Dr. Ramadan Mohamed Esmail
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Dr. Ramadan Mohamed Esmail

Department of Genetics & Cytology, National Research Center, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Crop Genetics and Breeding from Menoufiya University, Egypt

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Ramadan Esmail is a professor in the Department of Genetics and Cytology at the National Research Center from 30-12-2008 till now. He obtained his B.S. degree in 1985, M.Sc. in 1991, and Ph.D. in 1996 from Minofiya University in the field of Plant Breeding. Research area focused on cotton breeding for high yield and high fiber quality with resistance to water stress. The current research areas include breeding wheat for high grain yield and high quality with resistance to drought, leaf rusts and lodging.

He has contributed a member of the research team in the different internal research projects about plant genetic and breeding, germ plasm evaluation, conservation and stability in different field crops, from 1997-untill now. Principal investigator, in the project no.S.9110 entitled: Evaluation of new bread wheat lines (Triticum aestivum L) under drought conditions. And research point ‘Evaluating new improved lines of wheat with high productive under inadequate conditions.” In the project No. E.8041128“Genetic improvement of micro organisms and plant using biotechnology techniques. Co-Principal Investigator in the project No. 8040767 "Invivo and invitro selection of superior wheat genotypes under newly reclaimed soils.

He authored /co-authored 51 articles published in national and International journals. He obtained a Post-Doctoral Fellowship for six months (Dec.2005-May2006) at New Mexico State University in USA about cotton molecular breeding. He attended many conferences/symposia and some papers presented. He obtained many Training programs and Workshops in Training Center, National Research Center.

Area of Interest:

Genetics and Plant Breeding

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Elshafei, A.A., M.I. Motawei, R.M. Esmail, A.A. Al-Doss, A.M. Hussien, E.I. Ibrahim and M.A. Amer, 2021. Molecular breeding for rust resistance in wheat genotypes. Mol. Biol. Rep., 10.1007/s11033-020-06015-z.
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  2. Hussein, A.M., A.A. Yaseen, R.M. Esmail and A.A. Mohammad, 2020. Gluten-free biscuits produced from new drought tolerant corn hybrids: Processing and evaluation. Bull. Natl. Res. Cent., Vol. 44. 10.1186/s42269-020-0279-3.
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  3. Waziri, H.M.A., S.A. Mahfouze, H.A. Mahfouze, M.A. Abou-Ellail, A.S.A. A. Sattar and R.M. Esmail, 2017. Identification of isozyme and molecular markers linked to leaf rust resistance in new Egyptian wheat lines. App. Sci. Report., 19: 20-26.
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  4. Esmail, R.M., A.A. Abdel Sattar, M.A. Abou-Ellail, H.A. Mahfouze, H.M.A. Waziri and S.A. Mahfouze, 2017. Identification of isozyme and molecular markers linked to leaf rust resistance in new Egyptian wheat lines. Applied Sci. Rep., 19: 20-26.
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  5. Esmail R.M., S.E.I. Eldessouky, S.A. Mahfouze and I.S. El-Demardash, 2016. Evaluation of new bread wheat lines (Triticum aestivum L) under normal and water stress conditions. Int. J. ChemTech Res., 9: 89-99.
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  6. Mahfouze S.A., H.A. Mahfouze and R.M. Esmail 2015. Detection of the Mi-1.2 gene from tomato confers resistance against whitefly (Bemisia tabaci). Wulfenia, 22: 136-146.
  7. Esmail, R.M., A.A.A. Sattar, H.A. Mahfouze, S.A. Mahfouze and M.A. Abou-Ellail 2015. Evaluation of leaf rust resistant by detection of Lr genes in new Egyptian wheat lines. Res. J. Pharm. Biol. Chem.. 6: 1215-1222.