Dr. Mahmoud Abd-Elhalem Mahmoud Mohamed
ProfessorDepartment of Agricultural Biochemistry, Cairo University, Egypt
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Environmental Pollution from University of Massachusetts, USA
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Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Environmental Pollution from University of Massachusetts, USA
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Dr. Mahmoud Abd-Elhalem Mahmoud Mohamed is currently working as Professor at Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, and Visitor Professor at Taif University, Faculty of Science, KSA. He obtained his Ph.D. in Environmental Pollution from University of Massachusetts, USA in 1998. His area of research interest related to Biological Properties of Natural Products and Biological Properties of Synthetic Organic Compounds and Monitoring of Water Pollutants. He is member of American Chemical Society, Egyptian Society of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, and Arbitrators member of the Scientific Committees for Promotions of faculty members at Egyptian Universities. He has published 38 articles in journals as author/co-author. He is also supervisor of 5 PhD and 5 MSc students. He is also referee in number of scientific journals.