Dr. Oyetayo Victor Olusegun
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Dr. Oyetayo Victor Olusegun

Department of Microbiology, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B. 704, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Food Microbiology from Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Biomass Production
Phytochemical Property
Heavy Metals

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Oyetayo, V.O. and E.T. Akingbesote, 2022. Assessment of the antistaphylococcal properties and bioactive compounds of raw and fermented Trametes polyzona (Pers.) justo extracts. Microb. Biosyst., 7: 1-7.
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  2. John-Isa, J.F., T.T. Adebolu and V.O. Oyetayo, 2022. Evaluation of the microorganisms in Nigeria honey for antagonistic activity on selected bacteria causing Diarrhoea. Bangladesh J. Med. Sci., 21: 553-561.
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  3. Oyetayo, V.O., C.O. Ogidi, S.O. Bayode and F.F. Enikanselu, 2021. Evaluation of biological efficiency, nutrient contents and antioxidant activity of Pleurotus pulmonarius enriched with zinc and iron. Indian Phytopathol., 74: 901-910.
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  4. Adeoye, J.K. and V.O. Oyetayo, 2021. Effect of different traditional thermal processing methods on the nutritional and anti-nutritional composition of the marginalized indigenous mung bean (Vigna radiata). Food Res., 5: 124-130.
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  5. Atere, A.V., A. Adedeji, A.C. Akinmoladun, V.O. Oyetayo and F.A. Akinyosoye, 2020. Local condiment, iru, obtained from the fermentation of Parkia biglobosa seed substantially reduced the serum cholesterol level of wister rats. Preventive Nutr. Food Sci., 25: 153-157.
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  6. Oluwasina, O.O., I.V. Ezenwosu, C.O. Ogidi and V.O. Oyetayo, 2019. Antimicrobial potential of toothpaste formulated from extracts of Syzygium aromaticum, Dennettia tripetala and Jatropha curcas latex against some oral pathogenic microorganisms. AMB Express, Vol. 9. 10.1186/s13568-019-0744-2.
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  7. Ogidi, C.O., V.O. Oyetayo, B.J. Akinyele, C.A. De Carvalho and M.C.M. Kasuya, 2018. Food value and safety status of raw (unfermented) and fermented higher basidiomycetes, Lenzites quercina (L) P. karsten. Preventive Nutr. Food Sci., 23: 228-234.
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  8. Ogidi, C.O., O.V. Oyetayo and B.J. Akinyele, 2018. Estimation of total phenolic, flavonoid contents and free radical scavenging activity of a wild macrofungus, Lenzites quercina (L.) P. Karsten. Curr. Res. Environ. Appl. Mycol., 8: 425-437.
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  9. Abubakar, Z., O.C. Ogidi and V.O. Oyetayo, 2017. Assessment of antistaphylococcal activity of ethanolic extract of Lenzites quercina (L) P. Karsten against clinical Staphylococcus species. Clin. Phytosci., Vol. 2. 10.1186/s40816-016-0024-5.
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  10. Ogidi, O.C., M.D. Nunes, V.O. Oyetayo, B.J. Akinyele and M.C.M. Kasuya, 2016. Mycelial growth, biomass production and iron uptake by mushrooms of Pleurotus species cultivated on Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R. D. Webster. J. Food Res., 5: 13-19.
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  11. Ogidi, O.C. and V.O. Oyetayo, 2016. Phytochemical property and assessment of antidermatophytic activity of some selected wild macrofungi against pathogenic dermatophytes. Mycology, 7: 9-14.
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  12. Ogidi, O.C., V.O. Oyetayo and B.J. Akinyele, 2015. In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of extracts obtained from raw and fermented wild macrofungus, Lenzites quercina. Int. J. Microbiol. 10.1155/2015/106308.
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  13. Ogidi, C.O. and V.O. Oyetayo, 2015. Antifungal effect of Coriolopsis polyzona (Pers) on fungi isolated from remnant foods and wastewater from restaurants in Akure metropolis, Nigeria. Afr. J. Microbiol. Res., 9: 527-533.
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  14. Awala, S.I. and V.O. Oyetayo, 2015. The phytochemical and antimicrobial properties of the extracts obtained from Trametes elegans collected from Osengere in Ibadan, Nigeria. Jordan J. Biol. Sci., 8: 289-299.
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  15. Agbaje, R.B., V.O. Oyetayo and A.O. Ojokoh, 2015. Effect of fermentation methods on the mineral, amino and fatty acids composition of Cyperus esculentus. Afr. J. Biochem. Res., 9: 89-94.
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  16. Olusegun, O.V., 2014. Molecular identification of Trametes species collected from Ondo and Oyo States, Nigeria. Jordan J. Biol. Sci., 7: 165-169.
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  17. Oyetayo, V.O. and O.O. Ariyo, 2013. Micro and macronutrient properties of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq: Fries) cultivated on different wood substrates. Jordan J. Biol. Sci., 6: 223-226.
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  18. Oyetayo, V.O. and O.O. Ariyo, 2013. Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq: Fries) cultivated on different tropical woody substrates. J. Waste Convers. Bioprod. Biotechnol., 1: 28-32.
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  19. Oyetayo, V.O. and A.O. Ogundare, 2013. Antifungal Property of Selected Nigerian Medicinal Plants. In: Antifungal Metabolites from Plants, Razzaghi-Abyaneh, M. and M. Rai (Eds.). Chapter 3, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp: 59-77.
  20. Oyetayo, O.V., A. Nieto-Camacho, T.M. Ramırez-Apana, R.E. Baldomero and M. Jimenez, 2013. Total phenol, antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of wild macrofungi collected from Akure Southwest Nigeria. Jordan J. Biol. Sci., 6: 105-110.
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  21. Oluwajoba, S.O., F.A. Akinyosoye and V.O. Oyetayo, 2013. In vitro screening and selection of probiotic lactic acid bacteria isolated from spontaneously fermenting Kunu-zaki. Adv. Microbiol., 3: 309-316.
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  22. Oluwajoba, S.O., F.A. Akinyosoye and O.V. Oyetayo, 2013. Comparative sensory and proximate evaluation of spontaneously fermenting kunu-zaki made from germinated and ungerminated composite cereal grains. Food Sci. Nutr., 1: 336-349.
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  23. Olofin, T.A., A.O. Akande and V.O. Oyetayo, 2013. Assessment of the antimicrobial properties of fractions obtained from bryophytes. J. Microbiol. Antimicrob., 5: 50-54.
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  24. Ogidi, C.O. and V.O. Oyetayo, 2013. Antibiotic sensitivity pattern of microorganisms isolated from remnant foods and wastewater from restaurants in Akure metropolis. FUTA J. Res. Sci., 9: 209-216.
  25. Oyetayo, V.O., A.O. Adebayo and A. Ibileye, 2012. Assessment of the biosorption potential of heavy metals by Pleurotus tuber-regium. Int. J. Adv. Biol. Res., 2: 293-297.
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  26. Oyetayo, V.O., A. Nieto-Camacho, B.E. Rodriguez and M. Jimenez, 2012. Assessment of anti-inflammatory, lipid peroxidation and acute toxicity of extracts obtained from wild higher basidiomycetes mushrooms collected from Akure (Southwest Nigeria). Int. J. Med. Mushrooms, 14: 575-580.
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  27. Oyetayo, V.O., 2012. Wild Termitomyces species collected from Ondo and Ekiti States are more related to African species as revealed by ITS region of rDNA. Scient. World J. 10.1100/2012/689296.
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  28. Oyetayo, V.O., T.A. Olofin, O.V. Olaiya and A.O. Oseni, 2011. Assessment of β-galactosidase production by Lactobacillus species isolated from Ogi produced from composite grains. Int. J. Probiot. Prebiot., 6: 39-42.
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  29. Oyetayo, V.O., 2011. Antimicrobials from Wild Edible Plants of Nigeria. In: Natural Antimicrobials in Food Quality and Food Safety, Rai, M. and M.L. Chikindas (Eds.). Chapter 17, CAB International, UK., ISBN: 9781845937690, pp: 261-276.
  30. Oyetayo, O.V., 2011. Medicinal uses of mushrooms in Nigeria: Towards full and sustainable exploitation. Afr. J. Traditional Complementary Altern. Med., 8: 267-274.
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  31. Adebolu, T.T., O.O. Adeoye and V.O. Oyetayo, 2011. Effect of garlic (Allium sativum) on Salmonella typhi infection, gastrointestinal flora and hematological parameters of albino rats. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 10: 6804-6808.
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  32. Oyetayo, V.O. and Y.J. Yao, 2010. Molecular identification of some wild polyporales collected in Akure, Nigeria. Niger. J. Mycol., 3: 1-10.
  33. Oyetayo, V.O. and Y.J. Yao, 2010. Identification of wild Ganoderma species indigenous to Nigeria using ITS region of the rDNA. Niger. J. Microbiol., 24: 2140-2144.
  34. Oyetayo, V.O., Y.J. Yao and C.H. Dong, 2009. Comparative assessment of the antioxidant activities of ethanol and water extracts of edible mushroom, Termitomyces clypeatus (Heim). Niger. J. Mycol., 2: 1-13.
  35. Oyetayo, V.O., C.H. Dong and Y.J. Yao, 2009. Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of aqueous extract from Dictyophora indusiata. Open Mycol. J., 3: 20-26.
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  36. Oyetayo, V.O., 2009. Gastrointestinal Microbiology: A Short Introduction. 1st Edn., Alafas Nigeria Company, Ibadan, Nigeria, Pages: 113.
  37. Oyetayo, V.O., 2009. Free radical scavenging and antimicrobial properties of extracts of wild mushrooms. Braz. J. Microbiol., 40: 380-386.
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  38. Oyetayo, F.L. and V.O. Oyetayo, 2009. Assessment of nutritional quality of wild and cultivated Plerotus sajor-caju. J. Med. Food, 12: 1149-1153.
  39. Oyetayo, V.O., 2008. Mushrooms indigenous to Nigeria as potential source of myconutraceuticals. Biotechnol. Pharm., 2: 471-477.
  40. Oyetayo, V.O., 2008. Microbial load and antimicrobial property of two Nigerian herbal remedies. Afr. J. Tradit. Complement. Altern. Med., 5: 74-78.
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  41. Oyetayo, V.O. and F.L. Oyetayo, 2007. Haematological parameters of rats fed mushroom, Plerotus sajor-caju diet and orogastrically dosed with probiotic, Lactobacillus fermentum OVL. Int. J. Probiot. Prebiot., 2: 39-42.
  42. Oyetayo, F.L., A.A. Akindahunsi and V.O. Oyetayo, 2007. Chemical profile and amino acids composition of edible mushrooms Pleurotus sajor-caju. Nutr. Health, 18: 383-389.
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  43. Oyetayo, V.O., 2006. Untapped health promoting potentials of indigenous cereal based African fermented foods and beverages. Eur. J. Nutraceuticals Funct. Foods, 17: 36-37.
  44. Oyetayo, V.O. and F.L. Oyetayo, 2006. Phytochemicals screening and antibacterial properties of siam weed, Chromolaena odorata, leaf against some aerobic isolates of wound. J. Applied Environ. Sci., 2: 7-11.
  45. Oyetayo, F.L. and V.O. Oyetayo, 2006. Potentials of Indigenous Nigerian edible mushrooms in cancer prevention. Agro Food Ind. Hi-Tech, 17: 31-32.
  46. Oyetayo, V.O., 2005. Assessment of the safety of wild strains of Lactobacillus as probiotics orogastrically administered to rats. Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 48: 263-267.
  47. Oyetayo, V.O. and F.L. Oyetayo, 2005. Review-potential of probiotics as biotherapeutic agents targeting the innate immune system. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 4: 123-127.
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  48. Oyetayo, V.O., F.C. Adetuyi and F.A. Akinyosoye, 2004. In-vitro assessment of the probiotic properties of Lactobacillus acidophilus isolated from faeces and fresh cow milk. Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 47: 73-75.
  49. Oyetayo, V.O., 2004. Phenotypic characterisation and assessment of the inhibitory potential of Lactobacillus isolates from different sources. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 3: 355-357.
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  50. Oyetayo, V.O., 2004. Performance of rats dosed with faecal strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus and experimentally challenged with Escherichia coli. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 3: 409-411.
  51. Oyetayo, V.O., 2004. Health importance of faecal strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus used as probiotics in rats. Ife J. Sci., 6: 19-22.
  52. Oyetayo, V.O. and B. Osho, 2004. Assessment of probiotic properties of a strain of Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from fermenting corn slurry. J. Food Agric. Environ., 2: 132-134.
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  53. Oyetayo, V.O., F.C. Adetuyi and F.A. Akinyosoye, 2003. Safety and protective effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei used as probiotic agent in vivo. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 2: 448-452.
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  54. Oyetayo, V.O., 2002. Impedance based rapid method of detecting Microorganisms in foods-a review. J. Sci. Eng. Technol., 9: 4598-4605.
  55. Ojokoh, A.O., F.C. Adetuyi, F.A. Akinyosoye and V.O. Oyetayo, 2002. Fermentation studies on Roselle (Hibiscus sabdarifa) calyces neutrlised with trona. J. Food Technol. Afr., 7: 75-78.
  56. Oyetayo, V.O., A.O. Ojokoh and A.K. Onifade, 2001. Lipolytic effect of Aspergillus and Rhizopus species on three grades of palm oil produced by okitipupa oil palm PLC. Biosci. Res. Commun., 13: 489-493.
  57. Oyetayo, V.O., 2001. pH based rapid method of enumerating microbial population in broth media. J. Applied Sci., 4: 2151-2168.
  58. Oyetayo, V.O. and T.V. Otokunefor, 2001. Electronic measurement of bacterial growth in milk using Wheatstone bridge. Niger. J. Sci., 35: 145-149.
  59. Oyetayo, V.O. and A.K. Onifade, 2001. Conductance assay of yeast growth in soft drinks. Afr. J. Sci., 1: 21-29.
  60. Ojokoh, A.O., F.C. Adetuyi and V.O. Oyetayo, 2001. Bacteriological and physiological qualities of bean cake (Akara). J. Applied Sci., 4: 2207-2214.