Dr. Sami Ali Mohamed Ebrahim Gabr
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Dr. Sami Ali Mohamed Ebrahim Gabr

Research Associate
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Mansoura University, Egypt

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Molecular Biology
Biochemistry Research

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Mahmoud, H.S., W.M. Elsaed and S.A. Gabr, 2019. Camel urotherapy and hepatoprotective effects against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver toxicity. Int. J. Pharmacol., 15: 696-705.
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  2. Gabr, S.A., N.S. Gabr and W.M. Elsaed, 2019. Protective activity of taurine and molecular fibrogenesis in Iron overloaded hepatic tissues. Int. J. Pharmacol., 15: 418-427.
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  3. Gabr, S.A., N.S. Gabr and W.M. Elsaed, 2019. Aqueous green tea extract and prediction of fibrosis in lipopolysaccharide intoxicated rats. Int. J. Pharmacol., 15: 403-417.
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  4. Gabr, S.A., A.H. Alghadir and G.A. Ghoniem, 2019. Biological activities of ginger against cadmium-induced renal toxicity. Saudi J. Biol. Sci., 26: 382-389.
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  5. Gabr, S.A., 2019. Comments: Influence of physical training on bone mineral density in healthy young adults: A systematic review. Brazilian Med. Assoc. J., 65: 1107-1108.
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  6. Gabr, S.A. and A.H. Alghadir, 2019. Evaluation of the biological effects of lyophilized hydrophilic extract of Rhus coriaria on myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, wound healing and microbial infections of skin wound tissues. Evidence-Based Complementary Alternative Med., Vol. 2019., 10.1155/2019/5861537.
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  7. Al‐Rawaf, H.A., A.H. Alghadir and S.A. Gabr, 2019. MicroRNAs as biomarkers of pain intensity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Pain Practice, 19: 848-860.
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  8. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr, Z.A. Iqbal and E. Al-Eisa, 2019. Association of physical activity, vitamin E levels and total antioxidant capacity with academic performance and executive functions of adolescents. BMC Pediatrics, Vol. 19. doi: 10.1186/s12887-019-1528-1.
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  9. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr and A.A. Rizk, 2019. Plasmatic adipocyte biomarkers and foot pain associated with flatfoot in schoolchildren with obesity. Brazilian Med. Assoc. J., 65: 1061-1066.
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  10. Al-Rawaf, H.A., S.A. Gabr and A.H. Alghadir, 2019. Molecular changes in diabetic wound healing following administration of vitamin D and ginger supplements: Biochemical and molecular experimental study. Evidence-Based Complementary Alternative Med., 2019. 10.1155/2019/4352470.
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  11. Al-Rawaf, H.A., S.A. Gabr and A.H. Alghadir, 2019. Circulating hypoxia responsive microRNAs (HRMs) and wound healing potentials of green tea in diabetic and nondiabetic rat models. Evidence-Based Complementary Alternative Med., Vol. 2019. 10.1155/2019/9019253.
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  12. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr and A.A. Rizk, 2018. Physical fitness, adiposity and diets as surrogate measures of bone health in schoolchildren: A biochemical and cross-sectional survey analysis. J. Clin. Densitometry, 21: 406-419.
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  13. Allam, A.A., S.A. Gabr, J. Ajarem, A.H. Alghadir and R. Sekar et al., 2017. Geno protective and anti-apoptotic effect of green tea against perinatal lipopolysaccharide-exposure induced liver toxicity in rat newborns. Afr. J. Traditional, Complementary Alternative Med., 14: 166-176.
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  14. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr and E.S. Al-Eisa, 2017. Mechanical factors and vitamin D deficiency in schoolchildren with low back pain: Biochemical and cross-sectional survey analysis. J. Pain Res., 10: 855-865.
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  15. Al-Eisa, E., S.A. Gabr and A.H. Alghadir, 2017. Effects of supervised aerobic training on the levels of anti-mullerian hormone and adiposity measures in women with normo-ovulatory and polycystic ovary syndrome. J. Pak. Med. Assoc, 67: 499-507.
  16. Sheikh, B.Y. and S. Gabr, 2016. Influence of extraction solvents and phytochemical analysis in the evaluation of in-vitro antioxidant activity of Saudi Arabian olive leaves extract. Am. J. Chem. Application, 3: 6-12.
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  17. Gabr, S.A., A.H. Alghadir, Y.E. Sherif and A.A. Ghfar, 2016. Hydroxyproline as a Biomarker in Liver Disease. In: Biomarkers in Disease: Methods, Discoveries and Applications: Liver Disease, Preedy, V.R. and V.B. Patel (Eds.). Springer-Verlag GmbH, USA., pp: 1-21.
  18. Gabr, S.A., A.H. Alghadir, A.A. Allam, J. Ajarem and G. Al-Basher et al., 2016. Correlation between vitamin D levels and apoptosis in geriatric patients infected with hepatitis C virus genotype 4. Clin. Interventions Aging, 11: 523-533.
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  19. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr, S. Anwer and E. Al-Eisa, 2016. Fatigue and oxidative stress response to physical activity in type 2 diabetic patients. Int. J. Diabetes Dev. Ctries, 36 : 59-64.
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  20. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr, E.S. Al-Eisa and M.H. Alghadir, 2016. Correlation between bone mineral density and serum trace elements in response to supervised aerobic training in older adults. Clin. Intervene. Aging, 11: 265-273.
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  21. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr and Z.A. Iqbal, 2016. Television watching, diet and body mass index of school children in Saudi Arabia. Pediatrics Int., 58: 290-294.
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  22. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr and E.S. Al-Eisa, 2016. Green tea and exercise interventions as nondrug remedies in geriatric patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J. Phys. Ther. Sci., 28: 2820-2829.
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  23. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr and E.S. Al-Eisa, 2016. Effects of moderate aerobic exercise on cognitive abilities and redox state biomarkers in older adults. Oxid. Med. Cell. Longevity, Vol. 2016. 10.1155/2016/2545168.
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  24. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr and E.Al-Eisa, 2016. Cellular fibronectin response to supervised moderate aerobic training in patients with type 2 diabetes. J. Phys. Ther, Sci., 28: 1092-1099.
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  25. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr and E. Al-Eisa, 2016. Effects of physical activity on trace elements and depression related biomarkers in children and adolescents. Biol. Trace Element Res., 172: 299-306.
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  26. Alghadir, A.H. and S.A. Gabr, 2016. Efficacy of Rhus coriaria (sumac) juice in reducing muscle pain during aerobic exercise. Acta Physiol. Hungarica, 103: 231-242.
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  27. Al-Momani, M., F. Al-Momani, A.H. Alghadir, S. Alharethy and S.A. Gabr, 2016. Factors related to gait and balance deficits in older adults. Clin. Interventions Aging, 11: 1043-1049.
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  28. Al-Eisa, E.S., A.H. Alghadir and S.A. Gabr, 2016. Correlation between vitamin D levels and muscle fatigue risk factors based on physical activity in healthy older adults. Clinical interventions in aging, 11: 513-522.
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  29. Al-Eisa, E., A.H. Alghadir, S.A. Gabr and Z.A. Iqbal, 2016. Exercise intervention as a protective modulator against metabolic disorders in cigarette smokers. J. Phys. Ther. Sci., 28: 983-991.
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  30. Gabr, S.A. and A.H. Alghadir, 2015. Phytochemical analysis and in vitro antifungal activities of bioactive fractions from leaves of rhus coriaria (sumac), J. Pur Applied Microbiol., 9 : 559-565.
  31. Allam, A., S. Gabr, J. Ajarem and M. Abdel-Maksoud, 2015. Bcl-2 and p53 expression in hepatic tissues of Egyptian patients with chronic hepatitis C. J. Pak. Med. Assoc., 65: 1186-1192.
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  32. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr, 2015. Physical activity patterns associated with lifestyle, diet, and body mass index in a sample of young adults. Turk J. Phys Med. Rehab, 61: 223-333.
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  33. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr and Z.A. Iqbal, 2015. Effects of sitting time associated with media consumption on physical activity patterns and daily energy expenditure of Saudi school students. J. Phys. Ther. Sci., 27: 2807-2812.
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  34. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr and E.S. Al-Eisa, 2015. Assessment of the effects of glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies and trace elements on cognitive performance in older adults. Clin. Interv. Aging, 10: 1901-1907.
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  35. Alghadir, A.H., S.A. Gabr and E. Al-Eisa, 2015. Physical activity and lifestyle effects on bone mineral density among young adults: Sociodemographic and biochemical analysis. J. Physical Ther. Sci., 27: 2261-2270.
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  36. Alghadir, A.H., Gabr, S.A. and F.A. Aly, 2015. The effects of four weeks aerobic training on saliva cortisol and testosterone in young healthy persons. J. Phys. Ther. Sci., 27 : 2029-2033.
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  37. Alghadir, A.H. and S.A. Gabr, 2015. Physical activity and environmental influences on adrenal fatigue of Saudi adults: Biochemical analysis and questionnaire survey. J. Physical Ther. Sci., 27: 2045-2051.
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  38. Sherif, Y.E., S.A. Gabr, E.A. Elmorsy and A.H. Alghadir, 2014. Structure and quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) for (±) 3, 5-diphenyl-2-thioxoimidazolidin-4-ones as prominent cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors. Der. Pharm. Chem., 6 : 77-84.
  39. Gabr, S.A., M.Y. Berika and A.H. Alghadir, 2014. Apoptosis and clinical severity in patients with psoriasis and HCV infection. Indian J. Dermatol., 59: 230-236.
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  40. Gabr, S.A., M.M. El-Metwally and A.H. Al-Ghadir, 2014. Antioxidant and antibacterial active constituents of Rhus coriaria. Biotechnology, 13: 37-45.
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  41. Gabr, S.A., A.H. Alghadir, G.A. Ghoniem, X.W. Zhang, Y.H. Choe, Y.J. Park and B.S. Kim, 2014. Regulation of cartilage and inflammatory biomarkers in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with green tea therapy. Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 8: 263-273.
  42. Gabr, S.A. and A.H. Alghadir, 2014. Prediction of fibrosis in hepatitis C patients: Assessment using hydroxyproline and oxidative stress biomarkers. VirusDisease, 25: 91-100.
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  43. Gabr, S.A. and A.H. Alghadir, 2014. Phytotherapy and psoriasis: Complementary and alternative medications. World J. Dermatol., 3: 86-91.
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  44. Aly, F.A., A.H. Alghadir and S.A. Gabr, 2014. Adiponectin response to supervised aerobic training in type II diabetic patients. Asian Biomed., 8: 597-602.
  45. Alghadir, A.H., F.A. Aly and S.A. Gabr, 2014. Effect of moderate aerobic training on bone metabolism indices among adult humans. Pak. J. Med. Sci., 30: 840-844.
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  46. Yousef, S.A., M.M. El-Metwally, S.A. Gabr and A.H. Al-Ghadir, 2013. New strategy for managing damping-off and root rot disease of cucumber caused by Rhizoctonia solani by seed soaking in formula of antioxidant with micronutrients. J. Plant Pathol. Microbiol., 4: 195-195.
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  47. Gabr, S.A. and A.H. Alghadir, 2013. HCV genotypes and cellular immune response in correlation to liver fibrosis. J. Pure Applied Microbiol., 7: 117-129.
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  48. Gabr, S.A. and A.H. Al-Ghadir, 2013. Chlamydia pneumonia infection in diabetic patients with dyslipidemia. J. Pure Applied Microbiol., 7: 3177-3184.
  49. Gabr, S., 2012. Apoptosis and Cellular Oxidative Stress in Viral Hepatitis. LAP Lambert academic Publishing, Germany.
  50. Gabr, S.A. and A.H. Al-Ghadir, 2012. Role of cellular oxidative stress and cytochrome c in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Arch. Dermatological Res., 304: 451-457.
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  51. Osman, H.G., O.M. Gabr, S. Lotfy and S. Gabr, 2007. Serum levels of bcl-2 and cellular oxidative stress in patients with viral hepatitis. Indian J. Med. Microbiol., 25: 323-325.
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  52. El-Asmy, A.A., Y.E. Sherif, S.A. Gabr and G.A. Al-Hazmi, 2007. Synthesis and antiinflamation activity of Bis (Diacetylmonoxime) thiocarbohydrazone and its Cu (II) complex. Biochemistry, 1: 53-62.
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  53. Badria, F. and S. Gabr, 2007. Prediction of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis among egyptians using noninvasive index. J. Pure Applied Microbiol., 1: 45-50.
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