Dr. Precious Adejoh Idakwoji
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Dr. Precious Adejoh Idakwoji

Department of Biochemistry, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Pharmacological Biochemistry from University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

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Precious Adejoh Idakwoji currently works as a Lecturer at the Department of Biochemistry, Kogi State University, Anyigba. He is innovative, resourceful & passionate about teaching/research. Precious does research in areas of Biochemical Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Biochemical Toxicology, Pharmacotoxicology & Heavy Metal Toxicology. His other research interests include Herbal Medicine & Herbal Toxicology.

Area of Interest:

Pharmacology and Toxicology
Herbal Medicine
Heavy Metals
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Biochemical Pharmacology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Osafanme, I.L., S.V. Duniya, N.A.P. Chukwuemeka, O. Mercy and I.P. Adejoh, 2019. Haematinic effect of aqueous extract of Lophira lanceolata leaves in phenylhydrazine-induced anaemia in wistar rats. Asian J. Res. Biochem., 4: 1-6.
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  2. Ojochegbe, A.B., I.P. Adejoh, M.T. Boniface, S.V. Duniya and I.Y.A.J.I. Anna, 2019. Activity of methanol extract of Leptadenia hastata Leaves in alcohol-induced liver injury. Int. J. Adv. Multi. Res., 6: 11-18.
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  3. Mark-Maria, A.U., O.E. Ngozi, M.T. Boniface, I.P. Adejoh and N.A.P. Chukwuemeka, 2019. Effects of ‘ZPC’polyherbal formulation on diabetic-dyslipidemic wistar rats. Asian J. Res. Biochem., 4: 1-9.
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  4. Mark-Maria, A.U., I. P. Adejoh, N.A.P. Chukwuemeka and M.O.H. Theophilus, 2019. Effect of aqueous leaf extract of Ziziphus mucronata on sperm count and motility in wistar rats. Int. J. Curr. Res. Chem. Pharm. Sci., 6: 14-18.
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  5. Idakwoji, P.A., U.M.M. Agatemor, B.O. Akuba, J.M. Oniemola and T.B. Momoh, 2019. Effect of aqueous leaf extract of Anogeissus leiocarpus against experimental models of pain and pyrexia. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci., 6: 181-188.
  6. Chukwuemeka, P.A.N., I.P. Adejoh, I.L. Osafanme, S.V. Duniya and M.T. Boniface, 2019. Laxative effects of aqueous extract of Sida acuta leaves in loperamide- induced constipation in wistar rats. Asian J. Res. Med. Pharm. Res., 6: 1-7.
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  7. Chukwuemeka, N.A.P., A.E.A. Aniemeka, I.P. Adejoh, A.U. Mark-Maria and U.R. Ikechukwu, 2019. Synergistic pharmacological effect of leaf extracts of ficus exasperata and telfeira occidentalis on chloramphenicol-induced anaemia in wistar rats. Int. Blood Res. Reviews, 9: 1-7.
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  8. Agatemor U.M.M., P.C. Nweje- Anyalowu, P.A. Idakwoji, V.D. Sheneni, T.B. Momoh and B.O. Akuba, 2019. Co-administration of extracts of lophira lanceolata and cyperus esculentus improves libido and fertility in alloxan-induced diabetic wistar rats. Int. J. Curr. Res. Biol. Med., 4: 14-23.
  9. Sheneni, V.D., I.E. Shaibu, J.M. Okpe and A.A. Omada, 2018. In-vivo biological effect of Carica papaya leaf extracts on P-407 induced hyperlipidemic wistar rats. MOJ Food Process Technol., 6: 409-412.
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  10. Osafanme, I.L., I.P. Adejoh, A.U. Mark-Maria and V.D. Sheneni, 2018. Comparative effects of different co-administration involving aqueous leaf-extract of ficus exasperata, chlorpropamide and metformin on immunological and haematological parameters of diabetic wistar rats. Int. J. Curr. Res. Biol. Med., 3: 31-42.
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  11. Nweje-Anyalowu, P.C., P.A. Idakwoji, S.C. Okafor, J.N. Ajima and A.N. Dara, 2018. Synergistic protective effects of aqueous extract of Sesamum radiatum leaves and ascorbic acid against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci., 5: 106-117.
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  12. Nweje- Anyalowu, P.C., P.A. Idakwoji, L.O. Iserhienrhien and J.C. Anosike, 2018. Ameliorative effect of methanol extract of Hymenocardia acida leaves on gentamicin-induced renal toxicity in rats. Asian J. Res. Biochem., 3: 1-9.
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  13. Iserhienrhien L.O, U.M.M. Agatemor, P.A. Idakwoji, P.C. Nweje-Anyalowu and E.O. Onugwu, 2018. Anti-ulcerogenic activity of a polyherbal formulation (EXR-HF) on experimental ulcer models. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol., 5: 147-156.
  14. Idakwoji, P.A., V.D. Sheneni, P.C. Nweje-Anyalowu, C.E. Odo and V.E. Ihuomah, 2018. Assessment of heavy metal levels of green leafy vegetables sourced from different markets in Lokoja, Kogi state, Nigeria. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci., 5: 5-15.
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  15. Duniya, S.V., I.P. Adejoh, O.J. Mathias and S.I. Eleojo, 2018. Anti-hyperlipidemic effect of Vitex doniana ethanol extract in poloxamer-Induced hyperlipidemia. Int. J. Med. Plant Nat. Prod., 4: 35-42.
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  16. Chukwuemeka, N.A.P., A.U. Mark-Maria, I.P. Adejoh and I.L. Osafanme, 2018. Protective effects of methanolic extract of Cassia sieberena leaves against high-fat diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats. World J. Pharm. Life Sci., 4: 41-47.
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  17. Agatemor U.M.M, O.F.C. Nwodo, P.A. Idakwoji and A.C. Anosike, 2018. Protective effect of Cucumis sativus on carbon tetrachloride CCl4-induced liver damage in rats. Asian J. Biochem., 13: 22-29.
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  18. Adejoh, I.P., A.J. Nnedimkpa, A.J. Chizoba, A.E. Benjamin and N.A.P. Chukwuemeka, 2018. Effects of aqueous stem bark extract of Citrus aurantifolia on the gastrointestinal tract of Wistar rats. Asian J. Res. Med. Pharmaceut. Sci., 5: 1-7.
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  19. Adejoh, I.P. and U.M.M. Agatemor, 2018. Evaluation of toxicological profile of Koju®-A Nigerian polyherbal formulation, in wistar rats. World J. Pharm. Res., 7: 124-144.
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  20. Adejoh, I.P. and U.M.M. Agatemor, 2018. Evaluation of pharmacological profile of Koju®-A Nigerian polyherbal formulation, in wistar rats. World J. Pharm. Res., 7: 158-176.
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  21. Adejoh, I.P. and U.M.M. Agatemor, 2018. Anti-radical and inhibitory effect of some common Nigerian medicinal plants on alpha glucosidase, aldose reductase and angiotensin converting enzyme: Potential protective mechanisms against diabetic complications. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci., 5: 188-201.
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  22. Adejoh, I.P., U.M.M. Agatemor, N. Anyalowu, P. Chukwuemeka, A.E.A. Aniemeka and O. Stephen, 2017. Aphrodisiac and fertility enhancing actions of ‘kunu aya’(A beverage blend developed from cyperus esculentus, phoenix dactylifera and cocos nucifera) via testosterone-boosting, anxiolysis and inhibition of key enzymes associated with erectile process. World J. Pharm. Res., 7: 139-164.
  23. Adejoh, I.P., O.S. Chiadikaobi, A.O. Barnabas, A.O. Ifeoluwa and H.S. Muhammed, 2016. In vivo and in vitro comparative evaluation of the anti-diabetic potentials of the parts of Moringa oleifera tree. Eur. J. Biotechnol. Biosci., 4: 14-22.
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  24. Adejoh, I.P., A.O. Barnabas and S.C. Okafor, 2016. Comparative anti-radical activity of five indigenous herbal plants and their polyherbal extract. Int. J. Biochem. Res. Rev., 11: 1-10.
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  25. Adejoh, I.P., 2016. Assessment of heavy metal contamination of soil and cassava plants within the vicinity of a cement factory in North Central, Nigeria. Adv. Applied Sci. Res., 7: 20-27.
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  26. Idakwoji, P.A., O.A. Salawu, B.B. Maiha, I. Obidike and A.Y. Tijani, 2015. Co-administeration of ethanolic leaf extract of Moringa oleifera and metformin improves glucose, lipid and protein profiles of diabetic wistar rats. Biokemistri, 27: 129-138.
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  27. Adejoh, I.P., O.A. Salawu, B.B. Maiha, O. Ifeoma and A.Y. Tijani, 2015. Assessment of biochemical and histopathological changes in diabetic wistar rats co-administered ethanolic leaf extract of Moringa oleifera and metformin. Int. J. Biol. Pharm. Res., 6: 1008-1019.
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  28. Adejoh, I.P., A.O. Barnabas and E.O. Sarah, 2015. Co-administration of ethanolic leaf extract of Moringa oleifera and metformin reverses polyphagia, polydipsia and stabilizes body weight in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Global J. Res. Med. Plants Indigen. Med., 4: 193-202.
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