Dr. Tella Adeyinka
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Dr. Tella Adeyinka

Associate Professor
Department of Library and Information Science, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Library and Information from University of Botswana, Botswana

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Dr. Tella Adeyinka is currently working as Associate Professor in Department of Library and Information Science Faculty of Communication and Information Sciences, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. He has completed his Ph.D. in Library and Information from University of Botswana, Botswana. His main area of interest related to Social Sciences. His area of expertise includes Information System, Information System, Information Literacy, Information Technology Management and Evaluation, E-learning/ M-learning, Information Psychology, Course Management System, Knowledge Management, Research Methodology in LIS, Information System Research, Cloud Computing, Information Retrieval, and Entrepreneurship and information. He has published 68 research articles in international journals and 12 in national journals, 3 books, 11 book chapters, and 16 conference proceeding contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Social Sciences
Knowledge Management
Course Management System
Cloud Computing
Information Psychology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Yildiz, O., 2021. Recent Developments in Individual and Organizational Adoption of ICTs. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781799830450, Pages: 333.
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  2. Tella, A., I. Edward, H.B. Akanbi-Ademolake and S.O. Akande, 2021. Perception, use and effectiveness of open source library systems by academic librarians in selected tertiary institutions in Kwara State, Nigeria. J. Acad. Librarianship, Vol. 47. 10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102307.
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  3. Tella, A., 2021. Librarians perception of opportunities and challenges associated with big data in public libraries. Internet Ref. Serv. Q., 24: 89-113.
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  4. Tella, A., 2021. Interactivity, usability and aesthetic as predictors of undergraduates preference for university library websites. South Afr. J. Lib. Inf. Sci., 86: 16-25.
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  5. Tella, A. and O.B. Onyancha, 2021. Opportunities Associated With Open Access Initiatives. In: Open Access Implications for Sustainable Social, Political, and Economic Development, Jain, P., N. Mnjama and O. Oladokun (Eds.), IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781799850182, pp: 183-204.
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  6. Owolabi, K.A., O.A. Adeleke, A. Tella and Y.A. Mudasiru, 2021. A structural equation modeling approach to evaluating library personnel intention to adopt big data technology in Nigerian academic libraries. Int. Ref. Serv. Q., 25: 145-167.
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  7. Chisita, C.T., R.T. Enakrire, O.O. Durodolu, V.W. Tsabedze and J.M. Ngoaketsi, 2021. Handbook of Research on Records and Information Management Strategies for Enhanced Knowledge Coordination. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781799866183, Pages: 538.
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  8. Adigun, G.O. and A. Tella, 2021. User education and information literacy instruction as determinant of use and satisfaction with library and information support services at National Open University Nigeria (NOUN). J. Lib. Inf. Serv. Distance Learn., 15: 99-128.
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  9. Tsabedze, V. and T. Adeyinka, 2020. Open distance e-learning: A model for library and information science education in Eswatini. J. Lib. Inf. Serv. Distance Learn., 14: 61-78.
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  10. Tsabedze, V. and A. Tella, 2020. Awareness and use of massive open online courses among library and information science professionals in Eswatini. J. Electron. Resour. Lib., 32: 253-266.
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  11. Tella, A., V. Tsabedze, J. Ngoaketsi and R.T. Enakrire, 2020. Perceived usefulness, reputation, and tutors' advocate as predictors of MOOC utilization by distance learners: Implication on library services in distance learning in Eswatini'. J. Lib. Inf. Serv. Distance Learn., 15: 41-67.
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  12. Tella, A., S.C. Ukwoma and A.I. Kayode, 2020. A two models modification for determining cloud computing adoption for web-based services in academic libraries in Nigeria. J. Acad. Librarianship, Vol. 47. 10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102255.
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  13. Tella, A., O. Bode-Obanla and A.S. Age, 2020. The perspective of undergraduate students on information needs and seeking behavior through YouTube. J. Electron. Resour. Librarianship, 32: 94-109.
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  14. Tella, A., 2020. Repackaging LIS professionals and libraries for the fourth industrial revolution. Lib. Hi Tech News, 37: 1-6.
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  15. Tella, A., 2020. Open Educational Resources and Distance Learning: Challenges and the Way Forward in Higher Education. In: Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies, Tatnall, A. (Ed.), Springer, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-319-60013-0, pp: 1-10.
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  16. Tella, A., 2020. Handbook of Research on Digital Devices for Inclusivity and Engagement in Libraries. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781522590347, Pages: 491.
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  17. Tella, A. and K.K. Kadri, 2020. Big data and academic libraries: Is it big for something or big for nothing? Lib. Hi Tech News, 38: 15-23.
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  18. Tella, A. and B. Onyancha, 2020. Scholarly publishing experience of postgraduate students in Nigerian Universities. Accountability Res., 28: 395-427.
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  19. Odunola, O.A. and A. Tella, 2020. Perceived usefulness as correlate of undergraduate students patronage of online public access catalog in South-West Nigeria. Cataloging Classif. Q., 58: 520-532.
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  20. Keakopa, S.M. and T.L. Mosweu, 2020. Cases on Electronic Record Management in the ESARBICA Region. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781799825272, Pages: 336.
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  21. Ibrahim, M.T. and A. Tella, 2020. Analysis of text mining from full-text articles and abstracts by postgraduates students in selected Nigeria Universities. Int. J. Higher Educ., 9: 169-183.
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  22. Azonobi, I.N., S.O. Uwaifo and A. Tella, 2020. Determinants of postgraduates' use of electronic information resources in Federal Universities in Southern Nigeria. Int. Inf. Lib. Rev., 52: 202-215.
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  23. Tella, A., 2019. Use of online public access catalogue (OPAC) by undergraduates in selected Nigerian Universities. Int. J. Web Portals, 11: 39-55.
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  24. Tella, A. and O.A. Ibinaiye, 2019. Correlates of staff motivation, satisfaction, and job performance of library staff in selected Nigerian University libraries. Int. Inf. Lib. Rev., 52: 32-49.
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  25. Adeyinka, T., 2019. Empirical analysis of undergraduates' satisfaction with access to the University Library Websites. J. Access Serv., 16: 94-115.
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  26. Tella, A., O.O. Dare, O.S. Adebisi and A.M. Lawal, 2018. Perception and Usage Pattern of e-books among library and information science students in selected universities in Nigeria. DESIDOC J. Lib. Inf. Technol., 38: 132-140.
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  27. Tella, A., 2018. The determinants of library and information science undergraduate students’ first impression of university library websites. Educ. Inf. Technol., 24: 277-294.
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  28. Tella, A., 2018. Handbook of Research on Managing Intellectual Property in Digital Libraries. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781522530930, Pages: 461.
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  29. Quadri, R.F. and O.A. Sodiq, 2018. Managing Intellectual Property in Digital Libraries. In: Handbook of Research on Managing Intellectual Property in Digital Libraries, Tella, A. and T. Kwanya (Eds.), IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781522530930, pp: 337-355.
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  30. Tella, A., M. Oyewole and A. Tella, 2017. An analysis of perceived usefulness of Google Scholar by the postgraduate students of the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. South Afr. J. Inf. Manag., 10.4102/sajim.v19i1.793.
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  31. Tella, A. and A.O. Sidiq, 2017. Interlibrary loan and cooperation among selected academic libraries in Kwara State, Nigeria: An empirical analysis. J. Interlibrary Loan Doc. Delivery Electron. Reserve, 26: 103-120.
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  32. Tella, A., 2016. Information Seeking Behavior and Challenges in Digital Libraries. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781522502968, Pages: 359.
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  33. Tella, A. and T. Soluoku, 2016. Usage analysis of Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 tools by librarians in Kwara State academic libraries. Educ. Inf., 32: 225-247.
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  34. Tella, A. and O.J. Oladapo, 2016. A comparative analysis of available features and Web 2.0 tools on selected Nigerian and South African university library websites. Electron. Lib., 34: 504-521.
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  35. Tella, A., F.A. Fasipe and M.Y. Adisa, 2015. Power point presentation preference by library and information science undergraduates in Kwara state, Nigeria. J. Applied Inform. Sci. Technol., 8: 16-29.
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  36. Tella, A., 2015. Social Media Strategies for Dynamic Library Service Development. 1st Edn., IGI Global, USA., ISBN-13: 978-1466674158, Pages: 389.
  37. Tella, A., 2015. Social Media Strategies for Dynamic Library Service Development. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781466674158, Pages: 388.
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  38. Tella, A. and E.O. Akinboro, 2015. The Impact of Social Media to Library Services in Digital Environment. In: Social Media Strategies for Dynamic Library Service Development, Tella, A. (Ed.). IGI Global Publishers, USA., ISBN-13: 9781466674158, pp: 279-295.
  39. Keengwe, J., 2015. Promoting Active Learning through the Integration of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781466663435 Pages: 331.
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  40. Babatunde, J.B. and A. Tella, 2015. Usage of Facebook by Library and Information Science Female Undergraduate Students in Selected Nigerian Universities. In: Social Media Strategies for Dynamic Library Service Development, Tella, A. (Ed.). IGI Global Publishers, USA., ISBN-13: 9781466674158, pp: 230-249.
  41. Akolade, Y.L., A. Tella, H.B. Akanbi-Ademolake and M.Y. Adisa, 2015. Physically challenged undergraduates satisfaction with library and information services in Kwara state higher institutions. J. Balkan Libraries Union, 3: 1-14.
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  42. Tella, A., O.J. Ojo and O.T. Bello, 2014. Decision making process and administrative effectiveness in south-west Nigerian polytechnics. Al-Hikmah J. Educ., 1: 112-127.
  43. Tella, A., A.T. Adaraloye and M.A. Akanbi, 2014. Influence of ICT on reference services in selected university libraries in south-west Nigeria. Inform. Manager, 14: 48-58.
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  44. Tella, A. and T.T. Oyedokun, 2014. An evaluation of online reference services through social networking sites in selected Nigerian university libraries. Reference Librarian, 55: 343-367.
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  45. Tella, A. and G. Olasina, 2014. Predicting user's continuance intention toward e-payment system: An extension of the technology acceptance model. Int. J. Inform. Syst. Social Change, 5: 47-67.
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  46. Tella, A. and A.A. Olabooye, 2014. A bibiliometric analysis of african journal of library, archive and information science from 2000-2012. Library Rev., 63: 305-323.
  47. Thanuskodi, S., 2013. Challenges of Academic Library Management in Developing Countries. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781466640702, Pages: 348.
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  48. Tella, A., S. Olarongbe, B. Ademolake-Akanbi and M. Adisa, 2013. Use of social networking sites by academic librarians in six selected states of Nigeria. New Rev. Acad. Librarianship, 19: 274-290.
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  49. Tella, A., 2013. Predictors of library and information science undergraduates' participation in the online discussion forum. College Undergraduate Libraries, 20: 156-172.
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  50. Tella, A., 2013. Internet Policy Issues and Digital Libraries Management of Intellectual Property. In: Challenges of Academic Library Management in Developing Countries, Thanuskodi, S. (Ed.). IGI Global Publishers, USA., ISBN-13: 9781466640702, pp: 272-284.
  51. Tella, A. and O.L. Saka, 2013. Demographics variables and use of e-library by undergraduates in three selected Nigerian universities. Zambia Library Assoc. J., 28: 81-96.
  52. Tella, A. and M.A. Adesakin, 2013. An assessment of use and currency of information on the undergraduate students' web portal at the university of Ilorin. Inform. Manager, 13: 48-58.
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  53. Tella, A. and C.F. Ayodele, 2013. Information seeking behaviour of selected retirees in Kwara state, Nigeria. Zambian Library Assoc. J., 28: 138-151.
  54. Tella, A. and A.O. Tella, 2013. The Promise of Open Source Systems/Software in Developing Requisite E-Government Solutions for the Developing Countries: A Review of Literature. In: Technology Development and Platform Enhancements for Successful Global E-Government Design, Bwalya, K.J. (Ed.). IGI Global Publishers, USA., ISBN-13: 9781466649002, pp: 139-155.
  55. Tella, A. and A.O. Issa, 2013. An examination of LIS undergraduate students' career aspiration in entrepreneurship and self-employment opportunities. J. Bus. Finance Librarianship, 18: 1-17.
  56. Bwalya, K.J., 2013. Technology Development and Platform Enhancements for Successful Global E-Government Design. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781466649002, Pages: 511.
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  57. Tella, A., 2012. System related factors that predict students' satisfaction with the blackboard learning system at the university of Botswana. Afr. J. Library Arch. Inform. Sci., 22: 41-52.
  58. Tella, A., 2012. Library and Information Science in Developing Countries. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781613503355, Pages: 335.
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  59. Tella, A., 2012. Experimenting dropbox with a library and information science course: LIS 307-management of library and information centres. Malaysian J. Educ. Technol., 12: 33-41.
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  60. Tella, A., 2012. Determinants of e-payment systems success: A user's satisfaction perspective. Int. J. E-Adoption, 4: 15-38.
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  61. Tella, A., 2012. An empirical investigation on the uses of social networking sites by communication and information sciences undergraduate students. Zambia Library Assoc. J., 27: 34-52.
  62. Tella, A. and S.M. Mutula, 2012. Users perspective of WebCT/Blackboard platform at the university of Botswana: Challenges and opportunities. Int. J. Inform. Process. Commun., 1: 139-155.
  63. Tella, A. and S. Hammed, 2012. Modifying technology acceptance model (TAM) for determining library and information science undergraduates' acceptance of online discussion forum. J. Gender Inform. Dev. Afr., 1: 123-146.
  64. Tella, A. and R.R. Ojo, 2012. Marketing Library and Information Services for Effective Utilization of Available Resources: The 21st Century Librarians and Information Professionals-Which Ways and What Works? In: Library and Information Science in Developing Countries: Contemporary Issues, Tella, A. and A.O. Issa (Eds.). IGI Global Publisher, USA., pp: 45-60.
  65. Tella, A. and M.T. Bashorun, 2012. Attitude of undergraduate students towards computer based test (CBT): A case study of the university of Ilorin, Nigeria. Int. J. Inform. Commun. Technol. Educ., 8: 33-45.
  66. Tella, A. and G. Olasina, 2012. Voters Perception of the Adequacy and Suitability of E-voting in the Nigeria Polity. In: Handbook for E-Government in Emerging Economies-Adoption, Continuance Usage, e-Participation and Legal Frameworks, Bwalya, K. and S.F. Zulu (Eds.). IGI Global Publishers, USA., pp: 123-144.
  67. Tella, A. and A.O. Issa, 2012. Library and Information Science in Developing Countries: Contemporary Issues. IGI Global, USA., ISBN-13: 9781613503355, Pages: 335.
  68. Adeyinka, T., 2012. Attitudinal correlates of some selected Nigerian librarians towards the use of ICT. Int. J. Inform. Sci. Manage., 7: 15-30.
  69. Adetola, K. and A. Tella, 2012. An assessment of Nigerian university websites/webpages. New Rev. Inform. Networking, 17: 69-92.
  70. Tella, A., 2011. Reliability and factor analysis of a blackboard course management system success: A scale development and validation in an educational context. J. Inform. Technol. Educ.: Res., 10: 55-80.
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  71. Tella, A., 2011. Predictors of undergraduates' students web search effectiveness. Int. J. Inform. Stud., 3: 95-105.
  72. Tella, A., 2011. Predicting users' acceptance of e-library from the perspective of technology acceptance model. Int. J. Digital Library Syst., 2: 34-44.
  73. Tella, A. and A. Isah, 2011. Pattern of undergraduates' participation in the online discussion forum at the university of Ilorin, Nigeria. J. Inform. Technol. Manage., 22: 59-76.
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  74. Tella, A., S.M. Mutula, A. Mutshewa and A. Totolo, 2010. An evaluation of WebCT course content management system at the university of Botswana. Int. J. E-Adoption, 2: 447-478.
  75. Tella, A., 2010. Users Satisfaction with E-Learning: A Case Study of the University of Botswana. In: Cases on successful E-Learning Practices in Developed and Developing World: Methods for the Global Information Economy, Olaniran, B.A. (Ed.). IGI Global Publishers, USA., pp: 157-173.
  76. Tella, A. and D.Y.O. Olorunfemi, 2010. The future of ICT in developing world: Forecasts on sustainable solutions for global development. Indian J. Library Inform. Sci., 4: 115-131.
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  77. Kosoko-Oyedeko, G.A. and A. Tella, 2010. Teacher's perception of the contribution of ICT to pupils performance in Christian religious education. J. Soc. Sci., 22: 7-14.
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  78. Adeyinka, T. and S. Mutula, 2010. A proposed model for evaluating the success of WebCT course content management system. Comput. Hum. Behav., 26: 1795-1805.
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  79. Adeniyi, S.O., O.A. Fakolade and A. Tella, 2010. Perceived causes of job stress among special educators in selected special and integrated schools in Nigeria. New Horizon Educ., 58: 73-82.
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  80. Tella, A., N. Adetoro and P.A. Adekunle, 2009. A case study of global system for mobile communication GSM in Nigeria. UPGRADE: Eur. J. Inform. Professional, 10: 54-59.
  81. Tella, A., A. Tella and S.O. Adeniyi, 2009. Locus of control, interest in schooling, self-efficacy and academic achievement. Cypriot J. Educ. Sci., 4: 168-182.
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  82. Tella, A., 2009. Correlates of undergraduates' information-seeking behavior. College Undergraduate Libraries, 16: 1-19.
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  83. Tella, A. and E.O. Adu, 2009. Information communication technology (ICT) and curriculum development: The challenges for education for sustainable development. Indian J. Sci. Technol., 2: 55-59.
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  84. Fakolade, O.A., S.O. Adeniyi and A. Tella, 2009. Attitude of teachers towards the inclusion of special needs children in general education classroom: The case of teachers in some selected schools in Nigeria. Int. Electron. J. Elem. Educ., 1: 155-169.
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  85. Adeniyi, S.O. and A. Tella, 2009. Entrepreneurship education: Implication for people with special needs in Nigeria. Afr. Symposium: Online J. Afr. Educ. Res. Network, 9: 73-82.
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  86. Tella, A., K.A. Owolabi and A.R. Okehukwu, 2008. Students' use of the library: The case of Akanu-Ibiam polytechnic, Uwana, Nigeria. PNLA Q., 72: 8-19.
  87. Tella, A., A. Tella, L.O. Adika and M.O. Toyobo, 2008. Relationship among demographic variables and pupils' reasoning ability. Electron. J. Res. Educ. Psychol., 6: 709-728.
  88. Tella, A., A. Tella and L.O. Adika, 2008. Self-efficacy and locus of control as predictors of academic achievement among secondary school students in Osun state unity schools. IFE Psychol.: Int. J., 16: 133-147.
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  89. Tella, A., 2008. Library services in an e-learning environment. Pac. Northwest Library Assoc. J., 72: 7-9.
  90. Tella, A. and S.M. Mutula, 2008. Relationship between internet use and perceived academic performance among undergraduate students at the university of Botswana. Indian J. Library Inform. Sci., 2: 69-83.
  91. Tella, A. and S.M. Mutula, 2008. Gender differences in computer literacy among undergraduate students at the university of Botswana: Implications for library use. Malaysian J. Library Inform. Sci., 13: 59-76.
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  92. Tella, A. and D.O. Olorunfemi, 2008. The place of information service in an e-learning environment: Tips for information profesional. Informology, 5: 97-111.
  93. Adeyinka, T., F. Jibola, A. Oyesoji and T. Adedeji, 2008. A hospital-based assessment of breast-feeding behaviour and practices among nursing mothers in Nigeria and Ghana. Pak. J. Nutr., 7: 165-171.
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  94. Adeyinka, T., 2008. Attitudinal correlates of selected Nigerian librarians towards the use of information technology. J. Interlibrary Loan Document Delivery Electron. Reserve, 18: 287-305.
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  95. Adekunle, P.A. and A. Tella, 2008. Nigeria SMEs participation in electronic economy: Problems and the way forward. J. Internet Banking Commerce, 12: 1-13.
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  96. Tella, A., O.E. Adu, A. Tella and O.M. Toyobo, 2007. Parental education, peer and gender effects on academic achievement of secondary school students in Botswana. Social Sci., 2: 76-83.
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  97. Tella, A., C.O. Ayeni and R.O. Omoba, 2007. Predictors of academic performance: Self-efficacy and use of electronic information. Univ. Dar Es Salaam Library J., 9: 69-83.
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  98. Tella, A., A. Tella, O.M. Toyobo, L.O. Adika and A. Adeyinka, 2007. An assessment of secondary school teachers uses of ICT's: Implications for further development of ICT's use in Nigerian secondary schools. Turk. Online J. Educ. Technol., 6: 5-17.
  99. Tella, A., A. Tella, C.O. Ayeni and R.O. Omoba, 2007. Self-efficacy and use of electronic information as predictors of academic performance. Electron. J. Acad. Special Librarianship, Vol. 8. .
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  100. Tella, A., A. Tella and P.A. Adekunle, 2007. An assessment of the librarian social competence and ICT's self-efficacy: Implications on the library practices in the digital era. Pac. Northwest Library Assoc. J., 71: 12-16.
  101. Tella, A., A. Tella and E.O. Adu, 2007. Availability and use of ICT in south west Nigeria colleges of education. Malaysia J. Educ. Technol., 7: 25-40.
  102. Tella, A., 2007. Undergraduates uses of the internet: Implications on academic performance. J. Educ. Media Library Sci., 45: 161-185.
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  103. Tella, A., 2007. Impact of web-based e-learning at the university of Botswana. Afr. Symposium: Online J. Afr. Educ. Res. Network, 7: 87-99.
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  104. Tella, A., 2007. Digital divide: A review of literature from an emerging digital environment. Informology, 5: 200-218.
  105. Tella, A. and S. Akande, 2007. Children reading habits and availability of books in Botswana primary schools: Implications for achieving quality basic education. Reading Matrix, 7: 117-142.
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  106. Aremu, O.A., A. Tella and A. Tella, 2007. Relationship among emotional intelligence, parental involvement and academic achievement of secondary school students in Ibadan, Nigeria. Essays Educ., 18: 70-82.
  107. Akinsola, M.K., A. Tella and A. Tella, 2007. Correlates of academic procrastination and mathematics achievement of university undergraduate students. Eurasia J. Math. Sci. Technol. Educ., 3: 363-370.
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  108. Ajiboye, J.O., A. Tella and E. Adu, 2007. Teachers participation in self-improvement programmes: Implications for content delivery in primary and secondary schools in Nigeria. Online J. Sociol. Educ. Afr., 6: 1-18.
  109. Ajiboye, J.O. and T. Adeyinka, 2007. Problem and issuse in teaching and learning and in large under-resourced classroom in Nigeria public schools implication for policy making. The Social Sci., 2: 24-30.
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  110. Ajiboye, J.O. and A. Tella, 2007. University undergraduate students information seeking behaviour: Implications for quality in higher education in Africa. Turk. J. Educ. Technol., 6: 40-52.
  111. Ajiboye, J.O. and A. Tella, 2007. In-service teacher's knowledge of significant global events: Implications for teacher preparation programmes. Essays Educ., 21: 35-46.
  112. Ajibola, F., T. Adedeji and T. Adeyinka, 2007. Demographic variables and pupils reasoning ability: A critical analysis. Pak. J. Social Sci., 4: 579-584.
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  113. Tella, A. and C.O. Ayeni, 2006. Impact of self-efficacy and prior computer experience on the creativity of the new librarian in selected universities libraries in south west Nigeria. Library Philosophy Pract., 8: 1-12.
  114. Ajiboye, J.O. and A. Tella, 2006. Class attendance and gender effects on undergraduate students' achievement in a social studies course in Botswana. Essays Educ., 18: 1-14.
  115. Tella, A. and O. Adeniyi, 2005. A comparative analysis of parental involvement, learning styles and academic achievement of secondary school students in Ibadan, Nigeria. Educ. Forum: J. Educ. Stud., 8: 82-86.
  116. Tella, A., 2004. Study habits, interest in schooling and social competence as predictors of academic achievement among secondary school students in Ibadan, Nigeria. Maiduguri J. Educ. Stud., 6: 45-61.
  117. Tella, A. and E.A. Okon, 2004. Self-concept and emotional intelligence as predictors of academic achievement among secondary school students in Ibadan, Nigeria. Educ. Today, 4: 49-58.
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