Dr. Anthony Jide Afolayan
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Dr. Anthony Jide Afolayan

University of Fort Hare, South Africa

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Botany from University of Pretoria, South Africa

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Ecology
Plant Physiology
Essential Oil

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Wintola, O.A. and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Twenty eight days oral administration assessment of hydnora Africana thumb. aqueous root extract on key metabolic markers of wistar rats. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Res., 9: 1713-1722.
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  2. Wintola, O.A. and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Toxicological evaluation of aqueous extract of Lauridia tetragona (LF) RH. archer leaf in wistar rats. Int. J. Pharmacol., 14: 239-247.
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  3. Wintola, O.A. and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Toxicity assessment of aqueous extract of Curtisia dentate (Burm. f) CA Sm: Stem bark in male Wistar rats. Trop. J. Pharm. Res., 17: 91-96.
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  4. Unuofin, J.O., G.A. Otunolaa and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Acute and subacute toxicity of aqueous extract of the tuber of Kedrostis africana (L.) Cogn in Wistar rats. J. Complement. Med. Integr., 10.1515/jcim-2017-0139.
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  5. Unuofin, J.O., G.A. Otunola and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Polyphenolic content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Vernonia mespilifolia Less. Used in folk medicine in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa. J. Evidence-Based Integr. Med., Vol. 23. 10.1177/2515690X18773990 .
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  6. Unuofin, J.O., G.A. Otunola and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Evaluation of acute and subacute toxicity of whole-plant aqueous extract of Vernonia mespilifolia Less. in wistar rats. J. Integr. Med., 16: 335-341.
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  7. Unuofin, J.O., G.A. Otunola and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. In vitro α-amylase, α-glucosidase, lipase inhibitory and cytotoxic activities of tuber extracts of Kedrostis Africana (L.) Cogn. Heliyon Vol.4. 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00810.
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  8. Otunola, G.A. and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Evaluation of the physicochemical, proximate and sensory properties of moinmoin from blends of cowpea and water yam flour. Food Sci. Nutr., 6: 991-997.
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  9. Otunola, G.A. and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. In vitro antibacterial, antioxidant and toxicity profile of silver nanoparticles green-synthesized and characterized from aqueous extract of a spice blend formulation. Biotechnol. Biotechnol. Equip., 32: 724-733.
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  10. Otang, W.M. and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Opuntia aurantiaca. In: Innovations in Plant Science for better health: From Soil to Fork. Bioactive Compounds of Medicinal Plants. Properties and Potential for Human Health, Goyal, M.R. and A.O. Oyeleso (Eds.)., Apple Academic Press, New York, USA., pp: 149-161.
  11. Olatunji, T.L. and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. The suitability of chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) for alleviating human micronutrient dietary deficiencies: A review. Food Sci. Nutr., 6: 2239-2251.
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  12. Olajuyigbe, O.O., T.E. Onibudo, R.M. Coopoosamy, A.O.T. Ashafa and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Bioactive compounds and in vitro antimicrobial activities of ethanol stem bark extract of Trilepisium madagascariense DC. Int. J. Pharmacol., 14: 901-912.
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  13. Olajuyigbe, O.O., M.O. Adeoye-Isijola, T.C. Iyashere, O. Adedayo, A.J. Afolayan and R.M. Coopoosamy, 2018. Milk decontamination and an effective milk pasteurizing method for household dairies. J. Pure Applied Microbiol., 12: 555-566.
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  14. Ohikhena, F.U., O.A. Wintola and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Quantitative phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activities of the Mistletoe, Phragmanthera capitata (Sprengel) balle extracted with different solvents. Pharmacogn. Res., 10: 16-23.
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  15. Ohikhena, F.U., O.A. Wintola and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Investigating the antidiabetic potential of Phragmanthera capitata, a mistletoe harvested from rubber tree. J. Herbs Spices Med. Plants, 24: 151-159.
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  16. Ogundola, A.F., C. Bvenura and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Nutrient and antinutrient compositions and heavy metal uptake and accumulation in S. nigrum cultivated on different soil types. Scient. World J., Vol. 2018. 10.1155/2018/5703929.
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  17. Jimoh, M.O., A.J. Afolayan and F.B. Lewu, 2018. Suitability of Amaranthus species for alleviating human dietary deficiencies. South Afr. J. Bot., 115: 65-73.
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  18. Idamokoro, E.M., V. Muchenje, A.J. Afolayan and P.J. Masika, 2018. Variations in some haemato-biochemical markers from a small flock of free ranging Nguni, Boer and Non-descript goats during late gestation and early lactation periods. Indian J. Anim. Sci. Res., 10.18805/ijar.B-865.
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  19. Famewo, E.B., A.M. Clarke and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Evaluation of important mineral nutrients and vitamins in poly herbal medicines used forthe treatment of tuberculosis in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa. Int. J. Phytomed., 10: 16-22.
  20. Famewo, E.B. and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Molecular identification of fungal populations in polyherbal medicines used for the treatment of tuberculosis. J. Pure Applied Microbiol., 12: 1267-1275.
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  21. Falowo, A.B., F.E. Mukumbo, E.M. Idamokoro, J.M. Lorenzo, A. Afolayan and V. Muchenje, 2018. Multi-functional application of Moringa oleifera Lam. in nutrition and animal food products: A review. Food Res. Int., 160: 317-334.
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  22. Adeogun, O.O., A. Maroyi and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Variation in the chemical composition of essential oils from Artemisia afra (Jacq) ex-Wild leaf obtained by different methods and the effect of oil extracts on Artemia salina L. Trop. J. Pharm. Res., 17: 519-528.
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  23. Adeogun, O.O., A. Maroyi and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Comparative evaluation of essential oils from Lippia javanica L leaf obtained by two methods and their effect on Artemia salina L. Trop. J. Pharm. Res., 17: 105-115.
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  24. Adegbaju, O.D., G.A. Otunola and A.J. Afolayan, 2018. Effect of temperature, light and sowing depth on seed germination of Celosia argentea L. Asian J. Plant Sci., 17: 47-55.
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  25. Wintola, O.A., W.M. Otang and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. The prevalence and perceived efficacy of medicinal plants used for stomach ailments in the Amathole district municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa. S. Afr. J. Bot., 108: 144-148.
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  26. Wintola, O.A. and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Aspects of medicinal activities of the stem bark extracts of Curtisia dentate (Burm. F.). Int. J. Pharmacol., 13: 237-246.
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  27. Wintola, O. and A. Afolayan, 2017. Chemical constituents and biological activities of essential oils of Hydnora Africana thumb used to treat associated infections and diseases in South Africa. Applied Sci., Vol. 7. 10.3390/app7050443.
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  28. Unuofin, J.O., G.A. Otunola and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Toxicity evaluation of Vernonia mespilifolia Less (A South Africa medicinal plant) using brine shrimp. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 12: 103-110.
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  29. Unuofin, J.O., G.A. Otunola and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Toxicity assessment of Kedrostis africana Cogn: A medicinal plant used in the management of obesity in South Africa using brine shrimp (Artemia salina Linn.) assay. Int. J. Pharmaceut. Sci. Res., 8: 3719-3725.
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  30. Unuofin, J.O., G.A. Otunola and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Phytochemical screening and in vitro evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Kedrostis africana (L.) Cogn. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Biomed., 7: 901-908.
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  31. Unuofin, J.O., G.A. Otunola and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Nutritional evaluation of Kedrostis africana (L.) Cogn: An edible wild plant of South Africa. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Biomed., 7: 443-449.
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  32. Unuofin, J.O., G.A. Otunola and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Essential oil composition, nutrient and anti-nutrient analysis of Vernonia mespilifolia Less. Res. J. Bot., 12: 38-45.
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  33. Sharaibi, O.J. and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Micromorphological characterization of the leaf and rhizome of Agapanthus praecox subsp. praecox Willd. (Amaryllidaceae). J. Bot. 10.1155/2017/3075638.
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  34. Otunola, G.A., A.J. Afolayan, E.O. Ajayi and S.W. Odeyemi, 2017. Characterization, antibacterial and antioxidant properties of silver nanoparticles synthesized from aqueous extracts of Allium sativum, Zingiber officinale and Capsicum frutensces. Pharmacogn. Mag., 13: S201-S208.
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  35. Otunola, G.A. and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Assessment of the oral safety profile of the aqueous extract from a blend of three medicinal spices in Wistar rats. Trop. J. Pharm. Res., 16: 91-99.
  36. Otang-Mbeng, W., G.A. Otunola and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Lifestyle factors and co-morbidities associated with obesity and overweight in nkonkobe municipality of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. J. Health, Popul. Nutr., Vol. 36. 10.1186/s41043-017-0098-9.
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  37. Otang-Mbeng, W. and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Antimicrobial and antioxidant efficacy of Acokanthera oblongifolia Hochst (Apocynaceae). Int. J. Pharmacol., 13: 1086-1091.
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  38. Ohikhena, F.U., O.A. Wintola and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Micromorphological studies of the Loranthaceae, Phragmanthera capitata (Sprengel) Balle. J. Bot., 2017: 1-9.
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  39. Ohikhena, F.U., O.A. Wintola and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Evaluation of the anti-bacteria and anti-fungal properties of the Loranthaceae, Phragmanthera capitata (Sprengel) Balle, a mistletoe growing on rubber tree, using the dilution techniques. Sci. World J., Vol. 2017. 10.1155/2017/9658598.
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  40. Ogundola, A.F., C. Bvenura and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Morphological assessment of the roots, stems and leaves of Solanum nigrum L. cultivated on different soil types. Applied Ecol. Environ. Res., 15: 787-798.
  41. Odeyemi, S., A.J. Afolayan and G. Bradley, 2017. Phytochemical analysis and anti-oxidant activities of Albuca bracteata Jacq. and Albuca setosa Jacq bulb extracts used for the management of diabetes in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Biomed., 7: 577-584.
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  42. Kayode, R.M.O. and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Performance, haematological and serum biochemical profile of cockerels fed diets supplemented with fermented Moringa oleifera seeds. Anim. Nutr. Feed Technol., 17: 117-126.
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  43. Idris, O.A., O.A. Wintola and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Phytochemical and antioxidant activities of Rumex crispus L. in treatment of gastrointestinal helminths in Eastern Cape province, South Africa. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Biomed., 7: 1071-1078.
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  44. Famewo, E.B., A.M. Clarke, I. Wiid, A. Ngwane, P. van Helden and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Anti-mycobacterium tuberculosis Activity of polyherbal medicines used for the treatment of tuberculosis in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Afr. Health Sci., 17: 780-789.
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  45. Famewo, E.B., A.M. Clarke and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. The effect of polyherbal medicines used for the treatment of tuberculosis on other opportunistic organisms of humans infected with tuberculosis. Pharmacogn. Mag., 13: S539-S543.
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  46. Famewo, E.B., A.M. Clarke and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Ethno-medicinal documentation of polyherbal medicines used for the treatment of tuberculosis in Amathole district municipality of the Eastern Cape province, South Africa. Pharm. Biol., 55: 696-700.
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  47. Akomolafe, S.F., G. Oboh, A.A. Akindahunsi and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Ethanol-induced male infertility: Effects of aqueous leaf extract of Tetracarpidium conophorum. Andrologia, 10.1111/and.12759.
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  48. Ajayi, E.O., S.W. Odeyemi, G.A. Otunola and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Characterization and biological activities of silver nanoparticles synthesized from stems of sarcocephalus latifolius (SM) ea bruce and Massularia acuminata (G. Don) bullock ex hoyl.(Rubiaceae). Asian J. Chem., 29: 1240-1248.
  49. Ajayi, E. and A. Afolayan, 2017. Green synthesis, characterization and biological activities of silver nanoparticles from alkalinized Cymbopogon citrates Stap f. Adv. Natural Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol., Vol. 8. .
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  50. Adeogun, O.O., A. Maroyi and A.J. Afolayan, 2017. Effects of leaf extracts of Ocimum gratissimum L. on quality of fresh cut Cucumis sativus L. Asian J. Plant Pathol., 11: 174-184.
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  51. Ohikhena, F., O.A. Wintola and A.J. Afolayan, 2016. Proximate composition and mineral analysis of Phragmanthera capitata (Spreng.) Balle, a mistletoe growing on rubber tree. Res. J. Bot., 12: 23-31.