Dr. Magdy Mostafa Desoky Mohammed
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Dr. Magdy Mostafa Desoky Mohammed

National Research Centre, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Chemistry from El-Menoufia University, Egypt

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Born on 23th 9/1977, B.Sc. May 1999, NRC as Researcher Assistant/2000, M.Sc. on 12/2005, Ass. Res. 2006. 11/2006 – 5/2008 Denmark-Ph.D on 12/2008. 2009 granted GERSS at Technische UniversitÏt Dortmund, Germany. 2011 I have granted PostDoctor fellowship at Nagasaki Univ.-Japan. Aug/2012 visiting researcher-Univ. Southern Denmark. May/2014 Assoc. Prof. July/2019 Full Prof. Chem. Med. Aroma. Plants.

Area of Interest:

Medicinal Plants
Phyto-Chemical Technology
Aromatic Plant
Organic Chemistry

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Mohammed, M.M.D., N.A. Ibrahim, S.A. Ali, M.A. Hamed and N.S. El‐Rigal, 2018. Triacylglycerols of the seed oil of Linum grandiflorum Desf.: Their composition, cytotoxicity and hepatoprotective activity. J. Food Biochem., Vol. 42. 10.1111/jfbc.12525.
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  2. Makau, J.N., K. Watanabe, M.M.D. Mohammed and N. Nishida, 2018. Antiviral activity of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) skin extract against human influenza viruses. J. Med. Food. 10.1089/jmf.2017.4121.
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  3. Saad, A.M., M.M.D. Mohammed, M.A. Ghareeb, W.S. Ahmed and M.A. Farid, 2017. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of the leaves of Cupressus macrocarpa Hartweg. ex Gordon. J. Applied Pharm. Sci., 7: 207-212.
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  4. Mohammed, M.M.D. and K.M. Mohamed, 2017. Anti-HIV-1 and cytotoxicity of a new dimeric thiazepine alkaloid isolated from Ixora undulate Roxb. leaves. Med. Chem. Res., 26: 2119-2126.
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  5. Mohammed, M.M.D. and E.R. El-Sharkawy, 2017. Cytotoxic new furoquinoline alkaloids isolated from Ammi majus L. growing in Egypt. Nat. Prod. Res., 31: 645-652.
  6. Ali, M.I., A.M. Aboul-Enein, S.M. Mohamed, F.M. Abou Elella, M.M.D. Mohammed and A.R. Hamed, 2017. Phytochemical, cytotoxicity and antioxidant investigation of Cassia alata leaves growing in Egypt. J. Innov. Pharm. Biol. Sci., 4: 97-105.
  7. Rizk, M.Z., H.F. Aly, D.M. Abo-Elmatty, M.M. Desoky, N. Ibrahim and E.A. Younis, 2016. Hepatoprotective effect of Caesalpinia gilliesii and Cajanus cajan proteins against acetoaminophen overdose-induced hepatic damage. Toxicol. Ind. Health, 32: 877-907.
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  8. Mohammed, M.M.D., N.A. Ibrahim, K.M. Mohamed and D.A.H. Deabes, 2016. Two new cytotoxic furoquinoline alkaloids isolated from Aegle marmelos (Linn.) Correa. Nat. Prod. Res., 30: 2559-2566.
  9. Mohammed, M.M.D., M. Spiteller, N.A. Ibrahim and K.M. Mohamed, 2016. Cytotoxic activity of new tropinene glycoside isolated from Solandra grandiflora Sw. Records Nat. Prod., 10: 385-391.
  10. Mohammed, M.M.D., 2016. Structure antimutagenicity relationship of anthraquinones. Nat. Prod. Chem. Res., Vol. 4. .
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  11. Ibrahim, N.A., M.M.D. Mohammed, H.F. Aly, S.A. Ali and A. Al-Hady, 2016. Hypoglycemic effect of mucilage and methanol extract of Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa. fruits in streptozotocin diabetic rats. Der Pharm. Chem., 8: 1-15.
  12. Aly, H.F., M.Z. Rizk, D.M. Abo-Elmatty, M.M. Desoky, N.A. Ibrahim and E.A. Younis, 2016. Therapeutic and protective effects of Caesalpinia gilliesii and Cajanus cajan proteins against acetaminophen overdose-induced renal damage. Toxicol. Ind. Health, 32: 753-768.
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  13. Ibrahim, N.A., S.S. El-Hawary, S.A. Ali, M.M.D. Mohammed and E.S. Refaat, 2015. Chemical constituents of Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb) Steud. Fam. Scrophulariaceae and its role against hyperglycemia. World J. Pharm. Res., 4: 2445-2466.
  14. Ibrahim, N.A., S.S. El-Hawary, M.M.D. Mohammed, M.A. Farid, N.A.M. Abdel Wahed, M.A. Ali and E.A.W. El-Abd, 2015. Chemical composition, antiviral against avian influenza (H5N1) virus and antimicrobial activities of the essential oils of the leaves and fruits of Fortunella margarita, Lour. Swingle, growing in Egypt. J. Applied Pharm. Sci., 5: 6-12.
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  15. Ibrahim, N.A., F.S. El-Sakhawy, M.M. Mohammed, M.A. Farid, N.A. Abdel-Wahed and D.A. Deabes, 2015. Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antifungal activities of essential oils of the leaves of Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa growing in Egypt. J. Applied Pharm. Sci., 5: 1-5.
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  16. Mohammed, M.M.D., N.A. Ibrahim, M. Chen and L. Zhai, 2014. Rubiothiazepine a novel unusual cytotoxic alkaloid from Ixora undulate Roxb. leaves. Nat. Prod. Chem. Res., Vol. 2. 10.4172/2329-6836.1000128.
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  17. Mohammed, M.M.D., L.P. Christensen and P.L. Colla, 2014. Isolation and anti-HIV-1 activity of a new sesquiterpene lactone from Calocephalus brownie F. Muell. Nat. Prod. Res., 28: 221-229.
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  18. Mohammed, M.M.D., A.H.A. Hamdy, N.M. El-Fiky, W.S. Mettwally, A.A. El-Beih and N. Kobayashi, 2014. Anti-influenza A virus activity of a new dihydrochalcone diglycoside isolated from the Egyptian seagrass Thalassodendron ciliatum (Forsk.) den Hartog. Nat. Prod. Res., 28: 377-382.
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  19. Mohammed, M.M.D., S.S. El-Souda, S.M. El-Hallouty and N. Kobayashi, 2013. Antiviral and cytotoxic activities of anthraquinones isolated from Cassia roxburghii Linn. leaves. Herba Pol., 59: 33-44.
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  20. Ibrahim, N.A., S.S. El-Hawary, M.M.D. Mohammed, M.A. Farid, N.A.M. Abdel Wahed and E.S. Refaat, 2013. Chemical composition, antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of the flowers of Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud. growing in Egypt. J. Applied Sci. Res., 9: 3228-3232.
  21. Mohammed, M.M.D., N.A. Ibrahim, N.E. Awad, A.A. Matloub and A.G. Mohamed-Ali et al., 2012. Anti-HIV-1 and cytotoxicity of the alkaloids of Erythrina abyssinica Lam. growing in Sudan. Nat. Prod. Res., 26: 1565-1575.
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  22. Hassan, E.M., M.M.D. Mohammed and S.M. Mohamed, 2012. Two new phorbol-type diterpene esters from Synadenium grantii Hook F. leaves. Records Nat. Prod., 6: 255-262.
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  23. Mohammed, M.M.D., E.R. El-Sharkawy and A.A. Matloub, 2011. Cytotoxic flavonoids from Diplotaxis harra (Forssk.) Boiss. growing in Sinai. J. Med. Plants Res., 5: 5099-5103.
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  24. El-Rigal, N.S., S.A. Ali, M.S. Abd-Allah, E.S.M. El-Sayed, S.M. Saeed, N.A. Ibrahim and M.M.D. Mohammed, 2011. D-mannitol in ameliorating some metabolic disorders in Schistosomal mansoni infected mice. Egypt. Pharm. J., 10: 137-166.
  25. Mohammed, M.M.D., M. Chen, L. Zhai and N.A. Ibrahim, 2010. The cytotoxic activity of Linum grandiflorum leaves. Eur. J. Chem., 1: 110-114.
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  26. Mohammed, M.M.D., L.P. Christensen, N.A. Ibrahim, N.E. Awad, I.F. Zeid and E.B. Pedersen, 2009. New acylated flavone and cyanogenic glycosides from Linum grandiflorum. Nat. Prod. Res., 23: 489-497.
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  27. Mohammed, M.M.D., L.P. Christensen, N.A. Ibrahim, N.E. Awad and I.F. Zeid et al., 2009. Anti- HIV-1 activities of the extracts from the medicinal plant Linum grandiflorum Desf. Med. Aromatic Plant Sci. Biotechnol., 3: 37-41.
  28. Ibrahim, N.A., H.R. El-Seedi and M.M.D. Mohammed, 2009. Constituents and biological activity of the chloroform extract and essential oil of Cupressus sempervirens. Chem. Nat. Compounds, 45: 309-313.
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  29. Mohammed, M.M.D., M. Chen, L. Zhai and N.A. Ibrahim, 2008. Potential anticancer agents from Linum grandiflorum leaves. Anticancer Res., 28: 3411-3411.
  30. Ibrahim, N.A., H.R. El-Seedi and M.M.D. Mohammed, 2007. Phytochemical investigation and hepatoprotective activity of Cupressus sempervirens L. leaves growing in Egypt. Nat. Prod. Res., 21: 857-866.
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