Dr. Durdica Ackar
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Dr. Durdica Ackar

Associate Professor
University of Osijek, Croatia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biotechnical Sciences from Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia

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Area of Interest:

Food Science and Technology
Food Properties
Food Production
Food Chemistry
Food Processing

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Petrovic, J., B. Pajin, I. Loncarevic, V.T. Saponjac, I. Nikolic, D. Ackar and D. Zaric, 2019. Encapsulated sour cherry pomace extract: Effect on the colour and rheology of cookie dough. Food Sci. Technol. Int., 25: 130-140.
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  2. Jozinovic, A., J.P. Balentic, D. Ackar, J. Babic and B. Pajin et al., 2019. Cocoa husk application in the enrichment of extruded snack products. J. Food Process. Preserv., Vol. 43, No. 2. 10.1111/jfpp.13866.
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  3. Jozinovic, A., B. Sarkanj, D. Ackar, J.P. Balentic and D. Subaric et al., 2019. Simultaneous determination of acrylamide and hydroxymethylfurfural in extruded products by LC-MS/MS method. Molecules, Vol. 24, No. 10. 10.3390/molecules24101971.
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  4. Jokic, S., N. Pavlovic, A. Jozinovic, D. Ackar, J. Babic and D. Subaric, 2019. High-voltage electric discharge extraction of bioactive compounds from the cocoa bean shell. Chem. Biochem. Eng. Quart., 33: 271-280.
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  5. Barisic, V., I. Flanjak, I. Krizic, A. Jozinovic and D. Subaric et al., 2019. Impact of high-voltage electric discharge treatment on cocoa shell phenolic components and methylxanthines. J. Food Process Eng., (In Press). 10.1111/jfpe.13057.
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  6. Balentic, J.P., A. Jozinovic, D. Ackar, J. Babic and B. Milicevic et al., 2019. Nutritionally improved third generation snacks produced by supercritical CO2 extrusion I. Physical and sensory properties. J. Food Process Eng., Vol. 42, No. 2. 10.1111/jfpe.12961.
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  7. Obradovic, V., J. Babic, A. Jozinovic, D. Ackar, J.P. Balentic, M. Grec and D. Subaric, 2018. Textural and sensory characteristics of extruded snacks prepared from corn and carrot powder with ascorbic acid addition. Poljoprivreda, 24: 52-58.
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  8. Milicevic, B., D. Ackar, J. Babic, A. Jozinovic and R. Milicevic et al., 2018. Aroma profile and sensory quality of honey brandy produced by the fermentation process with immobilized yeast cells. Poljoprivreda, 24: 34-42.
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  9. Kosovic, I., M. Bensic, D. Ackar, A. Jozinovic and Z. Ugarcic et al., 2018. Microstructure and cooking quality of barley-enriched pasta produced at different process parameters. Foods Raw Mater., 6: 281-290.
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  10. Balentic, J.P., D. Ackar, S. Jokic, A. Jozinovic and J. Babic et al., 2018. Cocoa shell: A by-product with great potential for wide application. Molecules, Vol. 23, No. 6. 10.3390/molecules23061404.
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  11. Ackar, D., A. Jozinovic, J. Babic, B. Milicevic, J.P. Balentic and D. Subaric, 2018. Resolving the problem of poor expansion in corn extrudates enriched with food industry by-products. Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol., 47: 517-524.
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  12. Panak-Balentic, J., D. Ackar, A. Jozinovic, J. Babic and B. Milicevic et al., 2017. Application of supercritical carbon dioxide extrusion in food processing technology. Hemijska Industrija, 2: 127-134.
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  13. Milicevic, B., J. Babic, D. Ackar, R. Milicevic and A. Jozinovic et al., 2017. Sparkling wine production by immobilised yeast fermentation. Czech J. Food Sci., 35: 171-179.
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  14. Jurislav, B., D. Subaric, Ackar and J.A. Durdica, 2017. Disinfecants In The Food Processing Industry. In: Disinfecants: Properties, Applications And Effectiveness. Cardoso, S and Ana (Ed.). Nova Science Publisher, New York, USA., pp: 77-107.
  15. Jozinovic, A., D. Ackar, J. Babic, B. Milicevic, S. Jokic and D. Subaric, 2017. The application of some food industry by-products in the production of extruded products. Eng. Power, 12: 2-6.
  16. Jokic, S., K. Aladic, D. Ackar, A. Jozinovic, J. Babic and D. Subaric, 2017. Supercritical CO2 extraction-a new perspective in the utilisation of food industry by-products. Eng. Power, 12: 7-12.
  17. Ackar, D., J.P. Balentic, A. Jozinovic, J. Babic and B. Milicevic et al., 2017. Supercritical CO2 extrusion-novel technology in food industry. Eng. Power, 12: 13-15.
  18. Stela, J., T. Moslavac, K. Aladic, M. Bilic, D. Ackar and D. Subaric, 2016. Hazelnut oil production using pressing and supercritical CO2 extraction. Hemijska industrija, 70: 359-366.
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  19. Jozinovic, A., D. Subaric, D. Ackar, J. Babic and B. Milicevic, 2016. Influence of spelt flour addition on properties of extruded products based on corn grits. J. Food Eng., 172: 31-37.
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  20. Indira, K., M. Jukic, A. Jozinovic, D. Ackar and K.D. Koceva, 2016. Influence of chestnut flour addition on quality characteristics of pasta made on extruder and minipress. Czech J. Food Sci., 34: 166-172.
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  21. Durdica, A., A. Jozinovic, J. Babic and D. Subaric, 2016. Chocolates With Reduced Calorie Values. In: Chocolate: Production, Consumption And Health Benefits. Emily, B. (Ed.). Nova Publishers, New York, USA., pp: 119-156.
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  22. Obradovic, V., J. Babic, D. Subaric, A. Jozinovic, D. Ackar and I. Klaric, 2015. Influence of dried Hokkaido pumpkin and ascorbic acid addition on chemical properties and colour of corn extrudates. Food Chem., 183: 136-143.
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  23. Obradovic, V., B. Jurislav, S. Drago, J. Antun and A. Durdica, 2015. Physico-chemical properties of corn extrudates enriched with tomato powder and ascorbic acid. Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 29: 335-342.
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  24. Jozinovic, A., D. Ackar, J. Babic, B. Milicevic, I. Setka and D. Subaric, 2015. Properties of corn extrudates with addition of chickpeaflour. Technol. Acta, 8: 31-38.
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  25. Jozinovic, A., D. Ackar, D. Subaric, J. Babic, B. Milicevic and M. Gelemanovic, 2015. Properties of extruded corn products with addition of rye flour. Technol. Acta, 8: 27-33.
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  26. Ackar, D., S. Skrabal, D. Subaric, J. Babic, B. Milicevic and A. Jozinovic, 2015. Rheological properties of milk chocolates as influenced by milk powder type, emulsifier, and cocoa butter equivalent additions. Int. J. Food Prop., 18: 1568-1574.
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  27. Ackar, D., J. Babic, A. Jozinovic, B. Milicevic and S. Jokic et al., 2015. Starch modification by organic acids and their Derivatives: A review. Mol., 20: 19554-19570.
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  28. Valentina, O., J. Babic, D. Subaric, D. Ackar and A. Jozinovic, 2014. Improvement of nutritional and functional properties of extruded food products. J. Food Nutr. Res., 53: 189-206.
  29. Subaric, D., D. Ackar, J. Babic, N. Sakac and A. Jozinovic, 2014. Modification of wheat starch with succinic acid/acetic anhydride and azelaic acid/acetic anhydride mixtures I. Thermophysical and pasting properties. J. Food Sci. Technol., 51: 2616-2623.
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  30. Milicevic, R., B. Milicevic, D. Ackar, S. Skrabal, D. Subaric, J. Babic and M. Jasic, 2014. Rheological properties of molten chocolate masses during storage-influence of emulsifiers. Technol. Acta, 7: 35-40.
  31. Milicevic, B., D. Subaric, J. Babic, D. Ackar, A. Jozinovic, E. Petosic and A. Matijevic, 2014. Influence of the immobilized yeast cells technology on the presence of biogenic amines in wine. Hrana u Zdravlju i Bolesti, 3: 1-5.
  32. Jozinović, A., D. Subaric, D. Ackar, B. Milicevic, J. Babic, M. Jasic and K.V. Lendic, 2014. Food industry by-products as raw materials in functional food production. Hrana u Zdravlju i Bolesti, 3: 22-30.
  33. Ackar, D., D. Subaric, J. Babic, B. Milicevic and A. Jozinovic, 2014. Modification of wheat starch with succinic acid/acetanhydride and azelaic acid/acetanhydride mixtures II. Chemical and physical properties. J. Food Sci. Technol., 51: 1463-1472.
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  34. Ackar, D., D. Subaric, J. Babic, A. Jozinovic and S. Jokic, 2014. Edible films and coatings-production and application. Technol. Acta, 7: 1-6.
  35. Milicevic, B., J. Babic, D. Subaric, D. Ackar, J. Cacic and M. Prce, 2013. The effect of distillation systems on the quality of apple distillates. Technol. Acta, 6: 1-6.
  36. Ackar, D., L.K. Valek, M. Valek, D. Subaric, B. Milicevic, J. Babic and I. Nedic, 2013. Cocoa Polyphenols: Can we consider cocoa and chocolate as potential functional food?. J. Chem., 10.1155/2013/289392.
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  37. Subaric, D., D. Ackar, J. Babic and B. Milicevic, 2012. Starch for health. Medicinski Glasnik, 9: 17-22.
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  38. Subaric, D., J. Babic, A. Lalic, D. Ackar and M. Kopjar, 2011. Isolation and characterisation of starch from different barley and oat varieties. Czech J. Food Sci., 29: 354-360.
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  39. Ackar, D., J. Babic, D. Subaric, M. Kopjar and B. Milicevic, 2010. Isolation of starch from two wheat varieties and their modification with epichlorohydrin. Carbohydrate Polymers, 81: 76-82.
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  40. Kopjar, M., V. Pilizota, T.N. Nedic, D. Subaric, J. Babic, D. Ackar and M. Sajdl, 2009. Strawberry Jams: Influence of different pectins on colour and textural properties. Czech J. Food Sci., 27: 20-28.
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  41. Babic, J., D. Subaric, D. Ackar, M. Kopjar and N.N. Tiban, 2009. Acetylation and characterisation of corn starch. J. Food Sci. Technol., 46: 423-426.
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  42. Babic, J., D. Subaric, B. Milicevic, D. Ackar, M. Kopjar and T.N. Nedic, 2009. Influence of trehalose, glucose, fructose and sucrose on gelatinization and retrogradation of corn and tapioca starch. Czech J. Food Sci., 27: 151-157.
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  43. Kopjar, M., V. Pilizota, T.N. Nedic, D. Subaric, J. Babic and D. Ackar, 2007. Effect of different pectin addition and its concentration on colour and textural properties of raspberry jam. Deutche Lebensmittel-Rundschau, 103: 164-168.
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  44. Babic, J., D. Subaric, D. Ackar, D. Kovacevic, V. Pilizota and M. Kopjar, 2007. Preparation and characterization of acetylated tapioca starches. Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau, 103: 580-585.
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  45. Babic, J., D. Subaric, D. Ackar, V. Pilizota, M. Kopjar and T.N. Nedic, 2006. Effects of pectin and carrageenan on thermophysical and rheological properties of tapioca starch. Czech J. Food Sci., 24: 275-282.
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