G.A. and D.Z. Abdel Kader, 2007. Biomass and growth dynamics of Ulva lactuca and Enteromorpha intestinalis in marine and brackish waters, Egypt. Egypt. J. Biotechnol., 26: 117-129.
  6. Abdel-Kader, D.Z.E.A., 2007. Role of nitric oxide on iron homeostasis, chlorophyll biosynthesis and antioxidants system in two wheat cultivars. Am. J. Plant Physiol., 2: 237-250.
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  7. Abdel-Kader, D.Z.E., 2007. Role of nitric oxide, glutathione and sulfhydryl groups in zinc homeostasis in plants. Am. J. Plant Physiol., 2: 59-75.
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  8. Abdel Kader, D.Z., A.A.H. Saleh and A.M. Abu-Elsaoud, 2007. Enhanced UVA+B-induced oxidative damage and antioxidant defense system in Glycine max L. cultivars. Acta Bot. Hungarica, 49: 233-250.
  9. Saleh, A.A.H., D.Z. Abdel Kader and A.M. Abu-Elsaoud, 2006. Metabolic responses of soybean (Glycine max) plant to increasing UV (A+B) radiation. Assiut Univ. J. Bot., 35: 107-125.
  10. Saleh, A.A., D.Z. Abdel Kader and A.M. Abu-Elsaoud, 2006. Phenylpropanoid and isopropanoid enhance tolerance to increased levels of UVA+B radiation in three cultivars of soybean (Glycine max) seedlings. J. Applied Sci., 6: 1939-1953.
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  11. Hefni, M aand D.Z. Abdel Kader, 2006. Antioxidant-Enzymatic System As Selection Criteria For Salt Tolerance In Forage Sorghum Genotypes (Sorghum Bicolor L. Moench). In: Salinity And Water Stress Ashraf, M., M. Ozturk andH.R. Athar (Ed.). Springer Netherlands, Netherlands., pp: 25-36.
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  12. Abdel Kader, D.Z., 2005. Heat shock increased protection against chilling-induced injury in Lupinus termis seedlings. Assiut Univ. J. Bot., 34: 35-54.
  13. Abdel Kader, D.Z., 2004. Protective systems against active oxygen species in Spinach: Response to high light stress and Mg-deficiency. Egypt. J. Biol., 6: 62-71.
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  14. Abdel Kader, D.Z. and A.A. Saleh, 2004. Ascorbic acid stabilizes oxygen evolving machinery and enhances anthocyanins accumulation in two carrot cultivars under salinity stress. Egypt J. Biotechnol., 17: 632-652.
  15. Saleh, A.A. and D.Z. Abdel Kader, 2003. Metabolic responses of two Helianthus annuus cultivars to different fluoride concentrations during germination and seedling growth stages. Egypt. J. Biol., 5: 43-54.
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  16. Abdel Kader, D.Z. and A.A.H. Saleh, 2002. Are photoperiod changes affect circadian rhythms of proline, chlorophyll a&b and endogenous growth regulators in Cucurbita pepo L. seedlings. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 31: 327-341.
  17. Abdel Kader, D.Z. and A.A.H. Saleh, 2002. Abscisic acid and ascorbic acid increased anoxia tolerance in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench seedlings. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 31: 141-153.
  18. Abdel Kader, D.Z. and A.A. Saleh, 2002. Role of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle during senescence and programmed cell death in Phaseolus cotyledons. Egypt. J. Biol., 4: 7-13.
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  19. Abdel Kader, D.Z. and A.A. Saleh, 2002. Protection induced by external Ca+2 application on proline accumulation, ion balance, photosynthetic pigments, protein and ABA concentration of mustard seedlings (Sinapis alba L.) under salinity stress. Egypt. J. Biol., 4: 14-22.
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  20. Abdel-Kader, D.Z., 2001. Drought and gibberellic acid-dependent oxidative stress: Effect on antioxidant defense system in two lettuce cultivars. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 4: 1138-1143.
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  21. Saleh, A.A and D.Z. Abdel Kader, 2000. Effect of zinc and manganese on growth and accumulation of Zn, Mn and Fe in two lettuce cultivars (Lactusa sativa). J. Union Arab Biol. Mansoura, 8: 45-58.
  22. Abdel-Kader, D.Z., 2000. Salinity and adaptation effects on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes in Raphanus sativus and Eruca sativa seedlings. J. Union Arab Biol., 8: 59-71.
  23. Abdel Kader, D.Z. and A.A Saleh, 2000. Seed composition response of sesame (Sesamum orientale) to applied water deficit at certain growth stages. Desert Inst. Bull. Egypt, 50: 63-75.
  24. El-Meleigy, E.A., R.A. Hassanein, and D.Z. Abdel-Kader, 1999. Improvement of drought tolerance in Arachis hypogaea L. plantby some frowth substances 1. Growth and productivity. Bull. Fac. Sci. Assuit Univ., 28: 159-185.
  25. El-Meleigy, E.A., R.A. Hassanein and D.Z. Abdel-Kader, 1999. Improvement of drought tolerance in Arachis Hypogaea L. plantby some frowth substances Endogenous phytohormones and certain oxidative enzymes. Bull. Fac. Sci. Assuit Univ., 28: 219-244.
  26. El-Meleigy, E.A., R.A. Hassanein and D.Z. Abdel-Kader, 1999. Improvement of drought tolerance in Arachis hypogaea L. plant by some growth substances 2. Metabolic activities. Bull. Fac. Sci. Assuit Univ., 28: 199-217.