Dr. Philippe Sessou
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Dr. Philippe Sessou

Associate Professor
Research Unit on Communicable Diseases, Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Food and Industrial Microbiology from University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

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Sessou Philippe is a PhD Holder in Food and Industrial Microbiology. He is currently the former Head of Animal Health and Production at Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of Abomey-Calavi. Furthermore, He is the current Coordinator of Research Group Animal Production and Food Safety in his Institute.

Area of Interest:

Dairy and Food Microbiology
Food Preservation
Food Microbiology and Safety

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Sessou, P., N. Noudeke, D.J. Thomson, D. Salako and S. Farougou, 2021. Evaluation of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of students at the university of abomey-calavi on rabies in benin republic, west Africa. Pan Afr. Med. J., Vol. 38. 10.11604/pamj.2021.38.235.27485.
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  2. Sessou, P., J.N.S. Fodjo, C.S. Jerßme, S. Farougou and R. Colebunders, 2021. Assessment of adherence to public health measures and their impact on the COVID-19 outbreak in Benin republic, west Africa. Pan Afr. Med. J., Vol. 38. 10.11604/pamj.2021.38.293.26843.
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  3. Bono, S.A., E.F.D. Villela, C.S. Siau, W.S. Chen and S. Pengpid et al., 2021. Factors affecting COVID-19 vaccine acceptance: an international survey among low- and middle-income countries. Vaccines, Vol. 9. 10.3390/vaccines9050515.
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  4. Sessou, P., 2020. Yeasts in milk and dairy products. Ref. Module Food Sci., 10.1016/b978-0-12-818766-1.00008-8.
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  5. Komagbe G.S., P. Sessou, F. Dossa, P. Sossa-Minou, B. Taminiau, P. Azokpota, N. Korsak, G. Daube and S. Farougou, 2020. Assessment of the microbiological quality of beverages sold in collective cafes on the campuses of the university of abomey-calavi, benin republic. Journal of Food Safety and Hygiene 5: 99-111.
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  6. Justin, A.K., S. Philippe, D.T. Victorien, A.M. Fidele and T. Rodrigue et al., 2020. Acute toxicity of Chenopodium ambrosioides and Annona muricata oils with acaricidal potentials. Asian J. Biol. Sci., 13: 1-8.
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  7. Tonouhewa, A.B.N., Y. Akpo, A. Sherasiya, P. Sessou and J.M. Adinci et al., 2019. A serological survey of Toxoplasma gondii infection in sheep and goat from Benin, West-Africa. J. Parasit Dis., 43: 343-349.
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  8. Sessou, P., S. Keisam, N. Tuikhar, G. Mariama, S. Farougou and K. Jeyaram, 2019. High-throughput illumina miseq amplicon sequencing of yeast communities associated with indigenous dairy products from republics of Benin and Niger. Front. Microbiol., Vol. 10. 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00594.
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  9. Gagara, M.H., P. Sessou, F. Dossa S. Ahounou and P. Azokpota et al., 2019. A study on the indigenous methods of processing milk in Niger. Curr. Agric. Res. J., 7: 213-223.
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  10. Boko, K.C., A.M.S. Yambode, P. Sessou, U.P. Tougan and Oscar et al., 2019. Assessment of microbiological quality of fresh and smoked crabs (Callinectes amnicola) fished and sold in Southern Benin. Microbiol. J., 9: 8-13.
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  11. Tonouhewa, A.B.N., Y. Akpo, P. Sessou, C. Salanon and G.L. Aplogan et al., 2018. Toxoplasma gondii infections in pigs from South Benin and assessment of breeders’ knowledge about toxoplasmosis. Bulgarian J. Vet. Med. 10.15547/bjvm.21931.
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  12. Tonouhewa, A.B.N., Y. Akpo, P. Sessou, C. Adoligbe and E. Yessinou et al., 2017. Toxoplasma gondii infection in meat animals from Africa: Systematic review and meta-analysis of sero-epidemiological studies. Vet. World, 10: 194-208.
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  13. Yovo, M., G.A. Alitonou, H. Yedomonhan, F. Tchobo and O. Dedome et al., 2016. First report on chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Artabotrys velutinus extracts against some clinical strains in Benin. Am. J. Applied Chem., 4: 71-76.
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  14. Yovo, M., A.G. Alain, P. Sessou, O. Dedome and F. Tchobo et al., 2016. Phytochemistry and antibacterial activity of Citrus sinensis extracts against three pathogenic bacteria in Benin. Res. J. Pharmaceut. Biol. Chem. Sci., 7: 1344-1352.
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  15. Sessou, P., C. Boko, G. Hounmanou, S.D. Osseni and E. Hounkpe et al., 2016. Preservation of traditional cheese Wagashi using essential oils: Impact on microbiological, physico-chemical and sensorial characteristics. Br. Microbiol. Res. J., 15: 1-13.
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  16. Sessou, P., J.R. Klotoe, V. Dougnon, S.D. Osseni and E. Hounkpe et al., 2015. Safety evaluation of traditional cheese Wagashi treated with essential oils in Wistar rats: A subchronic toxicity study. Food Public Health, 5: 138-143.
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  17. Adjalian, E., P. Sessou, T. Odjo, G. Figueredo and D. Kossou et al., 2015. Chemical composition and insecticidal and repellent effect of essential oils of two Premna species against Sitotroga cerealella. J. Insects. 10.1155/2015/319045.
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  18. Adjalian, E., P. Sessou, B. Yehouenou, F.T.D. Bothon and J.P. Noudogbessi et al., 2015. Anti-oviposition and repellent activity of essential oil from Melaleuca leucadendron leaf acclimated in Benin against the angoumois grain moth. Int. J. Biol. Pharm. Allied Sci., 4: 797-806.
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  19. Nonviho, G., C. Paris, L. Muniglia, P. Sessou, D.C.P. Agbangnan, N. Brosse and D. Sohounhloue, 2014. Chemical characterization of Lophira lanceolata and Carapa procera seed oils: Analysis of fatty acids, sterols, tocopherols and tocotrienols. Res. J. Chem. Sci., 4: 57-62.
  20. Marc, K., S. Philippe, H. Eustache, Y. Boniface, S. Dominique and F. Souaibou, 2014. Microbiological quality of smoked mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), sold in Abomey-calavi township markets, Benin. J. Microbiol. Res., 4: 175-179.
  21. Mamadou, R.S., I. Moussa, P. Sessou, B. Yehouenou and P.D.C. Agbangnan et al., 2014. Phytochemical study, antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal activities of Sebastiania chamaelea extracts (L.) mull. Agric. J. Soc. Ouest-Afr. Chim., 037: 10-17.
  22. Adjalian, E., P. Sessou, F.T. Bothon, J. Dangou and T. Odjo et al., 2014. Chemical composition and bioefficacy of Dennettia tripetala and Uvariodendron angustifolium leaves essential oils against the angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella. Int. J. Biosci., 5: 161-172.
  23. Sessou, P., S. Farougou, S. Ahounou, Y. Hounnankpon and P. Azokpota et al., 2013. Comparative study of antifungal activities of six selected essential oils against fungal isolates from cheese Wagashi in Benin. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 16: 1751-1757.
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  24. Sessou, P., S. Farougou, B. Yehouenou, B. Agniwo and G. Alitonou et al., 2013. Biological control of spoilage and pathogens moulds in culture medium and Beninese traditional cheese wagashi by Syzygium aromaticum essential oil. Afr. J. Microbiol. Res., 7: 2454-2463.
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  25. Yehouenou, B., E. Ahoussi, P. Sessou, F. Toukourou and D. Sohounhloue, 2012. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activities of essential oils (EO) extracted from leaves of Lippia rugosa A. Chev against foods pathogenic and adulterated microorganisms. Afr. J. Microbiol. Res., 6: 5496-5505.
  26. Sessou, P., S. Farougou, S. Kaneho, S. Djenontin and G.A. Alitonou et al., 2012. Bioefficacy of Cymbopogon citratus essential oil against foodborne pathogens in culture medium and in traditional cheese wagashi produced in Benin. Int. Res. J. Microbiol., 3: 406-415.
  27. Sessou, P., S. Farougou, P. Azokpota, I. Youssao and D. Sohounhloue, 2012. In vitro antifungal activities of essential oils extracted from fresh leaves of Cinnamomum zeylanicum and Ocimum gratissimum against foodborne pathogens for their use as traditional cheese wagashi conservatives. Res. J. Recent Sci., 1: 67-73.
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  28. Sessou, P., S. Farougou, P. Azokpota, I. Youssao and B. Fanou et al., 2012. In vitro antifungal activity of essential oil of Pimenta racemosa against fungal isolates from wagashi, a traditional cheese produced in Benin. Int. J. Nat. Appl. Sci., 8: 25-34..
  29. Sessou, P., S. Farougou, J.P. Noudogbessi, B. Fanou, P. Azokpota, I. Youssao and D. Sohounhloue, 2012. Chemical composition and in vitro antifungal activity of Zingiber officinale essential oil against foodborne pathogens isolated from a traditional cheese wagashi produced in Benin. Int. J. Biosci., 2: 20-28.
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  30. Sessou, P., S. Farougou and D. Sohounhloue, 2012. Major component and potential applications of plant essentials oils as natural food preservatives: A short review research results. Int. J. Biosci., 2: 45-57.
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  31. Philippe, S., F. Souaibou, N. Jean-Pierre, Y. Boniface and A. Paulin et al., 2012. Chemical composition and antifungal activity of essential oil of fresh leaves of Cinnamomum zeylanicum from Benin against six mycotoxigenic fungi isolated from a traditional cheese wagashi. Elixir Applied Biol., 49: 9787-9791.
  32. Philippe, S., F. Souaibou, A. Guy, D.T. Sebastien and Y. Boniface et al., 2012. Chemical composition and antifungal activity of essential oil of fresh leaves of Ocimum gratissimum from Benin against six mycotoxigenic fungi isolated from traditional cheese wagashi. Int. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 1: 22-27.
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  33. Noudogbessi, J.P., P. Sessou, V.D. Wotto, G. Figueredo and P. Chalard et al., 2012. Chemical compositions and preventive activity of essential oils extracted from the leaves of two varieties of Tephrosia (Leguminosae-papilionoideae) collected in Benin on Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius). Asian J. Res. Chem., 5: 1431-1436.
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  34. Houinsou, R.L., E. Ahoussi, P. Sessou, B. Yehouenou and D. Sohounhloue, 2012. Antimicrobial activities of essential oil extracted from leaves of Ocimum gratissimum L. against pathogenic and adulterated microorganisms associated to tomato in Benin. Int. J. Biosci., 2: 90-100.
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  35. Farougou, S., P. Sessou, B. Yehouenou and F. Dossa, 2012. Microbiological quality of raw milk processed from cows raised under extensive system in the republic of Benin. Res. J. Microbiol., 7: 337-343.
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  36. Christian, K., A.D. Edwige, S. Philippe, Y. Boniface and D. Sebastien et al., 2012. Stabilization of local drink "Tchakpalo" produced in Benin by addition of essential oil extracted from fresh leaves of Cymbopogon citratus. Int. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 1: 40-49.
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  37. Boniface, Y., S. Philippe, H.R. de Lima, N.J. Pierre, A.G. Alain, T. Fatiou and S. Dominique, 2012. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activities of Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume dry leaves essential oil against food-borne pathogens and adulterated microorganisms. Int. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 1: 18-25.
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  38. Alitonou, G.A., P. Sessou, F.P. Tchobo, J.P. Noudogbessi and F. Avlessi et al., 2012. Chemical composition and biological activities of essential oils of Chenopodium ambrosioides L. collected in two areas of Benin. Int. J. Biosci., 2: 58-66.
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  39. Alitonou, G.A., J.P. Noudogbessi, P. Sessou, A. Tonouhewa and F. Avlessi et al., 2012. Chemical composition and biological activities of essential oils of Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J. W. Moore. from Benin. Int. J. Biosci., 2: 1-12.
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  40. Yehouenou, B., V. Wotto, H. Bankole, P. Sessou, J.P. Noudogbessi and D. Sohounhloue, 2010. Chemical study and antimicrobial activities of volatile extracts from fresh leaves of crassocephalum rubens (Juss and Jack) S. moore against food-borne Scient. Study Res.: Chem. Chem. Eng. Biotechnol. Food Ind., 11: 341-349.