Dr. Olayinka Gafar Okeola
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Dr. Olayinka Gafar Okeola

Senior Lecturer
Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

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Area of Interest:

Civil Engineering
Surface Water Hydrology
Water Resources Management
Stormwater Harvesting
Water Energy Food Nexus

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Okeola, O.G., L.T. Sulaiman, T.A. Sholagberu and W.A. Salami, 2022. Spatial hydrological analysis on storm water harvesting investigation for sustainable water resources management strategy. Int. Rev. Appl. Sci. Eng., 10.1556/1848.2022.00464.
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  2. Okeola, O.G. and A.M. Moore, 2022. Aempirical assessment of sustainability of an urban water supply service delivery. World Acad. Sci. Eng. Technol. Int. J. Urban Civ. Eng., 16: 106-114.
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  3. Okeola, O.G. and B.F. Sule, 2020. Holistic diagnostic of an urban water supply system management using hydro-economics model. Ann. Fac. Eng. Hunedoara Int. J. Eng., 18: 123-132.
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  4. Okeke, T.C. and O.G. Okeola, 2019. Spatial and temporal drought analysis in the North Central Region of Nigeria. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage., 23: 763-767.
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  5. Okeola, O.G. and O.S. Balogun, 2017. Challenges and contradictions in Nigeria’s water resources policy development: A critical review. AFRREV STECH: Int J. Sci. Technol., 6: 1-19.
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  6. Okeola, O.G. and K.A.A. Raheem, 2016. Prioritization of water resources management problems in North Central Nigeria using rapid impact assessment matrix (RIAM). J. Water Resour. Prot., 8: 345-357.
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  7. Okeola, O.G. and S.O. Balogun, 2015. Estimating a municipal water supply reliability. Cogent Eng., Vol. 2. 10.1080/23311916.2015.1012988.
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  8. Adeogun, A.G., B.F. Sule, A.W. Salami and O.G. Okeola, 2014. Gis-based hydrological modelling using swat: Case study of upstream watershed of Jebba Reservoir in Nigeria. Niger. J. Technol., 33: 351-358.
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  9. Okeola, O.G. and B.F. Sule, 2012. Evaluation of management alternatives for urban water supply system using multicriteria decision analysis. J. King Saud Univ. Eng. Sci., 24: 19-24.
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  10. Sule, B.F. and O.G. Okeola, 2010. Measuring willingness to pay for improved urban water supply in Offa City, Kwara State, Nigeria. Water Supply, 10: 933-941.
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