Dr. Alaa Elsayed Ali Elkomy
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Dr. Alaa Elsayed Ali Elkomy

Arid lands cultivation research institute, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Animal and Veterinary Sciences from Animal Science College of Agriculture, USA

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Poultry Science

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Alaa E. Elkomy, S.A. Zahran, A.I. El-Azab, M.A. El- Azab 2016. Effects of Substitution of Alfalfa Meal with Dried Tomato Pomace (DTP) in Newzealand Male Rabbits Rations on Semen Characteristics and Some Blood Constituents Pak. J. Nutr., 15: 590-599.
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  2. Elkomy, A.E., A.M. Abd El-hady and O.A. Elghalid, 2015. Dietary boron supplementation and its impact on semen characteristics and physiological status of adult male rabbits. Asian J. Poult. Sci., 9: 85-96.
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  3. Elkomy, A.E. and M.E. El-Speiy, 2015. Polyunsaturated fatty acids combined with equine chorionic gonadotropin to enhance reproductive performance in aged rabbit does. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 14. 10.4081/ijas.2015.3535.
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  4. Elkomy, A.E., A.E. Abd El-Hamid, S.S. Mahmoud, S.I. Dekinesh and M.A. Ahmed, 2011. Alfalfa seeds counteract toxicity of contaminated broiler rations. (In Press). .
  5. Kamel, K.I., A.E. Elkomy and M.S. El-Sbeiy, 2009. The Androgenic action of Gibberellic Acid (GA3) on reproductive performance of New Zealand white rabbit bucks World J. Agric. Sci., 5: 40-48.
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  6. Elkomy, A.E., O.A.H. El-ghalid and A.M. Abd-El-hady, 2009. Effect of gonadotrophin stimulant (Theriogon) treatment on alexandria cockerels reproductive performance. Egypt. Poult. Sci., 29: 609-621.
  7. El-sayed, N.A., A.E. Elkomy, A.S. El-saadny and E.Y. Hassan, 2009. New suggested schemes for incubation temperatures and their effect on embryonic development and hatching power in local chicken strain. Asian J. Poult. Sci., 3: 19-29.
  8. Elkomy, A.E., M.S. El-Sbeiy and K.I. Kamel, 2008. Comparative study of semen quality and free amino acids content in seminal plasma between high and low motile sperm rabbit Bucks. Egypt. poult. Sci., 28: 633-649.
  9. Elkomy, A.E., G. El-Shaarrawi, E. El-Ansary and A.A. Elnagar, 2008. Evaluation of estrogenic response to subcutaneously injection of gibberellic acid (ga3) in aged female fowl. Egypt. Poult. Sci., Vol. 28. .
  10. Elkomy, A.E. A.A. Elnagar, E. El-Ansary and G. El-Shaarrawi, 2008. Estrogenic effects of gibberellic acid on reproductive and production characteristics of immature female fowl. Proceeding of the 10th World Conference on Animal Production, November 23-28, Cape Ton, South Africa, -.
  11. El-Sbeiy, M.E., K.I. Kamel and A.E. Elkomy, 2008. Evaluation of spermatological parameters and free amino acids composition of Black Baladi, New Zealand White and V-line Rabbits buck under winter Egyptian condition. Egypt. Poult. Sci., 28: 617-631.
  12. Elkomy, A.E., E.E. Hafez and H.H. Ghanem, 2007. Molecular studies on the immobility of genomic construction in the random mating population. Afr. J. Biochem. Res., 1: 132-136.
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  13. Elkomy, A.E., S.A. Elnagar and A. El-Sebai, 2007. Steroidogenic effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) on chicks. Egypt. Poult. Sci., 27: 1239-1255.
  14. El-Hanoun, A.M., H.H. Ghanem and A.E. Elkomy, 2005. Effect of removing the oil gland of non-laying hens on egg production in some local chicken's strains. Proceeding of the Second Scientific Conference Of The Animal Production Research Institute, September 27-29, Agricultural ministry, Sakha, Egypt, -.
  15. Elkomy, A.E., 2004. Physiological studies on Gibberellic acid (GA3) and reproductive functions of adult fowl. Ph.D. Thesis, Poultry production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University..
  16. El-Deek, A.A., E. El-Ansary, M.M. El-Moniary, A.A. Elnagar and A.E. Elkomy et al., 1996. Nutritional evaluation of corn gluten meal as a protein source in muskovey duck rations; II Effect of feeding levels on growth performance. J. Agric. Sci. Mansora Univ., 21: 523-530.
  17. Ehsan, E.A., A.A. El-Deek, M.M. El-Moniary, A.A. Elnagar and A.E. Elkomy et al., 1996. Nutritional evaluation of corn gluten meal as a protein source in muskovey duck rations; III Effect of feeding levels on carcass characteristics and some blood parameters at 9 week old. J. Agric. Sci. Mansora Univ., 21: 531-542.
  18. Elkomy, A.E., 1995. Nutritional evaluation of corn gluten meal as a protein source in muskovey duck rations. M.Sc. Thesis, Poultry production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University..