Dr. Michael Ayodele Odeniyi
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Dr. Michael Ayodele Odeniyi

Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics from University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

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Dr. Michael Ayodele Odeniyi is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. He completed his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. He is a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria and a registered Pharmacist. He is also a member of scientific societies such as National Association of Pharmacists in Academia, Materials Society of Nigeria and International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering. Dr Odeniyi was a Visiting Scholar at the Gifu Pharmaceutical University, Japan and TWAS Postdoctoral Fellow at the Universiti Sains Malasia. Dr Odeniyi is the Managing Editor of the Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and also serves as reviewer for a number of journals. He has supervised 20 B.Pharm, and several M.Sc, PGD and PhD students in Pharmaceutics, Drug Development and Biomedical Engineering disciplines. Dr Odeniyi’s main area of research interest focuses on Drug and Vaccine delivery using bioadhesive polymers from natural sources. He also researches into formulation development of nanoparticles from starches and biosynthesized metallic particles. He has published chapters in books, conference proceedings and more than 80 research articles in journals as author/co-author. He has attended a number of scientific conferences and workshops with presentations.

Area of Interest:

Drug Delivery
Nanodrug delivery

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Alaiya, M.A. anf M.A. Odeniyi, 2023. Utilisation of Mangifera indica plant extracts and parts in antimicrobial formulations and as a pharmaceutical excipient: A review. Future J. Pharm. Sci., Vol. 9. 10.1186/s43094-023-00479-z.
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  2. Charles-Okhe, O., M.A. Odeniyi, T.O. Fakeye, O.O. Ogbole, T.E. Akinleye and A.J. Adeniji, 2022. Cytotoxic activity of crude extracts and fractions of African peach (nauclea latifolia smith) stem bark on two cancer cell lines. Phytomed. Plus, Vol. 2. 10.1016/j.phyplu.2021.100212.
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  3. Ola, O., T.A. Jarikre, G. Adeniran, M. Odeniyi and B. Emikpe, 2021. Evaluation of oral phytogenic microbeaded newcastle disease vaccine delivery in indigenous chicken. J. Immunoassay Immunochem., 10.1080/15321819.2020.1868001.
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  4. Odeniyi, M.A., O.A. Bamiro and R.T. Addo, 2021. Native and modified oryza glaberrima steud starch nanocrystals: solid-state characterization and anti-tumour drug release studies. Br. J. Pharm., Vol. 6. 10.5920/bjpharm.790.
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  5. Emikpe, B.O. and M.A. Odeniyi, 2021. Immunogenicity and vaccines of polysaccharides. Polysacchari Microb. Origin, : 1-11.
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  6. Balogun-Agbaje, O.A., O.A. Odeniyi and M.A. Odeniyi, 2021. Drug delivery applications of poly-γ-glutamic acid. Future J. Pharm. Sci., Vol. 7. 10.1186/s43094-021-00280-w.
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  7. Okunlola A., M.A. Odeniyi and M.I. Arhewoh, 2020. Microsphere formulations of ambroxol hydrochloride: influence of okra (abelmoschus esculentus) mucilage as a sustained release polymer. Progress in Biomaterials 10.1007/s40204-020-00132-5 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40204-020-00132-5.
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  8. Okareh, O., M. Alaiya and M. Odeniyi, 2020. Formulation of antiseptic ointments from Mangifera indica kernel, leaf and Psidium guajava leaf extracts. Trop. J. Nat. Prod. Res., 3: 307-313.
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  9. Odeniyi, M., E. Olusomoka, O. Odeniyi and B. Adebayo-Tayo, 2020. Design and evaluation of antimicrobial properties of ackee seed extract-silver nanoparticles film formulations. Polym. Med., 50: 65-73.
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  10. Mumin, F.I., B.O. Emikpe and M.A. Odeniyi, 2020. Evaluation of mucoadhesive property and the effect of Boswellia carteri gum on intranasal vaccination against small ruminant morbillivirus infection (PPR). J. Immunoassay Immunochem., 41: 311-321.
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  11. G.A. Adeniran, T.A. Jarikre, O.O. Ola, O. Adigun, M.A. Odeniyi and B.O. Emikpe, 2020. Clinical and pathological responses of broilers to ocular vaccination using plant gum delivery and challenge with infectious bursal disease virus. Comp. Clin. Pathol., 29: 721-727.
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  12. Ezeasor, C.K., B.O. Emikpe, M.O. Odeniyi and S.V. Shoyinka, 2020. Evaluation of the mucoadhesive strengths of Abelmoschus esculentus and Irvingia gabonensis gums for possible application in veterinary vaccine delivery: the effect of extraction methods. J. Immunoassay Immunochem., 41: 60-70.
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  13. Adeola, A., K. Asare-Addo, M.A. Odeniyi, O.A. Omoteso and W. Kaialy, 2020. Effect of pregelatinization and carboxymethylation on starches from African rice and Fonio: Influence on release of low melting-point drug Starch modifications for drug release. British J. Pharm., 10.5920/bjpharm.645.
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  14. Odeniyi, M.A., V.C. Okumah, B.C. Adebayo-Tayo and O.A. Odeniyi, 2019. Green synthesis and cream formulations of silver nanoparticles of Nauclea latifolia (African peach) fruit extracts and evaluation of antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Sustainable Chem. Pharm., 10.1016/J.SCP.2019.100197.
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  15. Odeniyi, M.A., A.O. Adepoju and K.T. Jaiyeoba, 2019. Native and modified Digitaria exilis starch nanoparticles as a carrier system for the controlled release of naproxen. Starch, Vol. 71. 10.1002/star.201900067.
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  16. Odeniyi M., O. Omoteso, A. Adepoju and K. Jaiyeoba, 2019. Starch nanoparticles in drug delivery: a review. Polymers in Medicine 48: 41-45.
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  17. Ajayi, T.O., R. Srivedavyasasri, E.E. Nyong, M.A. Odeniyi, J.O. Moody and S.A. Ross, 2019. Two new phytoecdysteroids from Sphenocentrum jollyanum pierre root. Steroids, Vol. 150. 10.1016/j.steroids.2019.108456.
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  18. Adeleye, O.A., M.N. Femi-Oyewo, M.A. Odeniyi and T.O. Ajala, 2019. Evaluation of Cissus populnea gum as a directly compressible matrix system for tramadol hydrochloride extended-release tablet. J. Appl. Pharm. Sci., 9: 105-111.
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  19. Omoteso O.A., A.O. Adebisi and M.A. Odeniyi, 2018. Impact of thermal and chemical modifications on the compression and release properties of bambara nut starches in directly compressed tablet formulations. Starch - Stärke 70: 1700308-1700308.
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  20. Ayorinde, J.O., D.E. Effiong and M.A. Odeniyi, 2018. Design and evaluation of oral dissolving films of chlorpheramine from native and modified Enterolobium cyclocarpum gum. Afr. J. Biomed. Res., 21: 175-182.
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  21. Ayorinde, J.O. and M.A. Odeniyi, 2018. Solid state characterization of two novel gums from Cedrela odorata and Enterolobium cyclocarpum. J. Pharm. Invest., 48: 487-496.
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  22. Adeleye, A., M. Femi-Oyewo, C. Babalola and M. Odeniyi, 2018. Compaction and mechanical properties of Cissus Populnea gum. Trop. J. Nat. Prod. Res., 2: 447-451.
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  23. Oyebanji, V.O., B.O. Emikpe, O.A. Oladele, O.I. Osowole and A. Salaam et al., 2017. Clinicopathological evaluation of Newcastle disease virus vaccination using gums from Cedrela odorata and Khaya senegalensis as delivery agents in challenged chickens. Int. J. Vet. Sci. Med., 5: 135-142.
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  24. Oyebanji, V.O., B.O. Emikpe, A.O. Omolade, M.O. Odeniyi and A. Salami et al., 2017. Evaluation of immune response in challenged chickens vaccinated with Newcastle disease vaccine using gums from Cedrela odorata and Khaya senegalensis as delivery agents. J. Immunoassay Immunochem., 38: 378-388.
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  25. Liew, K.B., M.A. Odeniyi and K.K. Peh, 2016. Application of freeze-drying technology in manufacturing orally disintegrating films. Pharm. Dev. Technol., 21: 346-353.
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  26. Emikpe, B.O., V.O. Oyebanji, M.A. Odeniyi, A.M. Salaam, O.A. Oladele, T.A. Jarikre and O.A. Akinboade, 2016. Ex-vivo evaluation of the mucoadhesive properties of Cedrela odorata and Khaya senegalensis gums with possible applications for veterinary vaccine delivery. SpringerPlus, Vol. 5. 10.1186/s40064-016-2948-0.
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  27. Ayorinde, J., M. Odeniyi and O. Balogun-Agbaje, 2016. Formulation and evaluation of oral dissolving films of amlodipine besylate using blends of starches with hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose. Polim. Med., 46: 45-51.
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  28. Adetunji O. and M. Odeniyi, 2016. Material and compression properties of cedrela odorata gum co-processed with plantain starch and microcrystalline cellulose. Polymers in Medicine 46: 35-43.
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  29. Lawal, M.V., M.A. Odeniyi and O.A. Itiola, 2015. Effect of thermal and chemical modifications on the mechanical and release properties of paracetamol tablet formulations containing corn, cassava and sweet potato starches as filler-binders. Asian Pacific J. Trop. Biomed., 5: 585-590.
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  30. Lawal, M.V., M.A. Odeniyi and O.A. Itiola, 2015. Effect of thermal and chemical modifications of excipients on the compressional properties of paracetamol tablet formulations containing corn, cassava and Sweet potato starches as filler-binders. J. Excipients Food Chem., 6: 65-82.
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  31. Lawal M.V., M.A. Odeniyi and O.A. Itiola, 2015. Material and rheological properties of native, acetylated, and pregelatinized forms of corn, cassava, and sweet potato starches. Starch - Stärke 67: 964-975.
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  32. Adetunji, O.A., N.F. Adigun and M.A. Odeniyi, 2015. Pharmaceutical equivalent studies of some commercially available brands of loratadine hydrochloride tablets. Afr. J. Med. Med. Sci., 44: 269-276.
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  33. Adetunji, O.A., M.A. Odeniyi and O.A. Itiola, 2015. Characterisation and controlled release properties of Entandophragma angolense gum in ibuprofen matrix tablets. Farmacia, 63: 57-64.
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  34. Adeleye, O.A., M.N. Femi-Oyewo and M.A. Odeniyi, 2015. Effect of compression pressure on mechanical and release properties of tramadol matrix tablets. Pharm. Med. Sci., 28: 120-125.
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  35. Odeniyi, M.A. and H. Takeuchi, 2014. Design and evaluation of cedrela gum based microparticles of theophilline. Ars Pharm., 55: 30-36.
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  36. Adedokun, M.O., J.O. Ayorinde and M.A. Odeniyi, 2014. Compressional, mechanical and release properties of a novel gum in paracetamol tablet formulations. Curr. Issues Pharm. Med. Sci., 27: 187-194.
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  37. Odeniyi, M.A., A.O. Babalola and J.O. Ayorinde, 2013. Evaluation of Cedrela gum as a binder and bioadhesive component in ibuprofen tablet formulations. Braz. J. Pharm. Sci., 49: 95-105.
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  38. Ayorinde, J.O., M.A. Odeniyi and Y.J. Oyeniyi, 2013. Material and compression properties of native and modified plantain starches. Farmacia, 6: 574-590.
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  39. Ayorinde J.O., O.A. Itiola and M.A. Odeniyi, 2013. Effects of material properties and speed of compression on microbial survival and tensile strength in diclofenac tablet formulations. Archives of Pharmacal Research 36: 273-281.
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  40. Odeniyi, M.A., F.M. Atolagbe, O.O. Aina and O.A. Adetunji, 2011. Evaluation of mucoadhesive properties of native and modified starches of the root tubers of cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium). Afr. J. Biomed. Res., 14: 169-174.
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  41. Odeniyi, M.A. and K.T. Jaiyeoba, 2011. Effects of interacting variables on the release properties of chloroquine and aminophylline suppositories. Trop. J. Pharm. Res., 10.4314/tjpr.v3i1.14611.
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  42. Odeku, O.A., M.A. Odeniyi, O.A. Adegoke, R.B. Adereti and O.A. Itiola, 2011. Comparative analysis of eight brands of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine tablets. Trop. J. Pharm. Res., 10.4314/tjpr.v2i1.14581.
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  43. Kalu, V.D., M.A. Odeniyi and K.T. Jaiyeoba, 2011. Sustained release of a water-soluble drug from directly compressed okra gum matrix tablets. East Cent. Afr. J. Pharm. Sci., 10.4314/ecajps.v9i2.9747.
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  44. Bamiro, O.A., M.A. Odeniyi and O.A. Osonuga, 2011. Brnd variations in the physicochemical properties of metronidazole tablets. Niger. Q. J. Hosp. Med., 17: 22-25.
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  45. Ayorinde, J.O., O.A. Itiola, O.A. Odeku and M.A. Odeniyi, 2011. Influence of binder type and process parameters on the compression properties and microbial survival in diclofenac tablet formulations. Braz. J. Pharm. Sci., 47: 845-854.
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  46. Adetunji, O.A., M.A. Odeniyi and O.A. Itiola, 2011. Compression, mechanical and release properties of chloroquine phosphate tablets containing corn and trifoliate yam starches as binders. Trop. J. Pharm. Res., 10.4314/tjpr.v5i2.14636.
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  47. Aderibigbe, S.A., O.A. Adetunji and M.A. Odeniyi, 2011. Antimicrobial and pharmaceutical properties of the seed oil of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit (Leguminosae). Afr. J. Biomed. Res., 14: 63-68.
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  48. Odeniyi M.A., C.C. Onyenaka and O.A. Itiola, 2010. Powder properties of binary mixtures of chloroquine phosphate with lactose and dicalcium phosphate. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 46: 531-537.
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  49. Kalu V.D., M.A. Odeniyi and K.T. Jaiyeoba, 2007. Matrix properties of a new plant gum in controlled drug delivery. Archives of Pharmacal Research 30: 884-889.
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  50. Jaiyeoba K.T., J. Alfa and M.A. Odeniyi, 2006. Direct compression properties of microcrystalline cellulose and its silicified product. East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 7: 56-59.
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