Dr. Marc Poirot
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Dr. Marc Poirot

Research Director/VP of Research
Cholesterol metabolism and therapeutic innovations” UMR 1037 Inserm-University of Toulouse III, Toulouse, France

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Chemistry from Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France

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Dr. Marc Poirot is Research Director at the Institute National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM). He Heads the team Sterol Metabolism and Therapeutic Innovations in Oncology (Toulouse, France) with Dr. Sandrine Silvente-Poirot at the Cancer Research Center of Toulouse. He received a PhD in Chemical Biology (1991) from the University of Toulouse (France). He did a Post-doctorate at Sanofi in 1991 before becoming tenured at INSERM. He was Visiting Scientist in the laboratory of Dr Stoney S. Simons Jr (NIDDK/NIH, Bethesda, USA) to study Steroid Hormone Receptors. Since then, his research has focused on the identification of off-targets of the anti-tumor drug tamoxifen, which led to the definition of the importance of Cholesterol Metabolism in the Pharmacology of Antiestrogens. He trained 10 of postgraduate students. He has published 68 SCI journal paper. He also served as an evaluation expert for organizations. He is co-founder of the Biotech Company Affichem, which develops small natural molecules for therapeutic applications. He is member of the executive board and chairman of the scientific board of Affichem, Innovative, translational and longstanding research has ever been a pursuit in his academic career. He is associate editor for Frontiers in Nutrition, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Frontiers in Chemistry, Frontiers in Oncology, Nature publishing group. He is also serving as reviewer and editor of number of journals. He is member of Groupe de recherche sur les lipides, Societe FranÒaise de Chimie Therapeutique, American Association for Cancer Research, American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, European Network on Oxysterol Research, and Asian Council of Science Editors.

Area of Interest:

Drug Design Discovery
Medicinal Chemistry
Cholesterol Metabolism

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Serhan N., Pierre-Luc. Mouchel, P.d. Medina, G. Segala, A. Mougel, E. Saland, A. Rives, A. Lamaziere, G. Despres, Jean-Emmanuel. Sarry, C. Larrue, F. Vergez, L. Largeaud, M. Record, C. Recher, S. Silvente-Poirot and M. Poirot, 2020. Dendrogenin a synergizes with cytarabine to kill acute myeloid leukemia cells in vitro and in vivo. Cancers 12: 1725-1725.
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  2. Rodriguez-Estrada M.T., V. Cardenia, M. Poirot, L. Iuliano and G. Lizard, 2020. Oxysterols and sterols: from lipidomics to food sciences. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 196: 105515-105515.
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  3. Medina P., K. Diallo, E. Huc‐Claustre, M. Attia, R. SoulÓs, S. Silvente‐Poirot and M. Poirot, 2020. The 5,6‐epoxycholesterol metabolic pathway in breast cancer: emergence of new pharmacological targets. British Journal of Pharmacology 10.1111/bph.15205 http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bph.15205.
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  4. Taddeo, V.A., F. Epifano, F. Preziuso, S. Fiorito and N. Caron et al., 2019. HPLC analysis and skin whitening effects of umbelliprenin-containing extracts of Anethum graveolens, Pimpinella anisum and Ferulago campestris. Molecules, Vol. 24. 10.3390/molecules24030501.
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  5. SoulÓs R., F. Audouard-Combe, E. Huc-Claustre, P.d. Medina, A. Rives, E. Chatelut, F. Dalenc, C. Franchet, S. Silvente-Poirot, M. Poirot and B. Allal, 2019. A fast uplc–hilic method for an accurate quantification of dendrogenin a in human tissues. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 194: 105447-105447.
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  6. Poirot M. and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2019. Oxysterols: an expanding family of structurally diversified bioactive steroids. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 194: 105443-105443.
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  7. Khallouki, F., R.W. Owen, M. Akdad, H. Hajji, S. Silvente-Poirot and M. Poirot, 2019. Vitamin E: An Overview. In: Molecular Nutrition: Vitamins, Patel, V., (Ed.). Elsevier Publisher, UK, ISBN- 9780128119075,.
  8. Genovese, S., F. Epifano, P. de Medina, N. Caron and A. Rives et al., 2019. Natural and semisynthetic oxyprenylated aromatic compounds as stimulators or inhibitors of melanogenesis. Bioorg. Chem., 87: 181-190.
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  9. Fouache A., N. Zabaiou, C.D. Joussineau, L. Morel, S. Silvente-Poirot, A. Namsi, G. Lizard, M. Poirot, M. Makishima, S. Baron, Jean-Marc.A. Lobaccaro and A. Trousson, 2019. Flavonoids differentially modulate liver x receptors activity—structure-function relationship analysis. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 190: 173-182.
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  10. Bauriaud-Mallet M., L. Vija-Racaru, S. Brillouet, A. Mallinger, P.d. Medina, A. Rives, B. Payre, M. Poirot, F. Courbon and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2019. The cholesterol-derived metabolite dendrogenin a functionally reprograms breast adenocarcinoma and undifferentiated thyroid cancer cells. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 192: 105390-105390.
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  11. Silvente-Poirot, S., G. Segala, M.C. Poirot and M. Poirot, 2018. Ligand-dependent transcriptional induction of lethal autophagy: A new perspective for cancer treatment. Autophagy, 14: 555-557.
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  12. Silvente-Poirot, S., F. Dalenc and M. Poirot, 2018. The effects of cholesterol-derived oncometabolites on nuclear receptor function in cancer. Cancer Res., 78: 4803-4808.
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  13. Record, M., S. Silvente-Poirot, M. Poirot and M.J. Wakelam, 2018. Extracellular vesicles: Lipids as key components of their biogenesis and functions. J. Lipid Res., 59: 1316-1324.
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  14. Poirot, M., R. Soules, A. Mallinger, F. Dalenc and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2018. Chemistry, biochemistry, metabolic fate and mechanism of action of 6-oxo-cholestan-3β, 5α-diol (OCDO), a tumor promoter and cholesterol metabolite. Biochimie, 153: 139-149.
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  15. Poirot, M., 2018. Meet our editorial board member. Nat. Prod. J., 8: 1-1.
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  16. Poirot, M. and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2018. The tumor-suppressor cholesterol metabolite, dendrogenin A, is a new class of LXR modulator activating lethal autophagy in cancers. Biochem. Pharmacol., 153: 75-81.
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  17. Khallouki, F., R. Owen, S. Silvente-Poirot and M. Poirot, 2018. Bryonolic acid blocks cancer cell clonogenicity and invasiveness through the inhibition of fatty acid: Cholesteryl ester formation. Biomedicines, Vol. 6. 10.3390/biomedicines6010021.
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  18. Voisin, M., P. de Medina, A. Mallinger, F. Dalenc and E. Huc-Claustre et al., 2017. Identification of a tumor-promoter cholesterol metabolite in human breast cancers acting through the glucocorticoid receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 114: E9346-E9355.
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  19. Soules, R., E. Noguer, L. Iuliano, C. Zerbinati and J. Leignadier et al., 2017. Improvement of 5, 6α-epoxycholesterol, 5, 6β-epoxycholesterol, cholestane-3β, 5α, 6β-triol and 6-oxo-cholestan-3β, 5α-diol recovery for quantification by GC/MS. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 207: 92-98.
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  20. Segala, G., M. David, P. de Medina, M.C. Poirot and N. Serhan et al., 2017. Dendrogenin A drives LXR to trigger lethal autophagy in cancers. Nat. Commun., Vol. 8. 10.1038/s41467-017-01948-9.
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  21. Noguer, E., R. Soules, C. Netter, C. Nagarathinam and J. Leignadier et al., 2017. Quantitative analysis of the tumor suppressor dendrogenin A using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 207: 81-86.
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  22. Leignadier, J., F. Dalenc, M. Poirot and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2017. Improving the efficacy of hormone therapy in breast cancer: The role of cholesterol metabolism in SERM-mediated autophagy, cell differentiation and death. Biochem. Pharmacol., 144: 18-28.
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  23. Khallouki, F., R.W. Owen, S. Silvente-Poirot, H. Hajji and M. Poirot, 2017. Functional Food for the Prevention and Management of Cancer. In: Functional Foods and Cancer: Bioactive Compounds and Cancer, Martirosyan, D.M. and Z. Jin-Rong, (Eds.). Food Science Publisher, USA, ISBN-13: 978-1975953171, pp: 278-319.
  24. Dalenc, F., L. Iuliano, T. Filleron, C. Zerbinati and M. Voisin et al., 2017. Circulating oxysterol metabolites as potential new surrogate markers in patients with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: Results of the OXYTAM study. J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol., 169: 210-218.
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  25. Poirot, M. and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2016. When cholesterol meets histamine, it gives rise to dendrogenin A: A tumour suppressor metabolite1. Biochem. Soc. Trans., 44: 631-637.
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  26. Klionsky, D.J., K. Abdelmohsen, A. Abe, M.J. Abedin and H. Abeliovich et al., 2016. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy. Autophagy, 12: 1-222.
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  27. Khallouki, F., P. de Medina, S. Caze-Subra, K. Bystricky, P. Balaguer, M. Poirot and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2016. Molecular and biochemical analysis of the estrogenic and proliferative properties of vitamin e compounds. Frontiers Oncol., Vol. 5. .
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  28. Tosolini, M., F. Pont, D. Betous, E. Ravet and L. Ligat et al., 2015. Human monocyte recognition of adenosine-based cyclic di-nucleotides unveils the A2a GPCR tonic inhibition of mitochondrial-induced cell death. Mol. Cell Biol., 35: 479-495.
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  29. Iuliano, L., P.J. Crick, C. Zerbinati, L. Tritapepe and J. Abdel-Khalik et al., 2015. Cholesterol metabolites exported from human brain. Steroids, 99: 189-193.
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  30. Fransson, A., P. de Medina, M.R. Paillasse, S. Silvente-Poirot, M. Poirot and M. Ulfendahl, 2015. Dendrogenin A and B two new steroidal alkaloids increasing neural responsiveness in the deafened guinea pig. Front. Aging Neurosci., Vol. 7. .
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  31. Dalenc, F., M. Poirot and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2015. Dendrogenin A: A mammalian metabolite of cholesterol with tumor suppressor and neurostimulating properties. Curr. Med. Chem., 22: 3533-3549.
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  32. Voisin, M., S. Silvente-Poirot and M. Poirot, 2014. One step synthesis of 6-oxo-cholestan-3β, 5α-diol. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 446: 782-785.
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  33. Silvente-Poirot, S. and M. Poirot, 2014. Cholesterol and cancer in the balance. Science, 343: 1445-1446.
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  34. Record, M., M. Poirot and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2014. Emerging concepts on the role of exosomes in lipid metabolic diseases. Biochimie, 96: 67-74.
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  35. Record, M., K. Carayon, M. Poirot and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2014. Exosomes as new vesicular lipid transporters involved in cell-cell communication and various pathophysiologies. Biochimica Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Mol. Cell Biol. Lipids, 1841: 108-120.
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  36. Khalifa, S.A.M., P. de Medina, A. Erlandsson, H.R. El Seedi, S. Silvente-Poirot and M. Poirot, 2014. The novel steroidal alkaloids dendrogenin A and B promote proliferation of adult neural stem cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 446: 681-686.
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  37. Sola, B., M. Poirot, P. de Medina, S. Bustany, V. Marsaud, S. Silvente-Poirot and J.M. Renoir, 2013. Antiestrogen-binding site ligands induce autophagy in myeloma cells that proceeds through alteration of cholesterol metabolism. Oncotarget, 4: 911-922.
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  38. Segala, G., P. de Medina, L. Iuliano, C. Zerbinati and M.R. Paillasse et al., 2013. 5,6-Epoxy-cholesterols contribute to the anticancer pharmacology of Tamoxifen in breast cancer cells. Biochem. Pharmacol., 86: 175-189.
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  39. Poirot, M. and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2013. Oxysterols and related sterols: Implication in physiopathology and pharmacology. Biochem. Pharmacol., 86: 1-2.
  40. Mauxion, T., J. Barbet, J. Suhard , J.P. Pouget, M. Poirot and M. Bardies, 2013. Improved realism of hybrid mouse models may not be sufficient to generate reference dosimetric data. Med. Phys., Vol., 40. 10.1118/1.4800801.
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  41. De Medina, P., M. Paillasse, G. Segala, M. Voisin and L. Mhamdi et al., 2013. Discovery of Dendrogenin A: A new cholesterol metabolite that triggers antitumor activities. Nat. Commun., Vol., 4 .
  42. Chapuy-Regaud, S., C. Subra, M. Requena, P. de Medina and S. Amara et al., 2013. Progesterone and a phospholipase inhibitor increase the endosomal bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate content and block HIV viral particle intercellular transmission. Biochimie, 95: 1677-1688.
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  43. Silvente-Poirot, S. and M. Poirot, 2012. Cholesterol metabolism and cancer: The good, the bad and the ugly. Curr. Opin. Pharmacol., 12: 673-676.
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  44. Silvente-Poirot, S. and M. Poirot, 2012. Cholesterol epoxide hydrolase and cancer. Curr. Opin. Pharmacol., 12: 696-703.
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  45. Poirot, M., S. Silvente-Poirot and R.R. Weichselbaum, 2012. Cholesterol metabolism and resistance to tamoxifen in breast cancers. Curr. Opin. Pharmacol., 12: 683-689.
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  46. Poirot, M. and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2012. Cholesterol-5,6-epoxides: Chemistry, biochemistry, metabolic fate and cancer. Biochimie, 95: 622-631.
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  47. Paillasse, M.R., N. Saffon, H. Gornitzka, S. Silvente-Poirot, M. Poirot and P. de Medina, 2012. Surprising unreactivity of cholesterol-5,6-epoxides towards nucleophiles. J. Lipid Res., 53: 718-725.
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  48. Paillas, S., A. Causse, P. de Medina, M. Poirot and V. Denis et al., 2012. MAPK14 p38alpha confers Irinotecan resistance to tp53-defective cells by inducing survival autophagy. Autophagy, 8: 1098-1112.
  49. Klionsky, D.J., F.C. Abdalla, H. Abeliovich, R.T. Abraham and A. Acevedo-Arozena et al., 2012. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy. Autophagy, 8: 445-544.
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  50. Guyot, E., X. Coumoul, J.F. Chasse, F. Khallouki, J.F. Savouret, M. Poirot, R. Barouki, 2012. Identification of a new stilbene-derived inducer of paraoxonase 1 and ligand of the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor. Biochem. Pharmacol., 83: 627-632.
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  51. De Medina, P., M.R. Paillasse, G. Segala, T. al Saati and J. Boyes et al., 2012. Technical note: Hapten synthesis, antibody production and development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of the natural steroidal alkaloid Dendrogenin A. Biochimie, 95: 482-488.
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  52. Record, M., C. Subra, S. Silvente-Poirot and M. Poirot, 2011. Exosomes as intercellular signalosomes and pharmacological effectors. Biochem. Pharmacol., 81: 1171-1182.
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  53. Jordan, V.C., 2011. Four decades of discovery in breast cancer research and treatment--an interview with V. Craig Jordan. Interview by Marc Poirot. Int. J. Dev. Biol., 55: 703-712.
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  54. De Medina, P., M.R. Paillasse, G. Segala, F. Khallouki and S. Brillouet et al., 2011. Importance of cholesterol and oxysterols metabolism in the pharmacology of tamoxifen and other AEBS ligands. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 164: 432-437.
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  55. Subra, C., D. Grand, K. Laulagnier, A. Stella and G. Lambeau et al., 2010. Exosomes account for vesicle-mediated transcellular transport of activatable phospholipases and prostaglandins. J. Lipid Res., 51: 2105-2120.
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  56. Dorbes, S., B. Mestre-Voegtle, Y. Coulais, C. Picard, S. Silvente-Poirot, M. Poirot and E. Benoist, 2010. Synthesis, characterization and In vitro evaluation of new oxorhenium- and oxotechnetium-CCK4 derivatives as molecular imaging agents for CCK2-receptor targeting. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 45: 423-429.
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  57. De Medina, P., S. Genovese, M.R. Paillasse, M. Mazaheri and S. Caze-Subra et al., 2010. Auraptene is an inhibitor of cholesterol esterification and a modulator of estrogen receptors. Mol. Pharmacol., 78: 827-836.
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  58. De Medina, P., M.R. Paillasse, S. Segala, M. Poirot and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2010. Identification and pharmacological characterization of cholesterol-5,6-epoxide hydrolase as a target for tamoxifen and AEBS ligands. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 107: 13520-13525.
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  59. Brillouet, S., S. Dorbes, S. Silvente-Poirot, B. Mestre-Voegtle, C. Picard, M. Poirot and F. Courbon, 2010. Peptidic targeting in nuclear oncology: Interest of molecular modelling. Med. Nul. Imagerie Function.Metabol., 34: 289-294.
  60. Brillouet, S., S. Dorbes, F. Courbon, C. Picard and J.P. Delord et al., 2010. Development of a new radioligand for cholecystokinin receptor subtype 2 scintigraphy: From molecular modeling to In vivo evaluation. Bioorg. Med. Chem., 18: 5400-5412.
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  61. Paillasse, M.R., P. de Medina, G. Amouroux, L. Mhamdi, M. Poirot and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2009. Signaling through cholesterol esterification: A new pathway for the cholecystokinin 2 receptor involved in cell growth and invasion. J. Lipid Res., 50: 2203-2211.
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  62. De Medina, P., S. Silvente-Poirot and M. Poirot, 2009. Tamoxifen and AEBS ligands induced apoptosis and autophagy in breast cancer cells through the stimulation of sterol accumulation. Autophagy, 5: 1066-1067.
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  63. De Medina, P., M. Paillasse, B. Payre, S. Silvente-Poirot and M. Poirot, 2009. Synthesis of new alkylaminooxysterols with potent cell differentiating activities: Identification of leads for the treatment of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. J. Med. Chem., 52: 7765-7777.
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  64. De Medina, P., B. Payre, N. Boubekeur, J. Bertrand-Michel and F. Terce, S. Silvente-Poirot and M. Poirot, 2009. Ligands of the antiestrogen-binding site induce active cell death and autophagy in human breast cancer cells through the modulation of cholesterol metabolism. Cell Death Differ., 16: 1372-1384.
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  65. Payre, B., P. de Medina, N. Boubekeur, L. Mhamdi and J. Bertrand-Michel et al., 2008. Microsomal antiestrogen-binding site ligands induce growth control and differentiation of human breast cancer cells through the modulation of cholesterol metabolism. Mol. Cancer Ther., 7: 3707-3717.
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  66. Brillouet, S., O. Caselles, L.O. Dierickx, B. Mestre and J. Nalis et al., 2007. Preclinical evaluation of new radioligand of cholecystokinin/gastrin receptors in endocrine tumors xenograft nude mice. Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sect. A: Accelerat. Spectromet. Detect. Assoc. Equip., 571: 160-164.
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  67. Savouret, J.F., R. Casper and M. Poirot, 2006. Resveratrol and its derivatives: A new family of antagonists of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor. Actualitu. Chimiqu., 303: 34-36.
  68. Paillasse, M.R., C. Deraeve, P. de Medina, L. Mhamdi, G. Favre, M. Poirot and S. Silvente-Poirot, 2006. Insights into the cholecystokinin 2 receptor binding site and processes of activation. Mol. Pharmacol., 70: 1935-1945.
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  69. De Medina, P., N. Boubekeur, P. Balaguer, G. Favre, S. Silvente-Poirot and M. Poirot, 2006. The prototypical inhibitor of cholesterol esterification, Sah 58-035 [3-[decyldimethylsilyl]-N-[2-(4-methylphenyl)-1-phenylethyl]propanamide], is an agonist of estrogen receptors. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 319: 139-149.
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  70. De Medina, P., R. Casper, J.F. Savouret and M. Poirot, 2005. Synthesis and biological properties of new stilbene derivatives of resveratrol as new selective aryl hydrocarbon modulators. J. Med. Chem., 48: 287-291.
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  71. Dalenc, F., C. Giamarchi, M. Petit, M. Poirot, G. Favre and J.C. Faye, 2005. Farnesyl-transferase inhibitor R115,777 enhances tamoxifen inhibition of MCF-7 cell growth through estrogen receptor dependent and independent pathways. Breast Cancer Res., 7: R1159-R1167.
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  72. Kedjouar, B., P. De Medina, M. Oulad-Abdelghani, B. Payre and S. Silvente-Poirot et al., 2004. Molecular characterization of the microsomal tamoxifen binding site. J. Biol. Chem., 279: 34048-34061.
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  73. De Medina, P., G. Favre and M. Poirot, 2004. Multiple targeting by the antitumor drug tamoxifen: a structure-activity study. Curr. Med. Chem. Anticancer Agents, 4: 491-508.
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  74. De Medina, P., B.L. Payre, J. Bernad, I. Bosser and B. Pipy et al., 2004. Tamoxifen is a potent inhibitor of cholesterol esterification and prevents the formation of foam cells. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 308: 1165-1173.
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  75. Garnier, M., C. Giamarchi, I. Delrieu, M.C. Rio and P. Chinestra et al., 2003. Insulin and estrogen receptor ligand influence the FGF-2 activities in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Biochem. Pharmacol., 65: 629-636.
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  76. Gales, C., M. Poirot, J. Taillefer, B. Maigret and J. Martinez et al., 2003. Identification of tyrosine 189 and asparagine 358 of the cholecystokinin 2 receptor in direct interaction with the crucial C-terminal amide of cholecystokinin by molecular modeling, site-directed mutagenesis and structure/affinity studies. Mol. Pharmacol., 63: 973-982.
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  77. Gales, C., D. Sanchez, M. Poirot, S. Pyronnet and L. Buscail et al., 2003. High tumorigenic potential of a constitutively active mutant of the cholecystokinin 2 receptor. Oncogene, 22: 6081-6089.
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  78. Doisneau-Sixou, S.F., P. Cestac, S. Chouini, J.S. Carroll and A.D. Hamilton et al., 2003. Contrasting effects of prenyltransferase inhibitors on estrogen-dependent cell cycle progression and estrogen receptor-mediated transcriptional activity in MCF-7 cells. Endocrinology, 144: 989-998.
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  79. Mesange, F., M. Sebbar, J. Capdevielle, J.C. Guillemot, P. Ferrara, F. Bayard, M. Poirot and J.C. Faye, 2002. Identification of two tamoxifen target proteins by photolabeling with 4-(2-morpholinoethoxy)benzophenone. Bioconjug. Chem., 13: 766-772.
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  80. Darblade, B., D. Caillaud, M. Poirot, M. Fouque and J.C. Thiers et al., 2001. Alteration of plasmalemmal caveolae mimics endothelial dysfunction observed in atheromatous rabbit aorta. Cardiovasc. Res., 50: 566-576.
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  81. Poirot, M., P. De Medina, F. Delarue, J.J. Perie, A. Klaebe and J.C. Faye, 2000. Synthesis, binding and structure-affinity studies of new ligands for the microsomal anti-estrogen binding site (AEBS). Bioorg. Med. Chem., 8: 2007-2016.
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  82. Kedjouar, B., S. Daunes, B.J. Vilner, W.D. Bowen, A. Klaebe, J.C. Faye and M. Poirot, 1999. Structural similitudes between cytotoxic antiestrogen-binding site (AEBS) ligands and cytotoxic sigma receptor ligands. Evidence for a relationship between cytotoxicity and affinity for AEBS or sigma-2 receptor but not for sigma-1 receptor. Biochem. Pharmacol., 58: 1927-1939.
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  83. Delarue, F., B. Kedjouar, F. Mesange, F. Bayard, J.C. Faye and M. Poirot, 1999. Modifications of benzylphenoxy ethanamine antiestrogen molecules: Influence affinity for antiestrogen binding site (AEBS) and cell cytotoxicity. Biochem. Pharmacol., 57: 657-661.
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  84. Plisov, S.Y., M.E. Poirot, K.J. Modarress, A.H. Cavanaugh, D.P. Edwards and S.S. Simons Jr., 1998. Different populations of progesterone receptor-steroid complexes in binding to specific DNA sequences: Effects of salts on kinetics and specificity. J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol., 67: 251-266.
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  85. Mesange, F., M. Sebbar, B. Kedjouar, J. Capdevielle and J.C. Guillemot et al., 1998. Microsomal epoxide hydrolase of rat liver is a subunit of theanti-oestrogen-binding site. Biochem. J., 334: 107-112.
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  86. Poirot, M., C. Chailleux, F. Mesange, F. Bayard and J.C. Faye, 1994. Characterization of the membranous antiestrogen binding protein: II Purification to homogeneity. J. Recept. Res., 14: 37-46.
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  87. Chailleux, C., M. Poirot, F. Mesange, F. Bayard and J.C. Faye, 1994. Characterization of the membranous antiestrogen binding protein: I. Partial purification of the protein in its active state. J. Recept. Res., 14: 23-35.
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  88. Betbeder, D., J.J. Perie, T. Baltz, M. Poirot and J.C. Faye, 1993. Characterization of a benzyl-phenoxy-ethanamine binding protein in Trypanosoma equiperdum and the possible relation between binding affinity and trypanocidal activity. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol., 58: 311-316.
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  89. Poirot, M., C. Chailleux, F. Bayard and J.C. Faye, 1992. Cytosolic type II estrogen binding site in rat uterus: Specific photolabeling with estrone. J. Recept. Res., 12: 217-231.
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  90. Garnier, M., M. Poirot, F. Bayard and J.C. Faye, 1991. A Mr 45,000 secreted protein is specifically induced by tamoxifen: Identification in the human breast cancer cell line, MCF-7, adapted to grow in chemically defined medium. J. Cell. Pharmacol., 2: 83-91.
  91. Poirot, M., M. Garnier, F. Bayard, I. Riviere and M. Traore et al., 1990. The anti-proliferative properties of 4-benzylphenoxy ethanamine derivatives are mediated by the anti-estrogen binding site (ABS), whereas the anti-estrogenic effects of trifluopromazine are not. Biochem. Pharmacol., 40: 425-429.
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  92. Poirot, M., C. Chailleux, A. Fargin, F. Bayard and J.C. Faye, 1990. A potent and selective photoaffinity probe for the anti-estrogen binding site of rat liver. J. Biol. Chem., 265: 17039-17043.
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  93. Fargin, A., F. Bayard, J.C. Faye, M. Traore, M. Poirot, A. Klaebe and J.J. Perie, 1988. Further evidence for a biological role of anti-estrogen-binding sites in mediating the growth inhibitory action of diphenylmethane derivatives. Chem. Biol. Interact, 66: 101-109.
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