Dr. Simeon Ikechukwu Egba
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Dr. Simeon Ikechukwu Egba

Associate Professor
Department of Biochemistry, Research and Extension, Kampala International University, Uganda

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Medical Biochemistry from University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

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Simeon Ikechukwu Egba is an Associate Professor/Research Fellow at Kampala International University, Uganda. Until recently he worked as a lecturer at the Department of Biochemistry, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. He has held positions of Departmental Examination officer, Laboratory/Practicals coordinator, Seminar and Project coordinator, Student academic adviser as well as coordinator of several courses. He has been Faculty/College coordinator of Student Industrial Work Experience (SIWES) a member of the University Senate as well as member of the Senate Committee on results consideration and Senate Business Committee.

Dr. Egba has also been a visiting Senior lecturer in Biochemistry at the Spiritan University, Nneochi and Clifford University Owerrinta where he equally doubled as the acting head of Department (HOD) at a time.

For over twelve (12) years, he has taught and conducted research on medical biochemistry, natural products, immune-modulation, endocrinology and biochemical toxicology at the University level, producing over 70 publications in the process.

In addition, he has trained over 12 postgraduate students at both Master and Doctoral levels; several are already making steady progress as lecturers/researchers in their various institutions and fields of endeavour. He has equally successfully supervised more than 150 undergraduate research projects and seminar works. Several of his undergraduate students are in different universities around the world pursuing postgraduate degrees on scholarship awards.

Dr. Egba is a trained/certified medical laboratory scientist and analyst with current practising licence in Nigeria. He worked in different laboratory positions before becoming a full time academic cum lecturer, As a laboratory analyst, he established Shalom Laboratories which has been instrumental to the laboratory analysis of numerous research works.

He is an active member of Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NSBMB) and Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria (AMLSN).

Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Biochemical Toxicology
Medical Biochemistry

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Uroko, R.I., S.I. Egba, O.N. Uchenna, CA. Ojiakor, A. Agbafor and C.A. Alaribe, 2018. Therapeutic effects of methanolic extract of Funtumia Africana leaves on antioxidants and hematological indices of carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress in rats. Drug. Inven. Today., 12: 114-122.
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  2. Ugwu, C.E., S.M. Sure, C.C. Dike, N.A. Okpoga and S.I. Egba, 2018. Phytochemical and in vitro antioxidant activities of methanol leave extract of Alternanthera basiliana. J. Pharm. Res., 12: 835-839.
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  3. Nwadiogbu, O.V., N. OU, E.S. Ikechukw, R.I. Uroko2 and I. Glory, 2018. In vitro study of nutritional and antioxidant properties of methanol extract of Nauclea latifolia root bark. Biomed. Res., 29: 3766-3773.
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  4. Mba, E.N., S.I. Egba and O.D. Omodamiro, 2018. Changes in the Nutritional Quality of Dessert Banana (Musa spp) ripened with different ripenning agents. J. Sci. Sustainabl Technol., 1: 308-315.
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  5. Chigozie, O.O., N.O. Uzoma, U.R. Ikechukwu and E.S. Ikechukwu, 2018. Nutritional composition of Jatropha tanjorensis leaves and effects of its aqueous extract on carbon tetrachloride induced oxidative stress in male Wistar albino rats. Biomed. Res., 29: 3569-3576.
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  6. Victor, N.O., A. Obiora, S.I. Egba and U.R. Ikechukwu, 2017. Modulation of blood glucose concentration, lipid profile and haematological parameters in alloxan induced diabetic rats using methanol extract of nauclea latifolia root bark. Asian J. Biol. Sci., 10: 1-8.
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  7. Orji, E.A., S.I. Egba and B.O. Mgbenka, 2017. Influence of sub-chronic administration of fruit extracts of Xylopia aethiopica on haematopoietic system of male wistar albino rats. Asian J. Biol., 4: 1-8.
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  8. Nwadiogbu, O.V., U.R. Ikechukwu, E.S. Ikechukwu and A. Obiora, 2017. Hepatoprotective and healthy kidney promoting potentials of methanol extract of Nauclea latifolia in alloxan induced diabetic male Wistar Albino rats. Asian J. Biochem., 12: 71-78.
  9. Ikechukwu, U.R., E.S. Ikechukwu, A.N. Kalu, U.O. Nancy, A. Amarachi, N.O. Rita and O.C. Esther, 2017. Effects of aqueous extracts of palm fruits (Elaeis guineensis) on liver function indices of male wistar albino rats. Res. J. Med. Plant., 11: 148-159.
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  10. Ikechukwu, U.R., A. Amarachi, U.O. Nancy, A.N. Kalu, E.S. Ikechukwu, N.A.P. Chukwuemaka and N.O. Rita, 2017. Evaluation of antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts of palm fruits (Elaeis guineensis). Asian J. Biochem., 12: 49-58.
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  11. Egba, S.I., H.C. Omeoga, C.E. Oriaku, E.C. Jacob, F.C. Nnabugwu, J. C. Lazarus and E.N. Echem, 2017. Down-regulatory Influence of methanol and aqueous root extracts of sphenocentrum jollyanum on some fertility hormones and the effect on testicular size of wistar albino rats. Ann. Res. Rev. Biol., 18: 1-8.
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  12. Egba, S.C., G.C. Adimuko, G.C. Akokwu, H.C. Omeoga and P.N. Okafor, 2017. Determination of the glycemic index of varying proportions of a novel formulation of staple cassava flour-Gari. J. Sci. Agric., 1: 254-257.
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  13. Simeon, I.E., C.O. Humphrey and I. Adanna, 2016. Impact of age and socio-economic status on some biochemical changes associated with pregnancyin Ikwuano local government area, Abia state, South Eastern Nigeria. J. Dis. Global Health, 7: 137-145.
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  14. Orji, E.A., B.O. Mgbenka, S.I. Egba and C.A. Obike, 2016. Investigation of sub-acute toxicity and hypolipidaemic effect of aqueous and methanol fruit extract of Xylopia aethiopica., J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 8: 775-780.
  15. Egba, S.I., V.N. Ogugua, O.F. Azubuike-Izah, C.I. Nwankwo and U.M. Nwokejiezi, 2016. Influence of crude and degummed seed oil of citrullus lanatus on some serum minerals and oxidative stress markers in wistar albino rats. Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 24: 2708-2714.
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  16. Chigozie., U.U.J., M.M. Okechukwu., P.I. Kingsley and E.S. Ikechukwu, 2016. Potential hepatoprotective effect of different solvent fractions of Ocimum gratissimum (O.G) in a paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar albino rats. Scope Med., 5: 10-16.
  17. Egba, S.I., O.D. Omodamiro, J.C. Obike and S.E. Ali, 2015. Influence on some female fertility hormonal response in wistar albino rats: Possible contraceptive role for methanol leaf extract of Ocimum gratissimum? J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 7: 889-898.
  18. Egba, S.I., C.E. Ugwu and C. Osuocha, 2015. Effect of some dietary lipids administration on the levels of some serum minerals in wistar albino rats. Cibtech J. Zool., 4: 6-12.
  19. Christiana, N.I., C.O. Uchechukwu, S.I. Egba, N.E. Nwankwo and G.A. Emeka, 2015. The activity of synthesized n-heteroaryl substituted benzene sulphonamides on the liver and kidney marker enzymes of Plasmodium berghei infected mice. J. Pharm. Chem. Biol. Sci., 3: 6-16.
  20. Apeh, V.O., C.O. Amoke, E.G. Anaduaka, S.A.M. Ohayi, S.I. Egba, C.V. Agu and P.N. Uzoegwu, 2015. Biochemical and histopathological studies on the effect of raw and cooked Tetracarpidium conophorum on male albino rats. Br. J. Medic. Med. Res., 5: 1024-1033.
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  21. Ogugua, V.N., G.l.A. Emeka, S.I. Egba, V.O.l. Apeh and C.l.N. Mattew, 2014. Does Cissus quadrangularis linn. contain nutritive and medicinal constituents? World J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 2: 4404-4414.
  22. Egba, S.I., O.U. Njoku, P.E. Joshua and V.N. Ogugua, 2014. Modulation of cytokine expression via synergistic antioxidant effect methanol fraction and hot extract of Tectona grandis Linn. Int. J. Adv. Pharm. Res., 5: 2281-2288.
  23. Egba, S.I., O.U. Njoku, E.G. Anaduaka and C.O. Okibe, 2014. Stimulation of haemopoiesis and up-regulation of T-helper cells production in mice by different fractions of Telfairia occidentalis Hook F and Tectona grandis Linn. J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 6: 486-492.
  24. Egba, S.I., O.U. Njoku and C.D. Igwe, 2014. Immunostimulatory effect of aqueous leaf extract of Tectona grandis (Linn) on male wistar albino rat. Adv. Biol. Res., 8: 49-52.
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  25. Egba, S.I., I.D. Udom and C.O. Okonkwo, 2014. Comparative effect of oral administration of some dietary lipids on fertility hormones of female wistar albino rats. Global J. Biotechnol. Biochem., 9: 24-29.
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  26. Egba, S.I., I.C. Akachukwu and E.G. Anaduaka, 2014. Evaluation of the influence of methanol leaf extract of Occimum gratissimum on some immunologic indices in albino rats. IOSR J. Dental Med. Sci., 13: 23-28.
  27. Egba, S.I., H.C. Omeoga and O.U. Njoku, 2014. Oral administration of methanol extract of Gongronema latifolium (utazi) upregulates cytokine expression and influences the immune system in Wistar albino rats. World Appl. Sci. J., 31: 745-750.
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  28. Egba, S.I., G.I. Sunday and E.G. Anaduaka, 2014. The effect of oral administration of aqueous extract of Newbouldia laevis leaves on fertility hormones of male albino rats. IOSR J. Pharm. Biol. Sci., 9: 61-64.
  29. Egba, S.I., E.G. Anaduaka, V.N. Ogugua and A.H.I. Durunna, 2014. In-vitro evaluation of some nutritive and antioxidant constituents of oryctes rhinoceros larva. IOSR J. Environ. Sci. Toxicol. Food Technol., 8: 35-40.
  30. Egba, S.I., C.E. Ugwu and D.F. Ihediwa, 2014. Changes in cytokine expression in rats administered extracts of Termitomyces robustus and Ocimum gratissimum. Int. J. Life Sci. Bt Pharm. Res., 3: 182-193.
  31. Anaduaka, E.G., S.I. Egba, J.U. Ugwu, V.O. Apeh and O.P.C. Ugwu, 2014. Effects of dietary tyrosine on serum cholesterol fractions in rats. Afr. J. Biochem. Res., 8: 95-100.
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  32. Anaduaka, E.G., E.N. Uhuo, V.N. Ogugua and S.I. Egba, 2014. Effect of methanol leaf and fruit extracts of kigelia Africana on some biochemical parameters of normal albino rats. World Applied Sci. J., 31: 1689-1694.
  33. Ogugua, V.N., S.I. Egba, E.G. Anaduaka and B.O. Ozioko, 2013. Phytochemical analysis, anti-hyperglycaemic and anti-oxidant effect of the aqueous extracts of Chromolaena odorata on alloxan induced diabetic Rats. Pharmanest, 4: 970-977.
  34. Ogugua, V.N., S.I. Egba and J.E. Adoga, 2013. In vivo antioxidant and anti-hyperglycaemic properties of aqueous extract of a herbal cocktail. World J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 2: 890-895.
  35. Ogugua, V.N., S.I. Egba and G.I. Omaliko, 2013. Lipid peroxidation, antioxidant and haematological changes in alloxan induced diabetic rats exposed to Generator exhaust fumes. World J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 2: 846-851.
  36. Ogugua, V.N., E.G. Anaduaka, C. Charlse, S.I. Egba and P.C. Ugwu Okechukwu, 2013. Effects of storage on auto-oxidation levels of selected alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages in Nsukka town, Enugu State of Nigeria. World J. Pharm. Res., 2: 758-764.
  37. Egba, S.I., G.C. Ikechukwu and O.U. Njoku, 2013. Aqueous extracts of Telfairia occidentalis leaf reverses pyrogallol induced leucopenia and stimulates the immune system in wistar albino rats. J Chem. Pharm. Res., 5: 149-153.
  38. Egba, S.I., E.I. Ike, O.P.C. Ugwu and M.C. Odoh, 2013. Immunomodulatory activity of ethanol extract of Telfairia occidentalis in Wistar albino rats. Int. J. Sci. Technol., 12: 791-800.
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  39. Anaduaka, E.G., V.N. Ogugua, S.I. Egba and V.O. Apeh, 2013. Investigation of some important phytochemical, nutritional properties and toxicological potentials of ethanol extracts of Newbouldia laevis leaf and stem. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 12: 5846-5854.
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  40. Anaduaka, E.G., V.N. Ogugua, S. Egba and V.O. Apeh, 2013. Comparative anti-diabetic effects of ethanol extracts of Newbouldia laevis leaves and stem on serum lipid profile and lipid peroxidation status in alloxan induced diabetic rats. World J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 2: 833-845.
  41. Anaduaka, E.G., P. Okenwa, V.N. Ogugua, S. Egba and O.P.C. Ugwu, 2013. Combined aqueous leaf extract of Vernonia amygdalina and Magnifera indica modulates hematological and biochemical parameters in diabetic rats. World J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 2: 743-757.
  42. Simeone, E.I., E.N. Tufon, O.N. Victor and N.N. Noel, 2012. Antisickling potential of the ethanol seed extracts of Vigna unguiculata and Vigna subterranean. Int. J. Biochem. Biotechnol., 9: 226-229.
  43. Egba, I.S., N.T. Emmanuel, N.U. Obioma, O.E. Fidelia and N.N. Noel, 2012. Hormonal changes associated with insecticide exposure in wistar albino rats. Res. J. Pharmacol. Pharmacodynamics, 5: 37-42.
  44. Tufon, E.N., B.Y. Novert, S. Egba and N.N. Ndohnui, 2011. Prevalence, associated risk factors and methods of diagnosing cervical cancer in two hospitals in Yaounde, Cameroon. Int. J. Adv. Res. Pharm. Bio. Sci., 3: 55-59.
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  45. Egba, S.I., P.N. Uzoegwu, T.N. Emmanuel and J.P. Elijah, 2011. Amino acid content and proximate analysis of the ethanol seed extract of Vigna unguiculata used in the management of sickle cell disease. J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 3: 538-541.