Dr. Safwat Amin Azer
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Dr. Safwat Amin Azer

Assistant Professor
Agricultural Research Center, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Botany from Cairo University, Egypt

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Ecology and Conservation
Environmental Changes
Endangered Plants
Climate Warming

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Fawzi, N.M., H.S. Abdelmaksoud and S.A. Azer, 2016. Taxonomic revision of genus vicia L. (leguminosae A. jus: Subfamily papilionoideae) in Egypt with special reference to the endemic species V. sinaica boulous. Egypt. J. Biotechnol., 53: 19-39.
  2. Azer, S.A., N.M. Fawzi and H.S. Abdelmaksoud, 2016. A study on the flora of Waraq Island at Giza governorate, Egypt. Egypt. J. Biotechnol., 53: 53-71.
  3. Mohamed, A.A., H.R. Habeeb and S.A. Azer, 2014. Survey, evaluation and documentation of the cultivated trees and shrubs in Aswan Botanical Garden. Bull. Faculty Agric. Cairo Univ., 65: 21-37.
  4. Azer, S.A. and H.R. Habeeb, 2014. Taxonomic revision of ebenaceae. Curr. Sci. Int., 3: 414-425.
  5. Azer, S.A., 2013. Taxonomic revision of genus Lemna L. (lemnaceae gray) in Egypt. Ann. Agric. Sci., 58: 257-263.
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  6. Azer, S.A., 2013. Study on the plant diversity in Saqqara region, Giza, Egypt. Egypt. J. Biotechnol., 45: 1-17.
  7. Abd, E., H.S. Maksoud and S.A. Azer, 2013. Taxonomical and comparative studies on some wild and cultivated species of genus Mentha in Egypt. J. Appl. Sci. Res., 9: 6567-6573.
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  8. Mohamed, A.A., H.R. Habeeb and S.A. Azer, 2012. Study on macro- and micro-morphological characters of some species of family sapotaceae. Egypt. J. Biotechnol., 13: 200-213.
  9. Mohamed, A.A. and S.A. Azer, 2012. Study on the flora along Ismailia canal, Egypt. Bull. Faculty Agric. Cairo Univ., 63: 419-431.
  10. Fawzy, A.M., A.A. Mohamed, H.R. Habeeb and S.A. Azer, 2011. Study on the flora of Aswan Botanical Garden. New Egypt. J. Microbiol., 28: 32-47.
  11. Abd El-Majid, A.A., S.H. Rabie, S.A. Azer and A.S. Mohmoud, 2010. Index to Scientific Names of Flora of Egypt. Flora and Phytotaxonomy Researches Department, Giza, Egypt., Pages: 89..