Dr. Ahmed Eid Abd El-Shakour Ali Kholif
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Dr. Ahmed Eid Abd El-Shakour Ali Kholif

Department of Dairy Sciences, National Research Centre, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Animal Production from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

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Dr. Ahmed Eid Abd El-Shakour Ali Kholif obtained his Ph.D. in Animal and Veterinary Sciences from National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. His area of research interest focuses on Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Animal Nutrition Systems, Dairy Cattle Nutrition and Dairy Enterprise Analysis, Feed Enhancements Dairy Management, Animal Nutrition, Animal Production Systems, Upgrading and Utilizing the Low Quality Roughages as a Non-conventional Livestock Feeds, Wastes Recycling by Using Biotechnology Applications, Application of Biotechnology in Dairy Animal Nutrition, Mushroom Production and Manufacturing Processing, Rumen Microbiology, Animal Physiology of Nutrition, Feedstuff Chemical Approximate Analysis, Biological Analysis in Blood and Urine, and Evaluation of Feedstuff (Forages, Concentrates and By products). He is also reviewer in number of journals such as Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, International Journal of Dairy Science, International Journal of Zoological Research, Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, Research Journal of Toxins, Current Research in Dairy Sciences, Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, Asian Journal of Poultry Science, Research Journal of Veterinary Sciences, International Journal of Zoological Research, Iranian Journal of Animal Science, Indian Journal of Dairy Science, and Journal of Integrative Agriculture. He is also editor in Journal of Animal Science Advances. He also attended many training courses as trainee and participated in more than 5 international projects. He also actively participated in many conferences and scientific meeting. He has published 2 articles in journals, and 2 book chapters.

Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Dairy Cattle Nutrition
Wastes Recycling
Animal Physiology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Zhang, Q., S. Wu, X. Zou, S. Ruan and A.E. Kholif et al., 2022. Effects of Neolamarckia cadamba leaves extract on methanogenesis, microbial community in the rumen and digestibility of stylo silage. J. Cleaner Prod., Vol. 369. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.133338.
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  2. Rady, A.M.S., M.F.A. Attia, A.E. Kholif, S.M.A. Sallam and E. Vargas-Bello-Perez, 2022. Improving fodder yields and nutritive value of some forage grasses as animal feeds through intercropping with Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.). Agronomy, Vol. 12. 10.3390/agronomy12102589.
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  3. Morsy, T.A., G.A. Gouda and A.E. Kholif, 2022. In vitro fermentation and production of methane and carbon dioxide from rations containing Moringa oleifera leave silage as a replacement of soybean meal: In vitro assessment. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 29: 69743-69752.
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  4. Morsy, T.A., F.I. Hadhoud, A.E. Kholif, A.A.A. Elella and O.A. Olafadehan, 2022. Potential of Moringa oleifera silage to replace concentrated feed mixture in diet of lactating Damascus goats. Ann. Anim. Sci., 22: 1373-1383.
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  5. Kholif, A.E., H.A. Hamdon, G.A. Gouda, A.Y. Kassab, T.A. Morsy and A.K. Patra, 2022. Feeding date-palm leaves ensiled with fibrolytic enzymes or multi-species probiotics to farafra ewes: Intake, digestibility, ruminal fermentation, blood chemistry, milk production and milk fatty acid profile. Animals, Vol. 12. 10.3390/ani12091107.
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  6. Kholif, A.E., G.A. Gouda, T.A. Morsy, O.H. Matloup, M. Fahmy, A.S. Gomaa and A.K. Patra, 2022. Dietary date palm leaves ensiled with fibrolytic enzymes decreased methane production, and improved feed degradability and fermentation kinetics in a ruminal in vitro system. Waste Biomass Valorization, 13: 3475-3488.
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  7. Kholif, A.E., G.A. Gouda, T.A. Morsy and A.K. Patra, 2022. The effects of replacement of berseem hay in total mixed rations with date palm leaves ensiled with malic or lactic acids at different levels on the nutritive value, ruminal in vitro biogas production and fermentation. Biomass Convers. Biorefin., 10.1007/s13399-022-02508-y.
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  8. Kholif, A.E., G.A. Gouda and A.K. Patra, 2022. The sustainable mitigation of in vitro ruminal biogas emissions by ensiling date palm leaves and rice straw with lactic acid bacteria and Pleurotus ostreatusfor cleaner livestock production. J. Appl. Microbiol., 132: 2925-2939.
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  9. Hamdon, H.A., A.Y. Kassab, E. Vargas-Bello-Perez, G.A. Abdel Hafez, T.A. Sayed, M.M. Farghaly and A.E. Kholif, 2022. Using probiotics to improve the utilization of chopped dried date palm leaves as a feed in diets of growing Farafra lambs. Front. Vet. Sci., Vol. 9. 10.3389/fvets.2022.1048409.
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  10. El-Zaiat, H.M., A.E. Kholif, I.M. Khattab and S.M.A. Sallam, 2022. Slow-release urea partially replacing soybean in the diet of Holstein dairy cows: Intake, blood parameters, nutrients digestibility, energy utilization, and milk production. Ann. Anim. Sci., 22: 723-730.
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  11. Ebeid, H.M., A.E. Kholif, N. El-Bordeny, M. Chrenkova, Z. Mlynekova and H.H. Hansen, 2022. Nutritive value of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) as a feed for ruminants: in sacco degradability and in vitro gas production. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 29: 35241-35252.
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  12. Ammar, H., A.E. Kholif, Y.A. Soltan, M.I. Almadani and W. Soufan et al., 2022. Nutritive value of ajuga iva as a pastoral plant for ruminants: Plant phytochemicals and in vitro gas production and digestibility. Agriculture, Vol. 12. 10.3390/agriculture12081199.
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  13. Shaaban, M.M., A.E. Kholif, A.M. Abd El Tawab, M.A. Radwan and F.I. Hadhoud et al., 2021. Thyme and celery as potential alternatives to ionophores use in livestock production: Their effects on feed utilization, growth performance and meat quality of Barki lambs. Small Ruminant Res., Vol. 200. 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2021.106400.
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  14. Safwat, A.M., O.A. Hassan, A.M.A. El-Hady, A.E. Kholif, S.M. Sallam and H.M. El-Zaiat, 2021. Dietary supplementation of growing rabbits with lemongrass (Cymbopogon citrates) extract: Effects on performance, nutrient digestibility, anti-oxidative status, immune response and carcase characteristics. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 20: 1977-1986.
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  15. Kholif, A.E., U.Y. Anele, A.K. Patra and Z. Varadyova, 2021. Editorial: The use of phytogenic feed additives to enhance productivity and health in ruminants. Front. Vet. Sci., Vol. 8. 10.3389/fvets.2021.685262.
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  16. Kholif, A.E., O.H. Matloup, F.I. Hadhoud, A.Y. Kassab, M.J. Adegbeye and H.A. Hamdon, 2021. Lemongrass supplementation to Farafra ewes improved feed utilization, lactational performance and milk nutritive value in the subtropics. Anim. Biotechnol., 10.1080/10495398.2020.1870485.
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  17. Kholif, A.E., O.H. Matloup, E.A. El-Bltagy, O.A. Olafadehan, S.M.A. Sallam and H.M. El-Zaiat, 2021. Humic substances in the diet of lactating cows enhanced feed utilization, altered ruminal fermentation, and improved milk yield and fatty acid profile. Livest. Sci., Vol. 253. 10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104699.
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  18. Kholif, A.E., M.A. Elazab, O.H. Matloup, O.A. Olafadehan and S.M.A. Sallam, 2021. Crude coriander oil in the diet of lactating goats enhanced lactational performance, ruminal fermentation, apparent nutrient digestibility, and blood chemistry. Small Ruminant Res., Vol. 204. 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2021.106522.
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  19. Kholif, A.E., A.Y. Kassab and H.A. Hamdon, 2021. Chlorella vulgaris microalgae and copper mixture supplementation enhanced the nutrient digestibility and milk attributes in lactating boer goats. Ann. Anim. Sci., 21: 939-957.
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  20. Kholif, A.E. and O.A. Olafadehan, 2021. Essential oils and phytogenic feed additives in ruminant diet: Chemistry, ruminal microbiota and fermentation, feed utilization and productive performance. Phytochem. Rev., 20: 1087-1108.
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  21. Kholif, A.E. and O.A. Olafadehan, 2021. Dietary strategies to enrich milk with healthy fatty acids – A review. Ann. Anim. Sci., 22: 523-536.
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  22. Kholif, A.E. and O.A. Olafadehan, 2021. Chlorella vulgaris microalgae in ruminant nutrition: A review of the chemical composition and nutritive value. Ann. Anim. Sci., 21: 789-806.
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  23. Ghazy, O.A., M.T. Fouad, H.H. Saleh, A.E. Kholif and T.A. Morsy, 2021. Ultrasound-assisted preparation of anise extract nanoemulsion and its bioactivity against different pathogenic bacteria. Food Chem., Vol. 341. 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128259.
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  24. Fahim, N.H., A.E. Kholif and H.H. Azzaz, 2021. Fennel and ginger improved nutrient digestibility and milk yield and quality in early lactating Egyptian buffaloes. Ann. Anim. Sci., 10.2478/aoas-2021-0008.
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  25. Olafadehan, O.A., S.A. Okunade, A.A. Njidda, A.E. Kholif, S.G. Kolo and J.O. Alagbe, 2020. Concentrate replacement with Daniellia oliveri foliage in goat diets. Trop. Anim. Health Prod., 52: 227-233.
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  26. Kholif, A.E., H.A. Hamdon, A.Y. Kassab, E.S.A. Farahat and H.H. Azzaz et al., 2020. Chlorella vulgaris microalgae and/or copper supplementation enhanced feed intake, nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation, blood metabolites and lactational performance of Boer goat J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr., 10.1111/jpn.13378.
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  27. Kholif, A.E., G.A. Gouda and H.A. Hamdon, 2020. Performance and milk composition of nubian goats as affected by increasing level ofNannochloropsis oculata microalgae. Animals, Vol. 10. 10.3390/ani10122453.
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  28. Kholif, A.E., A.A. Hassan, O.H. Matloup and G.M.E. Ashry, 2020. Top-dressing of chelated phytogenic feed additives in the diet of lactating friesian cows to enhance feed utilization and lactational performance. Ann. Anim. Sci., 21: 657-673.
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  29. Kholif A.E., A.A. Hassan, G.M. El Ashry, M.H. Bakr, H.M. El-Zaiat, O.A. Olafadehan, O.H. Matloup and S.M.A. Sallam, 2020. Phytogenic feed additives mixture enhances the lactational performance, feed utilization and ruminal fermentation of friesian cows. Animal Biotechnology 10.1080/10495398.2020.1746322 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10495398.2020.1746322.
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  30. Khattab, M.S.A., A.E. Kholif, A.M.A. El Tawab, M.M. Shaaban, F.I. Hadhoud, H.A. El-Fouly and O.A. Olafadehan, 2020. Effect of replacement of antibiotics with thyme and celery seed mixture on the feed intake and digestion, ruminal fermentation, blood chemistry, and milk lactation of lactating Barki ewes. Food Funct., 11: 6889-6898.
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  31. Hamdon, H.A., A.E. Kholif, G.B. Mahmoud, A.M.A. Khalifa and M.N.M.A. Ati, 2020. Enhancing the utilization of palm leaf hay using Bacillus subtilis and Phanerochaete chrysosporium in the diet of lambs under desert conditions. Ann. Anim. Sci., 20: 1395-1409.
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  32. Hadhoud, F.I., A.E. Kholif, A.M.A. El-Tawab, M.M. Shaaban and M.M.M. Mostafa et al. 2020. Partial replacement of concentrate with olive cake in different forms in the diet of lactating barki ewes affects the lactational performance and feed utilization. Ann. Anim. Sci., Vol. 21. 10.2478/aoas-2020-0114.
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  33. H.H. Azzaz, A.E. Kholif, A.M. Abd El Tawab, M.S.A. Khattab, H.A. Murad and O.A. Olafadehan, 2020. A newly developed tannase enzyme from Aspergillus terreus versus commercial tannase in the diet of lactating Damascus goats fed diet containing pomegranate peel. Livestock Sci., 10.1016/j.livsci.2020.104228.
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  34. Elghalid O.A., A.E. Kholif, G.M. El-Ashry, O.H. Matloup, O.A. Olafadehan, A.M. El-Raffa and A.M.A. El-Hady, 2020. Oral supplementation of the diet of growing rabbits with a newly developed mixture of herbal plants and spices enriched with special extracts and essential oils affects their productive performance and immune status. Livestock Science 238: 104082-104082.
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  35. El-Zaiat, H.M., A.E. Kholif, M.S. Moharam, M.F. Attia, A.L. Abdalla and S.M.A. Sallam, 2020. The ability of tanniniferous legumes to reduce methane production and enhance feed utilization in Barki rams: In vitro and in vivo evaluation. Small Ruminant Res., Vol. 193. 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2020.106259.
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  36. Ebeid H.M., L. Mengwei, A.E. Kholif, Faiz-ul. Hassan, P. Lijuan, L. Xin and Y. Chengjian, 2020. Moringa oleifera oil modulates rumen microflora to mediate in vitro fermentation kinetics and methanogenesis in total mix rations. Current Microbiology 77: 1271-1282.
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  37. Azzaz, H.H., A.E. Kholif, H.A. Murad, N.E. El-Bordeny and H.M. Ebeid et al., 2020. A new pectinase produced from aspergillus terreus compared with a commercial pectinase enhanced feed digestion, milk production and milk fatty acid profile of damascus goats fed pectin-rich diet. Ann. Anim. Sci., 10.2478/aoas-2020-0083.
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  38. Abd El Tawab, A.M., A.E. Kholif, M.S.A. Khattab, M.M. Shaaban, F.I. Hadhoud, M.M.M. Mostafa and O.A. Olafadehan, 2020. Feed utilization and lactational performance of Barki sheep fed diets containing thyme or celery. Small Ruminant Res., Vol. 192. 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2020.106249.
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  39. Sallam, S.M.A., A.E. Kholif, K.A. Amin, A.N.N. El-Din, M.F.A. Attia, O.H. Matloup and U.Y. Anele, 2019. Effects of microbial feed additives on feed utilization and growth performance in growing Barki lambs fed diet based on peanut hay. Anim. Biotechnol., (In Press). 10.1080/10495398.2019.1616554.
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  40. Sallam, S.M., M.L. Abdelmalek, A.E. Kholif, S.M. Zahran and M.H. Ahmed et al., 2019. The effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae live cells and Aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract on the lactational performance of dairy cows. Anim. Biotechnol., (In Press). 10.1080/10495398.2019.1625783.
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  41. Kholif, A.E., G.A. Gouda, M.L. Galyean, U.Y. Anele and T.A. Morsy, 2019. Extract of Moringa oleifera leaves increases milk production and enhances milk fatty acid profile of Nubian goats. Agrofor. Syst., 93: 1877-1886.
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  42. Kholif, A.E., 2019. Glycerol use in dairy diets: A systemic review. Anim. Nutr., 5: 209-216.
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  43. El‐Zaiat, H.M., A.E. Kholif, D.A. Mohamed, O.H. Matloup, U.Y. Anele and S.M.A. Sallam, 2019. Enhancing lactational performance of Holstein dairy cows under commercial production: Malic acid as an option. J. Sci. Food Agric., 99: 885-892.
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  44. Ebeid, H.M., A.E. Kholif, M. Chrenkova and U.Y. Anele, 2019. Ruminal fermentation kinetics of Moringa oleifera leaf and seed as protein feeds in dairy cow diets: In sacco degradability and protein and fiber fractions assessed by the CNCPS method. Agrofor. Syst., (In Press). 10.1007/s10457-019-00456-7.
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  45. Abd El Tawab, A.M., A.E. Kholif, A.M. Hassan, O.H. Matloup and S.A. Abo El-Nor, O.A. Olafadehan and M.S. Khattab, 2019. Feed utilization and lactational performance of Friesian cows fed beet tops silage treated with lactic acid bacteria as a replacement for corn silage. Anim. Biotechnol., (In Press). 10.1080/10495398.2019.1622556.
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  46. Morsy, T.A., A.E. Kholif, O.H. Matloup, A.A. Elella, U.Y. Anele and J.S. Caton, 2018. Mustard and cumin seeds improve feed utilisation, milk production and milk fatty acids of Damascus goats. J. Dairy Res., 85: 142-151.
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  47. Kholif, A.E., T.A. Morsy and M.M. Abdo, 2018. Crushed flaxseed versus flaxseed oil in the diets of Nubian goats: Effect on feed intake, digestion, ruminal fermentation, blood chemistry, milk production, milk composition and milk fatty acid profile. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 244: 66-75.
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  48. Kholif, A.E., G.A. Gouda, U.Y. Anele and M.L. Galyean, 2018. Extract of Moringa oleifera leaves improves feed utilization of lactating Nubian goats. Small Rumin. Res., 158: 69-75.
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  49. Kholif, A.E., G.A. Gouda, O.A. Olafadehan and M.M. Abdo, 2018. Effects of replacement of Moringa oleifera for berseem clover in the diets of Nubian goats on feed utilisation and milk yield, composition and fatty acid profile. Animal, 12: 964-972.
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  50. Kholif, A.E., A.Y. Kassab, H.H. Azzaz, O.H. Matloup, H.A. Hamdon, O.A. Olafadehan and T.A. Morsy, 2018. Essential oils blend with a newly developed enzyme cocktail works synergistically to enhance feed utilization and milk production of Farafra ewes in the subtropics. Small Rumin. Res., 161: 43-50.
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  51. Gomaa, A.S., A.E. Kholif, A.M. Kholif, R. Salama, H.A. El-Alamy and O.A. Olafadehan, 2018. Sunflower oil and Nannochloropsis oculata microalgae as sources of unsaturated fatty acids for mitigation of methane production and enhancing diets’ nutritive value. J. Agric. Food Chem., 66: 1751-1759.
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  52. Vazquez-Mendoza, O.V., G. Aranda-Osorio, M. Huerta-Bravo, A.E. Kholif, M.M.Y. Elghandour, A.Z.M. Salem and E. Maldonado-Siman, 2017. Carcass and meat properties of six genotypes of young bulls finished under feedlot tropical conditions of Mexico. Anim. Prod. Sci., 57: 1186-1192.
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  53. Salem, A.Z.M., M.M.Y. Elghandour, A.E. Kholif, S. Lopez and A.B. Pliego et al., 2017. Tree leaves of Salix babylonica extract as a natural anthelmintic for small-ruminant farms in a semiarid region in Mexico. Agrofor. Syst., 91: 111-122.
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  54. Matloup, O.H., A.M. Abd El Tawab, A.A. Hassan, F.I. Hadhoud and M.S.A. Khattab et al., 2017. Performance of lactating Friesian cows fed a diet supplemented with coriander oil: Feed intake, nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation, blood chemistry and milk production. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 226: 88-97.
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  55. Kholif, A.E., T.A. Morsy, O.H. Matloup, U.Y. Anele, A.G. Mohamed and A.B. El-Sayed, 2017. Dietary Chlorella vulgaris microalgae improves feed utilization, milk production and concentrations of conjugated linoleic acids in the milk of Damascus goats. J. Agric. Sci., 155: 508-518.
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  56. Kholif, A.E., O.H. Matloup, T.A. Morsy, M.M. Abdo, A.A. Elella, U.Y. Anele and K.C. Swanson, 2017. Rosemary and lemongrass herbs as phytogenic feed additives to improve efficient feed utilization, manipulate rumen fermentation and elevate milk production of Damascus goats. Livestock Sci., 204: 39-46.
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  57. Kholif, A.E., M.M.Y. Elghandour, G.B. Rodriguez, O.A. Olafadehan and A.Z.M. Salem, 2017. Anaerobic ensiling of raw agricultural waste with a fibrolytic enzyme cocktail as a cleaner and sustainable biological product. J. Cleaner Prod., 142: 2649-2655.
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  58. Kholif, A.E., M.M.Y. Elghandour, A.Z.M. Salem, A. Barbabosa, O. Marquez and N.E. Odongo, 2017. The effects of three total mixed rations with different concentrate to maize silage ratios and different levels of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris on in vitro total gas, methane and carbon dioxide production. J. Agric. Sci., 155: 494-507.
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  59. Kholif, A.E., M.M. Abdo, U.Y. Anele, M.M. El-Sayed and T.A. Morsy, 2017. Saccharomyces cerevisiae does not work synergistically with exogenous enzymes to enhance feed utilization, ruminal fermentation and lactational performance of Nubian goats. Livest. Sci., 206: 17-23.
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  60. Hernandez, A., A.E. Kholif, R. Lugo-Coyote, M.M.Y. Elghandour and M. Cipriano et al., 2017. The effect of garlic oil, xylanase enzyme and yeast on biomethane and carbon dioxide production from 60-d old Holstein dairy calves fed a high concentrate diet. J. Cleaner Prod., 142: 2384-2392.
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  61. Hernandez, A., A.E. Kholif, M.M.Y. Elghandour, L.M. Camacho and M.M. Cipriano et al., 2017. Effectiveness of xylanase and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as feed additives on gas emissions from agricultural calf farms. J. Cleaner Prod., 148: 616-623.
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  62. Elghandour, M.M.Y., J.C. Vazquez, A.Z.M. Salem, A.E. Kholif, M.M. Cipriano, L.M. Camacho and O. Marquez, 2017. In vitro gas and methane production of two mixed rations influenced by three different cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Applied Anim. Res., 45: 389-395.
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  63. Elghandour, M.M.Y., A.E. Kholif, A. Hernandez, A.Z.M. Salem, M. Mellado, N.E. Odongo, 2017. Effects of organic acid salts on ruminal biogas production and fermentation kinetics of total mixed rations with different maize silage to concentrate ratios. J. Cleaner Prod., 147: 523-530.
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  64. Elahi, M.Y., H. Kargar, M.S. Dindarlou, A.E. Kholif and M.M. Elghandour et al., 2017. The chemical composition and in vitro digestibility evaluation of almond tree (Prunus dulcis DA Webb syn. Prunus amygdalus; var. Shokoufeh) leaves versus hulls and green versus dry leaves as feed for ruminants. Agrofor. Syst., 91: 773-780.
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  65. Velazquez, A.E., A.E. Kholif, M.M.Y. Elghandour, R.M. de Oca Jimenez and A.B. Pliego et al., 2016. Effect of partial replacement of steam rolled corn with soybean hulls or prickly pear cactus in the horse’s diet in the presence of live Saccharomyces cerevisiae on in vitro fecal gas production. J. Equine Vet. Sci., 42: 94-101.
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  66. Vallejo, L.H., A.Z.M. Salem, A.E. Kholif, M.M.Y. Elghandour and R.C. Fajardo et al., 2016. Influence of cellulase or xylanase on the in vitro rumen gas production and fermentation of corn stover. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 86: 70-74.
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  67. Taghinejad-Roudbaneh, M., M. Kazemi-Bonchenari, A.Z.M. Salem and A.E. Kholif, 2016. Influence of roasting, gamma ray irradiation and microwaving on ruminal dry matter and crude protein digestion of cottonseed. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 15: 144-150.
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  68. Salem, A.Z.M., M.M.Y. Elghandour, A.E. Kholif, A. Barbabosa, L.M. Camacho and N.E. Odongo, 2016. The effect of feeding horses a high fiber diet with or without live yeast cultures supplementation on feed intake, nutrient digestion, blood chemistry, fecal coliform count and in vitro fecal fermentation. J. Equine Vet. Sci., 39: 12-19.
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  69. Salem, A.Z.M., A.E. Kholif, M.M.Y. Elghandour, J. Hernandez and A.G. Limas et al., 2016. Influence of Salix babylonica extract addition on in vitro rumen gas production and degradability of ryegrass silage harvested in different cutting days. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 86: 1030-1035.
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  70. Salem, A.Z.M., A.E. Kholif and A.K. Puniya, 2016. Yeast Additive and Animal Production. Pubbiomed Central Research Publishing Services, Tamilnadu, India, ISBN: 978-93-83312-02-3..
  71. Salem, A.Z.M., A.E. Kholif and A.K. Puniya, 2016. Background of Yeast as Feed Additive. In: Yeast Additive and Animal Production, Salem, A.Z.M., A.E. Kholif and A.K. Puniya (Eds.). Pubbiomed Central Research Publishing Services, Tamilnadu, India, ISBN: 978-93-83312-02-3.
  72. Rojo-Rubio, R., A.E. Kholif, A.Z.M. Salem, G.D. Mendoza, M.M.M.Y. Elghandour, J.F. Vazquez-Armijo and H.A. Lee, 2016. Lactation curves and body weight changes of Alpine, Saanen and Anglo-Nubian goats as well as pre-weaning growth of their kids. J. Applied Anim. Res., 44: 331-337.
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  73. Rivero, N., A.Z.M. Salem, M. Ayala, M.M.Y. Elghandour and A.E. Kholif et al., 2016. Influence of Salix babylonica extract, exogenous enzyme of xylanase and their combination on blood hematological and biochemical profile in sheep and goats. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 86: 1140-1144.
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  74. Morsy, T.A., A.E. Kholif, S.M. Kholif, A.M. Kholif, X. Sun and A.Z.M. Salem, 2016. Effects of two enzyme feed additives on digestion and milk production in lactating Egyptian buffaloes. Ann. Anim. Sci., 16: 209-222.
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  75. Montes de Oca, R., A.Z.M. Salem, A.E. Kholif, P. Fernandez and J.L. Zamora et al., 2016. Mode of Action of Yeast in Animal Nutrition. In: Yeast Additive and Animal Production, Salem, A.Z.M., A.E. Kholif and A.K. Puniya (Eds.). Pubbiomed Central Research Publishing Services, Tamilnadu, India, ISBN: 978-93-83312-02-3, pp: 14-20.
  76. Montes de Oca, R., A.Z.M. Salem, A.E. Kholif, H. Monroy, L.S. Perez, J.L. Zamora and A. Gutierez, 2016. Yeast: Description and Structure. In: Yeast Additive and Animal Production, Salem, A.Z.M., A.E. Kholif and A.K. Puniya (Eds.). Pubbiomed Central Research Publishing Services, Tamilnadu, India, ISBN: 978-93-83312-02-3, pp: 4-13.
  77. Kholif, A.M., S. Rojas, S.M. Kholif, A.E. Kholif and T.A. Morsy, 2016. Yeast and Rumen Fermentation Activities and Digestibility. In: Yeast Additive and Animal Production, Salem, A.Z.M., A.E. Kholif and A.K. Puniya (Eds.). Pubbiomed Central Research Publishing Services, Tamilnadu, India, ISBN: 978-93-83312-02-3, pp: 40-63.
  78. Kholif, A.E., T.A. Morsy, G.A. Gouda, U.Y. Anele and M.L. Galyean, 2016. Effect of feeding diets with processed Moringa oleifera meal as protein source in lactating Anglo-Nubian goats. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 217: 45-55.
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  79. Kholif, A.E., T.A. Morsy, A.M. Abd El Tawab, U.Y. Anele and M.L. Galyean, 2016. Effect of supplementing diets of lactating anglo-nubian goats with soybean and flaxseed oils on lactational performance. J. Agric. Food Chem., 64: 6163-6170.
  80. Kholif, A.E., S. Rojas, A.M. Kholif, S.M. Kholif and G.A. Gouda, 2016. Yeast and Milk Production and Fattening in Ruminant. In: Yeast Additive and Animal Production, Salem, A.Z.M., A.E. Kholif and A.K. Puniya (Eds.). Pubbiomed Central Research Publishing Services, Tamilnadu, India, ISBN: 978-93-83312-02-3, pp: 64-78.
  81. Kholif, A.E., L.A. Baza-Garcia, M.M.Y. Elghandour, A.Z.M. Salem, A. Barbabosa, I.A. Dominguez-Vara and J.E. Sanchez-Torres, 2016. In vitro assessment of fecal inocula from horses fed on high-fiber diets with fibrolytic enzymes addition on gas, methane and carbon dioxide productions as indicators of hindgut activity. J. Equine Vet. Sci., 39: 44-50.
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  82. Hassan, A.A., A.Z.M. Salem, A.E. Kholif, M. Samir and M.H. Yacout et al 2016. Performance of crossbred dairy Friesian calves fed two levels of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: intake, digestion, ruminal fermentation, blood parameters and faecal pathogenic bacteria. J. Agric. Sci., 154 : 1488-1498.
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  83. Hafsa, A.S.H., A.Z.M Salem, A.A. Hassan, A.E. Kholif, M.M.Y. Elghandouranda and S. Lopez, 2016. Digestion, growth performance and caecal fermentation in growing rabbits fed diets containing three different browse species. World Rabbit Sci., 24: 283-293.
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  84. Elghandour, M.M.Y., M. Mellado, A.E. Kholif, A.Z.M. Salem and A. Barbabosa et al., 2016. Fecal gas production of ten common horse feeds supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Equine Vet. Sci., 47: 1-8.
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  85. Elghandour, M.M.Y., J.C. Vazquez, L.M. Camacho, J.S. Martinez, J.G. Estrada, A.Z.M. Salem and A.E. Kholif, 2016. Yeast and Non-Ruminant Animal Performance. In: Yeast Additive and Animal Production, Salem, A.Z.M., A.E. Kholif and A.K. Puniya (Eds.). Pubbiomed Central Research Publishing Services, Tamilnadu, India, ISBN: 978-93-83312-02-3, pp: 79-87.
  86. Elghandour, M.M.Y., A.E. Kholif, S. Lopez, G.D. Mendoza, N.E. Odongo and A.Z.M. Salem, 2016. In vitro gas, methane and carbon dioxide productions of high fibrous diet incubated with fecal inocula from horses in response to the supplementation with different live yeast additives. J. Equine Vet. Sci., 38: 64-71.
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  87. Elghandour, M.M.Y., A.E. Kholif, J. Hernandez, M.D. Mariezcurrena and S. Lopez et al., 2016. Influence of the addition of exogenous xylanase with or without pre-incubation on the in vitro ruminal fermentation of three fibrous feeds. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 61: 262-272.
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  88. Elghandour, M.M.Y., A.E. Kholif, A.Z.M. Salem, R.M. de Oca, A. Barbabosa, M. Mariezcurrena and O.A. Olafadehan, 2016. Addressing sustainable ruminal methane and carbon dioxide emissions of soybean hulls by organic acid salts. J. Cleaner Prod., 135: 194-200.
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  89. Elghandour, M.M.Y., A.E. Kholif, A.Z.M. Salem, O.A. Olafadehan and A.M. Kholif, 2016. Sustainable anaerobic rumen methane and carbon dioxide productions from prickly pear cactus flour by organic acid salts addition. J. Cleaner Prod., 139: 1362-1369.
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  90. Ahmed, M.H., A.Z.M. Salem, O.A. Olafadehan, A.E. Kholif and N. Rivero et al., 2016. Effect of pre- and post-partum dietary crude protein level on the performance of ewes and their lambs. Small Rumin. Res., 136: 221-226.
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  91. Valdes, K.I., A.Z.M. Salem, S. Lopez, M.U. Alonso and N. Rivero et al., 2015. Influence of exogenous enzymes in presence of Salix babylonica extract on digestibility, microbial protein synthesis and performance of lambs fed maize silage. J. Agric. Sci., 153: 732-742.
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  92. Valdes, K.I., A.Z.M. Salem, S. Lopez, M.U. Alonso and N. Rivero et al., 2015. Influence of exogenous enzymes in presence of Salix babylonica extract on digestibility, microbial protein synthesis and performance of lambs fed maize silage. J. Agric. Sci., (In Press). 10.1017/S0021859614000975.
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  93. Togtokhbayar, N., A.Z.M. Salem, S. Jigjidpurev, J. Shinekhuu and D. Urantulkhuur et al., 2015. Effect of xylanase on rumen in vitro gas production and degradability of wheat straw. Anim. Sci. J., (In Press). 10.1111/asj.12364.
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  94. Salem, A.Z.M., H. Ammar, A.E. Kholif, M.M.Y. Elghandour and L.B. Ortiz, 2015. Effect of glucoamylase enzyme extract on in vitro gas production and degradability of two diets with 25% of corn or sorghum grains. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 85: 183-188.
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  95. Salem, A.Z.M., H. Alsersy, L.M. Camacho, M.M. El-Adawy and M.M.Y. Elghandour et al., 2015. Feed intake, nutrient digestibility, nitrogen utilization and ruminal fermentation activities of sheep fed Atriplex halimus ensiled with developed enzyme cocktails. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 60: 80-88.
  96. Salem, A. Z.M. and A.E. Kholif, 2015. Preface: The novel trends in animal nutrition and production. Life Sci. J., 12: 1-3.
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  97. Rojo, R., A.Z.M. Salem and A.E. Kholif, 2015. Lactation curves and body weight changes of Alpine, Saanen and Anglo-Nubian goats as well as pre-weaning growth of their kids in subtropical region of Mexico. J. Applied Anim. Res., (In Press). .
  98. Pulido, R.M.A., B.M.D. Mariezcurrena, A.M.Z. Salem, A.M. Kholif, A.E. Kholif, A.E. Morales and B.M.A. Mariezcurrena, 2015. Influence of live cells or cells extract of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on in vitro gas production of a total mixed ration. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. .
  99. Morsy, T.A., S.M. Kholif, O. Matloup, A.E. Kholif, A.Z.M. Salem and A. Abu Elella, 2015. Influence of sunflower whole seeds or oil on ruminal fermentation, milk production, composition and fatty acid profile in lactating goats. Asian Aust. J. Anim. Sci., (In Press). .
  100. Kholif, A.E., A.M. Kholif, A.Z.M. Salem and M.M.Y. Elghandour, 2015. [Essential Oils and Dairy Cattle Performance]. In: [Production and Quality of Milk], Ordonez, V.V., H.C. Vasquez, W. Wolter, J.S. Gajic, C.B. Cedeno and J.E.G. Liera (Eds.). Juan Pablos Editor Publisher, Mexico, ISBN: 978-607-737-094-9, pp: 121-148.
  101. Kholif, A.E., 2015. Utilization of Biodegraded Rice Straw in Lactating Animal Rations. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, ISBN-13: 978-3-659-49825-1, Pages: 200.
  102. Elghandour, M.M.Y., A.Z.M. Salem, J.S.M. Castaneda, L.M. Camacho, A.E. Kholif and J.C.V. Chagoya, 2015. Direct-fed microbes: A tool for improving the utilization of low quality roughages in ruminants. J. Integr. Agric., 14: 526-533.
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  103. Elghandour, M.M.Y., A.E. Kholif, A.Z. Bastida, D.L.P. Martinez and A.Z.M. Salem, 2015. In vitro gas production of five diets of different concentrate and maize silage ratios influenced by increasing levels of chemically characterized extract of Salix babylonica. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., (In Press). .
  104. Alsersy, H., A.Z.M. Salem, B.E. Borhami, J. Olivares and H.M. Gado et al., 2015. Effect of mediterranean saltbush (Atriplex halimus) ensilaging with two developed enzyme cocktails on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and ruminal fermentation in sheep. Anim. Sci. J., 86: 51-58.
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  105. Abdel-Aziz, N.A., M.M. El-Adawy, M.A. Mariezcurrena-Berasain, A.Z.M. Salem, J. Olivares-Perez, A.E. Kholif and B.E. Borhami, 2015. Effects of exogenous enzymes, Lactobacillus acidophilus or their combination on feed performance response and carcass characteristics of rabbits fed sugarcane bagasse. J. Integr. Agric., 14: 544-549.
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  106. Abdel-Aziz, N. A., A.Z.M. Salem, M.M. El-Adawy, L.M. Camacho, A.E. Kholif, M.M.Y. Elghandour and B.E. Borhami, 2015. Biological treatments as a mean to improve feed utilization in agriculture animals-an overview. J. Integr. Agric., 14: 534-543.
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  107. Salem, A.Z.M., R.M.O. Jimenez, M.A. Cerrillo-Soto, A.E. Kholif, M.Z.M. Salem and M.M.M.Y. Elghandour, 2014. Detection of sensitive and mutant ruminal bacteria isolates from sheep, cattle and buffalo using 14 therapeutic antibiotics. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 38: 514-519.
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  108. Salem, A.Z.M., A.G. Ryena, M.M.Y. Elghandour, L.M. Camacho and A.E. Kholif et al., 2014. Influence of Salix babylonica extract in combination or not with increasing levels of minerals mixture on in vitro rumen gas production kinetics of a total mixed ration. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 13: 873-879.
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  109. Salem, A.Z.M., A.E. Kholif, M.M.Y. Elghandour, S.R. Hernandez, I.A. Dominguez-Vara and M. Mellado, 2014. Effect of increasing levels of seven tree species extracts added to a high concentrate diet on in vitro rumen gas output. Anim. Sci. J., 85: 853-860.
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  110. Salem, A.Z.M., A.E. Kholif, M.M.Y. Elghandour, G. Buendi, M.D. Mariezcurrena, S.R. Hernandez and L.M. Camacho, 2014. Influence of oral administration of Salix babylonica extract on milk production and composition in dairy cows. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 13: 10-14.
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  111. Salem, A.Z.M., A.E. Kholif, M. Olivares, M.M.Y. Elghandour, M. Mellado and J. Arece, 2014. Influence of S. babylonica extract on feed intake, growth performance and diet in vitro gas production profile in young lambs. Trop. Anim. Health Prod., 46: 213-219.
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  112. Olmedo-Juarez, A., R. Rojo-Rubio, J. Arece-Garcia, A.Z.M. Salem, A.E. Kholif and E. Morales-Almaraz, 2014. In vitro activity of Pithecellobium dulce and Lysiloma acapulcensis on exogenous development stages of sheep gastrointestinal strongyles. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 13: 221-225.
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  113. Kholif, A.E., H.M. Khattab, A.A. El-Shewy, A.Z.M. Salem and A.M. Kholif et al., 2014. Nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation activities, serum parameters and milk production and composition of lactating goats fed diets containing rice straw treated with Pleurotus ostreatus. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 27: 357-364.
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  114. Elghandour, M.M.Y., J.C.V. Chagoyan, A.Z.M. Salem, A.E. Kholif, J.S.M. Castaneda, L.M. Camacho and M.A. Cerrillo-Soto, 2014. Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae at direct addition or pre-incubation on in vitro gas production kinetics and degradability of four fibrous feeds. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 13: 295-301.
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  115. Elghandour, M.M.Y., J.C.V. Chagoyan, A.Z.M. Salem, A.E. Kholif, J.S.M. Castaneda, L.M. Camacho and G. Buendia, 2014. In vitro fermentative capacity of equine fecal inocula of 9 fibrous forages in the presence of different doses of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Equine Vet. Sci., 34: 619-625.
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  116. Elghandour, M.M.Y., J.C. Vazquez-Chagoyan, A.E. Kholif, A.Z.M. Salem, P.M. Hernandez and A.M. Kholif, 2014. Relationship between Nutrition and Animal Diseases. In: Feed Nutrients and Animal Health-Roles of some Nutrients in Animal Health, Salem, A.Z.M. (Ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, ISBN: 9783659508875, pp: 3-36.
  117. Elahi, M.Y., M.M. Nia, A.Z.M. Salem, H. Mansouri, J. Olivares-Perez, M.A.C. Sato and A.E. Kholif, 2014. Effect of polyethylene glycol on in vitro gas production kinetics of Prosopis cineraria leaves at different growth stages. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 13: 363-368.
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  118. Cedillo, J., J.F. Vazquez-Armijo, A. Gonzalez-Reyna, A.Z.M. Salem and A.E. Kholif et al., 2014. Effects of different doses of Salix babylonica extract on growth performance and diet in vitro gas production in Pelibuey growing lambs. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 13: 609-613.
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  119. Kholif, A.E., 2013. Utilization of Exogenous Enzyme Treated Rumen Contents in Goat Rations: A Tool to Reduce the Gape between the Available and Required Feeds in Egypt, and Reduce Environmental Pollution. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, ISBN-13: 9783659373534, Pages: 172.
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  120. Khattab, H.M., H.M. Gado, A.Z.M. Salem, L.M. Camacho and M.M. El-Sayed et al., 2013. Chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of Pleurotus ostreatus spent rice straw. Anim. Nutr. Feed Technol., 13: 507-516.
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  121. Khattab, H.M., H.M. Gado, A.E. Kholif, A.M. Mansour and A.M. Kholif, 2011. The potential of feeding goats sun dried rumen contents with or without bacterial inoculums as replacement for berseem clover and the effects on milk production and animal health. Int. J. Dairy Sci., 6: 267-277.
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  122. Khattab, H.M., A.E. Kholif, H.M. Gado, A.M. Mansour and A.M. Kholif, 2009. The potential of feeding goats sun dried rumen contents with or without bacterial inoculums from slaughtered animals as replacement for berseem clover and the effects on lactating goats productive performance. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Aug. 24-27, Barcelona, Spain, pp: 1-776.