Dr. Adebiyi  Kazeem Adekunle
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Dr. Adebiyi Kazeem Adekunle

Project Engineer
Hisolad Nigeria Ltd, Nigeria

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from University of Nigeria, Nigeria

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Area of Interest:

Physical Science Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Neural Networks

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Onawumi, A.S., K.A. Adebiyi, M. Fajobi and E.O. Oke, 2016. Development of predictive models for some anthropometric dimensions of nigerian occupational bus operators. Eur. Int. J. Sci. Technol., 5: 12-27.
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  2. Onawumi, A.S., I.S. Dunmade, O.O. Ajayi, K.A. Adebiyi and A.O. Omotosho, 2016. Investigation of work related health hazards prevalent among metal fabrication workers in Nigeria. Eur. J. Eng. Technol., 4: 1-10.
  3. Ighravwe, D.E., S.A. Oke and K.A. Adebiyi, 2016. A reliability-based maintenance technicians’ workloads optimisation model with stochastic consideration. J. Indu. Eng. Int., 12: 171-183.
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  4. Ighravwe D.E., S.A. Oke and K.A. Adebiyi, 2016. Preventive maintenance task balancing with spare parts optimisation via big-bang big-crunch algorithm. Int. J. Syst. Assur. Eng. Manage., 8: 811-822.
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  5. Edem, I.E., S.A. Oke and K.A. Adebiyi, 2016. A modified grey-Markov fire accident model based on information turbulence indices and restricted residuals. Int. J. Manage. Sci. Eng. Manage., 11: 231-242.
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  6. Akinyemi, O.O., K.A. Adebiyi, A.A. Raheem and O.O. Opetubo, 2016. Probabilistic modelling of runway accidents in Nigeria. Afr. J. Sci. Nat., 2: 115-125.
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  7. Akinyemi, O.O. and K.A. Adebiyi, 2016. An improved model for estimating runway accidentcost in Nigeria. Int. J. Traffic Transp. Eng., 6: 92-103.
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  8. Akinyemi O.O. and K.A. Adebiyi, 2016. Modelling uncertainty in runway safety intervention performance evaluation. Int. J. of Reliab. Safety, 10 : 158-173.
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  9. Ajayeoba, A.O., A.S. Onawumi, K.A. Adebiyi, T.O. Olagunju and D.D. Oyediran, 2016. Assessment of musculoskeletal disorders (msds) in workers in selected metalworking micro-enterprises (mmes) in south-western nigeria. Adv. Multi. Res., 2: 115-126.
  10. Adekunle, A.S., H.D. Olusegun, A.T. Dada and K.A. Adebiyi, 2016. Inhibitive influence of green plant leaves extract onaisi 4137 steel. J. Prod. Eng., 19: 95-100.
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  11. Adebiyi, K.A., A.O. Ajayeoba, A.S. Onawumi and W.A. Raheem, 2016. Safety evaluation and suggestion for safer design of some selected safer design of some selected of agro – processing equipment used in oyo state, nigeria. Digital Innovations Contemp. Res. Sci. Eng., .
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  12. Olasheu, T.I., K.A. Adebiyi, M.O Durowoju and K.O. Odesanya, 2015. Determination of some physical properties of jatropha (Jatropha curcas) oil. Int. J. Eng. Res., 4: 331-338.
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  13. Olafimihan, E.O., K.A. Adebiyi and S.O. Jekayinfa, 2015. Effect of temperature on the production of ethanol fuel from selected agricultural residues. Int. J. Mech. Eng., 4: 51-56.
  14. Odesanya, K.O., K.A. Adebiyi and T.A.O. Salau, 2015. Estimation of engineering parameters for the development of a groundnut decorticator. Int. J. Novel Res. Eng. Appl. Sci., 2: 1-23.
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  15. Mudasiru, L.O., K.A. Adebiyi and T.B. Asafa, 2015. Effect of immersion speed on mechanical properties and microstrucre of water quenched low carbon steel aisi 1020. Ann. Faculty Eng. Hunedoara – Int. J. Eng., .
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  16. Mudashiru, L.O., K.A. Adebiyi and S.M. Adedayo, 2015. Optimization of process parameters for temperature distribution during water quenched. Br. J. Appl. Sci. Technol., 9: 558-565.
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  17. Mudashiru, L.O., E.O. Olafimihan and K.A. Adebiyi, 2015. Development of effective production plan for a sand mixer. Int. J. Res. Social Sci., 5: 518-531.
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  18. Ighravwe, D.E., S.A. Oke and K.A. Adebiyi, 2015. Maintenance workload optimisation with accident occurrence considerations and absenteeism from work using a genetic algorithm. Int. J. Manage. Sci. Eng. Manage., 11: 294-302.
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  19. Edem, I.E., S.A. Oke and K.A. Adebiyi, 2015. A disjoint pair-point exponential and time-weighted-average fire accident forecasting model for partial information availability situations. Int. J. Manage. Sci. Eng. Manage., 11: 155-166.
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  20. Akinyemi, O.O., A.O. Ajayeoba, K.A. Adebiyi, A.L. Akintan and J.T. Jolaoso, 2015. Optimal repair time of municipal transit vehicle’s clutches. Int. J. Eng. Technol., 5: 458-466.
  21. Akinyemi, O. and K.A. Adebiyi, 2015. Assessment of runway accident hazards in nigeria aviation sector. Int. J. Traffic Trans. Eng., 5: 82-92.
  22. Ajayeoba, A.O., K.A. Adebiyi, O.O. Akinyemi and A.L. Akintan, 2015. Evaluation of effectiveness of manufacturing safety intervention; a key to successful safety planning and management. Ind. Eng. Lett., 5: 34-39.
  23. Adekunle, A., A. Adebiyi and M.O. Durowoju, 2015. Performance evaluation of groundnut oil and melon oil as cutting fluids in machining operation. ACTA TECH., .
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  24. Adebiyi, K.A., L.O. Mudasiru and I.A. Babatunde, 2015. Effect of brine solution on grain size formations in aisi 1080 low carbon steel. IOSR J. Mech. Civil Eng., 12: 178-183.
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  25. Odesanya, O., T. Olasheu, K. Adebiyi and M. Durowoju, 2014. Determination of some physical properties of castor (Ricirus communis) oil. Int. J. Sci. Eng. Technol., 3: 1503-1508.
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  26. Adebiyi, K.A. and A.S. Onawumi, 2014. A Bi – objective modeling of manufacturing safety planning and management. Ind. Eng. Lett., 4: 27-35.
  27. Adekunle, A.S., K.A. Adebiyi and M.O. Durowoju, 2013. Impact of quench severity and hardness on aisi 4137 using eco-friendly quenchants as industrial heat treatment. J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 4: 409-417.
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  28. Adebiyi, K.A., 2013. A combinatorial approach to planning manufacturing safety programme. World Acad. Sci. Eng. Technol., 74: 285-290.
  29. Onawumi, A.S., E.B. Lucas and K.A. Adebiyi, 2012. Ergonomic assessment of driver’s seat of taxicabs used in Nigeria. Int. J. Ind. Eng. Technol., 2: 1-16.
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  30. Durowoju, M.O., K.A. Adebiyi and A.S. Adekunle, 2012. Quench severity of bioquenchants on medium carbon steel for industrial heat treatment. Ann. Faculty Eng. Hunedoara- Int. J. Eng., 11: 53-58.
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  31. Akinyemi, A., K.A. Adebiyi, R. Raheem, A. Wasiu, O. Oriyomi and O. Opetubo, 2012. Probabilistic modelling of runway accidents in Nigeria. Int. J. Sci. Technol., .
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  32. Adebiyi, K.A., O.O. Akinyemi and O.A. Egunleti, 2012. Multi-criteria performance evaluation of an airline maintenance programme – A case study. Am. Int. J. Contemp. Res., 8: 79-88.
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  33. Adebiyi, K.A., O.O. Akinyemi And A.L. Akintan, 2012. Modelling hazard control of wet process – a case study. Braz. J. Oper. Prod. Manage., 12: 338-348.
  34. Adebiyi, K.A., H.A. Ajimotokan, I.K. Adegun and I.A. Oloyede, 2012. Case study evaluation of accident risk factors for sustainable safety programme. Global Perspective Eng. Manage., 1: 1-5.
  35. Adebiyi, K.A. and A.O. Ajayeoba, 2012. Determination of effective manufacturing safety strategy using artificial neural network. Int. J. Sci. Technol., 7: 447-454.
  36. Onawumi, A.S., A.E. Oluleye and K.A. Adebiyi, 2011. An economic order quantity model with shortages, price break and inflation. Int. J. Emerging Sci., 1: 465-477.
  37. Oladeji, J.T., E.O. Sangotayo and K.A. Adebiyi, 2011. A comparative study of performance of male and female students in engineering drawing at laudech, ogbomoso. Researcher, 3: 9-12.
  38. Adebiyi, K.A. and E.O. Sangotayo, 2011. Development of mathematical models for thermal conductivities of some engineering materials. Chem.Pross.Eng. Res., .
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  39. Adebiyi, K.A. and A.O. Ajayeoba, 2011. Manufacturing accidents cost estimation model. Acad. Arena., 3: 1-3.
  40. Ajimotokan, H.A., K.R. Ajao, K.A. Adebiyi and A. Dainkeh, 2010. Engineering education and sustainable development in nieeria. Int. J. Res. Inf. Civil Eng., 6: 1-6.
  41. Adebiyi, K.A. and H.A. Ajimotokan, 2010. A mathematical model for managing the magnitude and risk factors of injuries in a manufacturing industry. Niger. J. Technol. Dev., 7: 75-82.
  42. Jekayinfa, S.O., J.O. Ojediran, K.A. Adebiyi, F.A. Ola and A.D. Adeniran, 2009. Appraisal of farm tractor accidents occurrence and prevention in nigeria. Int. J. Disaster Prev. Manage., 18: 451-460.
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  43. Adebiyi, K.A., O.E. Charles-Owaba and E.S. Eneyo, 2009. Modeling the impact of hazardous conditions in a manufacturing safety program. Pac. J. Sci. Technol., 10: 988-995.
  44. Adabiyi, K.A. and O.E. Charlas-Owaba, 2009. Towards setting a sustainable manufacturing safety program. Disaster Prev. Manage. Int. J., 18: 388-396.
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  45. Adebiyi, K.A., 2008. Estimation of air traffic accident cost in Nigeria. Pac. J. Sci. Technol., 9: 240-244.
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  46. Adebiyi K. A., S.G. Baba and E.O. Sangotayo, 2008. Performance evaluation of a 25kg capacity crucible furnance. Sci. Focus., 13: 23-28.
  47. Ajayeoba, A.O., K.A. Adebiyi and L.O. Mudashiru, 2007. Development of model for determination of crew-size requirements for a bolt and nut manufacturing industry. J. Eng. Applied Sciences, 2: 1782-1785.
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  48. Adebiyi, K.A., O.E. Charles-Owaba and M.A. Waheed, 2007. Safety performance evaluation models: a review. Disaster Prev. Manage. Int. J., 16: 178-187.
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  49. Adebiyi, K.A., A.O. Ajayeoba and L.O. Mudashiru, 2007. One route marginal cost (ormc) model for road transportation in oyo state. Lautech J. Eng. Technol., 4: 33-37.
  50. Charles-Owaba, O.E. and K.A. Adebiyi, 2006. The development safety programme simulator. J. Modell. Manage., 1: 270-290.
  51. Adebiyi, K.A., M.A. Waheed and O.E. Charles-Owaba, 2006. An empirical analysis of airways safety in Nigeria. J. Res. Engineer., 3: 18-25.
  52. Adebiyi, K.A. and O.E. Charles-Owaba, 2006. Statistical analysis and economic evaluation of road traffic accident. Global J. Mech. Eng., 7: 65-70.
  53. Jekayinfa, S.O., M.A. Waheed, K.A. Adebiyi and F.T. Adebiyi, 2005. Effect of cassava fluid on corrosion performance of mild steel. J. Anti Corrosion Meth. Mater., 52: 286-292.
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  54. Jekayinfa, S.O., K.A. Adebiyi, M.A. Waheed and O.O. Owolabi, 2005. Appraisal of farm tractor maintenance practices and costs in nigeria. Int. J. Q. Maintenance Eng., 11: 152-168.
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  55. Adebiyi, K.A., S.O. Jekayinfa and J.O. Ojediran, 2005. Development of predictive model for optimal maintenance interval of sawmill machinery in southwestern Nigeria. Sci. Focus. 10: 10-16.
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  56. Adebiyi, K.A., S.O. Jekayinfa and E.O. Charles-Owaba, 2005. Appraisal of safety practices in agro-allied industries in southwestern Nigeria. Disaster Prev. Manag. Int. J., 14: 80-88.
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  57. Ojediran, J.O., S.O. Jekayinfa, J.O. Olajide and K.A. Adebiyi, 2004. The status of agro – processing equipment fabrication industry in southwestern Nigeria. Zuma J. Pure Appl. Sci., 6: 210-218.
  58. Adebiyi, K.A., J.O. Ojediran and O.A. Oyenuga, 2004. Maintenance appraisal in food industries in Nigeria. J. Food Eng., 62: 131-133.
  59. Adebiyi, K.A., K.A. Hammed and E.O. Ajayi, 2003. Predictive model for evaluating corrosivity of mild steel in six environments. Lautech J. Eng. Technol., 1: 75-81.
  60. Adebiyi, K.A., 2002. The design, construction and performance evaluation of a 30kg capacity sand mixer for a foundry. Niger. Acad. J., 3: 132-145.
  61. Adebiyi, K.A., 2002. Road traffic accident cost estimation model. Res. Commun. Manag., 1: 30-34.
  62. Adebiyi, K.A., 2002. Health services performance evaluation model. Int. J. Gender Health Stud., 1: 175-179.
  63. Charles-Owaba, O.E. and K.A. Adebiyi, 2001. On the performance of frsc, oyo sector Command. Niger. J. Eng. Manag., 2: 50-56.