Dr. Habib  Khemira
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Dr. Habib Khemira

Research Scientist
Jazan University, Saudi Arabia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Horticulture from Oregon State University, USA

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Science
Environmental Research
Plant Physiology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Soltani, F., H. Khemira, S. Atifi and Q. Ghazwani, 2018. Mathematical characterization of growth of a local landrace of sorghum from Saudi Arabia. Int. J. Pure App. Biosci., 6: 52-55.
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  2. Mahdhi, M., T. Tounekti and H. Khemira, 2018. Invasive character of prosopis juliflora facilitated by its allelopathy and a wide mutualistic interaction with soil microorganisms. J. Biol. Sci., 18: 115-123.
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  3. 2) Ouledali, S., M. Ennajeh, A. Zrig, S. Gianinazzi and H. Khemira, 2018. Estimating the contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to drought tolerance of potted olive trees (Olea europaea). Acta Physiol. Plantarum., Vol. 40. .
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  4. Tounekti, T., T.A. Al-Turki, M. Mahdhi and H. Khemira, 2017. Leaf functional trait variation associated with salinity tolerance in Salvadora persica. Int. J. Pure Applied Biosci., 5: 14-21.
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  5. Tounekti, T., M. Mahdhi, T.A. Al-Turki and H. Khemira, 2017. Genetic diversity analysis of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) germplasm accessions growing in the Southwestern Saudi Arabia using quantitative traits. Nat. Resour., 8: 321-336.
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  6. Mahdhi, M., T. Tounekti, T.A. Al-Turki and H. Khemira, 2017. Composition of the root mycorrhizal community associated with Coffea Arabica in fifa mountains (Jazan region, Saudi Arabia). J. Basic microbial., 57: 691-698.
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  7. Mahdhi, M., T. Tounekti, I. Abada and H. Khemira, 2017. Occurrence of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and nodules in the roots of three acacia species in South-western Saudi Arabia. Int. J. Pure Applied Biosci., 5: 1-8.
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  8. Mahdhi, M., T. Tounekti and H. Khemira, 2017. Status and need of research on Rhizobia and Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with leguminous plants in Saudi Arabia. Am. J. Curr. Microbiol., 5: 1-8.
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  9. El-Desouky, S.K., H. Khemira and A.A. Abdlgawad, 2017. A new cytotoxic chromen-C-glucoside from the leaves of Salvadora persica. Int. J. Pure Applied Biosci., 5: 277-281.
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  10. Zrig, A., T. Tounekti, H. AbdElgawad, M.M. Hegab, S.O. Ali and H. Khemira, 2016. Essential oils, amino acids and polyphenols changes in salt-stressed Thymus vulgaris exposed to open-field and shade enclosure. Ind. Crops Prod., 91: 223-230.
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  11. Zrig, A., H.B. Mohamed, T. Tounekti, H. Khemira, M. Serrano, D. Valero and A.M. Vadel, 2016. Effect of rootstock on salinity tolerance of sweet almond (cv. Mazzetto). S. Afr. J. Bot., 102: 50-59.
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  12. ZRIG, A., T. Tounekti, H. Ben Mohamed, H. Abdelgawad, A.M. Vadel, D. Valero and h. khemira, 2016. Differential response of two almond rootstocks to chloride salt mixtures in the growing medium. Russ. J. Plant Physiol., 63: 1-9.
  13. Zrig, A., H.B. Mohamed, T. Tounekti, S.O. Ahmed and H. Khemira, 2015. Differential responses of antioxidant enzymes in salt-stressed almond tree grown under sun and shade conditions. J. Plant Sci. Res., Vol. 2. .
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  14. Zrig, A., H.B. Mohamed, T. Tounekti, M. Ennajeh, D. Valero and H. Khemira, 2015. A comparative study of salt tolerance of three almond rootstocks: Contribution of organic and inorganic solutes to osmotic adjustment. J. Agric. Sci. Technol., 17: 675-689.
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  15. Tounekti, T. and H. Khemira, 2015. NaCl stress-induced changes in the essential oil quality and abietane diterpene yield and composition in common sage. J. Intercultural Ethnopharmacol., 4: 208-216.
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  16. Mohamed, B.H., A. Zrig, J. Geuns and H. Khemira, 2014. Near-lethal heat treatment induced metabolic changes associated with endodormancy release of superior seedless grapevine cv.('Vitis vinifera'L.) buds. Aust. J. Crop Sci., 8: 486-494.
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  17. Tounekti, T., M.E. Abreu, H. Khemira and S. Munne-Bosch, 2012. Canopy position determines the photoprotective demand and antioxidant protection of leaves in salt-stressed Salvia officinalis L. plants. Environ. Exp. Bot., 78: 146-156.
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  18. Mohamed, H.B., A.M. Vadel, J.M.C. Geuns and H. Khemira, 2012. Carbohydrate changes during dormancy release in Superior Seedless grapevine cuttings following hydrogen cyanamide treatment. Sci. Hortic., 140: 19-25.
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  19. Mohamed, H.B., A.M. Vadel, J.M. Geuns and H. Khemira, 2012. Effects of hydrogen cyanamide on antioxidant enzymes’ activity, proline and polyamine contents during bud dormancy release in Superior Seedless grapevine buds. Acta physiol. Plant., 34: 429-437.
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  20. Zrig, A., T. Tounekti, A.M. Vadel, H.B. Mohamed and D. Valero et al., 2011. Possible involvement of polyphenols and polyamines in salt tolerance of almond rootstocks. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 49: 1313-1322.
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  21. Tounekti, T., A.M. Vadel, M. Onate, H. Khemira and S. Munne-Bosch, 2011. Salt-induced oxidative stress in rosemary plants: Damage or protection? Environ. Exp. Bot., 71: 298-305.
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  22. Tounekti, T., A.M. Vadel, M. Ennajeh, H. Khemira and S. Munne‐Bosch, 2011. Ionic interactions and salinity affect monoterpene and phenolic diterpene composition in rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 174: 504-514.
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  23. Gorai, M., M. Ennajeh, J. Song, H. Khemira and M. Neffati, 2011. Changes in leaf gas exchange, water relations, biomass production and solute accumulation in Phragmites australis under hypoxic conditions. Acta Ecol. Sinica, 31: 97-102.
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  24. Gorai, M., M. Ennajeh, H. Khemira and M. Neffati, 2011. Influence of NaCl-salinity on growth, photosynthesis, water relations and solute accumulation in Phragmites australis. Acta Physiol. Plant., 33: 963-971.
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  25. Ennajeh, M., M. Nouiri, H. Khemira and H. Cochard, 2011. Improvement to the air-injection technique to estimate xylem vulnerability to cavitation. Trees, 25: 705-710.
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  26. Ennajeh, M., F. Simoes, H. Khemira and H. Cochard, 2011. How reliable is the double‐ended pressure sleeve technique for assessing xylem vulnerability to cavitation in woody angiosperms. Physiol. Plantarum., 142: 205-210.
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  27. Tounekti, T., S. Munne-Bosch, A.M. Vadel, C. Chtara and H. Khemira, 2010. Influence of ionic interactions on essential oil and phenolic diterpene composition of Dalmatian sage (Salvia officinalis L.). Plant Physiol. Biochem., 48: 813-821.
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  28. Mohamed, H.B., A.M. Vadel, J.M.C. Geuns and H. Khemira, 2010. Biochemical changes in dormant grapevine shoot tissues in response to chilling: Possible role in dormancy release. Sci. Hortic., 124: 440-447.
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  29. Mohamed, H.B., A.M. Vadel and H. Khemira, 2010. Estimation of chilling requirement and effect of hydrogen cyanamide on budbreak and fruit characteristics of ‘Superior Seedless’ table grape cultivated in a mild winter climate. Pak. J. Bot., 42: 1761-1770.
  30. Gorai, M., M. Ennajeh, H. Khemira and M. Neffati, 2010. Combined effect of NaCl-salinity and hypoxia on growth, photosynthesis, water relations and solute accumulation in Phragmites australis plants. Flora-Morphol. Distrib. Funct. Ecol. Plants, 205: 462-470.
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  31. Ennajeh, M., H. Cochard and H. Khemira, 2010. Re-introduction success of an autochthonous plant species, Periploca angustifolia, in the natural reserve of oued dekouk, Tunisia. Spanish J. Agric. Res., 8: 1005-1011.
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  32. Ennajeh, M., A.M. Vadel, H. Cochard and H. Khemira, 2010. Comparative impacts of water stress on the leaf anatomy of a drought-resistant and a drought-sensitive olive cultivar. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol., 85: 289-294.
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  33. Bchini, H., M.B. Naceur, R. Sayar, H. Khemira and L.B. Kaab‐BettaeÈb, 2010. Genotypic differences in root and shoot growth of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grown under different salinity levels. Hereditas, 147: 114-122.
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  34. Ennajeh, M., A.M. Vadel and H. Khemira, 2009. Osmoregulation and osmoprotection in the leaf cells of two olive cultivars subjected to severe water deficit. Acta Physiol. Plant., 31: 711-721.
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  35. Tounekti, T., A.M. Vadel, A. Bedoui and H. Khemira, 2008. NaCl stress affects growth and essential oil composition in rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.). J. Horticult. Sci. Biotechnol., 83: 267-273.
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  36. Sayar, R., H. Khemira and A. Kameli, 2008. Use of physiological tests as screening techniques for drought tolerance evaluation in durum wheat (Triticum durum desf.). Agron. Res., 6: 79-90.
  37. Ennajeh, M., T. Tounekti, A.M. Vadel, H. Khemira and H. Cochard, 2008. Water relations and drought-induced embolism in olive (Olea europaea) varieties Meski and Chemlali during severe drought. Tree Physiol., 28: 971-976.
  38. Sayar, R., H. Khemira and M. Kharrat, 2007. Inheritance of deeper root length and grain yield in half‐diallel durum wheat (Triticum durum) crosses. Ann. Applied boil., 151: 213-220.
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  39. Gorai, M., A.M. Vadel, M. Neffati and H. Khemira, 2007. The effect of sodium chloride salinity on the growth, water status and ion content of Phragmites communis Trin. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 2225-2230.
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  40. Ennajeh, M., A.M. Vadel, H. Khemira. M.B. Mimoun and R. Hellali, 2006. Defense mechanisms against water deficit in two olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars Meski and Chemlali. Horticult. Sci. Biotech., 81: 99-104.
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  41. Sayar, R., T. Brissan, H. Bchini and E.T.H. Khemira, 2004. Effet repressif de l’avoine sur le chiendent dans les oasis de Gafsa. Ann. l’INRAT, 77: 1 -10.
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  42. Mohamed, H.B., A. Zrig and H. Khemira, 2003. Effect of date of spraying cppu (sitofex®) on fruit quality of 'meski' table grapes. Food Global Sci. Books, 7: 41-43.
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  43. Fallahi, E., H. Khemira, T.L. Righetti and A.N. Azarenko, 2002. Influence of foliar application of urea on tree growth, fruit quality, leaf minerals, and distribution of urea-drived nitrogen in apples. Acta Hortic., 594: 603-610.
  44. Khemira, H., E. Sanchez, T.L. Righetti and A.N. Azarenko, 2000. Phytotoxicity of urea and biuret sprays to apple foliage. J. Plant Nutr., 23: 35-40.
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  45. Khemira, H., T.L. Righetti and A.N. Azarenko, 1999. Distribution of urea-derived nitrogen supplied to apple leaves. Hort. Sci., 34: 1079-1081.
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  46. Khemira, H., T.L. Righetti and A.N. Azarenko, 1998. Nitrogen partitioning in apple as affected by timing and tree growth habit. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol., 73: 217-223.
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  47. Khemira, H., A.N. Azarenko, D. Sugar and T.L. Righetti, 1998. Postharvest nitrogen application effect on ovule longevity of ‘cornice’pear trees. J. plant nutr., 21: 405-411.
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  48. Khemira, H., P.B. Lombard, D. Sugar and A.N. Azarenko, 1993. Hedgerow orientation affects canopy exposure, flowering, and fruiting ofanjou'pear trees. Hort. Sci., 28: 984-987.
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  49. Sugar, D., T.L. Righetti, E.E. Sanchez and H. Khemira, 1992. Management of nitrogen and calcium in pear trees for enhancement of fruit resistance to postharvest decay. Hort. Technol., 2: 382-387.
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