Dr. Fatma Aly Abdel Razek
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Dr. Fatma Aly Abdel Razek

National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Agriculture from University of Tokyo, Japan

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Dr. Fatma A. Abdelrazek was born in Alexandria, Egypt. She was graduated from the University of Alexandria - Department of Oceanography and Chemistry (General section) in 1969. She is considered one of the first female Pioneers in Oceanography. Immediately afterwards, she was appointed at the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Research Assistant degree in 1970. Between the years 1970-1971 she participated in Maritime survey of the Egyptian shores between Saloumand ElArish cities on the Russian Research Vessel to get Samples for her Master studies. Her participation was the first for a female Researcher to be on a research ship. She made 4 trips (each 25 days on board) and collected her samples seasonally throughout the year. Dr. Fatma obtained her Masters degree from the Department of Oceanography, the University of Alexandria in January 1975. Her thesis was entitled Biological studies on some Migrating Species of Penaeidae from the Mediterranean and Delta lakes. In 1976-1977 Dr. Fatma Travelled to Japan as a JICA Trainee training on Shrimp Farming and learn about the latest Techniques for a year at the University of Kagoshima, Japan and then in 1979 she travelled once again to Japan to get a Doctorate degree from the Tokyo University, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and the thesis was entitled: Ecological studies on the Fouling Bivalve Limnopernafortunei Kikuchi in Shonai Inlet, Lake Hamana, Japan. Dr. Fatma obtained her Doctorate degree in the minimum period allowed in Japan (three years) in 1983. She escalated in her career to be appointed as an Assistant Professor in 1989 and then as Professor in 1994 and then as an Emeritus Professor in 2006, and this is her current position till present in the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF). She has published 92 articles in journals as author/co-author. She also supervised 26 Masters and Doctoral thesis. She is member of world Aquaculture Society, Marine Biological Association of India, Egyptian Society of Aquatic Biology and Fishery, and Editor in chief of the Egyptian journal of Aquatic Research.

Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Aquatic Animals

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Zaid, M.M.A., F.A. Abdel Razek, E.S.A.E. Hamed, T.A.A. Mohammed and H.O. Ahmed, 2016. Biochemical composition and fatty acid, amino acid analysis of Cymadusa filosa (Amphipod; Gammarids) in the Red Sea-Egypt. Int. J. Innov. Stud. Aquat. Biol. Fish., 2: 6-13.
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  2. Hamed, E.S.A.E., H.O. Ahmed, F.A. Abdel Razek, M.M.A. Zaid and T.A.A. Mohammed, 2016. Life cycle of Cymadusa filosa (Amphipod: Gammarids) under experimental laboratory conditions in the Red Sea-Egypt. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 11: 385-390.
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  3. Ahmed, H.O., E. Elmasry, A.F.M. El-Sayed and F.A. Abdel Razek, 2016. Larval growth and metamorphosis of South Eastern Mediterranean sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) fed different microalgal diets. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 11: 287-295.
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  4. Abdel Razek, F.A., S.E. Abdel-Gaid, H.O. Ahmed, E.S.A.E. Hamed, M.M. Abu-Zaid and T.A.A. Mohammed, 2016. Observations on the population characters of eared horse mussel, Modiolus auriculatus (Krauss, 1848) in the Red Sea, Egypt. Int. J. Ecotoxicol. Ecobiol., 1: 72-75.
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  5. Abdel Razek, F.A., M. Ismaiel and M.A.A. Ameran, 2016. Occurrence of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus, Rathbun, 1896 and its fisheries biology in Bardawil Lagoon, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., 42: 223-229.
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  6. Abdel Rahman, S., M. Attallah, M. Abu Zeid, F.A. Abdel Razek and A. Hellal, 2016. Evaluation of an intensive culture system for the culture of the rotifer, Brachionus plicatilisusing ammonia removers. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. Fish., 20: 15-21.
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  7. Soliman, T., H. Omar, F.A. Abdel Razek, A.F.M. El-Sayed, E. Elmasry and J.D. Reimer, 2015. Phylogenetic characterization of two echinoid species of the Southeastern Mediterranean, off Egypt. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., 41: 359-365.
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  8. Elmasry, E., F.A. Abdel Razek, A.F.M. El-Sayed, H. Omar and E.S.A.E. Hamed, 2015. Abundance, size composition and benthic assemblages of two Mediterranean echinoids off the Egyptian coasts: Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., 41: 367-374.
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  9. Razek, F.A.A., S.E. Abdel-Gaid, M.M. Abu-Zaid and T.A. Aziz, 2014. Aspects on the reproduction of eared horse mussel, Modiolus auriculatus (Krauss, 1848) in Red Sea, Egypt. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., 40: 191-198.
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  10. Abu-Zaid, M.M., F.A. Abdel Razek, T.A.A. Mohammed and S.E. Abdel-Gaid, 2014. Studies on the various allometric relationships in the intertidal horse mussel Modiolus auriculatus of the Red Sea, Egypt. Blue Biotechnol. J., 3: 111-120.
  11. Abdel Razek, F.A., M.M. Abu-Zaid, A.M. Helal, S.E. Abdel-Gaid and T.A. Aziz, 2014. The distribution of eared horse mussel, Modiolus auriculatus (KRAUSS, 1848) along the Red Sea coast of Egypt. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., 40: 469-472.
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  12. Mona, M.H., M.M. Elgamal, F.A. Abdel Razek, E.A. Elgiar and M.F. Nour Eldeen, 2014. Effect of different feeding regimes on the performance of Daphnia longispina. Sci-Afr. J. Sci. Issues, Res. Essays, 2: 173-179.
  13. Abdel Aziz, T., S. Abdel Aziz, M. Abu Zeid and F.A. Abdel Razek, 2014. Abundance, density and assemblages of the amphipod Cymadusafilosa in the different macro-algal habitats northern Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt. Blue Biotechnol. J., 2: 463-473.
  14. Omar, H.A., F.A. Razek, S.A. Rahman and N.A. El Shimy, 2013. Reproductive periodicity of sea cucumber Bohadschia vitiensis (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in Hurghada area, Red Sea, Egypt. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., 39: 115-123.
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  15. Abdel-Razek, F.A., M.A. Mahmoud, M.H. Yassien, S.Z. Mohamed and A.A. Gab-Alla, 2013. Age, growth and shell morphometrics of the top shell tectus dentatus (trochidae: prosobranchia) from gemsha bay, Red Sea. Blue Biotechnol. J., 2: 611-622.
  16. Mahmoud, M.A.M., M.H. Yassien1, F.A. Abdel-Razek, S.Z. Mohamed and A.A.A. Gab-Alla, 2012. Growth Rate of the Top Shell Tectus dentatus (Forskal, 1775) Under Laboratory Conditions, 1- Effect of Density. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Eng., 2: 75-82.
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  17. F.A. Abdel Razek, S.H. Abdel Rahman, R.M. Moussa, M.H. Mena, M.M. El-Gamal 2012. Captive Spawning of Holothuria arenicola (Semper, 1868) from Egyptian
    Mediterranean Coast Asian J. Biol. Sci., 5: 425-431.
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  18. Yassien, M.H., M.A.M. Mahmoud, F.A. Abdel-Razek, S.Z. Mohamed and A.A.F.A. Gab-Alla, 2011. Growth Rate of the Top Shell Tectusdentatus (Forskal, 1775) Under Laboratory Conditions, Two-Effects of Food Items. Blue Biotechnol. J., 1: 231-244.
  19. El-Sayed, A.E.H., F.A.A. Razek, M.M. Abou-Zaid and S.M. Taha, 2011. Measures of allometric growth of black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) Red Sea, Egypt. Int. J. Zool. Res., 7: 201-211.
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  20. Abdel Razek, F.A., M.M. Abou Zaid and A.E.H. El Sayed, 2011. Abundance and ecological observations of the black-lip pearl oyester, Pinctada margaritifera (L.) (Bivalvia: Pteriidae), in red sea Egyptian waters. Int. J. Zool. Res., 7: 320-329.
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  21. Abdel Razek, F.A. and M. Taha, 2011. Biological notes on the small penaeid shrimp Trachysalambriapalastinensis (Steinitz, 1932) of Egyptian alexandria coast. Blue Biotechnol. J., Vol. 1. .
  22. Nemr, A.E., F.A. Abdel Razek, A. El-Sikaily, S.H. Abd El-Rahman, R.M. Moussa and S.M. Taha, 2011. Isolation of holothurian b from sea cucumber Holothurian arenicola collected from Alexandria coast, Egypt. Blue Biotechnol. J., Vol. 1. .
  23. Abou-Zaid, M.M., F. Abdel Razek and A.E.H. El Sayed, 2010. Reproduction and spawning of the black-lip pearl oyester, Pinctada margaritifera (L.) (Bivalvia: Pteriidae), in Red Sea, Egypt. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., 36: 331-340.
  24. Abdel Razek, F.A., M.H. Mona, S.H. Abdel Rahman, M.M. El Gamal, E.M. Moussa and S.M. Taha, 2010. Observations on the abundance of Holothurian species along the Alexandria coast of eastern Mediterranean waters. Proceedings of the 39th CIESM Congress-Venice, May 10-14, 2010, Italy -.
  25. Abdel Rahman, S.H., F.A. Abdel Razek, A.M.A.S. Goda, A.F.A. Ghobashy, S.M. Taha and A.R. Khafagy, 2010. Partial substitution of dietary fish meal with soybean meal for speckled shrimp, Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798) (Decapoda: Penaeidae) juvenile. Aquacult. Res., 41: e299-e306.
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  26. Abdel Rahman, S.H., F.A. Abdel Razek, A.E. Abou Zeid and M. Ashour, 2010. Optimum growth conditions of three isolated diatom species: Skelatonemacostatum, Chaetoceroscalcitrans and Detonullaconfervacia and their utilization as feed for marine Penaeid shrimp larvae. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., Vol. 36. .
  27. Khafage, A.R., F.A. Abdel Razek, A.F.A. Gobashy and S.M. Taha, 2009. Early larval development of Egyptian metapenaeid shrimp, Metapenaeus Monoceros (Fabricius) reared under laboratory conditions. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., Vol. 35. .
  28. Gobashy, A.F.A., F.A. Abdel Razek, A.R. Khafage and S.M. Taha, 2009. Biological studies of red shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius) in Egyptian mediterranean waters: Morphometric characteristics. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., Vol. 35. .
  29. Abdel Razek, F.A., A.F.A.Ghobashi, A.R.Khafage and S.M.Taha, 2009. Biological studies of red shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius) in Egyptian mediterranean waters: Maturation and spawning. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., Vol. 35. .
  30. Abdel Rahman, S.H., F.A. Abdel Razek, A.E. Abou Zeid and M.A. Fikry, 2008. Population growth rate, fecundity, filtration and ingestion rate of marine rotifer Brachionus plicatilis fed with motile and immotile microalgae. Egypt. J. Aqu. Res., 34: 426-439.
  31. Abd Razek, F.A. and T.A.A. Ameran, 2008. Biological studies of penaeid shrimp population in Bardawil lagoon, Northern Sinai, Egypt. Egypt. J. Aqu. Res., 34: 299-315.
  32. Mahfoz, S.T., Abdel Razek, F.A., S.S. El-Sherief and S.M. Taha and E.G. Mohamed, 2006. Some biological studies of Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) (Crustacea, Decapoda) in the mediterranean coast of Egypt. Egypt. J. Aqu. Res., 32: 385-400.
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  33. El-Bouhy, Z.M., F.A. Abdel Razek and M.E. Hassanen, 2006. A contribution on vibrioses in shrimp culture in Egypt. Egypt. J. Aqu. Resh., 32: 443-455.
  34. EL-Sersy, N.A., F.A. Abdel-Razek and S.M. Taha, 2006. Evaluation of various probiotic bacteria for the survival of Penaeus japonicus larvae. Fresenius Environ. Bull., 15: 1506-1511.
  35. Abdel-Razek, F.A., N.A. El-Shimy, S.H. Abdel Rahman and H.A. Omare, 2006. Ecological observations on the abundance distribution of Holothuroids (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in the Red Sea coast, Egypt. Egypt. J. Aqu. Res., 32: 346-361.
  36. Abdel Razek, F.A. and T.S. Mahfoz, 2006. Experimental larval development of penaeidae shrimp, Trachrypenaeus curvirostris (Stimpson, 1860) from the Egyptian mediterranean coast. Egypt. J. Aqu. Res., 32: 362-384.
  37. Abdel-Razek, F.A., S.H. Abdel-Rahman, N.A. El-Shimy and H.A. Omar, 2005. Reproduction biology of the tropical sea cucumber Holothuria atra (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in the Red Sea Coast of Egypt. Egypt. J. Aqu. Res., 31: 383-402.
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  38. El-Telbany, M.M., W.N. El Hawarry and F.A. Abdel Razek, 2002. Effect of unilateral eyestalk ablation and serotonin injection on the reproductive performance of marine shrimp Penaeus japanieus. Minufyia Vet. J., 2: 147-164.
  39. El Sayed T. Rizk, M.H. Mona, F.A. Abdel Razek, S.H. Abdel Rahman and R.M. Moussa, 2002. Observations on growth and survival of Penaeus japonicus (Bate) post larvae acclimated to low salinity. Prceedings of the 2nd International Confrence on Biological Sciences, April 27-28, 2002, Tanta University. -.
  40. Abdel Razek, F.A. and S.M. Taha, 2001. A review of length-weight relationships of penaeid shrimps from Egyptian marine waters. Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Fish., 27: 337-345.
  41. Mohammed, H.Y., F.A.A. Razek and W.K., Raouf, 2000. Growth estimates of pearl oyster, Pincatada radiata, from the Eastern Mediterranean Egypt. J. Aqu. Biol. Fish., 4: 105-118.
  42. Kilada, R.W., F.A. Abdel Razek and M.H. Yassien, 2000. Population growth and asexual performance of the sea cucumber Holothuria arenicala from the Eastern Mediterranean. Egypt Aquat. Biol. Fish., 4: 119-135.
  43. Abdel Razek, F.A., A. El-Agamy, S.H. Abdel Rahman, M.S. El-Barbary and S. Mahfouz, 1999. Studies on the reproductive performance of prawn Penaeus japonicus bate brood stock, based on egg quality, hatching rates and ages. Egypt. J. Aqu. Biol. Fish., 3: 17-43.
  44. Abdel-Razek, F.A., 1995. Abundance and reproductive biology of Metapenaeus stebbingi Nobili, shrimp in lake quarun, Egypt. Oebalia, 21: 27-36.
  45. Abdel-Razek, F.A., S.H. Abdel-Rahman and S.S. Zaglol, 1994. Aspects of the reproduction of the prawn Penaeus latisulcatus kishinouya in the gulf of suez, Egypt. J. KAU. Mar. Sci., 7: 153-159.
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  46. Abdel-Razek, F.A., M.I. Babers and M.H. Yassien, 1994. Notes on the breeding season of the prawn Penaeus japonicus bate in gulf of suez, Egypt. G. Egypt. Germ. Soc. Zool., 13: 141-152.
  47. Yassien, M.H., M.I. Bebars, F.A.A. Razek and AF.A. Ghobashy, 1993. On the prawn fisheries in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Qatar Univ. Sci. J., 13: 358-363.
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  48. Abdel Razek, F.A., M.I. Bebars, A.F. Ghobashy and M.H. Yassien, 1993. Reproduction of Penaeus latisulcatus Kishinouye in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. J. Egypt. Ger. Zool., 12: 77-92.
  49. Abdel Razek, F.A., K. Okamoto, K. Chiba, H. Kurokura and R. Hirano, 1993. Distribution of Limnoperna fortunei kikuchii in Shonai Inlet, Lake Hamana. Bull. Suisan Zoshoku Japan Aqua. Soc., 41: 89-96.
  50. Abdel Razek, F.A., A. Al Agamy, A.F. Gohbashy and S.T. Mahfoz, 1993. Comparative morphometric studies on the shrimp Metapenaeus stebbingii Nobili in different water bodies. J. Egypt. Ger. Zool., 11: 219-238.
  51. Abdel Razek, F.A., 1993. Fecundity of the shrimp Metapenaeus stebbingii Nobili in Egyptian waters. Alex. J. Agr. Res., 38: 199-216.
  52. Abdel Razek, F.A., 1993. Experimental observations on growth of the fresh water shrimp Macrobrachum rosenbergii (De Man) in Egypt. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 11: 123-137.
  53. Ezzat, A., F.A. Abdel Razek, H. El Hady and S.H. Abdel Rahman, 1992. Reproduction of Thenus orientalis from the Arabian Gulf waters off Saudi Arabia. Alex. Sci. Exch., 13: 21-38.
  54. Abdel Razek, F.A., 1992. Biological observations on the introduced prawns in Lake Qarun (Egypt). Acta Adriat., 33: 191-197.
  55. El-Keryoni, E., F.A. Abdel Razek and S. Abdel Hafez, 1991. Bioeconomic studies on Lake Qarun production of fish and shrimp. Comm. Sci. Dev. Res., 37: 63-74.
  56. Abdel Razek, F.A., A.E. El Zahabi and N. Sallam, 1991. Effect of different feed regime on growth of post-larval penaeid shrimp Penaeus japonicus. Bull. Fac. Zagazig Univ., 13: 530-547.
  57. El Hady, H.A., F.A. Abdel Razek and A. Ezzat, 1990. Reproduction of Penaeus semisulcatus De Haan in Dammam Water (Arabia Gulf), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, 118: 241-251.
  58. Ezzat, A., F.A. Abdel Razek and H.A. El Hady, 1989. The monthly changes in the hepatopancreas index and its effect on moulting in lobster Thenus orientalis (Land,1793 Alex. J. Vet. Sci., 5: 665-671.
  59. Abdel Razek, S.A., A. Ezzat, H.A. El Hady and S.H. Abd El-Rahman, 1989. Reproduction in Peneaus arientales from the Arabian Gulf waters off Saudi Arabia. Alex. J. Vet. Sci., 5: 645-654.
  60. Abdel Razek, F.A., E. Elkeryoni and S. Abdel Hafez, 1989. Bioeconomical studies on marine crustacea in Egyptian Fisheries. Comm. Sci. Dev. Res., 28: 103-119.
  61. Abdel Razek, F.A., A. Ezzat and H.A. El-Hady, 1989. Biometric studies and length weight relationship of Lobster Thenus orientalis in Dammam water (Arabian Gulf) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Alex. J. Vet. Sci., 5: 649-663.
  62. Abdel Rahman, S.H. and F.A. Abdel Razek, 1989. Preliminary studies on the presence of Artemia populations near Alexandria, Egypt: 1. Artemia populations in saltworks at El-Max [Animals, fish and poultry production]. Third Egypt. Brit. Conf. Anim, fish and Poult. Prod., 2: 739-746.
  63. Abdel Razek, F.A., 1988. Some biological studies of the Egyptian crabs Portunus pelagicus (L). Acta Adriatica, 29: 133-143.
  64. Abdel Razek, F.A., 1988. Notes on the bionomics of the penaeid prawns in Lake Borollos. Proc. Zool. Soc. A.R.E., 16: 21-30.
  65. Abdel Razek, F.A., M.M. El Hawary, Y. Halim and S.S. Drobsheva, 1987. A new indo-pacific penaeid in the mediterranean, Solinocera indica Natarage. Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Fish., 7: 575-577.
  66. Abdel Razek, F.A., 1987. Crab fishery of the Egyptian waters with notes on the bionomics of Portunus pelagicus (L). Acta Adriatica, 28: 143-154.
  67. Wadie, W.F. and F.A. Abdel Razek, 1985. The effect of daming on the shrimp population in the Mediterranean sea. Fish. Res., 3: 323-335.
  68. Abdel Razek, F.A., 1985. Contribution to the biology of penaeid prawns of the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Assoc., 45: 17-28.
  69. Abdel Razek, F.A., 1983. Ecological studies on the fouling bivalve, Limnoperna fortunei kikuchii HAB, PH.D Thesis, Tokyo University, Japan..
  70. Ishak, M.M., A.A. Alsayes and F.A. Abdel Razek, 1980. Bionomics of Penaeus kerathurus transplanted into Lake Quarun (Egypt). Aquaculture, 21: 365-374.
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  71. Kanazawa, A., S.I. Teshima, S. Tokiwa, M. Endo and F.A.A. Razek, 1979. Effect short-necked clam phospholipids on growth of prawn. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci., 45: 961-965.
  72. Razek A., 1975. Crustacean fisheries of the South-Eastern Mediterranean Sea along the Egyptian coast-Soviet-Egyptian Expedition. Bull. Instit. Oceanogr. Fish., 5: 118-167.