Mr. Mahamadou Ballo
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Mr. Mahamadou Ballo

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Medicine, University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako, Mali

Highest Degree
Ph.D. Student in Pharmacology from University Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Toma, Burkina Faso

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I have ten years of experience working with plants and with traditional healers. I have experience with plants used against infectious diseases and plants used against wounds. Since 2017, I have been an assistant professor of pharmacology at the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry of the University of Bamako, Mali. After completion of my internship where I was working to evaluate the in vitro activity on Mycobacterium tuberculosis of 22 plants used in traditional treatment of tuberculosis in Mali in December 2013. As part of this protocol, we are performing TB diagnosis and identification using classical and molecular tools (fluorescent smear microscopy using LED and ordinary microscopy, solid and liquid culture, GenProbe Accuprobe, MGIT AST/SIRE drug susceptibility testing to detect early drug resistance. I wrote a thesis on the evaluation of the hepatocurative activity of a combination of 4 plants. As a holder of a Master of Science degree from Joseph Ki-ZERBO University, I am qualified in the planning, design and evaluation of projects and development processes. As a clinical pharmacologist, I have experience in the treatment of infectious and chronic diseases as well as emergency toxicology and pharmacovigilance. I have experience working with local communities and leaders. Indeed, I work with traditional healers to identify herbs used against infectious diseases, including hepatitis.

Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Clinical Pharmacy Practice
Biological Chemistry

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Youl, E.N.H., M. Ballo, P. Nadembega, A. Lamien-Sanou and D.A.F. Leonard et al., 2022. Acute toxicity, hepato-curative activity of extracts of a combination of plants on CCL4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats and antiradical activity. GSC Biol. Pharm. Sci., 18: 234-243.
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  2. Ballo, M., A.A. Guindo, M. dit Sarmoye Traore, M. Toure and F. Dao, 2022. Free anticancer drugs in mali: Assessment of factors limiting availability to anticancer drugs at the University Teaching Hospital Point G. Health Sci. Dis., 23: 92-96.
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  3. Ballo, M., K. Traore, S. Sidibe, S. Diakite and A. Guindoet al., 2021. Preventive and Curative treatment of malaria during pregnancy in Mali: Evaluation of the Healthcare Professionals based on the Malian National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) Guidelines. J. Drug Delivery Ther., 11: 71-76.
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  4. Ballo, M., E.N.H. Youl, M. Haidara, A. Denou, S. Bah, M. Ouedraogo and R. Sanogo, 2021. Study of the chemical constituents and antiradical activities of extracts of eight medicinal plants harvested in mali. Pharmacopoeia Tradit. Afr. Med., 20: 72-79.
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  5. Ballo, M., A. Cisse and S. Bah, 2021. Dispensation of analgesics survey in private pharmacies in commune.
    II of Bamako. EAS J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 3: 156-160.
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  6. Ballo, M., A.M. Somboro, M. Maiga, B. Diarra and M. Sanogo et al., 2020. Evaluation of antimycobacterial activity of medicinal plants used by Malian traditional medicine practitioners to treat tuberculosis. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci., 14: 3145-3155.
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