Dr. Baiomy  Ahmed
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Dr. Baiomy Ahmed

Assistant Professor
Cairo University, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Cell Biology and Histology from Cairo University, Egypt

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Genetic Engineering
Cell Biology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Al-Ghamdi, A., K. Morsy, S. Dajem, A. Shati, M. Al-Kahtani, A. Baiomy and A. Ezzat, 2021. Molecular evidence and morphological aspects of Transversotrema licinum, Phyllodistomum hoggettae, and re-description of Gyliauchen volubilis (Digenea) from the Red Sea. Vet. Res. Forum, 12: 15-24.
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  2. Badr, A.M., M. Farid, A.A.A. Biomy, A.S. Mohamed, N.A. Mahana and S.R. Fahmy, 2020. Protective effect of Toxocara vitulorum extract against alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate-induced cholangitis in rat. J. Basic Appl. Zool., Vol. 81. 10.1186/s41936-020-00197-5.
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  3. Al-Hoshani, N., S. Al-Quraishy, M.A. Dkhil, A.A. Baiomy and R. Abdel-Gaber, 2020. First record of third-stage Terranova larval type II (Nematoda, Anisakidae) in the common ponyfish Leiognathus equulus ForsskÄl. Microb. Pathogen., Vol. 149. 10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104597.
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  4. Saad, D.Y., M.M. Soliman, A.A. Baiomy, M.H. Yassin and H.B. El-Sawy, 2017. Effects of Karela (Bitter Melon; Momordica charantia) on genes of lipids and carbohydrates metabolism in experimental hypercholesterolemia: Biochemical, molecular and histopathological study. BMC Complementary Altern. Med., Vol. 17. 10.1186/s12906-017-1833-x.
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  5. Baiomy, A.A., M.M. Soliman, D.Y. Saad, M.Y. Hassan and G.B.A. Youssef, 2017. Protective effect of some chelating agents and antioxidants on the biohazards produced from water pollution by heavy metals in wistar rats: Biological, genetic and histopathological study. Afr. J. Tradit. Complementary Altern. Med., 14: 188-200.
  6. Saad, D.Y., A.A. Baiomy and A.A. Mansour, 2016. Antiseptic effect of sea cucumber (Holothuria atra) against multi-organ failure induced by sepsis: Molecular and histopathological study. Exp. Therapeutic Med., 12: 222-230.
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  7. Mohamed, E.H., A.A.A. Baiomy, Z.S. Ibrahim and M.M. Soliman, 2016. Modulatory effects of levamisole and garlic oil on the immune response of Wistar rats: Biochemical, immunohistochemical, molecular and immunological study. Molecular Med. Rep., 14: 2755-2763.
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  8. Baiomy, A.A., 2016. Protective role of grape seeds extract against cadmium toxicity in the lung of male wistar rats. J. Cytol. Histol., 7: 1-7.
  9. Baiomy, A.A., 2016. Histopathological biomarkers and genotoxicity in gill and liver tissues of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus from a polluted part of the Nile River, Egypt. Afr. J. Aquatic Sci., 41: 181-191.
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  10. Baiomy, A.A. and A.A. Mansour, 2016. Genetic and histopathological responses to cadmium toxicity in rabbit’s kidney and liver: Protection by Ginger (Zingiber officinale). Biol. Trace Element Res., 170: 320-329.
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  11. Soliman, M.M., A.A. Baiomy and M.H. Yassin, 2015. Molecular and histopathological study on the ameliorative effects of curcumin against lead acetate-induced hepatotoxicity and nephrototoxicity in Wistar rats. Biol. Trace Element Res., 167: 91-102.
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  12. Sabry, A.M., M.M. Soliman, A.A. Mohamed, A.A. Baiomy, N.S. Awad, E. El-Hallous and A.E. El-Tarras, 2015. Genomic screening for genes affecting fecundity in Saudi sheep breeds. Ciencia Tec. Vitiv, 30: 13-33.
  13. Baiomy, A.A.A., A.A. Mansour and H.F. Attia, 2015. Anatomical, histochemical and ultrastructural adaptations of the alimentary canal of the Uromastyx aegyptius and the Spalerosophis diadema to their food habits. Cercetari Agronomice Moldova, 48: 95-106.
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  14. Baiomy, A.A.A. and D.Y. Saad, 2015. Histopathological and immunohistochemical studies of antiseptic effect of Sepia officinalis against induced sepsis in male albino rats (Rattus norvegicus). World J. Med. Sci., 12: 303-315.
  15. Baiomy, A.A., F.H. Attia, M.M. Soliman and O. Makrum, 2015. Protective effect of ginger and zinc chloride mixture on the liver and kidney alterations induced by malathion toxicity. Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol., 28: 122-128.
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  16. El-Kirdasy, A.F., M.A. Nassan, A.A.A. Baiomy, T.A. Ismail, M.M. Soliman and H.F. Attia, 2014. Potential ameliorative role of N-acetylcysteine against testicular dysfunction induced by titanium dioxide in male albino rats. Am. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 9: 29-38.
  17. Attia, H.F., G.H. Abdel-Rahman, M.A. Nassan and A.A. Baiomy, 2013. Immunohistochemical evaluation of Bcl-2 oncoprotein in buffalo’s adrenal gland. J. Cytol. Histol., 4: 167-171.
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  18. Baiomy, A.A., 2010. Ultrastructural and histochemical characterization of the alimentary tract of the insectivorous Scincus scincus (Scincidae). J. Environ. Sci., 39: 525-545.
  19. Baiomy, A.A.A. and A.H. Saad, 2008. Histological characterization of the melanogenic system of Rana bedriagae. Egypt. J. Zool., 50: 185-204.
  20. Abdel Razik, T.E. and A.A.A. Baiomy, 2008. Genetic and morphological differentiation between Meriones shawi and Psammomys obesus (Rodentia, Cricetidae). Egypt. J. Zool., 50: 217-231.
  21. Saad, A.H., A. Shamakh and A.A.A. Baiomy, 2007. Noradrenergic innervation of the reptilian spleen: A comparative study. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 54: 19-31.
  22. Baiomy, A.A.A., A. Shamakh and A.H. Saad, 2007. Characterization of the spleen pigment cells in some anuran amphibian. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 54: 1-17.
  23. Baiomy, A.A.A., D. El Mahdy and A.H. Saad, 2006. Thymosin α1 modulator hepatic granuloma and apoptosis during murine schistosomiasis. Egypt. J. Zool., 47: 351-366.
  24. Baiomy, A.A.A. and A.H. Saad, 2006. Histological characterization of the koppfer cells in two species of Anuran Amphibia. Egypt. J. Exp. Biol., 2: 123-128.