Dr. Fatma Aly Abdel Razek
ProfessorNational Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Egypt
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Agriculture from University of Tokyo, Japan
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Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Agriculture from University of Tokyo, Japan
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Dr. Fatma A. Abdelrazek was born in Alexandria, Egypt. She was graduated from the University of Alexandria - Department of Oceanography and Chemistry (General section) in 1969. She is considered one of the first female Pioneers in Oceanography. Immediately afterwards, she was appointed at the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Research Assistant degree in 1970. Between the years 1970-1971 she participated in Maritime survey of the Egyptian shores between Saloumand ElArish cities on the Russian Research Vessel to get Samples for her Master studies. Her participation was the first for a female Researcher to be on a research ship. She made 4 trips (each 25 days on board) and collected her samples seasonally throughout the year. Dr. Fatma obtained her Masters degree from the Department of Oceanography, the University of Alexandria in January 1975. Her thesis was entitled Biological studies on some Migrating Species of Penaeidae from the Mediterranean and Delta lakes. In 1976-1977 Dr. Fatma Travelled to Japan as a JICA Trainee training on Shrimp Farming and learn about the latest Techniques for a year at the University of Kagoshima, Japan and then in 1979 she travelled once again to Japan to get a Doctorate degree from the Tokyo University, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and the thesis was entitled: Ecological studies on the Fouling Bivalve Limnopernafortunei Kikuchi in Shonai Inlet, Lake Hamana, Japan. Dr. Fatma obtained her Doctorate degree in the minimum period allowed in Japan (three years) in 1983. She escalated in her career to be appointed as an Assistant Professor in 1989 and then as Professor in 1994 and then as an Emeritus Professor in 2006, and this is her current position till present in the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF). She has published 92 articles in journals as author/co-author. She also supervised 26 Masters and Doctoral thesis. She is member of world Aquaculture Society, Marine Biological Association of India, Egyptian Society of Aquatic Biology and Fishery, and Editor in chief of the Egyptian journal of Aquatic Research.