Dr. Maha Mohamed Shater Abdallah
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Dr. Maha Mohamed Shater Abdallah

Assistant Professor
National Research Centre, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Physiology from University of Caen Normandy, France

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Physiology
Agricultural Science

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. El Sebai, T.N., A.B. Bakry, M.M.S. Abd Allah and H.M.S. El-Bassiouny, 2019. Physiological Effect of bio-stimulant (phosphate solubilizing bacteria) on growth and yield of two flax cultivars grown in sandy soil amended with rock phosphate. Biosci. Res., 16: 529-544.
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  2. Dawood, M.G., M.S. Sadak, M.M.S. Abdallah, B.A. Bakry and O.M. Darwish, 2019. Influence of biofertilizers on growth and some biochemical aspects of flax cultivars grown under sandy soil conditions. Bull. National Res. Centre, Vol. 43. 10.1186/s42269-019-0122-x.
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  3. Yassen, A.A., E.A.A. Abou El-Nour, M.A. Abou Seeda, M.M.S. Abdallah and S.A.A. El-Sayed, 2018. Effect of potassium fertilization levels and algae extract on growth, bulb yield and quality of onion (Allium cepa L.). Middle East J. Agric. Res., 7: 625-638.
  4. Sadak, M.S., H.M.S. El-Bassiouny, M.M.S. Abd Allah and B.A. Bakry, 2018. Improving nutritional value of Roselle seeds by arginine, Fe-EDTA and hemin applications. Biosci. Res., 15: 2089-2103.
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  5. El-Bassiouny, H.M.S., A.A. Abd El-Monem, M.M.S. Abdallah and K.M. Soliman, 2018. Role of arbuscular mycorrhiza, α-tocopherol and nicotinamide on the nitrogen containing compounds and adaptation of sunflower plant to water stress. Biosci. Res., 15: 2068-2088.
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  6. Abou Seeda, M.A., M.M.S. Abdallah, Abou El-Nour and A.A. Yasen, 2018. Optimization of magnesium fertilizer for radish plant to obtain best yield, in terms of its both quality and quantity, and nutrient uptake. Biosci. Res., 15: 3872-3880.
  7. Bakry, A.B., M.M.S. Abdallah, O.M. Ibrahim, H.M.S. El-Bassiouny, 2017. Effect of hemin, Fe-EDTA and arginine on growth, yield and chemical constituents of two sesame cultivars grown under sandy soil conditions. Biosci. Res., 14: 56-66.
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  8. Hozayn, M., M.M. Abdallha, A.A. Abd El-Monem, A.A. El-Saady and M.A. Darwish, 2016. Applications of magnetic technology in agriculture: A novel tool for improving crop productivity (1): Canola. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 11: 441-449.
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  9. El-Bassiouny, H.M.S., M.M.S. Abdallah, B.A. Bakry and F.M. Ibrahim, 2016. Effect of orange peel extract or ascorbic acid on growth, yield and some biochemical aspects of quinoa plants under water deficit. Int. J. PharmTech Res., 9: 86-96.
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  10. El Sebai, T.N., M.M.S. Abdallah, H.M.S. El-Bassiouny and F.M. Ibrahim, 2016. Amelioration of the adverse effects of salinity stress by using compost, Nigella sativa extract or ascorbic acid in quinoa plants. Int. J. PharmTech Res., 9: 127-144.
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  11. Bakry, B.A., F.M. Ibrahim, M.M.S. Abdallah and H.M.S. El-Bassiouny, 2016. Effect of banana peel extract or tryptophan on growth, yield and some biochemical aspects of quinoa plants under water deficit. Int. J. Pharm. Tech. Res., 9: 276-287.
  12. Abdallah, M.M.S., Z.A. Abdelgawad and H.M.S. El-Bassiouny, 2016. Alleviation of the adverse effects of salinity stress using trehalose in two rice varieties. S. Afr. J. Bot., 103: 275-282.
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  13. Abdallah, M.M.S., S.F. El Habbasha and T. El Sebai, 2016. Comparison of yeast extract and nicotinaminde foliar applications effect on quinoa plants grown under sandy soil condition. Int. J. Pharm.Tech. Res., 9: 24-32.
  14. Abdallah, M.M.S. and H.M.S. El-Bassiouny, 2016. Impact of exogenous proline or tyrosine on growth, some biochemical aspects and yield components of quinoa plant grown in sandy soil. Int. J. Pharm. Tech. Res., 9: 12-23.
  15. Mohamed, M.F., M.M.S. Abdallah, R.K.M. Khalifa, A.G. Ahmed and M. Hozayn, 2015. Effect of Arginine and GA3 on growth, yield, mineral nutrient content and chemical constituents of Faba bean plants grown in sandy soil conditions. Int. J. ChemTech Res., 8: 187-195.
  16. Hozayn, M., M.M.S. Abdallah and A.A. Abd El-Monem, 2015. Effect of proline on growth, yield, nutrient and amino acid contents of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) irrigated with moderate saline water. Int. J. ChemTech Res., 8: 772-783.
  17. Elshehaby, O.A., W.M. Shukry, M. Abdallah, A.M. Gabber and D.A. Galilah, 2015. Morphological criteria and carbohydrates content of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L var Italica) affected by different levels of sulfur fertilizers and waste water. Middle East J. Applied Sci., 5: 73-78.
  18. El-Bassiouny, H.M.S., M.M.S. Abd Allah, M.M. Rady, M.S. Gaballah and T.N. El-Sebai, 2015. Role of blue-green algae, glutathione and salicylic acid on the oxidative defense systems of wheat plant grown in saline soil. Int. J. PharmTech Res., 8: 18-31.
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  19. Abdallah, M.M.S., H.M.S. El-Bassiouny, T.A.E. Elewa and T.N. El-Sebai, 2015. Effect of salicylic acid and benzoic acid on growth, yield and some biochemical aspects of quinoa plant grown in sandy soil. Int. J. ChemTech. Res., 8: 216-225.
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  20. Abdallah, M.M.S., H.M.S. El-Bassiouny, B.A. Bakry and M.S. Sadak, 2015. Effect of Arbuscular mycorrhiza and glutamic acid on growth, yield, some chemical composition and nutritional quality of wheat plant grown in newly reclaimed sandy soil. Res. J. Pharm. Biol. Chem. Sci., 6: 1038-1054.
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  21. Abd Allah, M.M.S., M.M. Eldin and S.M. Selim, 2015. Effect of nitrogen and sulfur on yield, yield components, some chemical composition and nutritional quality of canola plant grown in saline soil condition. Res. J. Pharm. Biol. Chem. Sci., 6: 1055-1064.
  22. Sarda, X., S. Diquelou, M. Abdallah, N. Nesi and O. Cantat, 2014. Assessment of sulphur deficiency in commercial oilseed rape crops from plant analysis. J. Agric. Sci., 152: 616-633.
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  23. Hozayn, M., A.A. Abd El Monem, T.A.E.F. Elwia and M.M. El-Shatar, 2014. Future of magnetic agriculture in arid and semi arid regions (case study). Scient. Pap.-Ser. A: Agron., 57: 197-204.
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  24. El-Bassiouny, H.S.M., B.A. Bakry, A.A.E.M. Attia and M.M. Abd Allah, 2014. Physiological role of humic acid and nicotinamide on improving plant growth, yield and mineral nutrient of wheat (Triticum durum) grown under newly reclaimed sandy soil. Agric. Sci., 5: 687-700.
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  25. Bakry, B.A., M.H. Taha, Z.A. Abdelgawad and M.M.S. Abdallah, 2014. The role of humic acid and proline on growth, chemical constituents and yield quantity and quality of three flax cultivars grown under saline soil conditions. Agric. Sci., 5: 1566-1575.
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  26. Abdelgawad, Z.A., A.A. Khalafaallah and M.M. Abdallah, 2014. Impact of methyl jasmonate on antioxidant activity and some biochemical aspects of maize plant grown under water stress condition. Agric. Sci., 5: 1077-1088.
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  27. Taha, M.H., M.M. Abdallah and A.A. Abd El-Monem, 2013. Improving salinity tolerance and yield of barley (Horde vulgare L.) Plants using arginine. Int. J. Acad. Res., 5: 105-113.
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  28. Hozayn, M., A.A. Abd El Monem, R.E. Abdelraouf and M.M. Abdalla, 2013. Do magnetic water affect water use efficiency, quality and yield of sugar beet (β vulgaris l.) plant under arid regions conditions? J. Agron., 12: 1-10.
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  29. Abdallah, M., A.A. Abd El-Monem, R.A. Hassanein and H.M.S. El-Bassiouny, 2013. Response of sunflower plant to the application of certain vitamins and arbuscular mycorrhiza under different water regimes. Aust. J. Basic Applied Sci., 7: 915-932.
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  30. Abdallah, M., A. Ourry and F. Meuriot, 2012. Fluctuations of S availability affect growth, S reserves, 15N and 34S Uptake in Brassica NapusL. Biol. J., 2: 47-60.
  31. Abdallah, M., P. Etienne, A. Ourry and F. Meuriot, 2011. Do initial S reserves and mineral S availability alter leaf SN mobilization and leaf senescence in oilseed rape. Plant Sci., 180: 511-520.
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  32. Abdallah, M., L. Dubousset, F. Meuriot, P. Etienne, J.C. Avice and A. Ourry, 2010. Effect of mineral sulphur availability on nitrogen and sulphur uptake and remobilization during the vegetative growth of Brassica napus L.` J. Exp. Bot., 61: 2635-2646.
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  33. Dubousset, L., M. Abdallah, A.S. Desfeux, P. Etienne and F. Meuriot et al., 2009. Remobilization of leaf S compounds and senescence in response to restricted sulphate supply during the vegetative stage of oilseed rape are affected by mineral N availability. J. Exp. Bot., 60: 3239-3253.
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  34. Quesni, E., E.M. Fatma, S.M.G. Salwa and M.M.S. Abdallah, 2002. Effect of weed control treatments and foliar fertilization on growth, yield, chemical composition and associated weeds of soybean plants at Nobarya. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 27: 3669-3682.