Dr. Tadondjou Tchingo Cyrille dAlex
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Dr. Tadondjou Tchingo Cyrille dAlex

University of Dschang, Cameroon

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biotechnology from University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Animal Production
Animal Physiology
Animal Anatomy

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. dʼAlex, T.T.C., M.K. Herve, S.V. Laure, L. Narcisse, N. Ferdinand and T. Alexis, 2023. Combined effect of methionine, lysine and neem leaf meal supplementation on growth performance, blood parameters and oxidative status of finishing broilers. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 22: 165-173.
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  2. Herve, T., K.J. Raphael, N. Ferdinand, N.V. Herman and W. Marvel et al., 2019. Effects of ginger (Zingiber officinale, Roscoe) essential oil on growth and laying performances, serum metabolites and egg yolk antioxidant and cholesterol status in laying Japanese quail. J. Vet. Med., Vol. 2019. 10.1155/2019/7857504.
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  3. Tadondjou, C.D., F. Ngoula, J.R. Kana, H.K. Mube and A. Teguia, 2014. Characterization of reproduction of local barred male chicken of the western highlands of Cameroon: Sexual maturity, Fertility and sperm storage term in female. J. Phys. Pharm. Adv., 4: 323-331.
  4. Ngoula, F., S.C. Nouboudem, A. Kenfack, C.D. Tadondjou and J.R. Kana et al., 2014. Effect of guava (Psidium guajava) leaves essential oil on some reproductive parameters in male guinea pig (Cavia porcellus). Biol. Syst., Vol. 3. 10.4172/2329-6577.1000125.
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  5. Ngoula, F., D.T. Ngwa, A. Kenfack, H.D.B. Pougoue and W.B. Ojong et al., 2014. Effect of egg yolk concentration in semen extender, pH adjustment of extender and semen cooling methods on bovine semen characteristics. Global Vet., 12: 292-298.
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  6. Mube, H.K., J.R. Kana, C.D. Tadondjou, D.D.M. Yemdjie, Y. Manjeli and A. Teguia, 2014. Laying performances and egg quality of local barred hens under improved conditions in Cameroon. J. Applied Biosci., 74: 6157-6163.
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  7. Kuietche, H.M., J.R. Kana, H.F. Defang, C.D.A. Tadondjou, D.D.M. Yemdjie and A. Teguia, 2014. Effect of dietary energy level on growth performance and morphometric parameters of local barred chickens at the starter phase. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci., 8: 882-890.
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  8. Kouatcho F.D., F. Ngoula, J.R. Kana, T.C.D. Tadondjou and A. Teguia, 2014. Effect of dietary crude protein level on growth parameters and carcass characteristics of quail (Coturnix sp) at starter stage in western highland of Cameroon. Asian Acad. Res. Assoc., 1: 501-514.
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  9. Kana, J.R., F. Ngoula, H. Tchoffo, C.D. Tadondjou, Y. Sadjo, A. Teguia and J.B.G. Ghemenou, 2014. Effect of biocharcoals on hematological parameters in broiler chickens fed aflatoxin B1-contaminated diets. J. Animal Sci. Adv., 4: 939-948.
  10. Tadondjou, C.D., F. Ngoula, J.R. Kana, H.F. Defang, H.K. Mube and A. Teguia, 2013. Effect of dietary energy level on body weight, testicular development and semen quality of local barred chicken of the western highlands of Cameroon. Adv. Reprod. Sci., 1: 38-43.
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  11. Ngoula, F., J.N. Awah, J. Tchoumboue, P. Kamtchouing, A. Kenfack and A.T. Niba, 2007. Influence of pregnancy on sows blood parameters. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci., 1: 21-27.