Dr. Kerfouf Ahmed
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Dr. Kerfouf Ahmed

Department of Environnemenal Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, Universite DjillaliLiabes, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Marine Ecology from University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

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Dr. Kerfouf Ahmed is currently working as Professor at University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, Department of Environment Sciences, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria. He completed his PhD in Environmental Sciences (Marina Ecology) from same university and also received Diploma of the higher studies in Animal Biology (Cytogenetic). His main area of interest is Environmental Sciences (Ecology and Marine Biodiversity, Biodiversity of the Wetlands, Benthic Ecology, Marine Pollution and Water Quality and Fish Parasitology). He published 16 academic writings in national and international journals.

Area of Interest:

Environmental Sciences
Marine Ecology
Marine Biodiversity

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Kerfouf, A., P.R. de los RØos-Escalante and C. Esse, 2023. Marine malacostraca (Arthropoda, Crustacea) from the Gulf of Oran (Algerian West Coast). Crustaceana, 96: 867-883.
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  2. Affef Baaloudj, Ahmed Kerfouf 2023. Natural diet of the pink spiny lobster, Palinurus mauritanicus (Malacostraca, Decapoda, Palinuridae), from the Algerian west coast. Crustaceana, 96: 973-982.
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  3. Kerfouf, A., P.R. de los RØos-Escalante, K.B. Tahar and F. Denis, 2022. Distribution of soft-bottom benthic molluscs in the Gulf of Oran (Western Algeria). Aquat. Res., 5: 209-218.
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  4. Kerfouf, A., P.R. de los RØos-Escalante and C. Esse, 2022. Diet composition of the deep-water rose shrimp, Parapenaeus longirostris(Decapoda, Dendrobranchiata, Penaeidae), from the Algerian West Coast. Crustaceana, 95: 779-789.
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  5. Kerfouf, A., F. Kies, S. Boucetta and F. Denis, 2022. Inventory of marine molluscs in Gulf of Oran (Western Algerian coastline). Int. J. Environ. Res. Edu., 3: 17-25.
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  6. Kerfouf, A. and S. Boucetta, 2022. Grain size data analysis of marine sediments, from the Gulf of Oran (Algerian West Coast). Asian J. Earth Sci., 15: 1-9.
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  7. Belmokhtar, F., R. Belmokhtar, A. Kerfouf and M.B.B. Hamed, 2022. Morphometric analysis of three mediterranean limpets Patella caerulea Linnaeus, 1758, P. rustica Linnaeus, 1758 and the endangered P. ferruginea Gmelin, 1791 (Gastropoda Patellidae) from the Algerian West Coast. Biodivers. J., 13: 483-494.
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  8. Salem, H., F. Toumi-Benali, A. Kerfouf and A. Benyamina, 2021. Antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal activities of the aqueous and hydroalcoholic extracts of western Algerian Urtica urens. South Asian J. Exp. Biol., 11: 327-336.
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  9. Rouibi, A., A. Baaloudj, F. Chahrour, A. Kerfouf and H. Rizi et al., 2021. Characterization and diversity of macroinvertebrates of the Bouhamdane stream (northeast of Algeria). Zool. Ecol., : 45-52.
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  10. Mohammed, Y.M., F.O. Arimoro, A.V. Ayanwale, K.M. Adamu and U.N. Keke et al., 2021. The current state of water quality and benthic invertebrate fauna in Chikke Stream (North-Central Nigeria). Ukr. J. Ecol., 11: 26-31.
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  11. Kerfouf, A., A. Baaloudj, F. Kies, K.B. Tahar and F. Denis, 2021. Inventory of annelida polychaeta in Gulf of Oran (Western Algerian Coastline). Zoodiversity, 55: 307-316.
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  12. Chahrour, F., A. Baaloudj, S. Dermeche and A. Kerfouf, 2021. Trace metals (Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn, and Ni,) concentrations in the sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa (Gmelin, 1791) of the Algerian West Coast. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. Fish., 25: 619-633.
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  13. Solodskikh, S.A., M.V. Gryaznova, I.D. Dvoretskaya, A.P. Gureev, A.V. Panevina, A.Y. Maslov, O.V. Serzhantova, A.A. Mikhailov, C. Chinopolous and V.N. Popov, 2020. Postgenomic technologies for genomic and proteomic analysis in biological and medical research. Ukr. J. Ecol., 9: 765-776.
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  14. Borsali, S., A. Baaloudj and A. Kerfouf, 2020. Biochemical study of Ulva lactuca and Cystoseira stricta from mostaganem coastline (western Algeria). Ukr. J. Ecol., 10: 116-121.
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  15. Benamara, M.B., M.M. Hassani, A. Baaloudj and A. Kerfouf, 2020. The parasitic fauna of Pagellus acarne (Risso, 1827) (Teleostei: Sparidae) of Bu00e9ni Saf ’s bight in the West Coast of Algeria. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. Fish., 24: 593-605.
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  16. Benallal, A.M., A. Baaloudj and A. Kerfouf, 2020. Natural diet of deep-water rose shrimp in the Beni-Saf Bay (Western Algeria). Ukrainian J. Ecol., 10: 109-115.
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  17. Affef, B., O. Samia and B. Mohamed, 2020. Use of macro invertebrates to assess the quality of seybouse river (north-east of Algeria). Uk. J. Ecol., 10: 60-66.
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  18. Belmokhtar, R., F. Belmokhtar and A. Kerfouf, 2016. Male infertility and cytogenetic disorders: A cross-sectional study. J. Med. Sci., 16: 38-43.
  19. Belmokhtar, F., R. Belmokhtar and A. Kerfouf, 2016. Cytogenetic study of down syndrome in Algeria: Report and review. J. Med. Sci., 36: 46-52.
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  20. Taleb, M.K., F. Tahraoui and A. Kerfouf, 2015. Impact of anthropic activity on a coastal environment of ecological interest: Stidia (Mostaganem-Algerian West). Int. J. Sci. Basic Applied Res., 21: 254-260.
  21. Samir, M.M., M. Farouk and K. Ahmed, 2015. Impact of desalination of sea water on a coastal environment of Chatt El Hillal (Beni Saf-Western Northern Algeria). Int. J. Sci. Basic Applied Res., 22: 327-333.
  22. Hassani, M.M. and A. Kerfouf, 2015. First record of Cucullanus cirratus (Muller, 1777) (Nematoda, Cucullanidae) in Western Mediterranean Sea from Phycis blennoides (Teleostei: Gadidae). J. Applied Environ. Biol. Sci., 5: 222-227.
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  23. Hadjar, A. and K. Ahmed, 2015. Biodiversity of Echinological fauna of hard substrates of the Algerian West coast. Int. J. Sci. Basic Applied Res., 19: 81-87.
  24. Djad, M.E.A., M.M. Hassani and A. Kerfouf, 2015. Bacteriological quality of seawater bathing areas along the Oran coast (West Northern Algeria). Int. J. Sci.: Basic Applied Res., 23: 268-275.
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  25. Benzaoui, M.Y., M.E.A. Bentaallah, B.E. Ben Naoum, A. Kerfouf and Z. Boutiba, 2015. Heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb) concentrations on Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819) in Oran coastal waters (Western Algeria): new evidences. J. Applied Environ. Biol. Sci., 5: 1-9.
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  26. Yacine, D., B. Abdelaziz and K. Ahmed, 2014. Assessment of the physico-chemical quality and the level of metallic contamination of the dismissals of sloppy waters of Oran (Algerian West Coastline). Int. J. Sci.: Basic Appl. Res., 16: 124-130.
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  27. Lotfi, B.T., M. Lyamine, B.T. Ahmed, M. Anas and K. Ahmed, 2014. Physico-chemical quality and metallic pollution levels in wastewater discharges from Mostaganem (Algerian West Coasts). Int. J. Sci.: Basic Applied Res., 15: 116-125.
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  28. Kies, F. and A. Kerfouf, 2014. Physico-chemical characterization of surface waters of the West Coast of Algeria: Bay of Mostaganem and Cheliff estuary. Sustain. Agri Food Environ. Res., 2: 1-10.
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  29. Kies, F. and A. Kerfouf, 2014. Impact of the climate change on the West coast of Algeria: Gulf of Oran, Arzew and Mostaganem. Sustain. Agri Food Environ. Res., 2: 1-15.
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  30. Hassani, M.M. and A. Kerfouf, 2014. Diversity of nematodes from the greater forkbeard phycis blennoides (Teleostei: Gadidae) in the Western Mediterranean sea. Int. J. Sci. Basic Applied Res., 18: 97-103.
  31. Hassani, M. M., A. Kerfouf and Z. Boutiba, 2014. Checklist of helminth parasites of striped red mullet, Mullus surmuletus (Linnaeus, 1758)(Perciformes: Mullidae), caught in the Bay of Kristel, Algeria (Western Mediterranean). Check List, Vol. 11. .
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  32. Anas, M., K. Ahmed and K. Mebrouk, 2014. Study of the antimicrobial and probiotic effect of lactobacillus plantarum isolated from raw goat's milk from the region of western Algeria. Int. J. Sci. Basic Appl. Res., 13: 18-27.
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  33. Abdallah, B.B.B., G. Malika, B.B.M. El Amine, B.T. Lotfi and K. Ahmed, 2014. The spiny lobster, Palinurus mauritanicus (Gruvel, 1911) from Algerian West coasts: A species to protect. Int. J. Sci. Basic Applied Res., 13: 103-109.
  34. Mezedjri, L., A. Kerfouf, A. Tahar, L. Mezdjri, A. Kerfouf and A. Tahar et al., 2013. Reproductive cycle of the European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Clupeiformes Engraulidae) in the gulf of Skikda (Algerian East coasts). Biodivers. J., 4: 269-274.
  35. Ahmed, K., A. Youcef and B. Zitouni, 2007. Distribution of macrobenthos in the coastal waters in the Gulf of Oran (Western Algeria). Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 899-904.
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