Dr. Aniefiok Effiong Uko
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Dr. Aniefiok Effiong Uko

Senior Lecturer
University of Calabar, Nigeria

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Crop Production from University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Analysis
Crop Biofortification
Crop Ecology
Crop Production

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Akata, O.R., E.A. Akpan, A.E. Uko and A.O. Ikeh, 2017. Effect of tillage practices on growth and yield productivity of fluted pumpkin on an ultisol. Res. J. Agric. Environ. Manage., 6: 74-79.
  2. Binang, W.B., J.O. Shiyam, A.E. Uko, J.D. Ntia, D.A. Okpara, T.O. Ojikpong, O.E. Ntun and I. Ekeleme, 2016. Gender and spatial deployment effects on the potential use of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook F.) as a smoother crop in Calabar, South Eastern Nigeria. J. Applied Life Sci. Int., 8: 1-10.
  3. Akata, O.R., A.E. Uko, F.A. Nwagwu, N.U. Ndaeyo, A.O. Ikeh and D.M. Essang, 2016. Weed dynamics, growth and yield of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) as influenced by Organic sources and rates in an Ultisol. J. Basic Applied Res. Int., 18: 68-76.
  4. Uko, A.E., I.A. Udo and J.O. Shiyam, 2013. Effects of poultry manure and plant spacing on the growth and yield of waterleaf (Talinum fructicosum (L.) Juss). J. Agron., 12: 146-152.
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  5. Binang, W.B., J.O. Shiyam, M.A. Ittah and A.E. Uko, 2013. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity response to depth of tillage and soil amendment in iron-rich soils of Calabar, Nigeria. Agric. Sci. Res. J., 3: 194-198.
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  6. Iwo, G.A., D.F. Uwah and A.E. Uko, 2011. Variation in agronomic performance and proximate composition of some ginger genotypes in the humid agro-ecology of Nigeria. J. Agric. Biotechnol. Ecol., 4: 13-18.
  7. Uko, A.E., I.A. Udo and B.F.D. Oko, 2010. Effect of inflorescence management, harvest frequency and cutting height on growth and yield of waterleaf (Talinum fructucosum (L.) Juss. Niger. J. Hortic. Sci., 15: 37-50.
  8. Uko, A.E., I.A. Udo and J.O. Shiyam, 2009. Optimizing poultry manure rates for two okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) varieties in a warm wet climate. J. Agric. Biotechnol. Ecol., 2: 273-285.
  9. Shiyam, J.O., I. Ojiating, W.B. Binang, A.E. Uko and M.O. Eyong, 2008. Impact of mulch production systems on soil chemical changes and agronomic performance of Plantain (Musa AAB) in a rainforest zone. UNISWA Res. J. Agric. Sci. Technol., 11: 51-56.
  10. Umoetok, S.B.A., A.E. Uko, B.E. Archibong, D.A. Ukeh and I.A. Udo, 2007. Effect of application of inorganic fertilizer and poultry manure on insect pests and yield of soybean (Glycine max L.) in the rain forest zone of Nigeria. J. Food Agric. Environ., 5: 149-152.
  11. Shiyam, J.O., M.O. Eyong, A.E. Uko, W.B. Binang and I. Ojating, 2007. Relative soil fertility improvement efficiency of selected woody species grown on an ultisol in Calabar-Nigeria. UNISWA Res. J. Agric. Sci. Technol., 9: 53-56.
  12. Shiyam, J.O., J.C. Obiefuna, M.C. Ofoh, B.F.D. Oko and A.E. Uko, 2007. Growth and corm yield response of upland cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L.) to saw dust mulch and NPK 20:10:10 fertilizer rates in the humid forest zone of Nigeria. Continental J. Agron., 1: 5-10.
  13. Shiyam, J.O., B.F.D. Oko, A.E. Uko, H.D. Uket and N.E. Ekanem, 2007. Agronomic evaluation of some elite cassava genotype in the rain forest agro-ecology of Southern Nigeria. Continental J. Agron., 1: 1-4.
  14. Shiyam, J.O., B.F.D. Oko, I. Ojating and A.E. Uko, 2006. Germination, growth and pruning yield of some hedgerow species and their effects on weed growth and performance of cooking banana (Musa spp.). UNISWA Res. J. Agric. Sci. Technol., 9: 53-56.
  15. Afangideh, U., E.A. Uyoh, M. Ittah and A.E. Uko, 2005. Morphological characterization of some cultivars of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). J. Sustain. Trop. Agric. Res., 14: 13-18.
  16. Ikang, S.O., D.A. Ukeh and A.E. Uko, 2004. Evaluation of storage methods on the yield performance of soybean (Glycine max (L) Merill in Calabar humid environment. J. Applied Sci., 8: 4687-4693.
  17. Umoetok, S.B.A., A.E. Uko and U. Afangideh, 2002. Evaluation of the performance of some cowpea cultivars (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp in Calabar, Nigeria. Niger. Southeast J. Agric. Econ. Extens., 4: 73-80.
  18. Uko, A.E., B.F.D. Oko and B.A. Ndon, 2002. Yield response of soybeans to levels of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer in the humid tropics. Global J. Agric. Sci., 1: 101-110.
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  19. Oko, B.F.D. and A.E. Uko, 1999. Dry matter accumulation as a yield indicator for soyabeans (Glycine max L) in the humid tropical rain forest zone. J. Applied Chem. Agric. Res., 2: 62-67.
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