Prof. Panagiotis  Kanatas
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Prof. Panagiotis Kanatas

Agricultural Engineer
Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Plant Production from Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Production
Agricultural Engineering

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Bilalis, D.J., I.S. Travlos, J. Portugal, S. Tsioros and Y. Papastylianou et al., 2015. Narrow row spacing increased yield and decreased nicotine content in sun-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Indust. Crops Products, 75: 212-217.
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  2. Travlos, I.S., P.J. Kanatas, S. Tsioros, P. Papastylianou, Y. Papatheohari and D. Bilalis, 2014. Green manure and pendimethalin impact on oriental sun-cured tobacco. Agron. J., 106: 1225-1230.
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  3. Travlos, I.S., A. Gatos and P.J. Kanatas, 2013. Interference between silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav.) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars. Hellenic Plant Prot. J., 6: 41-48.
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  4. Travlos, I.S., P.J. Kanatas, G. Economou, V.E. Kotoulas, D. Chachalis and S. Tsioros, 2012. Evaluation of velvetleaf interference with maize hybrids as influenced by relative time of emergence. Exp. Agric., 48: 127-137.
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  5. Travlos, I.S., G. Economou and P.J. Kanatas, 2011. Corn and barnyardgrass competition as influenced by relative time of weed emergence and corn hybrid. Agron. J., 103: 1-6.
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  6. Travlos, I.S., G. Economou, V.E. Kotoulas, P.J. Kanatas, A.N. Kontogeorgos and A.I. Karamanos, 2009. Potential effects of diurnally alternating temperatures and solarization on purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) tuber sprouting. J. Arid Environ., 73: 22-25.
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  7. Bilalis, D., P. Kanatas, S. Patsiali, A. Konstantas and K. Akoumianakis, 2009. Comparison between conventional and organic floating systems for lettuce and tomato (Lactuca sativa and Lycopersicon esculentum) seedling production. Int. J. Food Agric. Environ., 7: 623-628.
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  8. Travlos, I.S., G. Economou, P.J. Kanatas and O. Tzakou, 2007. Aspects of the allelopathic potential of horseweed (Conyza albida). Int. J. Agric. Res., 2: 397-401.
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  9. Kalavrouziotis, I.K., P.I. Kanatas, A.H. Papadopoulos, S. Bladenopoulou, P.H. Koukoulakis and M.N. Leotsinides, 2005. Effects of municipal reclaimed wastewater on the macro and microelement status of soil and plants. Fresenius Environ. Bull., 14: 1050-1057.