Dr. Tagouelbe Tiho
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Dr. Tagouelbe Tiho

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Agriculture, Institut National Polytechnique Felix HouphouÆt-Boigny, Cote DIvoire

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Agronomic Science and Rural Engineering from Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Cote DIvoire

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Agronomic Science
Rural Development
Yield Parameters
Fruit Crop Production

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. N'gatta, Z.R., T. Tiho, G.A. Kone, M. Gbane and K.H. Tani, 2023. Bixa orellana grains and Curcuma longa rhizomes powders for Coturnix coturnix japonica egg yolks’ coloration. Asian J. Poult. Sci., 17: 1-8.
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  2. Tiho, T., G.A. Kone, Z.R. N’gatta and K.B. Kouadio, 2022. Borassus aethiopum mature fruits' Dried pulp effect on cobb 500 broilers growth performance and their blood plasma cholesterol contents Int. J. Poult. Sci., 21: 65-72.
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  3. Kone, G.A., M. Good, T. Tiho, Z.R. Ngatta, J.F. Grongnet and M. Kouba, 2022. Sensory characteristics and consumer preference for meat from guinea fowl fed hevea seed meal or cashew nut meal supplemented diets. Poultry Sci. Vol. 101. 10.1016/j.psj.2022.102212.
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  4. Kone, G.A., M. Good, T. Tiho, K.M. Konan, K.R. Nguessan and M. Kouba, 2022. Performance of rabbit does and weaned kits fed a granulated diet supplemented with Desmodium or Panicum fodders. J. Article, Vol. 6. 10.1093/tas/txac142.
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  5. Toure, Ange-Mariette, T. Tiho, N. Jean-Claude Yao and A.A. Adima, 2022. Parkia biglobosa (Mimosaceae) leaves, fruits’ pulp, and barks of stem and root phytochemicals contents and their antioxidant activities. J. Biosci. Med., 10: 48-62.
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  6. Kone, H., A.S. Assemian, T. Tiho, K. Adouby, K.B. Yao and P. Drogui, 2021. Borassus aethiopum activated carbon prepared for nitrate ions removal. J. Appl. Water Eng. Res., 10: 64-77.
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  7. Konan, K.M., T. Tiho, G.A. Kone, N.E. Assidjo, P.G. Marnet and M. Kouba, 2021. Desmodium tortuosum, Euphorbia heterophylla and Moringa oleifera Effect on Local Rabbit Does Milk Production and Pups’ Performances. J. Agr. Sci. Vol. 13. 10.5539/jas.v13n4p93.
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  8. Traore, B., T. Tiho, Z.R. N'gatta and J. Pohe, 2020. Complementary irrigation effect on seed cotton yield in north Cßte d'Ivoire. J. Agric. Sci., 12: 61-70.
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  9. Tiho, T., Z.R. Ngatta, G.A. Kone and K.B. Kouadio, 2020. Borassus aethiopum ripe fruits’ dried pulp as egg yolk coloration agent. Anim. Vet. Sci., 8: 133-138.
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  10. Koula, J., T. Tiho and A.C. Chiapo, 2020. On the analysis and modelling of the harmonized consumer price Iindices of West African economic and monetary Union member States. Am. J. Theor. Appl. Stat., 9: 283-295.
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  11. TagouÓlbÓ, T., A.A. Augustin, B.Y. Casimir, T. Nabayo, K.G. Firmin, K.T. Roland and K. Maryline, 2018. Borassus aethiopum mart ripe fruits’ parts and drying temperature effect on its pulp protein, fat, sugars, metabolizable energy and fatty acids profile. Am. J. Food Nutr., 6: 67-75.
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  12. Tiho, T., N.J.C. Yao, C.Y. Brou and A.A. Adima, 2017. Drying temperature effect on total phenols and flavonoids content, and antioxidant activity of Borassus aethiopum Mart ripe fruits' pulp. J. Food Res., 6: 50-64.
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