Mr. Kifle Degefa
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Mr. Kifle Degefa

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Bako Agricultural Research Center, Bako, Ethiopia

Highest Degree
M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics from Haramaya University, Ethiopia

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Selected Publications

  1. Kifle, D., B. Getachew and A. Galmesa, 2020. Characterization and analysis of farming system of cheliya and ilu gelan districts of west shewa zone, Ethiopia. J. Dev. Agric. Econ., 12: 154-167.
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  2. Degefa, K., G. Biru and G. Abebe, 2020. Input-output market information access and methods of selling maize and tomato products in bako tibe and guto gida districts, Ethiopia. J. Investment Manage., 9: 47-55.
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  3. Degefa, K., G. Biru and G. Abebe, 2020. Farming system characterization and analysis of east wollega zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. Int. J. Manage. Fuzzy Syst., 6: 14-28.
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  4. Degefa, K., G. Biru and G. Abebe, 2020. Economic efficiency of smallholder farmers in tomato production in Bakotibe District, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. J. Agri. Sci. Food Res., Vol. 11. .
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  5. Degefa, K., G. Birru and G. Abebe, 2018. Soya bean value chain analysis in Chewaka District, Buno Bedele Zone of Oromia. J. Econ. Sustainable Dev., 9: 8-16.
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  6. Degefa, K., M. Jaleta and B. Legesse, 2017. Economic efficiency of smallholder farmers in maize production in bako tibe district, Ethiopia. Dev. Country Stud., 7: 80-86.
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  7. Degefa, K., 2017. Dairy production and marketing systems of smallholder farmers: The case of urban Andpre-Urban of Guto Gida and Bako Tibe Districts, Western Oromia, Ethiopia. J. Mark. Consumer Res., 34: 16-22.
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  8. Biru, G., K. Degefa, B. Gedefa and G. Abebe, 2016. Actors’ performance and value chain analysis of cattle fattening in some selected districts of western Oromia, Ethiopia. J. Biol. Agric. Healthcare, 6: 59-68.
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