Dr. Yousif Mohamed Y. Abdallah
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Dr. Yousif Mohamed Y. Abdallah

Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia

Highest Degree
M.Sc. in Nuclear Medicine from Gezira University, Sudan

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I certainly enjoyed my experience in Radiology particularly it has been in different institutions and hospitals with different Medical Cultures and allocated resources. As years passed I accumulated a tremendous amount of skills and knowledge in Radiology clinically and lecturing that will enable me to provide a valuable service to the community as a Researcher and Consultant in this field.

Area of Interest:

Medical Sciences

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Alamoudi, A. and Y. Abdallah, 2021. Characterization of Brain Stroke Using Image and Signal Processing Techniques. In: Biomedical Signal and Image Processing, Zhou, Y. and R. Koprowski, (Eds.), IntechOpen, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-83968-445-6, .
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  2. Abdallah, Y., 2021. Measurement of entrance skin dose in radiographic examinations of pediatric patients. Curr. Med. Imaging, 17: 1385-1389.
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  3. Abdallah, Y., 2021. Estimation of radiation dosage for traumatic patients in Majmaah area, Saudi Arabia. Conf. Proc., 4: 149-154.
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  4. Abdallah, Y., 2021. Detection of cardiac tissues using K-means analysis methods in nuclear medicine images. Open Access Maced. J. Med. Sci., 9: 1272-1276.
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  5. Zain, H., Y. Abdallah, W. Mustafa, T. almuteiri and R. Albarakati, 2020. Cesarean delivery in majmaah, Saudi Arabia: prevalence, indications and complications. Majmaah J. Health Sci., 10.5455/mjhs.2020.03.006.
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  6. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., W. Zaki, B. Ahmadoun and A. Musa, 2020. Design of reference phantom for quality control of conventional x-ray radiography units in port Sudan. J. Biomed. Eng. Med. Imaging, 7: 01-09.
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  7. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and N.H. Abuhadi, 2020. The role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in autonomic nervous system monitoring. Auton. Nerv. Syst. Monit. - Heart Rate Variability, 10.5772/intechopen.89593.
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  8. Abdallah, Y.M. and N.H. Abuhadi, 2020. Entrance skin dose measurement for diagnostic spinal radiographic examinations in king Khalid hospital, Saudi Arabia: a prospective study. J. Clin. Diagn. Res., 10.7860/jcdr/2020/42897.13555.
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  9. Abdallah, Y., 2020. Segmentation of brain stroke lesions using marker-based algorithms in ct images. 2020 3rd International Conference on Computer Applications & Information Security (ICCAIS), March 19-21, 2020, IEEE Xplore, Tunis, Tunisia, pp: 1-4.
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  10. Ali, N.I., S.N.A. Elgak, Y.M.Y. Abdallah and H. Idriss, 2019. Assessment of iodine supplementation program on thyroid function in Sudan. Diabetes Metab. Syndrome: Clin. Res. Rev., 13: 678-680.
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  11. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and T. Alqahtani, 2019. Research in medical imaging using image processing techniques. Med. Imaging - Principles Appl., 10.5772/intechopen.84360.
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  12. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and N.H. Abuhadi, 2019. Application of medical imaging in diagnosis and assessment of myocarditis and pericarditis. Inflammatory Heart Dis., 10.5772/intechopen.87218.
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  13. Abdallah, Y.M., N.H. Abuhadi and D. Bilal, 2019. Characterisation of breast cancer lesions using image processing based technique. J. Clin. Diagn. Res., 10.7860/jcdr/2019/41097.13048.
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  14. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., 2018. Improvement of sonographic appearance using hat-top methods. J. Biomed. Eng. Med. Imaging, 10.14738/jbemi.55.5283.
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  15. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., 2016. Segmentation of salivary glands in nuclear medicine images using edge detection tools. J. Biomed. Eng. Med. Imag., Vol. 3. 10.14738/jbemi.32.1702.
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  16. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., 2016. Increasing of edges recognition in cardiac scintography for ischemic patients. J. Biomed. Eng. Med. Imag., Vol. 2. 10.14738/jbemi.26.1697.
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  17. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and S. Mohamed, 2016. Automatic recognition of leukemia cells using texture analysis algorithm. Int. J. Adv. Res., Vol. 4. .
  18. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and A. Hayder, 2016. Assessment of Mean Glandular Dose (MGD) received in mammography examination in Khartoum. Int. J. Adv. Res., Vol. 4. .
  19. Hassan, A., M. Gar-Elnabi, Y.M.Y. Abdallah and O.A. Omer, 2015. Outfield dose calculation in treatment of breast cancer using radiotherapy TPs. Int. J. Sci. Res., 438: 2536-2541.
  20. Ali, N.I. and Y.M.Y. Abdallah, 2015. Assessment of thyroid status on low birth weight deliveries in central Sudan by using radioimmunoassay. Am. J. Res. Commun., 3: 2141-2147.
  21. Abdullah, Y.M.Y. and A.A. Khalifa, 2015. Estimating environmental and occupational factors that contribute to cancer in Sudan. Int. J. Health Rehabil. Sci., 4: 115-121.
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  22. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., M.M. Hemair and A.S. Algaddal, 2015. Valuation of radiation dose in lumbosacral examination. Int. J. Sci. Res., 4: 2422-2424.
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  23. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., M.E.M. Gar-Elnebi, W.A. Almahi, N.M. Matar and N.I. Ali, 2015. Assessment of microbiological sterility in radioimmunoassay laboratory using SCDM and FTM materials. SMU Med. J., 21: 107-110.
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  24. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., M.E. Gar-Elnabi and K.H. Eltom, 2015. Making sense of radiation; A guide to radiation and its health affects. Int. J. Health Rehab. Sci., 4: 57-64.
  25. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., E. Wagiallah and M.M. Yousef, 2015. Improvement of nuclear cardiology images for ischemic patients using image processing techniques. SMU Med. J., Vol. 2. .
  26. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., A.S. Algaddal and M.A. Alkhir, 2015. Enrichment of ultrasound images using contrast enhancement techniques. Int. J. Sci. Res., 4: 2381-2386.
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  27. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., 2015. Increasing the precision of edges recognition in static renal scintography. Indian J. Applied Res., 4: 270-273.
  28. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., 2015. An accurate liver segmentation method using parallel computing algorithm. J. Biomed. Eng. Med. Imag., 3: 15-23.
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  29. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., 2015. An Introduction to Dental Radiography: Theory and Practice. LAP LAMBART Academic Publishing GmbH and Co. KG., Germany.
  30. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and N.A. Mohamoud, 2015. Estimation of radiation dose received in knee joint x-ray examination. Int. J. Health Rehab. Sci., Vol. 4. .
  31. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and M.A.H. Salih, 2015. Appraisal of radiation dose received in abdominal computed tomography patients. Int. J. Sci. Res., 4: 2383-2387.
  32. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and M. Abdallah, 2015. Using basic morphology tools in improvement of kidneys detection. Int. J. Sci. Res., 4: 1383-1386.
  33. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and A. Hassan, 2015. Segmentation of brain in MRI images using watershed-based technique. Int. J. Sci. Res., 4: 683-688.
  34. Abdallah, Y., M. Alkhir and A. Algaddal, 2015. Improvement of brain tumors detection using markers and boundaries transform. Int. J. Sci. Res., 4: 2372-2378.
  35. Yassine, A., M.M. Hassan and Y.M.Y. Abdallah, 2014. Assessment of 99mTc dose calibrator performance in nuclear medicine department. Int. J. Sci. Res., 3: 36-39.
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  36. Wagiallah, E., Y.M.Y. Abdallah, M.E.M. Gar-Elnabi and M.A.A. Omer, 2014. Characterization of coronary artery obstruction and related findings in ischemic heart patients using cardiac scintigraphy. Sudan Med. Monit., 9: 6-9.
  37. Wagiallah, E., Y. Ahmed and Y.M.Y. Abdallah, 2014. Correction preprocessing method for cardiac scintography images using local adaptive filters. Int. J. Sci. Res., 3: 2325-2329.
  38. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., M.E.M. Gar-Elnabi and M.A.A. Omer, 2014. Assessment of field size on radiotherapy machines using texture analysis. Sudan Med. Monit., 9: 5-10.
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  39. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., M.E. Gar-Elnabi, A.H.A. Bakary, A.M.H. Eltoum and A.K.M. Ali, 2014. Calculation of organs radiation dose in cervical carcinoma external irradiation beam using day's methods. Global Adv. Res. J. Med. Med. Sci., 3: 90-94.
  40. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., A. Hayder and E. Wagiallah, 2014. Automatic enhancement of mammography images using contrast algorithm. Int. J. Sci. Res., 3: 1885-1889.
  41. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., 2014. Lungs detection in ventilation and perfusion scintigraphy using watershed transform. Int. J. Elect. Commun. Comput. Eng., 6: 416-419.
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  42. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and R.I. Abdelwahab, 2014. Improvement of Orthopantography (OPG) images using texture analysis. Int. J. Sci. Res., 3: 1771-1775.
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  43. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and R.I. Abdelwahab, 2014. Application of texture analysis algorithm for data extraction in dental X-ray images. Int. J. Sci. Res., 3: 1934-1937.
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  44. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and N. Khieder, 2014. Enhancement of ultrasound images using top-hat and blind deconvolution algorithms. Int. J. Sci. Res., 3: 2485-2489.
  45. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and E. Wagiallah, 2014. Segmentation of thyroid scintography using edge detection and morphology filters. Int. J. Sci. Res., 3: 2768-2771.
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  46. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. and E. Wagiallah, 2014. Enhancement of nuclear medicine images using filtering technique. Int. J. Sci. Res., 3: 916-926.
  47. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., M.E.M. Gar-Elnabi and S.M.A. Ahmed, 2013. Evaluation of radiochemical purity of received 99Mo-99mTc generator in National Cancer Institute (NCI). Asian J. Radiol. Res., Vol. 1. .
  48. Abdullah, Y.M.Y., 2012. Quality Control of Technetium-99 Generator, Theory and Practice. LAP LAMBART Academic Publishing GmbH and Co. KG., Germany.
  49. Abdullah, Y.M.Y., 2012. Analysis of Respiratory Motion in Chest Organs, During External Beam Radiotherapy. LAP LAMBART Academic Publishing GmbH and Co. KG., Germany.
  50. Abdullah, Y.M.Y., 2012. A Short Textbook on Care of Patient in Radiotherapy. LAP LAMBART Academic Publishing GmbH and Co. KG., Germany.
  51. Abdullah, Y.M.Y., 2012. A Short Guide to Breast Carcinoma Treatment, Introductory Notes on Breast Carcinoma. LAP LAMBART Academic Publishing GmbH and Co. KG., Germany.
  52. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., 2012. An Introduction to PACS in Radiology Service: Theory and Practice. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, AV Akademikerverlag GmbH and Co. KG., Germany.
  53. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., 2012. A Short Textbook on Care of Patient in Radiotherapy Department. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.
  54. Omer, M.A.A., M.E.M. Gar-Elnabi, E. Saion, E.A.A. Balla, A.A. Al-Zahrany, Y.M. Yousif and M.H.K.M. Dahlan, 2011. Normoxic polymer gel of Hydroxy-Ethyl-Acrylate (HEA) as radiation therapy dosimeter. J. Sci. Technol., 12: 45-50.
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  55. Omer, M.A.A., M.E.M. Gar-Elnabi, E. Saion, A.A. Al-Zahrany, Y.Y.M. Abdallah, M.H. Haron and K.M. Dahlan, 2011. Optical properties of radiopolymerized Polyanline hydrochloride hosted in polyvinyl-alcohol matrix. J. Sci. Technol., 12: 158-164.
  56. Omar, M.A.A. and M.E.M.G. Elnabi, 2011. Gamma radiation synthesis and characterization of polyvinyl alcohol/silver nano composites film. J. Sci. Technol., 12: 104-110.
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  57. Abdullah, Y.M.Y., K.H. Eltom and M.E.M. Gar-Elnabi, 2011. Prediction of motion of chest organs during radiotherapy using image registration technique. Can. J. Med., 2: 113-122.
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  58. Abdullah, Y.M.Y., 2011. Application of Analysis Approach in Noise Estimation, Using Image Processing Program. LAP LAMBART Academic Publishing GmbH and Co. KG., Germany.
  59. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., K.H. Eltom and M.M.E. Gar-Elnabi, 2011. Real-time motion analysis for patient positioning verification in radiotherapy. Can. J. Med., Vol. 3. .
  60. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., A.A. Almoustafa, G. Elhadi, M. Mohammed, O. Khalafallah and T. Khalid, 2011. Application of analysis approach in noise estimation in panoramic X-rays images using image processing program (MatLab). Can. J. Med., 2: 38-48.
  61. Abdallah, Y.M.Y. anhd D.M. Eltagani, 2011. Evaluation of patient positioning correction approach in radiotherapy using laser beam positioning system. Can. J. Med., 3: 49-62.
  62. Abdullah, Y.M.Y., 2010. Computed verification of light and radiation field size superimposition on cobalt 60 machine. Sudan Med. J., 2-5: 147-156.
  63. Abdullah, Y.M.Y., 2010. Computed Verification of Light and Radiation Field Size Superimposition On Cobalt-60 machine, Verification of Fields Size using Image Processing Technique. LAP LAMBART Academic Publishing GmbH and Co. KG., Germany.
  64. Abdullah, Y.M.Y., 2010. A Short Guide To Radiation Mold Technology, A Manual for Daily use. LAP LAMBART Academic Publishing GmbH and Co. KG., Germany.
  65. Abdallah, Y.M.Y., 2010. A Computed Verification of Radiation and Light Field Size on Cobalt-60_ Verification of Fields Size using Image Processing Technique. Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP)., Germany.