Dr. Anouar Ben Mabrouk
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Dr. Anouar Ben Mabrouk

Department of Mathematics and Applications, Faculty of Sciences, University of Monastir, Tunisia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Mathematics from University of Monastir, Tunisia

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Qualified as Professor of both Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from both the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the French Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. My focuses are wavelets, fractals and related fields such as probability/statistics, fractal measures and dimensions, thermodynamics formalism, financial mathematics, time series, climate factors, environment and pollution, signal and image processing, biostatistics and biomathematics, especially for bio-signals/bio-images applications. Besides, I am interested on the extension of wavelets/fractals on the so-called Clifford Algebras and their applications in image/signal processing by serving of the properties of these algebras. I am also working on partial differential equations from both theoretical and numerical aspects especially on fractal domains, fractal boundaries as well as fractal initial data. In parallel, I am focusing on aspects of scientific miracles in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. I am in particular working on some translations of many references from Arabic to English and French languages.

Area of Interest:

Business Management and Accounting
Finance and Economics
Finance Management
Statistical Probability

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Banouh, H. and A.B. Mabrouk, 2020. A sharp clifford wavelet heisenberg-type uncertainty principle. J. Math. Phys., 10.1063/5.0015989.
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  2. Banouh, H. and A.B. Mabrouk, 2020. A sharp clifford wavelet heisenberg-type uncertainty principle. J. Math. Phys., 10.1063/5.0015989.
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  3. Zemni, M., M. Jallouli, A.B. Mabrouk and M.A. Mahjoub, 2019. Explicit haar-schauder multiwavelet filters and algorithms. part II: relative entropy-based estimation for optimal modeling of biomedical signals. Int. J. Wavelets, Multiresolution Inform. Process., 10.1142/s0219691319500383.
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  4. Menceur, M. and A.B. Mabrouk, 2019. A joint multifractal analysis of vector valued non gibbs measures. Chaos Solitons Fractals, 126: 203-217.
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  5. Jallouli, M., W.B.H. Khu00e9lifa, A.B. Mabrouk and M.A. Mahjoub, 2019. Toward recursive spherical harmonics issued bi-filters: part II: an associated spherical harmonics entropy for optimal modeling. Soft Comput., 24: 5231-5243.
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  6. Banouh, H., A.B. Mabrouk and M. Kesri, 2019. Clifford wavelet transform and the uncertainty principle. Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras, 10.1007/s00006-019-1026-4.
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  7. Arfaoui, S., A.B. Mabrouk and C. Cattani, 2019. New type of gegenbauer-hermite monogenic polynomials and associated clifford wavelets. J. Math. Imaging Vision, 62: 73-97.
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  8. Jallouli, M., M. Zemni, A.B. Mabrouk and M.A. Mahjoub, 2018. Toward recursive spherical harmonics-issued bi-filters: part I: theoretical framework. Soft Comput., 23: 10415-10428.
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  9. Arfaoui, S. and A.B. Mabrouk, 2017. Some ultraspheroidal monogenic clifford gegenbauer jacobi polynomials and associated wavelets. Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras, 27: 2287-2306.
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  10. Arfaoui, S. and A.B. Mabrouk, 2017. Some old orthogonal polynomials revisited and associated wavelets: two-parameters clifford-jacobi polynomials and associated spheroidal wavelets. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 155: 177-195.
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  11. Slimane, M.B., A.B. Mabrouk and J. Aouidi, 2016. Mixed multifractal analysis for functions: general upper bound and optimal results for vectors of self-similar or quasi-self-similar of functions and their superpositions. Fractals, 10.1142/s0218348x16500390.
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  12. Mahmoud, M.M.I., A.B. Mabrouk and M.H.A. Hashim, 2016. Wavelet multifractal modeling and prediction of transmembrane proteins series. Int. J. Wavelets, Multiresolution Inform. Process., 10.1142/s0219691316500442.
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  13. AOUIDI, J. and A.B. MABROUK, 2013. A wavelet multifractal formalism for simultaneous singularities of functions. Int. J. Wavelets, Multiresolution Inform. Process., 10.1142/s021969131450009x.
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  14. Salah, C.B., A.B. Mabrouk and M. Ouali, 2011. Wavelet autoregressive forecasting of climatic parameters for photovoltaic systems. Eighth International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices March 22-25, 2011, IEEE Xplore, Tunis, Tunisia, pp: 1-6.
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  15. Hamrita, M.E., N.B. Abdallah and A.B. Mabrouk, 2011. A wavelet method coupled with quasi-self-similar stochastic processes for time series approximation. Int. J. Wavelets, Multiresolution Inform. Process., 09: 685-711.
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  16. Aouidi, J. and A.B. Mabrouk, 2011. Multifractal analysis of some weighted quasi-self-similar functions. Int. J. Wavelets, Multiresolution Inform. Process., 09: 965-987.
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  17. Mabrouk, A.B., H. Kortass and S.B. Ammou, 2009. Wavelet estimators for long memory in stock markets. Int. J. Theor. Applied Finance, 12: 297-317.
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  18. Mabrouk, A.B. and M.L.B. Mohamed, 2009. Phase plane analysis and classification of solutions of a mixed sublinear-superlinear elliptic problem. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory Methods Appl., 70: 1-15.
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  19. Atkan, B., A.B. Mabrouk, M. Ozturk and N. Rhaeim, 2009. Wavelet-based systematic risk estimation an application on istanbul stock exchange. Int. Res. J. Finance Econ., 23: 33-45.
  20. Mabrouk, A.B., N.B. Abdallah and Z. Dhifaoui, 2008. Wavelet Decomposition and Autoregressive Model for Time Series Prediction. Applied Mathe. Comput., 199: 334-340.
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  21. Mabrouk, A.B., H. Kortas and Z. Dhifaoui, 2008. A wavelet support vector machine coupled method for time series prediction. Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolution Inform. Process., 6: 851-868.
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  22. Mabrouk, A.B., 2008. Wavelet analysis of nonlinear self-similar distributions with oscillating singularity. Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolut. Inform. Process., 6: 447-457.
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  23. Mabrouk, A.B., 2008. On Some Nonlinear Nonisotropic Quasi-Self-Similar Functions. Nonlinear Dynamics, 51: 379-398.
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  24. Mabrouk, A.B., 2008. An adapted group dilation anisotropic multifractal formalism for functions. J. Nonlinear Math. Phys., 15: 117-139.
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  25. Mabrouk, A.B., 2008. A higher order multifractal formalism. Stat. Probability Lett., 78: 1412-1421.
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  26. Mabrouk, A.B. and M. Ayadi, 2008. Lyapunov type operators for numerical solutions of PDEs. Applied Mathe. Comput., 204: 395-407.
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  27. Mabrouk, A.B. and M. Ayadi, 2008. A linearized finite-difference method for the solution of some mixed concave and convex nonlinear problems. Applied Mathe. Comput., 197: 1-10.
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  28. Rhaiem, N., S.B. Ammou and A.B. Mabrouk, 2007. Wavelet estimation of systematic risk at different time scales application to french stock market. The Int. J. Applied Econ. Finance, 1: 113-119.
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  29. Rhaiem, N., S.B. Ammou and A.B. Mabrouk, 2007. Estimation of capital asset pricing model at different time scales application to French stock market. Int. J. Applied Econ. Finance, 1: 79-87.
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  30. Mabrouk, A.B., M.L.B. Mohamed and K. Omrani, 2007. Finite difference approximate solutions for a mixed sub-superlinear equation. Applied Math. Comput., 187: 1007-1016.
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  31. Mabrouk, A.B., 2007. Study of some nonlinear self-similar distributions Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolut. Inform. Process., 5: 907-916.
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  32. Mabrouk, A.B. and M.L.B. Mohamed, 2007. Nodal solutions for some nonlinear elliptic equations. Applied Mathe. Comput., 186: 589-597.
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  33. Mabrouk, A.B. and N.B. Abdallah, 2006. Study of some multinomial cascades. Adv. Appl. Stat., 6: 295-303.
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  34. Mabrouk, A.B. and M.L.B. Mohamed, 2006. On some critical and slightly super-critical sub-superlinear equations. Far East J. Applied Math., 23: 73-90.
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  35. Mabrouk, A.B., 2005. Multifractal analysis of some non isotropic quasi-self-similar functions. Far East J. Dynamical Syst., 7: 23-63.
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