Dr. Eni-Yimini Solomon Agoro
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Dr. Eni-Yimini Solomon Agoro

Senior Lecturer
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Otuoke, Nigeria

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Abia State University, Nigeria

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Area of Interest:

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Clinical Chemistry
Forensic Science
Reproductive Biochemistry

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Zebedee, L.U., Z.A. Jeremiah, N. Jonathan and E.Y.S. Agoro, 2021. Chronic and acute effect of tramadol intoxication on some immunological parameters. Am. J. Immunol., 17: 1-13.
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  2. Thompson, I.N., E.S. Bartimaeus and E.O. Nwachuku et al., 2021. Evaluation of the effect of some marketed herbal cosmetics in port harcourt on renal parameters of rabbits. Eur. J. Medic. Plants, 32: 70-77.
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  3. Thompson, I.N., E.S. Bartimaeus and E.O. Nwachuku et al., 2021. Assessment of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risk of some marketed herbal oils in port harcourt, Nigeria. Int. Res. J. Oncol., 4: 6-11.
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  4. Thomas, C.C., A.C. Nsonwu-Anyanwu, C.A.O. Usoro, E.Y.S. Agoro and A.N. Idenyi, 2021. Hepato-renal toxicities associated with heavy metal contamination of water sources among residents of an oil contaminated area in Nigeria. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., Vol. 212. 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.111988.
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  5. Ideede, V.T., A.Z. Jeremiah and M.E. Evelynet al., 2021. Assessment of methaemoglobin in haemoglobin variants in selected ethnic groups in bayelsa state. Int. J. Biochem. Res. Rev., Vol. 30. .
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  6. Elleh, B.I., E.S. Bartimaeus, F.U. Igwe, D.G. Tamuno-Emine and E.S. Agoro, 2021. Assessment of some biochemical parameters in vitreous humor of rabbits exposed to sodium cyanide. Ophthalmol. Res. An Int. J., 14: 41-47.
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  7. Agoro, E.Y.S., C.G. Ikimi and T. Edidiong, 2021. The use of vitreous renal chemistries in the discrimination of postmortem fresh water drowning. Toxicol. Res. Appl., Vol. 5. 10.1177/2397847321997523.
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  8. Zebedee, L.U., O.N. Jeremiah, A.E. Soroh and E.Y.S. Agoro, 2020. Haematological presentations in acute and chronic tramadol intoxication. Toxicol. Forensic Med. Open J., 5: 26-36.
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  9. Wankasi, M.M., E.S. Agoro and A.P. Eidangbe, 2020. Effects of acute alcohol intoxication on vitreous renal biochemical parameters in rabbits. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 62: 168-172.
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  10. Wankasi, M.M., A.P. Waibode and E.Y.S. Agoro, 2020. The effects of Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia on liver synthetic fidelity and oxidative stress markers. Eur. J. Med. Health Sci., Vol. 2. 10.24018/ejmed.2020.2.4.421.
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  11. Agoro, E.Y.S., E.N. Ben-Wakama and P.W. Alabrah, 2020. Review on chronic impacts of carbon monoxide intoxication on some routine vitreous and blood investigations. Toxicol. Forensic Med. – Open J., 5: 16-25.
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  12. Agoro, E.Y.S., 2020. Vitreous humor biochemical indicators of acute co intoxication associated deaths: a review of the literature. Arab J. Forensic Sci. Forensic Med., Vol. 2. 10.26735/hlax4024.
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  13. Agoro, E.S., G.C. Chinyere and E.I. Akubugwo, 2020. Emerging concept of vitreous concentrations of proteins and lipids as discriminant of fresh water drowning death. J. Forensic Legal Med., Vol. 73. 10.1016/j.jflm.2020.101994.
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  14. Wankasi, M.M., E.Y.S. Agoro, C.G. Ikimi and E.O. Tommy, 2019. Glucose and electrolytes concentrations in blood and saliva samples amongst diabetics. J. Diabetes Mellitus, 09: 39-49.
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  15. Wankasi, M.M., E.S. Agoro, P.W. Alabrah and E.O. Tommy, 2019. The effect of tourniquet application on serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus determination. J. Health Med. Nurs., Vol. 65. 10.7176/jhmn/65-07.
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  16. Alabrah, P.W., J. Agbo and E.Y.S. Agoro, 2019. Preeclampsia complicated by antenatal and postnatal ascitis. Eur. J. Med. Health Sci., Vol. 1. 10.24018/ejmed.2019.1.5.106.
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  17. Agoro, E.S., J.A. Ombor, P.W. Alabrah and E.O. Tommy, 2019. The chronic influence of carbon monoxide intoxication on lipid peroxidation. J. Environ. Res., 3: 1-6.
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  18. A, E.-Y. Solomon, M.W. Martin and O.J. Okpoubolokemi, 2019. Biochemical patterns of cardio-renal biomarkers in serum and vitreous humor of rabbits after chronic CO exposure. Ann. Environ. Sci. Toxicol., 3: 001-006.
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  19. Wankasi, M.M., E.S. Agoro and K.T. Toinpre et al., 2018. Effects of storage duration and temperature on some most frequent routine biochemical parameters. J. Health Med. Nurs., 48: 62-66.
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  20. Solomon, A.E.Y. and W.M. Martin, 2018. The effects of chronic carbon monoxide intoxication on some liver biochemical parameters in rabbits. J. Indian Soc. Toxicol., 14: 12-16.
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  21. Agoro, E.S., G.C. Chinyere, E.I. Akubugwo, M.M. Wankasi and V.N. Agi, 2018. Some vitreous humour cardiorenal biochemical parameters as an indicator of acute carbon monoxide poisoning death: an animal model. Aust. J. Forensic Sci., 51: 476-484.
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  22. Agoro, E.S., E.I. Akubugwo and G.C. Chinyere et al., 2018. The cumulative effects of chronic carbon monoxide inhalation on serum and vitreous protein and lipid panels. Am. J. Res. Commun., 6: 20-32.
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  23. Obioma, A., A.T. Chikanka and E.S. Agoro, 2017. Spatial variation of physicochemical parameters of rainwater harvested in some communities of niger delta due to different exposure to atmospheric condition. Ann. Clin. Lab Res., Vol. 5. .
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  24. Agoro, E.S., O. Azuonwu and S.D. Abbey, 2017. The forensic application of microbiological quality of the vitreous humor on the investigation of acute and chronic carbon monoxide poisoning. GSL J. Forensic Res., 1: 1-4.
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  25. Agoro, E.S., F.B.C. Okoyo, C.C. Onyenekwe, O. Azuonwu and N.E. Ebiere, 2017. Extrapolation of three hourly post-mortem interval using some vitreous chemistry parameters. J. Forensic Res., Vol. 08. 10.4172/2157-7145.1000360.
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  26. Agoro, E.S., E.I. Akubugwo, G.C. Chinyere, I.E. Nwachuku and V.N. Agi, 2017. Vitreous humour lipid peroxidation as an emerging concept of acute carbon monoxide poisoning. Int. J. Forensic Sci. Pathol., 5: 392-399.
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  27. Agoro, E.S., E.I. Akubugwo, G.C. Chinyere and R. Samuel, 2017. Comparison of vitreous protein profiles of rabbits subjected to acute carbon monoxide poisoning and normal animal after death. J. Forensic Sci. Res., 1: 040-045.
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  28. Agoro, E.S., E.I. Akubugwo and G.C. Chinyere et al., 2017. Lipids levels in vitreous humor of rabbits after carbon monoxide poisoning death. SM J. Forensic Res. Criminol., Vol. 1. .
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  29. Agoro, E., N.E. Ebiere, S.A. Eseimokumo and J.O. Odegbemi, 2017. Is saliva an alternative non-invasive sample for the estimation of protein profile amongst diabetics and gender-based diagnostics? Anat. Physiol., Vol. 07. 10.4172/2161-0940.1000255.
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